कहानी ट्रेन यानी बच्चों की कहानियाँ, सीधे आपके फ़ोन तक। यह पहल है आज के दौर के बच्चों को साहित्य और किस्से कहानियों से जोड़ने की। प्रथम, रेख़्ता व नई धारा की प्रस्तुति।
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ये है नई धारा संवाद पॉडकास्ट। ये श्रृंखला नई धारा की वीडियो साक्षात्कार श्रृंखला का ऑडियो वर्जन है। इस पॉडकास्ट में हम मिलेंगे हिंदी साहित्य जगत के सुप्रसिद्ध रचनाकारों से। सीजन 1 में हमारे सूत्रधार होंगे वरुण ग्रोवर, हिमांशु बाजपेयी और मनमीत नारंग और हमारे अतिथि होंगे डॉ प्रेम जनमेजय, राजेश जोशी, डॉ देवशंकर नवीन, डॉ श्यौराज सिंह 'बेचैन', मृणाल पाण्डे, उषा किरण खान, मधुसूदन आनन्द, चित्रा मुद्गल, डॉ अशोक चक्रधर तथा शिवमूर्ति। सुनिए संवाद पॉडकास्ट, हर दूसरे बुधवार। Welcome to Nayi Dhara Samvaa ...
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Hindi Audio Story / Poetry (हिन्दी कहानी / कविता का संग्रह) - www.anishjha.com
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Life Ups and Downs in Hindi (Love Story, Success Story, Audio Full Movie, Educational Notes)
Strangeness Lab
बिस्व भरण-पोषण कर जोई। ताकर नाम भरत अस होई।। गई बहोर गरीब नेवाजू। सरल सबल साहिब रघुराजू।। भाव कुभाव अनख आलसहु। नाम जपत मंगल दिशि दसहू।। जेहि पर कृपा करहि जनु जानी। कवि उर अजिर नचावहि बानी।। मोरि सुधारिहि सा सब भांती। जासु कृपा नहि कृपा अघाती।। क्या हार में क्या जीत में किंचित नहीं भयभीत मैं संधर्ष पथ पर जो मिले यह भी सही वह भी सही। वरदान माँगूँगा नहीं।। लघुता न अब मेरी छुओ तुम हो महान बने रहो अपने हृदय की वेदना मैं व्यर्थ त्यागूँगा नहीं। वरदान माँगूँगा नहीं।। चाहे हृदय को ताप दो चाहे मुझ ...
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"Sarvshreshth Kahaniyan" by Jai Shankar Prasad is a renowned collection of Hindi short stories that explore emotions, relationships, and societal issues. It delves into various subjects such as love, defeat, and social justice. So, what are you waiting for? Start listening to "Sarvshreshth Kahaniyan" on "Audio Pitara" now. #hindi #shortstories #emotions #relationships #societal #issues #audiopitara #sunnazaroorihai #sarvshreshthkahaniyan
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सुनिए दिन की बड़ी खबर क्विंट हिंदी के Big Story पॉडकास्ट में Millions of listeners seek out Bingepods (Ideabrew Studios Network content) every day. Get in touch with us to advertise, join the network or click listen to enjoy content by some of India's top audio creators. studio@ideabrews.com Android | Apple
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25 Sarvshreshth Kahaniyan (Hindi Audiobook) by Manto (25 Selective Stories of Saadat Hasan Manto)
Audio Pitara by Channel176 Productions
Saadat Hasan Manto was a renowned Urdu writer who gained fame for his stories with a touch of mystery and cool detachment. And now, Audio Pitara has brought to you 'Saadat Hasan Manto,' featuring "25 Sarvshreshth Kahaniyaan" a Hindi audiobook narrated by Kishore and his team. Experience Manto's intriguing tales, where you will discover the true meaning of love and passion—a must-listen audiobook exclusively on "Audio Pitara”. These captivating stories, including "Thanda Gosht”, "Toba Tek Sin ...
