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show episodes
Documenter toutes les expériences de la vie, des cultures et des savoirs. Chaque semaine, un grand thème en quatre épisodes, autonomes et complémentaires. Du lundi au jeudi de 17h à 18h. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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LSE: Public lectures and events

London School of Economics and Political Science

The London School of Economics and Political Science public events podcast series is a platform for thought, ideas and lively debate where you can hear from some of the world's leading thinkers. Listen to more than 200 new episodes every year.
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LSE IQ podcast

London School of Economics and Political Science

LSE IQ is a monthly podcast from the London School of Economics and Political Science in which we ask some of the smartest social scientists - and other experts - to answer intelligent questions about economics, politics or society. #LSEIQ
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LSE Podcasts

LSE Podcasts

The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) is a world-leading university, specialising in social sciences, with a global community of people and ideas that transform the world. Our podcasts focus on the social sciences and the world today.
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LSAT Demon Daily

LSAT Demon

Join the LSAT Demon team Tuesday through Sunday as they discuss a broad range of topics related to the LSAT and law school admissions. Listen on your way to work and kickstart your daily study routine. Questions? Email [email protected]. Learn more at
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London School of Economics and Political Science

LSE IQ is a monthly podcast from the London School of Economics and Political Science in which we ask some of the smartest social scientists - and other experts - to answer intelligent questions about economics, politics or society. #LSEIQ
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An award-winning podcast focusing on the science behind public and global health, and solutions to improve health and health equity worldwide. Brought to you from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.
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LSE Middle East Centre Podcasts

LSE Middle East Centre

Welcome to the LSE Middle East Centre's podcast feed. The MEC builds on LSE's long engagement with the Middle East and North Africa and provides a central hub for the wide range of research on the region carried out at LSE. Follow us and keep up to date with our latest event podcasts and interviews!
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Thinking LSAT

Nathan Fox and Ben Olson

Ben Olson and Nathan Fox started the Thinking LSAT Podcast to become better LSAT teachers and have some fun. Please 1) subscribe, 2) rate and review, and 3) send us questions: [email protected]. Don't pay for law school! Learn more at
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Jenny Eliscu

Interviews focus on key moments of discovery, and the songs/artists that have soundtracked the guest's life. Hosted by journalist and radio presenter Jenny Eliscu (@jennylsq), these are laid-back but in-depth discussions about the journey to find their creative voice and process, and how it has evolved over their career. Episodes also occasionally feature clips from Eliscu's extensive archive, which includes 25 years' worth of interview audio.
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LSU Daily

Guaranty Broadcasting

LSU Daily is a Podcast hosted by 104.5 ESPN's Matt Musso breaking down all things LSU. Matt is the producer of the critically acclaimed "After Further Review" radio show in Baton Rouge. Musso is also the host of Musso at The Box, a daily LSU Baseball podcast that runs in season.
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LSQ Podcast

Redeemer Lincoln Square

Our church began in 2017 and is located just down the street from Lincoln Center, which is in the Lincoln Square neighborhood of Manhattan. This podcast will primarily feature sermons from our Sunday worship service and the occasional interview or ministry resource. We hope you’ll subscribe.
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The official podcast network of LSU Athletics. The Hey Fightin' Podcast Network takes you inside LSU Sports all year long. From Hey Fightin' Podcast – the official podcast of LSU Football – to Tigers Win, Hearing Voices, Play by Play, and more, the Hey Fightin' Podcast Network brings you episodes covering all things LSU Sports (almost) every week day.
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Logic Games Bible author Dave Killoran (@davekilloran) and PowerScore Test Prep VP Jon Denning (@jonmdenning) are two of the world’s foremost experts on the LSAT and law school admissions, and they’ve created the PowerScore LSAT PodCast to share their knowledge and experience with you! Topics will range from specific LSAT concepts and strategies to test changes and updates to admissions advice and frequently-asked student questions, so be sure to (1) subscribe, (2) rate and review us, and (3 ...
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LSEG Sustainable Growth

LSEG (London Stock Exchange Group)

