Join us as we talk about The Server Side Swift meetup, the Server Side Swift conference, Wasm, new features in Swift Package Index, Hummingbird 2, Vapor 5, and hear our regular package recommendations. News SSWG Meetup #3 SwiftWasm WasmKit Server Side Swift Conference Why was there a lifesize printout of Dave at AltConf 2019? Contributions to Swift Package Index Add a "forked from" feature Add "first_activity" as a search filter option Hummingbird What’s new in Hummingbird 2 Vapor The future of Vapor Swift HTTP Types Packages swift-snowflake by Jaehong Kang Versionator by Sam Deane GameControllerKit by Wesley de Groot swift-export by Frank Lefebvre Chip8iEmulationCore by Danijel Stracenski SpectreKit by Patrik Svensson…