Oprah Winfrey is delighted to introduce a new weekly podcast series from one of the great spiritual thinkers of our time: Eckhart Tolle. Eckhart’s wisdom will help you learn to quiet your mind, separate your ego from your true self and live a fully present life. Essential Teachings by Eckhart will provide a path to discover an enlightened state of consciousness. Oprah says Eckhart transformed her life and hopes these Essential Teachings will inspire you to seek your own higher purpose.
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Lisa Eckhart
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Schön, dass Du unsere Predigt hörst. Wenn Du uns kennen lernen möchtest kannst Du gerne auf unserer Webseite vorbeischauen: https://eckstein.online/. Falls Du weitere Infos möchtest oder Hilfe benötigst kannst Du dich gerne bei uns melden: https://eckstein.online/kontakt/.
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Schöne Ecken. Urbanes, Lukullisches und Ästhetisches rund um Stadtkultur.
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Schöne Ecken. Urbanes, Lukullisches und Ästhetisches rund um Stadtkultur.
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Networking Conversations with Sam Eckerson will give you a unique insight into the boundless world of networking. Glean wisdom from genuine conversations Sam has with business owners and entrepreneurs from different industries, areas, and backgrounds, who have experienced, firsthand, the power of networking not only in their business, but in their own lives and in the lives of others around them.
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Ellie Kemper (The Office and Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt) and her fantastically funny friend Scott Eckert bring you Born to Love, a podcast where people talk about what they love and only what they love! Actors, comedians, chefs, writers, and more get personal about their secret passions, their favorite hobbies, and the people, places, and things that light them up. Plus, you’ll get to hear what Ellie and Scott love — all their longtime favorites and new obsessions. New episodes every week, fr ...
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Gefährliches Halbwissen und große Persönlichkeiten. Dafür steht Ecke Hansaring! Und die Rede ist dabei nicht von unseren beiden Redakteuren Michi und Moritz, sondern von Maria Theresia oder dem sagenumwobenen Graf Dracula. Geschichte in spannend, mit einer gehörigen Prise schwarzem Humor – nicht mehr und nicht weniger. Der Geschichtspodcast. Hier geht's zu den Shownotes
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Ein Podcast zu Themen rund um Koblenz und die Region 56. Alexandra Klöckner, Manolito Röhr, Stephan Mahlow und Holger Friedrich sprechen mit Menschen, die Koblenz und Umgebung prägen und bereichern. Mit Künstlern und Unternehmern, Vorständen und Politikern, Prominenten und Originalen. Aber auch mit Menschen von nebenan, Menschen wie du und ich, die eine spannende Geschichte zu erzählen haben.
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Have you ever thought about writing your first book? After writing my first novel, I wanted to uncover how other authors went from an idea to a published book. Hopefully, you can find the motivation to take your idea to a printed book. We are here to motivate you; once you publish it, we can have you on the Author Eche. Tell Us Your Story.
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Them chatting
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LIFE IS A SOUL ADVENTURE! Join us for Spiritual Discovery. Dreams, Miraculous coincidences, Out-of-body adventures, Inner guidance, Past lives, Life after death. Hear about life-changing Soul experiences that awaken and validate truth already within the heart. Try creative spiritual exercises to connect with your Higher Self. Raise your spiritual IQ and make your life a real Soul Adventure!
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Welcome to the Eckener podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Habt ihr diesen Spruch auch schon mal gehört – mit hochgezogenen Augenbrauen, dezentem Kopfschütteln und einem leicht genervten Ausatmen: “Frauen und Technik…”, dann seid ihr hier genau richtig. Der neue Technologie-Podcast der c't “Frauen und Technik mit Svea Eckert und Eva Wolfangel” spielt genau mit diesem Klischee, bricht es charmant auf und vermittelt dabei Wissen. Die beiden erfahrenen, freien Technologie-Journalistinnen widmen sich alle 14-Tage einem spannenden Tech-Thema und laden si ...
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Justin Ecklof talks to talented artists, about the industry, and important topics happening today.
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Messianic Jewish believer with a passion for apologetics, teaching, and discipleship.