The LSEG Sustainable Growth Podcast tackles important issues which intersect sustainability and finance, hosted by Jane Goodland, LSEG’s Group Head of Sustainability. We talk about some of the biggest issues of our time – from climate transition and investment, green infrastructure to greenwashing, natural capital, carbon markets, financial inclusion, equality and inclusion and more! We hear from leading experts from Microsoft, ISSB, IIGCC, Blackrock, IFAD, Women's World Banking, Climate Imp ...
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LSD Sucks Probably


Short Attention Span Variety A mix of talk and punk rock radio And coming soon- live on location with friends, acquaintances and strangers. Home recordings discussing local bands and personal stuff. And an assortment of old recordings off reels of Chico State college radio shows from the late 80’s to today as well as cassette recordings from random times of weirdness. LSD Sux probably is a raw and candid variety of humor, music and weird stuff for those who get bored quickly
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LSE IQ is a monthly podcast from the London School of Economics and Political Science. This is the podcast where we ask some of the leading social scientists - and other experts - to answer intelligent questions about economics, politics or society. To subscribe on Apple Podcasts please visit - Or search for 'LSE IQ' in your favourite podcast app or add our RSS feed - ...
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Talk Justice An LSC Podcast

Legal Services Corporation

The Legal Services Corporation's Talk Justice podcast explores innovative ways to expand access to justice, bringing together legal experts, technologists, business leaders, community organizers and government officials for thoughtful conversations about ending the access-to-justice crisis.
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Hachana L'Shabbos

