If you're interested in getting occasional news, behind the scenes content, and interesting fandom content, sign up to the newsletter ! Head to: https://www.thewesterosiprimer.com/newsletter What if one strategic marriage could end a war and change the course of Westeros? Join Liz on the Westerosi Primer as she explores the reign of Daeron II Targaryen. This king would later be remembered as Daeron the Good. This episode kicks off with an some listener feedback on the best and worst Targaryen kings. Liz starts with Daeron's formative years. She discusses his education and the union with Myriah Martell. This marriage brought peace with Dorne and paved the way for a new generation of Targaryens. The tension that marked Daeron's relationship with his father, Aegon IV, are explored. Daeron demonstrates his intelligence as he sidestep his father’s reckless actions. The episode also includes first Blackfyre Rebellion. Liz delves into the intricacies of loyalty, legitimacy, and power. Daemon Blackfyre had privileges he wouldn't have gotten if not for his parentage. Despite a thriving family life, Daemon becomes a challenger to his brother Daeron II. The Blackfyre Rebellion was fueled by discontent among the nobility and questions about Daeron's legitimacy. Daemon adopts the reversed Targaryen sigil and instigates the first of many rebellions. The Rebellion ends with the crucial Battle of the Redgrass Field. Daemon’s advance is ultimately thwarted by Brynden Rivers. Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/the-westerosi-primer/donations…
QLOTI adalah aplikasi di bidang Travel & gaya hidup buatan PT Benih Transformation Digital QLOTI terbuka bagi siapapun yang ingin mempunyai usaha di bidang travel & gaya hidup, yang didukung pelatihan #marketingonline & #entrepreneurship Gabung dengan FB group QLOTI-TRAVELPRENEUR untuk lebih detilnya.
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Menu Makanan Untuk Sahur dan Buka Puasa
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6:17Selamat datang di bulan Ramadhan sahabat Qloti! Saat ini, meskipun sedang terjadi pandemi virus corona, umat muslim masih semangat melakukan ibadah puasa. Nah, untuk menjaga imunitas tubuh selalu fit dan mampu melawan penyakit serta virus, sahabat perlu untuk mengonsumsi makanan yang bernutrisi. Untuk itu Qloti akan memberikan tips menu makanan seh…
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11:36Sebentar lagi ada lho aplikasi yang bisa Bantu sahabat QLOTI untuk punya usaha sendiri tanpa modal dan ngga pake ribet. Ngga punya bakat dagang & ngga ngerti marketing online ? Tenang, gabung aja di grup FB QLOTI TRAVELPRENEURInstagram @qloti.comhttps://qloti.com
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Bagaimana membuat konten yang menjual
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16:05Kali ini Kita belajar content marketing. Bagaimana membuat konten yang menjual disesuaikan di tiap-tiap tahap dalam funnel marketing (fase-fase di pemasaran) gabung di grup FB QLOTI TRAVELPRENEUR https://qloti.com
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Medsos : 7 Tips Online Marketing di Page FB
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Apa itu social media marketing ? Bagian 1
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