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Just two guys changing the world through the gift of music. Drink it in. Babyfishes.
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Der Podcast zu Serien und serieller Kultur
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Resource for creative entrepreneurs seeking to grow their product or service-based businesses while prioritizing family and well-being. Hosted by Brenda Eckhardt, a successful photographer and brand strategist, this podcast offers the latest strategies and how-to's to increase online visibility, work smarter, avoid burnout, and find inspiration for both professional and personal growth.
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Trait de personalité Courage
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Stories, insight, and thoughts on drawing near to Christ through life's winds of change.
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Welcome to the Connor Eckdahl Podcast, where I talk about all the things I am interested and passionate about - that mainly being cameras, film making, and the creative process as an entrepreneur pursuing the non-traditional path.
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Brendan Ecker discusses topics surrounding entrepreneurship, business, branding, personal development, and how to succeed in life while studying the quickest paths to health, wealth, love, happiness, freedom, and time. Brendan Ecker incorporates his experiences and inights from being a serial entrepreneur, author, investor, police officer, and former NCAA student athlete. The Brendan Ecker Influence is a self improvement and growth hub with a primary focus on discussing the mindset required ...
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Jared Eck is the best Mechanical Engineer. He is always trying to think of new ways to make the process easier and faster, but most importantly he likes to design mechanisms that will cut down on wasted materials when assembling these parts. Jared Eck grew up in the Bahamas, Jared Eck knows all about small machines.
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We podcast some game episode for video games we discussed about that other podcast like diaria and victorious justice We also do the weather and closings near us as possible and we play some music
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Voici le projet podcast sur le livre Vango, plus précisément sur le personnage Eckener!
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Jared Eck is an experienced mechanical engineer working with companies to design and develop machines that assist in the production of parts used on assembly lines.
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Marc Ecko, founder and chief creative officer of Ecko Unltd, Marc Ecko Cut & Sew, and Complex, reveals some of the bruising mistakes and remarkable triumphs behind his success. Ecko discusses how he grew from a misfit kid airbrushing T-shirts in his parents’ garage to the bold creator of hugely successful branded platforms followed up with an audience Q&A and sneak peek of the new Marc Ecko Cut & Sew 2014 collection.
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A space dedicated to my commentary, on books of a financial persuasion. Coupled with books that would be considered unconventional to the industry, of wealth building. But still manage to have just as direct & heavy an impact.
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A podcast where I get to explore my own mind and the minds of others to get as much knowledge as I can! I plan on talking about anything I become interested in and anything requested! I hope you enjoy me rambling! Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ben-eck/support
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A middle aged couple from Yorkshire chat about what's new in the news. Who's making headlines. Who's upsetting who. We make perfect Yorkshire sense in a world of wokism and tyranny
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Listen to this podcast each day for a year - and you'll hear the inside tips & techniques that have helped hundreds of other TED/x speakers impact the world with their ideas. Join more than 8000 other Udemy students who have taken the conversational course I cohost under the titles "TEDx Talk Success: Be a Sought After TedX Speaker" | TEDx for NGOs, NonProfits & Volunteers.
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Expert political analysis and debate from a real-life political encyclopaedia. Nathan Eckersley is diving deep into the biggest political news and current affairs impacting young people around the world. Recorded live from Manchester every Sunday afternoon, with listener phone-ins and messages. Listen to the live broadcast every Sunday on W!ZARD Radio Station to get involved: www.wizardradio.com/listen
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Gerard Butler (300) and Aaron Eckhart (The Dark Knight) discuss their new film at the Apple Store Regent Street. Olympus Has Fallen is the story of disgraced former Presidential guard Mike Banning (Butler) who finds himself trapped inside the White House in the wake of a terrorist attack. Using his inside knowledge, Banning works with national security to rescue the President (Eckhart) from his kidnappers. Chris Hewitt moderates.
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The fable or parable of the boiling frog has been around for many years. The premise is that if you place a live frog in very cold or very hot water, it will immediately jump out and save itself. But if you place it in lukewarm water, it will relax. The idea is that while the frog is in lukewarm, comfortable water, the water can be slowly brought to a full boil without the frog noticing, eventually killing the frog. In philosophy, the boiling frog story is another way of explaining the “Sori ...