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Welcome to the world of Hindi audio stories new and old, written by some of the finest Hindi authors. Enjoy the timeless stories and the superior quality audio of Kissa Kahani! क़िस्सा कहानी पॉडकास्ट पर सुनिए नई पुरानी चुनिंदा हिंदी लेखकों द्वारा लिखी अत्यंत रोचक हिंदी कहानियाँ. किस्सा कहानी की दुनिया में मनोरंजन है, अपनापन है, थोड़ा पागलपन भी, बहुत सारे किरदार, अनगिनत अनुभव और एक प्रयास आपकी भाषा को आपके क़रीब लाने का. आनंद लें!
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Jansatta Podcast में आपको मिलेगी सटीक और सही जानकारी। आपसे जुड़े मुद्दों पर बात करेंगे, आपके हित की बात करेंगे। देश, विदेश, खेल, सियासत की हलचल पर रहेगी नजर। Jansatta Podcast brings you accurate and incisive news. We'll talk about politics, sports, business, entertainment - all the issues that directly affect you.
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आओ जज़्बातों को लफ्ज़ देने की कोशिश करें MANKAHI ALSO AVAILABLE ON YOU TUBE KINDLY SUBSCRIBE https://youtube.com/c/MANKAHIGURTEJSINGHOFFICIAL
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Ratan Tata Motivational Story: रतन टाटा की प्रेरक कहानी | Motivational Podcast | Self Help Dose
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Ratan Tata Motivational Story: रतन टाटा (ratan tata) को सपने देखने और उनके पीछे जाने में कोई हिचक नहीं होती थी. रतन टाटा कहते (ratan tata speech) हैं लोहे का कोई कुछ नहीं बिगाड़ सकता लेकिन लोहे को उसकी जंग ही ले डूबती है इसलिए आपका निश्चय हमेशा दृढ़ होना चाहिए चेयरमैन बनने के बाद रतन टाटा (ratan tata) ने सबसे बड़ा और अहम फैसला लिया रतन टाटा (ratan …
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MS DHONI Motivational Story: Process पर फोकस रखो | Self Help Dose | Podcast
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ब्रूस ली का नाम सुनते ही हमारे सामने उनकी कुम्फू कराटे की तस्वीरें आती हैं.. अमेरिकी मूल के एक्टर और मार्शल आर्ट की वर्ल्ड फेमस पर्सनैलिटी ब्रूस ली कहते हैं जिंदगी हमेशा बदलते रहेगी. अगर जिंदगी के साथ बदलना नहीं सीखा तो हमेशा अलग अलग तरह की रुकावटें झेलते रहोगे अब इसको ऐसे समझिए अगर अब तक हम किसी भी तरह की problems face कर हैं तो इसका साफ मतलब ये ह…
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BRUCE LEE मार्शल आर्ट किंग 'पानी की तरह बनो' | Self Help Dose | Podcast
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जिंदगी हमेशा बदलते रहेगी. अगर जिंदगी के साथ बदलना नहीं सीखा तो हमेशा अलग अलग तरह की रुकावटें झेलते रहोगे अब इसको ऐसे समझिए अगर अब तक हम किसी भी तरह की problems face कर हैं तो इसका साफ मतलब ये है कि हमने अब तक परिस्थिति के साथ सीखना और बदलना नहीं सीखा है इसलिए तो ब्रूस कहते हैं पानी की तरह बनिए पानी सॉलिड, लिक्विड और गैस तीनों फॉर्म में रह सकता है. …
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Jasprit Bumrah Motivational Story: जसप्रीत बुमराह के सीखने की चाहत | Self Help Dose | Podcast
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Jasprit Bumrah Motivational Story: नकल करना हमेशा बुरा नहीं होता है.भारतीय टीम (indian cricket team) के सफ़ल तेज गेंदबाज जसप्रीत बुमराह (jasprit bumrah) अपने अलग अंदाज की बॉलिंग (jasprit bumrah bowling) करने के लिए जाने जाते हैं.एक इंटरव्यू (jasprit bumrah interview) के दौरान जब उनकी बॉलिंग एक्शन को लेकर सवाल किया गया तो बुमराह (jasprit bumrah) कहत…
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Sanjiv In Conversation With Awadhesh Tripathi
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नई धारा संवाद पॉडकास्ट के इस एपिसोड में आपका स्वागत है। यह एपिसोड हमारे यूट्यूब चैनल पर 28 मई 2023 को प्रसारित हुआ था। इस एपिसोड में हमारी मुलाकात वरिष्ठ लेखक संजीव जी से हुई। इस साक्षात्कार में उनसे बातचीत की हमारे सूत्रधार अवधेश त्रिपाठी ने। आइए सुनते हैं यह ख़ास बातचीत।द्वारा Nayi Dhara Radio
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Ila Arun In Conversation With Amitabh Srivastava
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नई धारा संवाद पॉडकास्ट के इस एपिसोड में आपका स्वागत है। यह एपिसोड हमारे यूट्यूब चैनल पर 14 मई 2023 को प्रसारित हुआ था। इस एपिसोड में हमारी मुलाकात वरिष्ठ अदाकारा, नाटककार व राजस्थानी लोक गायिका इला अरुण जी से हुई। इस साक्षात्कार में उनसे बातचीत की हमारे सूत्रधार अमिताभ श्रीवास्तव ने। आइए सुनते हैं यह ख़ास बातचीत। https://nayidharasamvaadpodcast.tran…
