Reflections सार्वजनिक
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Khule Aasmaan Mein Kavita

Nayi Dhara Radio

यहाँ हम सुनेंगे कविताएं – पेड़ों, पक्षियों, तितलियों, बादलों, नदियों, पहाड़ों और जंगलों पर – इस उम्मीद में कि हम ‘प्रकृति’ और ‘कविता’ दोनों से दोबारा दोस्ती कर सकें। एक हिन्दी कविता और कुछ विचार, हर दूसरे शनिवार... Listening to birds, butterflies, clouds, rivers, mountains, trees, and jungles - through poetry that helps us connect back to nature, both outside and within. A Hindi poem and some reflections, every alternate Saturday...
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In this podcast we are talking about soul reflection by sister shivani with suresh oberoi . We are going to do 83 episodes in this podcast. You can listen day by day इस पॉडकास्ट में हम सुरेश ओबेरॉय के साथ बहन शिवानी द्वारा आत्मा प्रतिबिंब के बारे में बात कर रहे हैं। हम इस पॉडकास्ट में 83 एपिसोड करने जा रहे हैं। आप हर दिन नए एपिसोड को सुनें सकते हैं
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दामोदर खड़से अपनी कविता 'अतीत नहीं होती नदी' में न सिर्फ एक नदी के सौंदर्य को दर्शाते हैं, बल्कि मनुष्य के लिए उसकी प्रासंगिकता के कई पहलू भी हमारे सामने रखते हैं। In his poem 'Ateet Nahin Hoti Nadi', Damodar Khadse reveals to us the various ways in which a river is not only beautiful but also ever present and every relevant for mankind. कविता / Po…
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करोना लॉकडाउन के दिनों में लिखी गई अशोक वाजपेयी की यह कविता, पृथ्वी और उसके बाशिंदों के लिए एक प्रार्थना तो है ही, पर साथ ही प्रकृति पर मनुष्य की गहरी निर्भरता का एक अनुस्मारक भी है। Ashok Vajpeyi's poem, written during the Covid lockdown, is not only a prayer for the Earth and all its inhabitants but is also a reminder of the extent to which human…
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राजेश जोशी की कविता 'धरती के इस हिस्से में', एक समुद्र तट का चित्रण करती है - जहाँ चिड़ियों, लहरों, मछलियों और पेड़ों की कई आवाजों के बीच भी एक गहरा एकांत है। साथ ही यह कविता हमसे यह भी पूछती नज़र आती है, कि आखिर यह एकांत अब हमारे लिए इतना दुर्लभ क्यों हो गया है? Rajesh Joshi's poem 'Dharti Ke Is Hisse Mein' depicts a seashore - where amidst the so…
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अरुण कमल अपनी कविता अमरफल में एक खास तरह के फल की तलाश में हैं। जो ना सिर्फ उनके बचपन की स्मृतियों से जुड़ा है, बल्कि जो अपनी ही परिपक्वता के उल्लास से फट पड़ा है। एक ऐसा फल जो प्रकृति की प्रचुरता और परिपूर्णता का प्रतीक बनकर सामने आता है। In his poem Amarphal, Arun Kamal is in the search of a special kind of fruit. One that is not only tied to the m…
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जिस आरा मशीन की बात विश्वनाथ प्रसाद तिवारी अपनी कविता में करते हैं, वह ना सिर्फ कुछ पेड़ों को काटती है, बल्कि मनुष्य और प्रकृति के गहरे रिश्ते पर भी आघात करती है। ऐसे में यह कविता हमें सचेत करती है कि यदि हमने अपने उपकरणों को काबू में नहीं किया तो वह हमारे अस्तित्व को ही खतरे में डाल देंगे। The sawmill in Vishwanath Prasad Tiwari's poem 'Aaraa Machi…
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इस कविता में नरेश सक्सेना हमें याद दिलाते हैं कि प्रकृति कोई मृत पदार्थ नहीं बल्कि एक जीता जागता पारितंत्र है, जिसका हर तत्व उसे संतुलन में रखने के लिए अपना पूरा कर्तव्य निभा रहा है। ऐसे में वह मानव जाति से पूछते हैं कि जहाँ प्रकृति निरंतर अपना फ़र्ज़ निभा रही है, वहीं मनुष्य की ज़िम्मेदारी कौन तय करेगा? In this poem Naresh Saxena reminds us that natu…
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इस पॉडकास्ट शृंखला में हम मिलेंग हिन्दी साहित्य के सुप्रसिद्ध कवियों से, सुनेंगे उनकी कविताएँ, और जानेंगे उन कविताओं के पीछे की कहानियाँ।द्वारा Nayi Dhara Radio