Rav Shlomo Katz

What type of rest do we yearn for on Shabbat? How do we frame our mindset during the week to prepare for Shabbat and how can we transform our Shabbat experience? Using the teachings of Rabbi Yaakov Meir Shechter, a leading Breslov Rabbi, in his sefer Yom Machmadim, we build tools towards enhancing our ability to connect to the day of rest.
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show series
LS Community Church live Sunday gathering, February 23rd; teaching by Stan Rodda, Ezra 3:1-5, Ezra 3:11, Ezra 4:1-3, Haggai 1:1-4, 7-8, Zechariah 1:1; 8:2, 3, Ezra 6:16-1-2 After generations in captivity, the people of Israel are beginning to return home. Persia has released captives. Ezra is a prophet among those who go back home. He leads out in …
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Eiropai ir skaidri jāapliecina gatavība turpināt palīdzēt Ukrainai un ieguldīt vairāk savā aizsardzībā – šāds aicinājums izskan pirms svētdien, 2. martā, Londonā gaidāmās Eiropas valstu līderu sanāksmes, kas notiks, reaģējot uz ASV prezidenta Donalda Trampa novēršanos no Ukrainas un Eiropas. Pirms klātienes samita tā namatēvs Lielbritānijas premjer…
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Ar devīzi "Kas pagātni vētī, tas nākotni svētī!" divriteņu entuziasts Mārtiņš Belickis Līgatnē veido Velosipēdu muzeju. Viņš kopā ar domubiedriem aicina ieklausīties vairāk nekā gadsimtu senu divriteņu stāstos. Latvijas Radio skaidroja, kādi nelīdzenumi un asāki līkumi bijuši muzeja tapšanas ceļā un kā tūrisma uzņēmēji var sadarboties ar zinātnieki…
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📘 FREE LSAT Cheat Sheet: 📞 Book a FREE Strategy Call: 🔔 Subscribe for Daily LSAT Strategies: 📚 LSAT Unplugged Courses: 🚀 Achieve Your Best LSAT Score—Guaranteed Hi, I’m Steve Schwartz. I raised my LSAT …
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Bryce Koon and Glen West react to the news of Bo Davis leaving LSU, what's next for the Tigers and Brian Kelly? For more video content and podcasts, subscribe to the channel and feed! For more written content head over to: #lsu #lsutigers #lsufootball To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices vis…
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Pieaug neskaidrība par pamieru Gazas joslā. Sestdien, 1. martā, noslēgsies kopš 19. janvāra spēkā esošā pamiera starp Izraēlu un teroristu grupējumu "Hamās" pirmā fāze, bet sarunas par otro fāzi, kam būtu jānodrošina pastāvīgs pamiers, līdz šim nav devušas rezultātus.
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ASV un Ukrainas attiecības pēc piektdien aizvadītās nedraudzīgās tikšanās starp ASV prezidentu Donaldu Trampu un Ukrainas prezidentu Volodimiru Zelenski ir nonākušas savā zemākajā punktā. Eiropas līderi izsaka atbalstu Zelenskim, bet vienlaikus mēģina nogludināt nospriegotās attiecības ar ASV, kas joprojām ir reģiona galvenais stratēģiskais sabiedr…
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Sestdien, 1. martā, līdz plkst. 8 Valsts ieņēmumu dienestā (VID) bija iesniegtas jau vairāk nekā 94 000 gada ienākumu deklarācijas. VID skaidroja, ka pusnaktī, kad sākās deklarāciju iesniegšana, katru minūti Elektroniskās deklarēšanas sistēmai (EDS) mēģināja pieslēgties apmēram 6000 lietotāju.
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Gan Eiropā, gan pasaulē bioloģiski sertificētās zemes platības turpina pieaugt. Arī iedzīvotāji sāk biežāk izvēlēties lietot bioloģiski audzētus produktus. Bioloģiski audzētai produkcijai ir tendence aizvien vairāk parādīties ikdienas preču veikalu plauktos.
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Sabiedrotie Eiropā un visā pasaulē izsaka atbalstu Ukrainai un tās prezidentam Volodimiram Zelenskim pēc piektdien piedzīvotās publiskās pazemošanas Baltajā namā. Zelenska tikšanās ar ASV prezidentu Donaldu Trampu izvērtās par asu vārdu apmaiņu, kuras laikā Tramps un viņa viceprezidents Džeimss Deivids Venss nosauca Zelenski par nepateicīgu un apga…
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Ludzas pilsētas vidusskolas vecāko klašu skolēni varēs pretendēt uz stipendiju 1000 eiro apmērā, kuru, vēloties atbalstīt latgaliešu kultūras, valodas saglabāšanu, nodibinājusi skolas absolvente Ingrīda Turlaja. Skolā latgaliešu valodu apgūst sākumskolas klasēs un vidusskolā, un jaundibinātā stipendija būs stimuls ne vien runāt, bet arī lasīt un ra…
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📘 FREE LSAT Cheat Sheet: 📞 Book a FREE Strategy Call: 🔔 Subscribe for Daily LSAT Strategies: 📚 LSAT Unplugged Courses: 🚀 Achieve Your Best LSAT Score—Guaranteed Hi, I’m Steve Schwartz. I raised my LSAT …