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Mridula Garg In Conversation With Mihir Pandya
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नई धारा संवाद पॉडकास्ट के इस एपिसोड में आपका स्वागत है। यह एपिसोड हमारे यूट्यूब चैनल पर 30 अप्रैल 2023 को प्रसारित हुआ था। इस एपिसोड में हमारी मुलाकात वरिष्ठ लेखिका और कथाकार मृदुला गर्ग जी से हुई। इस साक्षात्कार में उनसे बातचीत की हमारे सूत्रधार मिहिर पंड्या ने। आइए सुनते हैं यह ख़ास बातचीत।द्वारा Nayi Dhara Radio
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Govind Mishra In Conversation With Mihir Pandya
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नई धारा संवाद पॉडकास्ट के इस एपिसोड में आपका स्वागत है। यह एपिसोड हमारे यूट्यूब चैनल पर 16 अप्रैल 2023 को प्रसारित हुआ था। इस एपिसोड में हमारी मुलाकात वरिष्ठ साहित्यकार गोविन्द मिश्र जी से हुई। इस साक्षात्कार में उनसे बातचीत की हमारे सूत्रधार मिहिर पंड्या ने। आइए सुनते हैं यह ख़ास बातचीत।द्वारा Nayi Dhara Radio
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Dive into the story of "Aam," a story about the intricacies of relationships, cultural expectations, and the inevitable collision of human wants with outside pressures. The story unfolds around the character of Aam as he navigates the obstacles of conformity and the search of individual pleasure. Aam's journey explores the delicate relationships of…
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"Aamina," a moving narrative that weaves together the strands of love, sacrifice, and the indomitable spirit of a woman named Aamina, takes you on a mesmerising journey. This story takes place against the backdrop of a turbulent era, during which Aamina undergoes hardships and tribulations that put her resilience and tenacity to the test. Listeners…
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Experience the riveting tale of "Naya Kanoon," a story that delves into the complexities of a new law and its impact on the lives of ordinary people. Set against the backdrop of societal changes, the narrative follows individuals navigating the challenges and opportunities brought about by the introduction of this novel legal framework. As characte…
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Dive into the heartwarming narrative of "Khushiya," a tale that paints a vivid picture of joy, resilience, and the essence of human connections. This story unfolds against the backdrop of everyday life, where the characters navigate through trials and tribulations, discovering the profound meaning of happiness along the way. As the plot weaves thro…
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Explore the captivating narrative of "Anarkali," a poignant tale that intricately intertwines passion, tragedy, and the intricate dynamics of forbidden love. This story delves into the legendary romance between Anarkali, a mesmerising dancer, and Prince Salim, the heir to the Mughal throne. Their love unfolds amidst the rigid backdrop of an imperia…
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Dive into the narrative of "Mohammad Bhai," a tale that unravels the complexities of human connections and the impact of societal judgments. The story revolves around Mohammad Bhai, a man whose existence is shadowed by societal perceptions and prejudices. As he navigates the intricate web of relationships, he finds solace and companionship in unexp…
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This story revolves around the theme of arrogance and its consequences. Hatak, a man consumed by his own pride, mistreats his wife and disregards societal norms. His relentless pursuit of supremacy leads to his ultimate downfall. As Hatak's arrogance blinds him to the feelings and well-being of those around him, the narrative unfolds to reveal the …
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This story delves into the complexities of urban life, focusing on the character Bholu, a labourer caught between his professional life and personal desires. Living in a building where residents shield themselves from the heat with sackcloth curtains, Bholu becomes intrigued by the various sounds emanating from behind these makeshift barriers, lead…