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I have found that the best way to heal is to tell the truth of my own story and that the best way to help is to listen to another’s truth. Speaking our stories sets us free. Alive & Kicking is a podcast where I talk to people about their path of waking up to the truth of who they really are, what they really want and why they came here. What we learn is that the breakdowns we experience aren't failures; they're accelerators to the breakthroughs. And, what we thought of as our disasters was l ...
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Der Fußballpodcast, der sich mit den Akteuren auf und vor allem neben dem Platz beschäftigt. Alle zwei Wochen laden wir einen Gast zu uns ein und sprechen mit diesem über seine Rolle im Fußball und seine Geschichte. Wir, das sind zum einen Niklas, der im Bereich Management und Scouting arbeitet und zum anderen Julius, der bereits für mehrere Medienunternehmen im Sport gearbeitet hat. Der Fußball schreibt nun mal die schönsten Geschichten und wir erzählen sie euch. Ab jetzt, überall wo es Pod ...
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As some of you know, I sold two companies – the last for a billion dollars… that’s right, billion with a “B”, people! And after that exit, you might imagine, I wanted to do it again -- this time I’m doing it by helping other women get the same outcome. I wanted to create an army of Pink Ladies, so I started The Pink Ceiling. We do much more than invest money. We roll up our sleeves and we help companies by or for women launch products that will change lives. Our Pinkubator companies have got ...
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Dirk Gemein lehrt inneres Glück
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1:13:44Wie geht Glücklichsein? Dirk Gemein ist als gefragter Experte für Achtsamkeit und Persönlichkeitsentwicklung in TV-Sendungen von RTL und n-tv zu sehen und wird von internationalen Konzernen gebucht. Denn nach einer schweren Lebenskrise im Jahr 2010 suchte er im Dschungel und in buddhistischen Klöstern Asiens nach Antworten, arbeitete für Thich Nhat…
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How a Pastor Became a Tech Wizard Through the Power of Networking | with Guests Daniel and Nicole Whitworth (Part 2 of 2)
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28:25Sam has a conversation with Daniel and Nicole Whitworth, Founders and Owners of Your Nursing Tutor, an online nursing school tutorial service, and The Workflow Wizard, a digital business workflow automation service. Daniel and Nicole were not always entrepreneurs, but their career skill sets combined with their desire to have more freedom in their …
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In this episode, Travis Davis interviews author Nate Koszer, who discusses his journey as a writer, the challenges of publishing, and the intricacies of marketing his novels, 'Latency' and 'Kinetics'. Nate shares insights into his writing process, the importance of family support, and offers advice for aspiring authors. The conversation delves into…
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ECKE HANSARING #353 - Pulverdampf und Bajonette: Die Gewehre von 1707 bis zum Dreyse-Zündnadelgewehr
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1:17:09In dieser Folge nehmen Michi und Moritz die Waffen der napoleonischen Ära unter die Lupe. Sie sprechen über die wichtigsten Gewehre der Zeit – das Modell 1707, das Modell 1777 und das revolutionäre Dreyse-Nadelgewehr – und analysieren, wie sie die Kriegsführung der Koalitionskriege beeinflussten. Welche Rolle spielten diese Gewehre auf den Schlacht…
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Der Beitrag Renne um dein Leben! 02.03.2025 erschien zuerst auf EGB Eckstein Gemeinde Berlin.द्वारा Thomas Hochstetter
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In this engaging conversation, Laura Yates discusses her journey as a children's book author, focusing on her series 'Misty the Unicorn.' She shares her motivations for writing, the inspiration behind her characters, and the themes of traditional values and family love present in her work. Laura also delves into the challenges of marketing her book…
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Essential Teachings Special: The Time is Always Now
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52:33Original Air Date: June 17, 2021 Eckhart Tolle talks with a live audience about the importance of living in the now. Drawing on ideas from his best-selling book, The Power of Now, Eckhart encourages participants not to linger on past mistakes, but to learn from them and then let them go. He says we must remember that there is only ever now, not as …
