Overthinking and dragging your feet just makes things harder. Today CHUD & Lanni talk about chores, getting things done and how putting things off is never the right idea. It’s easy to make things bigger in our head than they are. How do people get stuck in situations they don’t want to be in? Problems stack up, it’s easy to get behind. That plus, there’s too much TV out there, and more! To learn more about Lanni’s new website CLICK HERE The World as it is Today is now also on Spotify! Listen to CHUD’s new podcast, Are We Content?, on Apple or Google or grab the RSS feed HERE. You can donate to help us cover the cost of our podcasts!Venmo: @greenerposturesPaypal: Paypal.me/greenerposturesTo check out Azure Standard CLICK HERETo sign up for Greener Postures workshop replays click here CLICK HEREMerch (teespring store): Support us by BUYING COOL STUFF GET IN TOUCH:EMAIL: greenerpostures@pm.me WEBSITE: greenerpostures.comRSS FEED: https://feed.podbean.com/Theworldasitistoday/feed.xmlOur Linktree: YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Teespring CLICK HERE…