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इस बाल कविता में गुलज़ार साहब को अपने बाग की मिट्टी किसी जादूगर की तरह लगती है - जो रंग, रूप और स्वाद की अनेक तरकीबों से उन्हें अक्सर विस्मय में डाल देती है। In this childrens' poem, Gulzar sees a magician in his garden soil - who, with his colorful and varied tricks frequently puts the poet in awe. कविता / Poem – ज़मीं को जादू आता है! | Zameen Ko Ja…
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नेमिचन्द्र जैन की इस कविता में उस अद्भुत दृश्य का चित्रण है, जब बरसात के बाद लोग अपनी छतों पर निकल आते हैं, और कुछ देर के लिए अपनी सारी परेशानियों को भूल कर प्रकृति के सौन्दर्य में खो जाते हैं। In this poem, Nemichandra Jain describes that wonderful scene when people gather at their rooftops after rain. Soaking in the natural beauty, and for a brie…
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'सतपुड़ा के जंगल' एक निमंत्रण है, उन जंगलों में प्रवेश करने का, जिन्हें हम दुर्गम और डरावना मान कर अक्सर उपेक्षित कर देते हैं। भवानीप्रसाद मिश्र की मानें तो यही जंगल हमें अपने आप से जुड़ने का रास्ता दिखाते हैं। 'Satpura Ke Jungle', invites us to step inside forests, which we often disregard on account of fear and inaccessibility. For Bhawani Prasad M…
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इस कविता में नीम के फूलों की महक कुँवर नारायण को कभी अपनी माँ, कभी अपने पिता, कभी अपने बचपन तो कभी अपनी पूरी संस्कृति की याद दिलाती है - वह संस्कृति जहां मानवता और प्रकृति एक दूसरे में पूरी तरह घुले मिले हुए हैं। The smell of Neem flowers reminds Kunwar Narain, sometimes of his mother, sometimes of his father, sometimes of his childhood, and someti…
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विनोद कुमार शक्ल की कविता 'जलप्रपात है समीप' हमें एक झरने के पास ला कर खड़ा कर देती है। वो हमें मजबूर करती है के हम उसकी आवाज़ को गौर से सुनें - और उस एक आवाज़ में छुपी कई छोटी-छोटी आवाजों को पहचानें। ताकि हम भी कवि की तरह उनके साथ सुर में सुर मिला कर, प्रकृति के संगीत में शामिल हो सकें। In his poem 'Jalprapaat Hai Sameep', Vinod Kumar Shukla brings u…
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गुलज़ार को शब्दों का चित्रकार माना जाता है। उनकी कविता 'थिंपू-भूटान' में एक पहाड़ हमसे इस तरह मुख़ातिब होता है, मानो हमारे परिवार का ही कोई बुज़ुर्ग हो - जो मानव जीवन की संकीर्णता को देखकर हैरान भी है और परेशान भी। Gulzar is known as a painter of words. In his poem 'Thimpu-Butan', he imagines the mountain to be an old relative. At once inquisitive, be…
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केदारनाथ सिंह की कविता ‘नदियाँ’ एक नदी की तरह ही बहती है। वह हमें कई परिदृश्य दिखाती है, कई ऐसे मोड़ लेती है जो हमें चकित कर छोड़ते हैं, और अंततः जब उसके निर्मल जल में हम अपना प्रतिबिंब देखते हैं, तो पाते हैं के हम एक नदी के ही भूले-बिसरे रिश्तेदार हैं। Kedarnath Singh’s poem ‘Nadiyaan’ flows much like a river. It shows us many landscapes, takes many…
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कुँवर नारायण अपनी कविताओं में अक्सर पेड़ों से बातें करते थे। उनकी कविता 'मेरा घनिष्ठ पड़ोसी' हमें एक ऐसे पेड़ से मिलवाती है जो न सिर्फ उनका पुराना पड़ोसी है बल्कि उनके सुख-दुख का साथी और उनका प्रिय मित्र भी है। तो चलिए उनकी आँखों से इस पेड़ को देखें ताकि हम भी अपने पड़ोसी पेड़ों से दोस्ती कर सकें। Kunwar Narain often spoke to trees in his poetry. In his p…
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पद्मपुराण ४५ Padma Puran 45 अधम ब्राह्मणका वर्णन एवं पतित विप्रकी कथा Hindi हिंदी
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पद्मपुराण ४४ Padma Puran 44 उत्तम ब्राह्मणका वर्णन एवं गायत्री मंत्र की महिमा Hindi हिंदी केवल उत्तम ब्राह्मण का वर्णन ही हे ना कि सभी ब्राह्मण का !!!