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🎙️ KI-Battle! ChatGPT vs. Grok – Wer schlägt wen? Wahlnachlese 🤖🔥
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38:01In dieser Folge wird’s brisant: ChatGPT tritt gegen Grok an – und ihr seid dabei! Wer zieht den Kürzeren, wenn’s ums Tricksen und Täuschen geht? Kann ChatGPT endlich beim "r" in Strawberry punkten, oder stolpert er wieder?Außerdem: Eva und Svea nehmen Grok genauer unter die Lupe. Was ist dran an den Gerüchten, dass die KI nichts Schlechtes über Elo…
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How a Nurse Gained 125,000 Followers on TikTok | with Guests Daniel and Nicole Whitworth (Part 1 of 2)
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26:36Sam has a conversation with Daniel and Nicole Whitworth, Founders and Owners of Your Nursing Tutor, an online nursing school tutorial service, and The Workflow Wizard, a digital business workflow automation service. Daniel and Nicole were not always entrepreneurs, but their career skill sets combined with their desire to have more freedom in their …
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Looking Back: Keanu Reeves Movies with Jenna Fischer
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39:25Ellie and Scott are joined by Jenna Fischer from "The Office" and "Office Ladies Podcast"! Jenna shares why Keanu Reeves' action films bring her a sense of calm, why she thinks we like to root for Keanu as the action hero, and the surprising connection between "The Office" and "Speed". And speaking of speed, Ellie shares her new favorite way to run…
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ECKE HANSARING #352 - Wir kochen wie in der französischen Revolution
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2:56:05In dieser Folge wird es historisch – und mehr oder weniger lecker! Michi und Moritz schwingen die Kochlöffel und tauchen kulinarisch in die Zeit der Französischen Revolution ein. Sie bereiten drei authentische Gerichte aus dem späten 18. Jahrhundert zu und sprechen über die Essgewohnheiten jener Zeit. Mit dabei ist Teresa, die die Kreationen verkös…
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Der Beitrag Ein Übernatürliches Gebet erschien zuerst auf EGB Eckstein Gemeinde Berlin.द्वारा Benjamin Fink
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In this engaging conversation, Scott Grace discusses his book 'Mindful Masculinity' and his journey of self-discovery regarding masculinity. He reflects on his past experiences, including his relationship with his father and how it shaped his understanding of what it means to be a man. Scott emphasizes the importance of redefining masculinity in mo…
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Essential Teachings Special: Transcending Our Stories
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45:58Original Air Date: June 10, 2021 Eckhart Tolle talks with a live audience about our tendency to manufacture stories...about ourselves and others; our desperate need to be right and to make others wrong. Eckhart says having a story actually strengthens the ego and keeps us stuck. However, we don’t have to stay there. He says we can learn to shift ou…
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Anti-Faschismus KI mit Anita Klingel, Aufruhr in der Kunstszene
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54:55Christie’s versteigert KI-generierte Kunstwerke, Künstlerinnen und Künstler protestieren. Ist das Innovation oder Ausbeutung? Svea Eckert und Eva Wolfangel nehmen die Debatte auseinander – von Urheberrechten bis zur Frage, ob Maschinen wirklich kreativ sein können. Und: Auch in der öffentlichen Verwaltung gibt es immer mehr Versuche, KI sinnvoll ei…
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How a Baseball Card Collector is Working with Chevy Chase and Sylvester Stallone | with Guest Tanner Jones
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37:12Sam has a conversation with Tanner Jones, business owner, artist, author, and avid baseball card collector. From designing websites to designing custom cards for well-known names such as Chevy Chase, Sylvester Stallone, and Jose Conseco; listen as Tanner shares what led him to turn his hobby into a niche business, how he got to have cupcakes at Jos…
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Unaufhaltsam – Warum eigentlich? 16.02.2025
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45:14Der Beitrag Unaufhaltsam – Warum eigentlich? 16.02.2025 erschien zuerst auf EGB Eckstein Gemeinde Berlin.द्वारा Jonathan de Vries
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Essential Teachings Special: Practice of Presence
