Kol Haloshon - Harav Menachem Bernfeld - 276914
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Sudca kolégia Najvyššieho súdu SR Štefan Harabin diskutuje s Petrom Zajacom-Vankom
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Der Kult Kolumnist Harald Martenstein macht sich in seiner Kolumne Gedanken um Nebensachen und Alltäglichkeiten...
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This podcast will explore the weekly parsha with Charlie Harary and explore its timeless lessons.
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Rabbi Avi Harari is rabbi of Cong. Mikdash Eliyahu and Ohel Yishak of Allenhurst. He serves, as well, as Rosh Bet Midrash of Yeshivah of Flatbush and Rosh Yeshiva of Sephardic Rabbinical College. For more information about Rabbi Harari, his classes and teachings, visit www.rabbiharari.com.
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In this Chabura we learn Rebbe Nachman's Torah primarily from Likutei Moharan. Our goal is to understand the wisdom of Rebbe Nachman and how to implement his advice in a real and lasting way. (Most often we learn from the Likutei Moharan Mevuar edition which contains added explanation within the text of Likutei Moharan) If you have questions or comments please email YirmisChabura@gmail.com Check out the other podcasts: Niggun Chabura Bitachon For Real Nesivos Shalom Working on Middos Nesivos ...
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Test podcasts
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Bem-vindo ao meu podcast! Neste espaço, quero compartilhar tudo aquilo que tenho aprendido sobre diversos temas.
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Ali haraa
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Suara tentang bagaimana kisah mereka dan aku berada dalam suatu cerita :)
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Conversations between 2 people, one Muslim and one Agnostic, of dispersing principles filled with lots of banter.
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原研哉が聞き手となってお送りする「低空飛行Podcast」。毎回様々な分野からゲストを招き、デザイン、建築、テクノロジー、あらゆる視点から観光と日本の未来資源を発見する新たな試みです。 「低空飛行」とは、こんな日本はいかがですか、と原研哉が選りすぐりのスポットを紹介するサイトです。場所の選定、写真、動画、文、編集の全てを本人が手がけることで、情報の独自性と篩の目の純度を維持します。
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It's contains my own song OC.
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Sebuah kata yang di rangkai menjadi kalimat yang berubah menjadi paragraf untuk memberikan arti sebuah kehidupan
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Seher and Kori discuss aspects about Muslim life through media representation. Along the way, they try to answer common questions and dispel common stereotypes.
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Sexual harassment
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This is my opinion on how arizona is changing!
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Assalamu'alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. Selamat datang di Channel Haravalin Podcast (A Podcast by: Hazzah R. Vaulin). Salah satu sarana #MenjembataniLangkah atas segala hal dan pesan kebaikan yang bisa bermanfaat bagi sesama. Podcast ala Haravalin terdiri dari #JurnalHarian yang berisi cerita² singkat perjalan (random) dan lebih kepada "Sharing Sesion - Problem Solving". Selamat mendengarkan :) *Saran yang membangun / kolaborasi bisa langsung DM ke @haravalin atau email hazzahrvaulin@gm ...
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Una exposición de las verdades mas sublimes del evangelio.
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HaRav Ahron Soloveichik This podcast is powered for free by Torahcasts. Start your own forever free Torah podcast today at https://torahcasts.com/sign-up/ and share your Torah with the world.
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Discussing sexual harassment and assault issues in the St. Louis, Missouri metropolitan area and beyond.
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huru-hara hisa bikin lara dan sengsara jadi binasa😬
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The Breslov Yeshuva is the first english speaking yeshiva for breslovers in Eretz Yisroel!
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INFORMATION FOR TIs: my youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/ronpaulordie tmk81's website: http://remoteneuroimaging.blogspot.com
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This Boris FX original podcast is an exploration into the art and flow of creativity. Join host Nick Harauz as he dives into a new creative topic each week by having one-on-one conversations with industry experts in the design, photography, and post production fields.
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Der international bekannte Modezar, Bestsellerautor, Künstler, Designer und Coach Harald Glööckler trifft in seinem offiziellen Podcast auf verschiedenste schillernde Persönlichkeiten. Die Themen sind so vielfältig wie das Leben selbst: Glaube und Spiritualität, Sexualität, künstlerisches Schaffen oder Politik – alles wird mit gnadenloser Ehrlichkeit, Tiefgang und Authentizität ergründet. Bereits mit 5 Jahren hatte Harald Glööckler sich zum Ziel gesetzt "alle Frauen zu Prinzessinnen zu mache ...