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पद्मपुराण ४३ Padma Puran 43 कार्तिकेय के द्वारा तारकासुरका वध पद्मपुराण (हिंदी) Padma Puran in Hindi
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Success is for who we are, not for what we achieve, highlights BK Shivani. If we are contented, we celebrate others’ achievements. A weak soul isn’t happy seeing other people get more. This jealousy doesn’t let us be at ease, and hence quickly aggravates. Having qualities like honesty, sincerity, caring and sharing means success. We need to separat…
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BK Shivani clarifies that the 'I' which wants success is the soul. When soul experiences qualities of love, compassion, happiness and cooperation, it is full. This is success. It is about how contented we feel and how much we empower others. The belief that success is about more marks, achievements, wealth and position, made us compete and compare.…
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BK Shivani emphasizes that one aspect of life is outside in our actions, and another aspect of life is in our feelings – both are independent. If we are successful (in action), it is not necessary that we will be happy (feelings). But when we are happy, our state of mind promotes success. Happiness is independent of material possessions, people and…
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BK Shivani clarifies about the essence of happiness and success. Happiness is a feeling which needs only a good thought. It doesn’t need achievements or possessions. What happens is that we create nice thoughts whenever we buy or achieve anything, and those thoughts create happiness. So many of us mistake achievements to be sources of happiness and…
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Emphasizing that every thought and word carry energy, BK Shivani explains that what we say after "I AM ___" shapes our destiny. Words like “I am busy” or “I am addicted” create that reality. When we say “Everything is simple, I am happy”, situations may be difficult but we will remain happy. If our thoughts and words are blessings, their vibrations…
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Join BK Shivani to understand how to live a life of awareness and choice, by controlling the mind. At every moment, either we control the mind or mind controls us. Once we take a decision, the mind may create thoughts of distraction. We should not succumb. Our determination increases willpower. The mind gets disciplined and starts following our ins…
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BK Shivani explains that when negative thoughts first appear, they are at their weakest potential. We should be able to spot first signs of emotional discomfort like irritation, hurt, jealousy and change the thoughts. Otherwise they radiate to the body and create a disease, radiate to people and create conflicts. We need to see it in its beginning …
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Explaining dynamics of the Law Of Cause And Effect, BK Shivani shares that we need to take personal responsibility for the Cause (our past and present karmas), in order to accept the Effect (consequences). Only then we can work on settling karmic accounts. Else we question or complain about our situation, thereby complicating it and carrying it for…
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BK Shivani clarifies that when Karmic account is between two souls, we can support them and help them settle it. But we should be careful not to get entangled and create our Karmic account. Settling karmic accounts requires inner power apart from knowledge. Daily study of spiritual knowledge and meditation strengthen the soul and makes karmic settl…
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BK Shivani explores the effects of holding resentment towards people. It is an energy connection of hatred and pain. Breaking this energy needs the energy of forgiveness. Some people forgive big mistakes while others hold on to small incidents, depending on emotional capacity of the soul. When we don't forgive, our karmic energy exchange continues …
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Join BK Shivani who highlights the need to release the past and stop repetitive patterns of guilt. We need to consciously empower ourselves daily to remain stable and face consequences of past Karmic account, the right way. Positive affirmations like - "I am a divine being" or "I am a powerful being" creates positive patterns, increasing soul power…
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BK Shivani emphasizes that ‘Forgive and Forget’ is a sanskar we need to create, beginning with ourselves. Sometimes we understand and have compassion for others. But when we go wrong, we keep thinking and reliving the past. We stop loving the Self and make it difficult to live with the Self. These emotions deplete us and chances of making the mista…
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BK Shivani highlights the need for compassion for every soul. Understanding why people behave a certain way, make mistakes or do wrong to us - that they may be emotionally ill, may be victims of wrong sanskars, or driven by situations - we start accepting them. This is compassion. Creating compassion protects us from being uncomfortable about peopl…
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Join BK Shivani who says that when the soul is creating and experiencing any of its 7 qualities of purity, peace, happiness, love, power, knowledge and bliss, we feel comfortable. Without using these qualities, the soul gets suffocated. When the soul is healthy, desires reduce, relationships harmonize, addictions finish, and we do not seek people's…
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Our thoughts influence our physical health, emphasizes BK Shivani. If we keep thinking and talking about being unwell, the vibration slows down healing. Apart from medications, role of our family in healing matters. Our thoughts and words radiate to the body, and collective vibrations which we absorb, affects the body. We and the family needs to co…