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43:06Original Air Date: May 21, 2021 Eckhart Tolle elaborates on the paradox of order and chaos that exists in our world. For many of us, especially this past year, living through the pandemic has wreaked havoc on our lives. We’ve experienced loss of socializing, income and perhaps the loss of someone we love. While we might be tempted to despair, Eckha…
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Unheimliche Gesichtserkennung, Snake-Oil und Gangsterjagd mit KI
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30:55Du schickst mir ein Foto und ich sage dir, wer du bist - so könnte der Slogan der Webseite “They see your fotos” sein. Ein Projekt von einigen Entwicklern, die darauf hinweisen wollen, was die Google Vision KI in Fotos hineininterpretiert. So scheint Svea Eckert etwa zum “doomscrolling” zu neigen und Eva Wolfangel gärtnert in ihrer Freizeit. “Zieml…
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How Networking Led to Attending the Olympics | with Guest Rhys Lynn
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33:39Sam has a conversation with Rhys Lynn, Founder of nona.media, Publisher of Nonahood News, and Director of IT at the Lake Nona Regional Chamber of Commerce in Orlando, FL. Rhys has had the opportunity to travel all over the world due to his unique skill-set and connections in the tech and production industry, from creating commercials for Fortune 50…
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Ellie and Scott discuss the seminal hit TV show LOST with Born to Love’s #1 Fan – Jenny Eckert!!! Jenny is (a) a die-hard LOST fan, and (b) Scott’s sixth grade daughter. Together they plumb the depths of television’s most mysterious island, as well as Scott’s parenting habits. Ellie is transparently horrified by both. And stick around for Jenny’s r…
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ECKE HANSARING #351 – Napoleons Code Civil: Ein Gesetz verändert die Welt
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54:05In dieser Folge spricht Michael mit Lena Klos, die in ihrer Dissertation im Bereich der Rechtswissenschaft unter anderem den Code Civil untersucht. Gemeinsam beleuchten sie, wie Napoleon mit diesem Gesetzbuch die Rechtsprechung in Europa revolutionierte, welche Prinzipien bis heute Bestand haben und warum der Code Civil weit über Frankreich hinaus …
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Der Beitrag Lebe als Reisender in dieser Welt erschien zuerst auf EGB Eckstein Gemeinde Berlin.द्वारा Jonathan de Vries
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Essential Teachings Special: Transforming Our Consciousness Through Adversity
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31:52Original Air Date: May 27, 2021 Eckhart Tolle says that we should not panic when life’s difficulties arise. He says adversity actually plays a critical role in the evolution of our consciousness. Without it we would not learn to lead what he calls an awakened life. Eckhart quotes an ancient Roman aphorism: Per Aspera Ad Astra... which translates in…
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SE 320: Jahresrückblick 2024
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1:38:04Leicht verspätet gibt es wie gewohnt und lange erwartet den großen Jahresrückblick, dicht gepackt mit Making Of, Kommentaren und natürlich den neuesten Outtakes.द्वारा Cornelis Kater, Sven Sedivy
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SE 320: Jahresrückblick 2024
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1:38:04Leicht verspätet gibt es wie gewohnt und lange erwartet den großen Jahresrückblick, dicht gepackt mit Making Of, Kommentaren und natürlich den neuesten Outtakes.द्वारा Cornelis Kater, Sven Sedivy
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Wie sicher sind unsere Wahlen, Claudia Plattner? Bundestagswahlsoftware, Hack and Leak und andere Gefahren
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50:13Wie sicher sind unsere Wahlen? Eine Frage, die viele beschäftigt so kurz vor der Bundestagswahl. Svea Eckert und Eva Wolfangel haben dazu die Chefin des Bundesamtes für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik im Interview. Und die sieht durchaus auch Gefahren, zum Beispiel durch “Hack und Leak”-Angriffe, bei denen es vor allem darum geht, das Vertrau…
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How a Navy Veteran Turned Realtor Closed 215 Deals in One Year | with Guest Kaleo Kina
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36:40Sam has a conversation with Kaleo Kina, owner of Keller Williams Elite 757, president of CoVA Collective Realty, and owner of multiple ancillary businesses to include title, mortgage, and insurance. Kaleo is also a Navy Veteran having served as a Surface Warfare Officer for 8 years, and he is a member of the Navy Basketball Sports Hall of Fame. Wit…
