Bakre korsbånd med Karin Bredland
Manage episode 283378712 series 2786897
Hvordan skal man behandle skader på bakre korsbånd? Hva er retningslinjene og evidens for bruk av ortose? I denne episoden snakker jeg med Karin Bredland, som er fysioterapeut ved ortopedisk avdeling OUS, om rehabilitering etter bakre korsbåndskader. Du får oppdatert kunnskap om undersøkelse og behandling, evidensgrunnlaget for bruk av ortose, treningsterapi vs. kirurgi og mye mer.
Adachi N, Ochi M, Sumen Y, Deie M, Murakami Y, Uchio Y. Temporal changes in posterior laxity after isolated posterior criciate ligament: 35 patients examined by stress radiography and MRI. Acta Orthop Scand 2003 12;74 (6): 686-688.
Ahn JH, Lee SH, Choi SH, Wang JH, Jang SW. Evaluation of clinical and magnetic resonance imaging results after treatment with casting and bracing for the acutely injured posterior cruciate ligament. Arthroscopy 2011 Dec;27(12):1679-1687.Jung YB, Tae SK, Lee YS, Jung HJ, Nam CH, Park SJ. Active non-operative treatment of acute isolated posterior cruciate ligament injury with cylinder cast immobilization. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrose, 16(8): 729-33, 2008.
Margheritini F, Rihn J, Musahl V, Mariani PP, Harner C. Posterior cruciate ligament injuries in the athlete: An anatomical, biomechanical and clinical review. Sports Medicine 2002;32(6):393-408.
Patel DV, Allen AA, Warren RF, Wickiewicz TL, Simonian PT. The nonoperative Treatment of Acute, Isolated (Partial or Complete) Posterior Cruciate Ligament- Deficient Knees: An Intermediate-term Follow-up Study. HSS J, 3(2): 137-46, 2007.
Shelbourne KD, Patel DV. The natural history of acute, isolated, nonoperatively treated posterior cruciate ligament injuries. A prospective study. AM J Sports med, 276-283, 1999. Shelbourne KD, Muthukaruppan Y. Subjective results of nonoperatively treated, acute, isolated posterior cruciate ligament injuries. Arthroscopy 2005 Apr;21(4):457-461.
Watsend AM, Osestad TM, Jacobsen RB, Engebretsen L. Clinical studies on posterior cruciate ligament tears have weak design. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrose, 2008.
Årøen A, Sivertsen EA, Owesen Cm Engebretsen L, Granan LP. An isolated rupture of the posterior cruciate ligament results in reduced preoperative knee function in comparison with an anterior cruciate ligament injury. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrose, (2013) 21:1017–1022
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