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The narrative unfolds around themes of sacrifice, love, and affection, centred on Mozeel, an independent Jewish woman. Initially, she jests at the punctual Sardar Trilochan, but when adversity strikes, Mozel exhibits extraordinary courage. Venturing into a riot-hit area, she bravely rescues Trilochan's fiancée from the clutches of the rioters, ulti…
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In this gripping tale, witness the aftermath of the 1947 partition as Saugandhi, a woman separated from her family during the chaos, faces the harrowing ordeal of being admitted to a hospital. Dr. Moin, a compassionate doctor, takes charge of her case. As the story unfolds, delve into the layers of trauma, resilience, and the search for identity in…
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In this poignant narrative, witness the profound impact of partition on the lives of inmates at a mental asylum. Against the backdrop of the impending India-Pakistan partition, the characters grapple with the chaos and uncertainty surrounding Toba Tek Singh. The inmates, in their state of confusion, add a layer of complexity to the story, offering …
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Experience a gripping tale of a household gripped by violence as a father resorts to blackmailing his daughter. The plot intensifies as he introduces his late brother's daughter as a daughter-in-law, attempting to impose himself on her as well. The tension escalates when the daughter uncovers these sinister intentions. Faced with the harrowing trut…
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Indulge in the narrative of a spirited and lively girl, spreading joy and laughter throughout her neighbourhood. In a surprising turn of events, her visit to her friend Bimla takes an unexpected twist when Bimla's brother, seeking revenge, deceives her and locks her inside, leading to an unforeseen encounter. Trapped until evening, the story unfold…
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Enter the intriguing narrative of "Miss Fariya," where a man named Ameer finds himself in a perplexing situation when his wife discovers she's pregnant just a month into their marriage. Overwhelmed and searching for a solution, Ameer recalls an encounter with the lady doctor, Miss Faria, who once visited his sister's home. As memories resurface, la…
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In the silent confines of an empty office, Manmohan's life unfolds through a peculiar connection—a mysterious voice on the other end of the telephone. He spends his days reading the only book left in the deserted office, dreaming of a simple life, and finding solace in the nightly calls from the enigmatic caller. As their conversations deepen, Manm…
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In the corridors of justice, "Karz ki Peete The" unfolds the courtroom drama of Mirza Ghalib, entangled in 22 cases of drinking and defaulting on loans. As Mufti Sadr-ud-din presides over the court, Ghalib's mistakes are laid bare. The narrative takes an unexpected turn when, despite Ghalib's guilt being proven, Mufti Sadr-ud-din, moved by compassi…
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Step into the enigmatic narrative of "Phato," a story that weaves a tapestry of unexpected turns and mysterious revelations. Rooted in the unravelling of a peculiar incident, this tale introduces a character named Phato, whose presence adds an air of suspense to the plot. As the story unfolds, layers of intrigue and hidden truths come to light, cha…
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At the heart of this narrative lies a domestic dispute fueled by suspicion between a husband and wife. As night falls, the husband attempts to approach his wife, only to be met with anger and rejection. Despite his efforts to console her, she remains upset. The turning point arrives when the wife questions an earlier incident where he seemingly emb…
