Styrketrening og rehabilitering av tendinopatier – med Gøran Paulsen
Manage episode 274867301 series 2786897
I denne episoden snakker jeg med Gøran Paulsen om styrketrening og vi knytter dette opp mot behandling av tendinopatier. Vi fokuserer på treningsprinsippene og spesielt prinsippet om spesifisitet. Gøran er spesialist på muskelfysiologi, arbeidsfysiologi og treningslære, og skrev sin doktorgradsavhandling om treningsindusert muskelskade hos mennesker. I samtalen vår deler Gøran av dybdekunnskapen han har om styrketrening; episoden er klinisk relevant og du får oppdatert kunnskap om rehabilitering av tendinopatier.
Alfredson, Håkan, Pietilä, Tom, Jonsson, Per, & Lorentzon, Ronny. (2016). Heavy-Load Eccentric Calf Muscle Training For the Treatment of Chronic Achilles Tendinosis. The American Journal of Sports Medicine, 26(3), 360-366.
Beyer, Rikke, Kongsgaard, Mads, Hougs Kjær, Birgitte, Øhlenschlæger, Tommy, Kjær, Michael, & Magnusson, S. Peter. (2015). Heavy Slow Resistance Versus Eccentric Training as Treatment for Achilles Tendinopathy. The American Journal of Sports Medicine, 43(7), 1704-1711.
Bohm, Sebastian, Mersmann, Falk, & Arampatzis, Adamantios. (2015). Human tendon adaptation in response to mechanical loading: A systematic review and meta-analysis of exercise intervention studies on healthy adults. Sports Medicine - Open, 1(1), 1-18.
Douglas, Jamie, Pearson, Simon, Ross, Angus, & McGuigan, Mike. (2016). Chronic Adaptations to Eccentric Training: A Systematic Review. Sports Medicine (Auckland), 47(5), 917-941.
Drew, Benjamin T, Smith, Toby O, Littlewood, Chris, & Sturrock, Ben. (2014). Do structural changes (eg, collagen/matrix) explain the response to therapeutic exercises in tendinopathy: A systematic review. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 48(12), 966-972.
Glasgow, Philip, Phillips, Nicola, & Bleakley, Christopher. (2015). Optimal loading: Key variables and mechanisms. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 49(5), 278-279.
Kongsgaard, M, Kovanen, V, Aagaard, P, Doessing, S, Hansen, P, Laursen, A. H, . . . Magnusson, S. P. (2009). Corticosteroid injections, eccentric decline squat training and heavy slow resistance training in patellar tendinopathy. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 19(6), 790-802.
Lasevicius, Thiago, Ugrinowitsch, Carlos, Schoenfeld, Brad Jon, Roschel, Hamilton, Tavares, Lucas Duarte, De Souza, Eduardo Oliveira, . . . Tricoli, Valmor. (2018). Effects of different intensities of resistance training with equated volume load on muscle strength and hypertrophy. European Journal of Sport Science, 18(6), 772-780.
Magnusson, S. Peter, & Kjaer, Michael. (2019). The impact of loading, unloading, ageing and injury on the human tendon. The Journal of Physiology, 597(5), 1283-1298.
Malliaras, Peter, Cook, Jill, Purdam, Craig, & Rio, Ebonie. (2015). Patellar Tendinopathy: Clinical Diagnosis, Load Management, and Advice for Challenging Case Presentations. The Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, 45(11), 887-898.
Murphy, Myles Calder, Travers, Mervyn J, Chivers, Paola, Debenham, James Robert, Docking, Sean Iain, Rio, Ebonie Kendra, & Gibson, William. (2019). Efficacy of heavy eccentric calf training for treating mid-portion Achilles tendinopathy: A systematic review and meta-analysis. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 53(17), 1070-1077.
Roig, M, O’Brien, K, Kirk, G, Murray, R, McKinnon, P, Shadgan, B, & Reid, W D. (2009). The effects of eccentric versus concentric resistance training on muscle strength and mass in healthy adults: A systematic review with meta-analysis. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 43(8), 556-568.
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