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Short-Lived Obsessions with Tommy Dewey
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1:00:29Ellie and Scott welcome their first returning guest – and longtime friend! – Tommy Dewey back to the show to discuss his love of Short-Lived Obsessions. From Arctic Adventures to English Titles of Nobility, Tommy takes us on a tour of some of the things he’s been obsessed with… for two weeks or less. Ellie and Scott share some of their own mini-obs…
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Ward Larsen - Dark Vector A David Slaton and Tru Miller Novel
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26:20In this engaging conversation, author Ward Larson discusses his journey from military pilot to successful author, sharing insights into his writing process, character development, and the inspiration behind his latest book, 'Dark Vector'. He emphasizes the importance of persistence in writing and the supportive nature of the author community. The d…
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ECKE HANSARING #350 – 1933, die Machtergreifung der Nationalsozialisten
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1:59:01Eigentlich wollten Michael und Moritz in dieser Folge kochen, doch der Blick in die Geschichte ist heute wichtiger denn je. Stattdessen sprechen Michael und Robin über die Machtergreifung der Nationalsozialisten 1933, vor fast exakt 92 Jahren. Wie konnte es dazu kommen? Welche Weichen wurden in der Politik gestellt, und welche Lehren ergeben sich d…
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Die Ordnung innerhalb der Gemeinde
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31:07Okay, alle sind da, super. In Titus 2 fängt Paul an und schreibt, du aber, spricht der Titus, du aber rede, was der gesunden Lehrer entspricht. Er sagt das, weil er gesagt hat, ihr sollt nicht so sein wie auf Kreta, faule Bäuche und Leute, die sich nicht wirklich auszeichnen und zwar im Vers 16 steht, sie geben vor Gott zu kennen, aber in den Werke…
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Lisa Eckhart: Kanzlerkandidaten und Österreich
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6:28Lisa Eckhart, eine junge Steirerin, einst aus der Poetry Slam Szene erwachsen, liefert Antworten auf die wichtigen, nie gestellten Fragen des Lebens. Dinge, die Sie nicht zu fragen wagten oder wohl auch niemals wissen wollten. Mit Performance und Texten so gnadenlos wie der Katholizismus und so wortgewandt wie eine Nationalratssitzung.…
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Essential Teachings Special: Challenging Times Can Awaken Us
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37:19Original Air Date: May 21, 2021 Eckhart Tolle shares his wisdom on living through challenging times. Whether it’s political upheaval, the pandemic or a personal crisis, Eckhart explains why adversity can actually help us to awaken to the deeper dimension of who we are.द्वारा Oprah
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Der Deepseek-Crash, Stargate und die drei Männer in der Wüste, D-Trust Lücke
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31:54Verrät mir “Deepseek” was 1989 auf dem Tiananmen-Square geschah? Und wer oder was steckt eigentlich hinter dem neuen chinesischen Open Source-Modell? Svea und Eva ordnen für euch die heißen Tech-News vom Wochenende ein. Dann geht es natürlich noch um Trumps angekündigtes Milliardenprojekt “Stargate” und Eva berichtet vom “D-Trust” Vorfall, bei dem …
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How a Chef's Passion for Food and Nutrition Led to Launching a Podcast | with Guest Joey Haselmayer (Part 2 of 2)
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22:40Sam has a conversation with Joey Haselmayer, CEO and Owner of The Living Room, a creative meeting/coworking space and consumer research facility in Cincinnati, OH. Joey, also having a heart for family and nutrition, co-founded with his wife, Elizabeth, Haselmayer Goods, ethically sourced natural goods for families; and Homegrown Education, the firs…
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Elementary School with Ellie and Scott
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49:27Everyone goes to elementary school — and Ellie and Scott love it! They talk about their favorite memories of 20th-century schooling, from Lunchables to tater tots, as well as their thoughts on the modern elementary school experience. Follow Ellie @elliekemper on Instagram and Scott @mescotteckert on Twitter, and get in touch at borntolovefeedback@g…
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