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Unveiling the classic tale of the false shepherd from childhood school days, "Sher Aaya Sher Aaya Dodna" takes a fresh approach to narrate the age-old story. In this retelling, the narrative delves into the underlying purpose behind the shepherd's relentless shouts, even when no lion is present. The shepherd's unconventional behaviour serves a prof…
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Venturing into the extraordinary, "Kutte ki Dua" unveils a tale where the conventional meets the mystical. Our protagonist stumbles upon a dog endowed with an extraordinary ability—the power to grant wishes. As the man grapples with the surreal nature of this newfound connection, a series of wishes unfold, each carrying unforeseen consequences. The…
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In the enchanting tale of "Ishq e Haqiqi", a young man named Akhlaq finds love in the most unexpected places—a cinema hall where Parveen resides under strict restrictions. Undeterred, Akhlaq initiates a correspondence that leads to a face-to-face meeting. However, as he moves to kiss a mole on Parveen's cheek, a startling revelation shatters his ro…
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In this semi-comical romantic narrative, we encounter Taufiq, the son of a DSP undergoing hospital treatment. As Taufiq plans a long drive with a nurse he's taken a liking to, an unexpected twist unfolds. On the evening of their planned excursion, Taufiq stumbles upon a surprising scene: Walid, caught in a passionate moment, kissing the same nurse.…
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In the labyrinth of secrets unfolds the tale of Taqi, a diligent Maulvi facing the clash between tradition and personal desires. Having raised his son single-handedly, he grapples with the internal struggle of his own yearning for companionship against his staunch opposition to his son's marriage. Despite the son's defiance, Taqi remains steadfast …
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"Mombatti ke Aansu" unveils a tale in a dimly lit gully, where a weeping candle scatters frozen tears into a necklace for Little Lajo. As night falls, a new candle sparks intrigue in a dark cupboard. Dreams clash in Lajo's sleep, and her mother, Chandu Sanyari, senses an unsettling truth. The cold wind carries a haunting melody, and secrets unfold …
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Intensifying the intrigue, “Thanda Gosht” exposes a man rendered impotent by wounds to his sensitivities. Ishar Singh, enmeshed in a web of riots and violence, seizes a dark opportunity, only to confront a shocking truth about his intended victim. Thanda Ghosht unfolds the mysterious tale of Kulwant Kaur and Ishwar Singh. As we delve into their sto…
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Iss episode main hum janenge ek gareeb vridha ke bare main, jo ki ek choti si dukan ko chala kar apna jeevan yapan karti thi. Aakhir kyun ko usse koi saman nahi kharida tha? Aakhir kaun tha ye “Radhe”? Aakhir kyun chod kiya tha Radhe ki patni ne use? Janane ke liye sunein iss episode ko end tak sirf “Audio Pitara” par. Stay Updated on our shows at …
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Yeh kahani hai ek aise aadmi ke bare main, jise log ek gunda maante the.Aakhir kaun thi Dulari jo use gana sunati thi? Aur kaun thi Rajmata Panna? Aur kya sambandh tha “Dulari” aur “Nanko” ke beech?Janiye inn sare sawalon ka jawab sirf “Audio Pitara” par aur iss episode ko share karein apne friends and family ke sath. Stay Updated on our shows at a…
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Iss episode main hum janenge ek aise bachhe ke bare main,jo apne aap ko ek jadugar samajhta tha. Aakhir kyun the uske pitaji jail main?Kyun tamasha dikhata tha wah mela main?Kyun karta tha wah aise kaam wo bhi bahut hi kam umr main?Jaane inn sare sawalon ka jawab sirf Audio Pitara par. Stay Updated on our shows at audiopitara.com and follow us on I…