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Tik asa vārdu apmaiņa Amerikas Savienoto valstu (ASV) Baltā nama Ovālajā kabinetā nekad nav bijusi. Tā ASV prezidenta Donalda Trampa un Ukrainas prezidenta Volodomira Zelenska šīs dienas sarunu intervijā Latvijas Televīzijas (LTV) raidījumā "Panorāma" vērtēja ārpolitikas eksperts, Ģeopolitikas pētījumu centra direktors Māris Andžāns.…
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Sophomore Kinaa Graham and 5th-year senior Gaby Rivera stop by the studio to check in and provide our listeners with an update surrounding LSU women's tennis. The Tigers are currently ranked No. 10 in the country and primed for a historic season under head coach Taylor Fogleman.
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ASV prezidenta Donalda Trampa un Ukrainas līdera Volodimira Zelenska tikšanās Vašingtonā piektdien aizritēja ļoti saspringtā gaisotnē, jo Tramps uzbruka Zelenskim, apsūdzot viņu nepateicībā un centienos likt šķēršļus ASV mēģinājumiem izbeigt Krievijas sākto karu Ukrainā.
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Pašvaldību un nozaru ministriju saziņā par nepieciešamā ekipējuma pirkumu rīkošanu civilās aizsardzības jomā aizvien netrūkst savstarpēji neatbildētu jautājumu, savukārt patvertņu ierīkošanai pašvaldību ēkās drīzumā plānots apstiprināt programmu 500 patvertņu labiekārtošanai. Šiem jautājumiem piektdien, 28. februārī, veltīts slēgts seminārs, kurā p…
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Veselības ministrija (VM) plāno nākamgad ieviest 120 primārās veselības aprūpes sadarbības prakses. Tas nozīmē, ka savā starpā vairāk sadarbosies gan ģimenes ārsti, gan arī nepieciešamības gadījumā viņi varēs piesaistīt citu specialitāšu ārstus. Ģimenes ārsti par plānu ir skeptiski noskaņoti.
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Eiropas Savienība netika radīta, lai kādu piemānītu vai negodīgi apspēlētu – tā vairāku Eiropas valstu līderi reaģēja uz šīs nedēļas ASV prezidenta Donalda Trampa izteikumiem, ka Eiropas Savienība negodīgi izturas pret ASV. Tramps arī atjaunoja solījumus ieviest 25% muitas tarifus Eiropas precēm. Tomēr nav skaidrs kad un vai tie varētu stāties spēk…
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📘 FREE LSAT Cheat Sheet: 📞 Book a FREE Strategy Call: 🔔 Subscribe for Daily LSAT Strategies: 📚 LSAT Unplugged Courses: 🚀 Achieve Your Best LSAT Score—Guaranteed Hi, I’m Steve Schwartz. I raised my LSAT …
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Brune and Shea discuss the departure of LSU's defensive line coach Bo Davis, what it means for the Tigers entering spring ball and why it's urgent Brian Kelly nails this hire.Are you… Ready to leave the corporate Rat Race for the American Dream? Looking for a side hustle while working your current job? Wanting to diversify, build wealth, and/or lea…
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Matt Musso reacts to LSU defensive line coach Bo Davis leaving after one season to take same position with the New Orleans Saints. Where this hurts the Tigers the most and how do they replace him just 10 days out from spring practice? Next, Musso recaps LSU Baseball's 7-3 win over No. 17 Dallas Baptist in Arlington on Wednesday night.…
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The 27th Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Texas, the Honorable Nathan L. Hecht retired from the bench at the end of 2024 as the longest-serving member in the history of the Texas Supreme Court. In this conversation, Hecht reflects on how his time on the bench shaped his perspective on access to justice. He describes the current challenges that…
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Listener Jerry aims to work in the federal government. Should he give up his tuition benefits as a Texas resident in order to attend law school in Washington, DC? Read more on our website. Email [email protected] with questions or comments. Watch this episode on Youtube!
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Latvijai lielākās cerības uz augstiem rezultātiem kalnu slēpošanā patlaban saistītas ar Dženiferu Ģērmani, kura vēl atlabst pēc ceļgala traumas un operācijas, bet pavasara beigās viņa jau atkal varētu kāpt uz slēpēm. Latvijas Slēpošanas federācijas (LSF) prezidents Dinārs Doršs sarunā ar Latvijas Radio pastāstīja, ka laika ir pietiekami, lai Ģērman…
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Latvijas basketbolists Kristaps Porziņģis trešdien guva 11 punktus Nacionālās basketbola asociācijas (NBA) mačā, kurā viņa pārstāvētā Bostonas "Celtics" komanda piedzīvoja zaudējumu. "Celtics" viesos ar rezultātu 97:117 zaudēja Detroitas "Pistons" komandai, pārtrūkstot sešu uzvaru sērijai.
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Scott Sanders, a former MLB pitcher, joined Mike and Charlie to discuss LSU baseball's trip to Texas. Sanders praised shortstop Steven Milam and evaluated pitchers William Schmidt, Conner Ware, and Zac Cowan. He also explained that LSU has the pitching advantage this weekend at the Frisco Classic.