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Welcome to the 13 For Harapan podcast, where i Abel Ang, a 13 year old, will be talking about the troubles of Malaysia under the control of the BN Government and how Pakistan Harapan will make a change
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For my English 4 class Cover art photo provided by JFL on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@wallsbyjfl
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The primary mission of HalalOHaram.com is to offer clear and accurate guidance on what is considered halal (permissible) and haram (forbidden) according to Islamic principles. The <a href=”https://www.halaloharam.com”>website </a> aims to help Muslims make informed decisions by providing detailed explanations, evidence from Islamic teachings, and expert opinions.
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Verbally Harassed Podcast is something to listen to get through those long days of work and or life in general. Subjects of conversations can go anywhere. What will we talk about next
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An inside look on the columbine school shooting, and how it ties into bullying and Harassment.
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Formally "The Royal Diary", this is a podcast by CEO/Designer Ginger Nichelle of L. Royalty Clothing. We will talk everything Fashion, entrepreneurship, and just some candid talk about the fashion industry. You will receive insight on what it is like being a Los Angeles fashion designer and tips on how to start your brand.
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Thank you for checking this podcast. My goal from this podcast is to spread education on how can we, 1. prevent sexual harassment 2. help people who have been sexually harassed Please leave a review and let me what you think about the podcast. Connect with me: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter @shreyashbohara
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. Cover art photo provided by Markus Spiske on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@markusspiske
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Das englische Original von Harry Potter und unsere deutsche Version der Geschichte unterscheiden sich stärker voneinander, als man denkt. In diesem Podcast gehe ich auf all diese Unterschiede ein, natürlich gepaart mit allerlei Harry Potter Nerdwissen. Viel Spaß:)
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Solving youth unemployment through partnerships. Harambee Youth Employment Accelerator is a not-for-profit social enterprise building African solutions for the global challenge of youth unemployment. In South Africa we work with many partners who are committed to results that can work at scale – including government, the private sector, civil society, and over 1.5 million youth. We are committed to changing the system by removing the barriers that keep millions of young South Africans locked ...
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In this Mini-Cast we will explore all the unanswered questions you might have about gossip. What is gossip? When is it prohibited? When is it allowed? How good intentions play a roll & Much much more.
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Wie können wir Wertschätzung in uns selbst finden? Was bedeutet Normalität in der heutigen Gesellschaft? Wie interagieren wir mit der Wirklichkeit unserer Gefühle? In diesem Podcast erweitere ich, Harald Glööckler, Dein Bewusstsein für Deine inneren und äußeren Welten. Ich möchte dir hiermit helfen, dein Denken zu erweitern. Als international erfolgreicher Bestsellerautor, Designer, Unternehmer und Life Coach mit einem bewegten Leben habe ich zahllose Erfahrungen gesammelt und Lektionen gele ...
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Read up
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We talk about sexual harassment
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RadioLacan.com | Hacia los Clinical Study Days 11: Video conferencia: "Sé tu mismo: ¿Delirio de identidad?". Por Angelina Harari
RadioLacan.com es el sitio de audios y conferencias de la Asociación Mundial de Psicoanálisis.
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द्वारा support@kolhl.com
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Bava Kama 65b (2) by Rabbi Avi Harariद्वारा Rabbi Avi Harari
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Biyam Darkecha on Shovevim 2: Experience Real and Unlimited Pleasure and Joy
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6:22Even if we have heard of Shovevim before, we may have turned away from learning about it because of the negative perception we have of the concept. Shovevim is widely misunderstood. Shovevim is here to make SURE you get maximum pleasure and joy, not to stifle it! There are two kinds of pleasures. One is easy to get, but cheap and fake. It leaves yo…
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Tomer Devorah #12 - "Above & Beyond"
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39:33Tomer Devorah #12 - "Above & Beyond" by Rabbi Avi Harariद्वारा Rabbi Avi Harari
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Misphatim: Self-Restraint by Rabbi Avi Harariद्वारा Rabbi Avi Harari
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S Harabinom nielen o práve 45 - 2025-02-14
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1:28:19hosť : JUDr. Štefan Harabin…reláciou sprevádza Michal Albert
