Today we are using an Instagram post from last year, to help us shift our mindset and understand that we are all broken. From our broken places we can grow and become better versions of ourselves. If you are going through a break right now, it may seem like it is impossible to overcome, but you can to it! Yes, you may be going through a difficult situation, maybe you feel like it cannot change, however I am here to tell you that it will and it can. The important thing is to allow a shift in mindset to see this difficulty as a challenge to help you get better. You do not have to deal with this change alone, you can reach out the those around you that you feel like you can trust and talk to them. Heck, this is part of the reason I offer coaching. So that I can help be the support you may need, but I can only help you if you tell me whats going on. The same goes for those who are close to you. If you want help, you need to ask for it. Don't be afraid, be are all broken. As usual, if you want to say hi to the voice behind the One Take Stoic you can find me at: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: Notice a theme? Anywho, I'll talk at you tomorrow!…