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📘 FREE LSAT Cheat Sheet: 📞 Book a FREE Strategy Call: 🔔 Subscribe for Daily LSAT Strategies: 📚 LSAT Unplugged Courses: 🚀 Achieve Your Best LSAT Score—Guaranteed Hi, I’m Steve Schwartz. I raised my LSAT …
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Starptautiskā Olimpiskā komiteja (SOK) ar spiedienu uz Starptautisko Biatlona savienību (IBU) un Starptautisko Slēpošanas federāciju (FIS) vēlas panākt, lai tās nākamajā sezonā atļautu sacensībās piedalīties Krievijas un Baltkrievijas sportistiem, kas dotu iespēju abu agresorvalstu atlētiem kvalificēties 2026. gada ziemas olimpiskajām spēlēm.…
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Matt Musso previews LSU's ranked matchup against No. 17 Dallas Baptist. What are we looking for from the Tigers? Plus, a quick thought on the men's basketball team's latest loss. This one to No. 5 Tennessee.द्वारा Guaranty Broadcasting
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Pieredzējušais spēka uzbrucējs Rolands Freimanis pievienojās Latvijas–Igaunijas basketbola līgas klubam "Rīgas Zeļļi", vienojoties par līgumu līdz sezonas beigām. Freimanis sarunā ar Latvijas Radio pastāstīja, ka sadarbība varētu turpināties arī tālākā nākotnē, ja viņam izdosies sevi pienācīgi apliecināt.…
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Zack Nagy, an LSU reporter for Sports Illustrated, joined Mike and Charlie. Nagy broke down the Tiger's questions on their offensive line and tight end positions ahead of Spring football. Nagy also shared his thoughts on LSU first baseman Jared Jones, William Schmidt, Conner Ware, and Zac Cowan.
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📘 FREE LSAT Cheat Sheet: 📞 Book a FREE Strategy Call: 🔔 Subscribe for Daily LSAT Strategies: 📚 LSAT Unplugged Courses: 🚀 Achieve Your Best LSAT Score—Guaranteed Hi, I’m Steve Schwartz. I raised my LSAT …
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Too many LSAT students obsess over finding patterns in their mistakes. Nathan and Erik advocate a more focused method of review. Read more on our website! Email [email protected] with questions or comments. Watch this episode on Youtube.
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Matt Musso reacts to Jay Johnson's update on right handed pitcher Gavin Guidry. When will we see the veteran make his season debut? Next, we recap the Tigers win over Nicholls on Monday night. Musso tells you about the latest quarterback in the class of 2026 to schedule an official visit to LSU. Finally, we wrap with a brief preview of Men's hoops …
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Pēc Latvijas izlases trenera Ilmāra Briča un biatlonista Andreja Rastorgujeva fiziskā konflikta Latvijas Olimpiskā komiteja (LOK) uzdevusi Latvijas Olimpiskajai vienībai (LOV), kam ir darba attiecības ar abām iesaistītajām personām, un Latvijas Biatlona federācijai nekavējoties sākt vispusīgu faktu pārbaudi, saņemot paskaidrojumus no abām pusēm un …
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📘 FREE LSAT Cheat Sheet: 📞 Book a Strategy Call: 🔔 Subscribe for Daily LSAT Strategies: 📚 LSAT Unplugged Courses: 🚀 Achieve Your Best LSAT Score—Guaranteed Hi, I’m Steve Schwartz. I raised my LSAT score…
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Matt Musso gives his thoughts on LSU's series win over the Omaha Mavericks. How concerened should we be about the Tigers lineup? Plus, did we see some separation in the bullpen? Next, we talk hoops as the LSU men fall short, while the women get Kim Mulkey her 750th career win.द्वारा Guaranty Broadcasting
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Trešais kara gads Ukrainā licis pašreizējiem apstākļiem pielāgoties dažādām sporta komandām un pašiem atlētiem. Dažas komandas ir pārcēlušās uz kaimiņvalstīm, vieni sportisti pievienojušies kādai militārajai vienībai, bet citi turpina sportot, tādējādi nesot Ukrainas vārdu pasaulē.
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It's another episode of the Gold Standard with Bill Franques, recapping what we've seen from Jay Johnson's club through the first 10 days of the season. Plus, an interview with Doug Thompson, a former national champion pitcher with the Tigers from 1997-98, who currently serves as a color analyst on the LSU Sports Radio Network.…
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durée : 00:59:10 - LSD, la série documentaire - Par son pouvoir de dérision et de destruction, le rire voisine avec l'inquiétant, le bizarre, le trouble, si ce n'est le chaos. Plongée dans des formes d'humour qui nous font voir autrement l'Apocalypse qui vient...द्वारा France Culture
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