Don't Touch The Third Rail : The Codeswitchin Podcast #29
Manage episode 311109332 series 3083114
Tonight! Thursday 2/16 Radhames, Geoffrey Krawzyck and the rest of the gang do stand up comedy @ Mr. McGoo’s Pub 5602 Broadway, The Bronx. 231st and Broadway Train Station on the 1 Train! 8 PM sharp!
We’re joined today by four young masked men (Drown, NinjaBoy, Dr. Kidd, and Dphoto) from Scout Legion, an urban exploring troop here in NYC. They use parkour to trespass and climb forbidden structures and take dope images. We talk of Sergio’s story of climbing the Buffalo Grain Silos (3:00) (and can be seen on youtube at, Scout Legion’s harrowing story of a billboard ladder collapse (4:25), fights clubs at Bronx Science and UB (9:45), Parkour (11:12), running from hostiles at Parkway Hospital in Forest Hills (12:06), crazy chicks flirting with police danger (17:58), climbing a crane in Times Square (20:45), jumping over crevices in abandoned warehouses in Brooklyn (24:45), exploring the Freedom Tunnel (27:50), we ask what’s more important the footage or the experience? (31:40), which leads to the Don't Touch the Third Rail story at (32:15), we asked about interacting with other #UrbEx groups (39:30) before we finally address our “beef” with NPR’s Codeswitch (44:50).
Once again, Tonight! Thursday 2/16 Radhames, Geoffrey Krawzyck and the rest of the gang do stand up comedy @ Mr. McGoo’s Pub 5602 Broadway, The Bronx. 231st and Broadway Train Station on the 1 Train! 8 PM sharp! Scout Legion can be found at
Scout Legion on Youtube
Rada can be found at
Sergio can be found at
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#: codeswitchin, codeswitch, codeswitching, latino, latinx, comedy, scoutlegion #scoutny #parkour #urbex #urbanexploring #sergiouzurin #sergiotupacuzurin #trespassing #fitness #offthebeatenpath #bronx #newyorkniggas #timesquare #buffalo #grainsilos #silocity #freedomtunnel #darkdayz #foresthills #abandonedbuildings
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