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Iss episode mein hum sunenge “Meku '' naam ke sardar ke bare main, aur Bela aur Goli naam ke do premi ke bare main. Aakhir kaun tha Ghoora jo karna chahta tha Bela sa shadi? Aakhir kyun Bela ne na chahte hue bhi ki Ghoora se shadi? Aur kis tarah Goli ne paya apne pyaar ko wapas? Janane ke liye sunein iss episode ko end tak sirf “Audio Pitara” par. …
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Yeh kahani hai “Badshaan Alam” ke bare main jinki biwi ka naam tha zeenat. Par aakhir aisa kya hua jo unhe deni padi saza apne khud ke pasandeda sipahi Kadir ko? Aakir kaun tha gulaam aur kyun kiya Kadir ne Badshan se yudh?Jane inn sare sawalon ka jawab sirf “Audio Pitara” par aur share karein apne thoughts iss episode ko lekar episode ke comment s…
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Iss episode mein hum janenge “Sikandar” naam ke Raja ke bare main, jinhone yuddh karke Sardaar naam ke vyakti ki hatya kar di. Aakhir kyun milne gaya wah Sardar ki patni se? Aakhir kaun tha wah Sardaar aur kyun uski paatni ne kiya khud ko samarpan Sikandar ke liye? Janane ke liye sunein iss episode ko end tak sirf “Audio Pitara” par. Stay Updated o…
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Iss episode main hum janenge “Babu Sahab” ke bare main, jo ki kafi dino baad Kusumpur gaon aaye the. Aakhir kaun the Babu Mohan laal? Aakhir kyun karte the sabhi log unki bahut zyada izzat? Aakhir kaisa hota hai Gramin jeevan? Janiye Gramin jeevan ko aur bhi detail main iss episode ke end main sirf “Audio Pitara” par. Stay Updated on our shows at a…
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Yeh kahani hai “Sheeri '' naam ki ladki ke bare main jahan hum janenge unke jevan ke utaar-chadhav ke bare main. Aakhir kaun thi “Jhulekha”? Aur Sheeri ka vivah kiske sath hua? Janiye uske jeevan ke bare main aur bhi vistaar se sirf “Audio Pitara'' par aur iss episode ko lekar apne thoughts humare sath share karna na bhoolein. Stay Updated on our s…
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Iss episode mein hum sunenge “Sarla” aur ek Videshi Vyakti ke bare main. Aakhir kayn tha wah vyakti? Kyun Sarla ne prastav diya use apne sath rehne ka? Aakhir kyun kaha Sarla ne uss vyakti ko apna pati? janane ke liye sunein iss episode ko end tak sirf “Audio Pitara” par. Stay Updated on our shows at audiopitara.com and follow us on Instagram and Y…
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Iss episode mein hum janenge “Vanasthali '' naam ke jagah, aur us jagah ke “Rajkumar” aur waha ki Malin “Kamini” ke bare main. Aakhir kya rishta tha malin aur rajkumar ke beech? Aakhir kamini ke bete ka pita kaun tha? Kyun hatya ki raja ne Kamini ke putra ki? Janane ke liye sune iss episode ko end tak sirf “Audio Pitara” par. Aur iss audiobook ko s…
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Iss episode mein ek choodiwali ki kahani sunenge, jo apne sadharan se jeevan se behad khush thi.Kaun thi “”Bahuji” aur kya rishta tha uski choodiwali ke saath? Sukhiya aur Kalua kaun the? Choodiwali ke jeevan ko aur bhi achhe se janane ke liye suniye iss episode ko end tak sirf “ Audio Pitara” par. Stay Updated on our shows at audiopitara.com and f…
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Kaha jata hai dwesh, ghrina, irshya sab kuch kharab kar deta hai, aur kuch aise hi kharab hua rishta “Rama” aur “Tara” ke beech. Aakhir kyun karti thi Rama tara se irshya? Aakhir kyun Tara ne samjha Shyama ko uski maa jesa? Aur aakhir kaun tha “Amen” ji ? Aur kyun karna chahta the wah shyama ki madad? Janane ke liye suniye iss episode ko end yak si…
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Yeh kahani hai “Mamta” naam ki vidhva ke bare main, jisne bahut hi kam umr main apne pati ko kho diya tha. Aakhir kaun tha “Sher Shah”? Aur kya uphaar diya tha Mamta ke pita ne usko? Aur aakhir kis prakar hui Brahman ki mrityu? Kya rahasya tha ek Mughal ka Mamta se madad mangne ke piche? Janiye inn sare sawalon ka jawab sirf “Audio Pitara” par. Sta…
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