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BK Shivani explains that Stress is equal to Pressure divided by Resilience. Situations are the pressures we face, and not in our control. Instead of focusing on how big the pressure is, we must focus on increasing Resilience (Inner Power) because that is in our control. A powerful soul creates only powerful thoughts which manifest into reality.…
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BK Shivani emphasizes that just as the body is made of five elements of nature, the soul is an embodiment of 7 qualities. For the Soul to be healthy, all 7 qualities should be emerged in thoughts, words and behaviour. Compassion which is our nature should be part of our daily living. It is for OUR OWN peace and wellbeing.…
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When someone makes a mistake, we need to separate the soul from his act, explains BK Shivani. "A good soul made a mistake" should be the only thought, this is UNDERSTANDING. Instead of calling the mistake wrong, if we label a person ‘Wrong’, our affirmation increases their chances of repeating the wrong karma. Eventually the wrong karma may become …
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BK Shivani shares that predictions made at birth do not portray our future, they are a reality of past Karmic accounts. If we keep referring to them in the present, then past will carry forward to the present and future. Our present Karma and environment have the power to overcome the past. Focusing on present thoughts influences our present and fu…
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BK Shivani explains that we attach negative labels on children such as 'lazy', 'careless', 'moody’, believing they will realise and change. But children make it a part of their identity and belief system. Our vibrations create their reality and intensify that behavior. Let us put labels of the reality we desire - 'hardworking' instead of 'lazy' – a…
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Let us not invite negative energies into family and relationship issues, explains BK Shivani. Whenever there is a conflict or resentment, we need to use our own inner power to resolve it. Discussing the matter with other people (even family and friends) adds vibrations of their sanskars - at times anxiety, curiosity or judgment, and complicate situ…
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Join BK Shivani who advises not to share our relationship problems with people. We explain only our perspective and not the other person's. Family and friends add their own perspectives and vibrations to our problem. They have pure intentions for our conflict to get resolved, but their anxiety, fear and anger radiate negativity to the foundation of…
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BK Shivani shares that our thoughts and feelings radiate as vibrations. These vibrations when created for the self, change the self. When created for others, have the power to change them. Whether we see people's virtues or weakness, we accordingly radiate those vibrations to ourselves and them. When we focus on their weakness, we deplete them and …
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BK Shivani explains why the way we see people is the way we think of them and treat them. Importantly, our vibrations reach them and shift them towards becoming that way. If someone has a sanskar of fear, see power in them - see, think, say and behave that way. Our vibrations emerge the sanskar of power in them.…
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BK Shivani emphasizes that conflicts cannot survive if even one of the two people stops participating. Conflict need not always be in behaviour, it can be due to our wrong thinking. We believe two people caused a conflict so both need to bring a change. Truth is, if one person radiates right thoughts to the relationship, conflict starts dissolving.…
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BK Shivani explains how thoughts and vibrations we create for people travel to them. Whether we are creating negative thoughts or receiving it from them, we have the power to change those thoughts. Right thoughts are a protection shield so that other people's negative thoughts don’t affect us. Our thoughts protect our mind, body, relationships and …
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People are always under the influence of their sanskars, clarifies BK Shivani. No-one hurts us because of who we are, they behave that way because of who they are. We need to understand people's sanskars and have compassion by detaching from our perspective about the situation. Let us label their perspective as different, not wrong.…
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BK Shivani highlights that there can be differences of opinion between people, but we can keep the energy of respect intact. Radiating negative energy to each other depletes both people and intensifies the problem. Repeated thoughts of being disrespected or rejected get carried into future situations even with other people.…
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Respect is different from Regard, clarifies BK Shivani. Respect is in our thoughts and feelings of acceptance for people based on their sanskars. Regard is given for everything they have acquired. It is given in the way we talk and behave with them, as a protocol set by society. We can give regard without respecting, and vice versa.…
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BK Shivani shares that during a conflict, we try hard to explain our perspective, but people do not seem to understand or agree. When they hold on to their perspective, we create hurt and the negative energy intensifies the situation. Respect does not mean that people should obey what we ask them to do. Just because someone does not do what we tell…
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त्वरित संदर्भ मार्गदर्शिका