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Yitro: Interconnecting Our Lives by Rabbi Avi Harariद्वारा Rabbi Avi Harari
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Bava Kama 65b (1) by Rabbi Avi Harariद्वारा Rabbi Avi Harari
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Biyam Darkecha on Shovevim 1: What Is Shovevim and How To Tap Into the Spiritual Power Of This Time
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7:37Have you heard of Shovevim? Shovevim is a topic most of us know very little about, and understand even less. In this new series, Charlie uncovers a completely new and breathtaking approach based on the Biyam Darkecha. We're in a period of time that has a specific spiritual power that we can tap into, and today we'll uncover the incredible potential…
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Parashat Yitro - Yitro's Advice by Rabbi Avi Harariद्वारा Rabbi Avi Harari
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Bava Kama 65a by Rabbi Avi Harariद्वारा Rabbi Avi Harari
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Kevurah - Shemirah Before Burial by Rabbi Avi Harariद्वारा Rabbi Avi Harari
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Moreh Nevukhim #50 - 3.41 (3) by Rabbi Avi Harariद्वारा Rabbi Avi Harari
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Bava Kama 64b by Rabbi Avi Harariद्वारा Rabbi Avi Harari
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Avelut - Saying "Sheheheyanu" by Rabbi Avi Harariद्वारा Rabbi Avi Harari
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Rebbe Nachman’s way of learning Torahद्वारा Reb Yirmi
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Bava Kama 64a (2) by Rabbi Avi Harariद्वारा Rabbi Avi Harari
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Confession Of Sins Before Passing Away
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9:46Confession Of Sins Before Passing Away by Rabbi Avi Harariद्वारा Rabbi Avi Harari
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Was Galilei mit den Faktencheckern von heute zu tun hat
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4:04Setzt sich die beste Erkenntnis durch – etwa, dass die Erde keine Scheibe ist? Über die Frage, ob es gut oder schlimm ist, dass bei Meta der Faktencheck abgeschafft wird.
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Bava Kama 64a (1) by Rabbi Avi Harariद्वारा Rabbi Avi Harari
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Tu BiShvat - No Fasting or Tahanun by Rabbi Avi Harariद्वारा Rabbi Avi Harari
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Tomer Devorah #12 - "Balanced Truth"
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32:25Tomer Devorah #12 - "Balanced Truth" by Rabbi Avi Harariद्वारा Rabbi Avi Harari
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Yitro: The Power Of An Experience by Rabbi Avi Harariद्वारा Rabbi Avi Harari
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BeShalah: Tradition & Individuality
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11:17BeShalah: Tradition & Individuality by Rabbi Avi Harariद्वारा Rabbi Avi Harari
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Bava Kama 63b (2) by Rabbi Avi Harariद्वारा Rabbi Avi Harari
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Kevurah - Delaying The Burial by Rabbi Avi Harariद्वारा Rabbi Avi Harari
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Bava Kama 63b (1) by Rabbi Avi Harariद्वारा Rabbi Avi Harari
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Moreh Nevukhim #49 - 2.28 by Rabbi Avi Harariद्वारा Rabbi Avi Harari
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Kevurah - Burying Non-Jewish Fallen Soldiers
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13:31Kevurah - Burying Non-Jewish Fallen Soldiers by Rabbi Avi Harariद्वारा Rabbi Avi Harari
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Bava Kama 63a by Rabbi Avi Harariद्वारा Rabbi Avi Harari
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Practical advice for daveningद्वारा Reb Yirmi
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Kevurah - Burial Next To Non-Jews by Rabbi Avi Harariद्वारा Rabbi Avi Harari
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Bava Kama 62b (2) by Rabbi Avi Harariद्वारा Rabbi Avi Harari
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Wie es kam, dass Deutschland keine Freunde mehr hat
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4:25Unser Kolumnist wurde proamerikanisch erzogen. Und fragt sich heute, warum Deutschland die USA nicht mehr mag. Italien, Frankreich, Großbritannien allerdings auch nicht.
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Kevurah - Clinical Autopsies by Rabbi Avi Harariद्वारा Rabbi Avi Harari
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Bava Kama 62b (1) by Rabbi Avi Harariद्वारा Rabbi Avi Harari
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BeShalah: Do The Impossible by Rabbi Avi Harariद्वारा Rabbi Avi Harari
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Tomer Devorah #10 - "Destroying Din"
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36:44Tomer Devorah #10 - "Destroying Din" by Rabbi Avi Harariद्वारा Rabbi Avi Harari
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Bava Kama 62a (3) by Rabbi Avi Harariद्वारा Rabbi Avi Harari
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Bo: Don't Lose The Spark Of Youth by Rabbi Avi Harariद्वारा Rabbi Avi Harari
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Moreh Nevukhim #48 - 3.11 by Rabbi Avi Harariद्वारा Rabbi Avi Harari
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