ЁЯЗмЁЯЗз Cryptoticker.io - Der Podcast #29 - Chris Koronowski - Community Builder - Web3 Doers
Manage episode 377961993 series 3514905
Chris Koronowski ist Freelancer, Marketer, Growth-Expert, eine der Top-Voices rund rum Web3 auf LinkedIn und Gr├╝nder der Web3 Doers-Community! Die Web3 Doers verstehen sich als Anlaufstelle und Education-Hub f├╝r Freelancer und Professionals im Bereich Web3 versteht. Die globale Community findet dabei auf verschiedenen Plattformen statt und hat ein engagiertes Core-Team! Aktive Member profitieren von Workshops, Education-Inhalten, gegenseitigem Support und mehr! Und genau dar├╝ber habe ich mit Chris sprechen k├╢nnen! Also mal wieder super spannende Inhalte!
Viel Spa├Я mit Episode 29 und Chris Koronowski!
Chris Koronowski is a freelancer, marketer, growth expert, one of the top voices around Web3 on LinkedIn and founder of the Web3 Doers community! The Web3 Doers see themselves as a contact point and education hub for freelancers and professionals in the field of Web3. The global community takes place on different platforms and has a dedicated core team! Active members benefit from workshops, educational content, mutual support and more! And that's exactly what I was able to talk to Chris about! So once again super exciting content!
Enjoy Episode 29 with Chris Koronowski!
Intro - 00:00:00 - 00:01:13
Introduction to Web3 Doers - 00:01:13 - 00:04:48
Where and how the community is organized - 00:04:48 - 00:08:05
The Community Purpose of Web3 Doers - 00:08:05 - 00:09:51
ChrisтАЩ role, Community-Projects from the Web3 Doers and regional distribution - 00:09:51 - 00:14:31
AD BREAK - 00:14:31 - 00:15:31
ChrisтАЩ viral LinkedIn-Post and Personal Brand building - 00:15:31 - 00:19:52
The benefits and how to of building a personal brand on LinkedIn - 00:19:52 - 00:21:29
Outro - 00:21:29 - 00:22:21
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Guests & Host
Chris Koronowski LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chris-koronowski/
Web3 Doers: https://nas.io/web3-doers
Web3 Doers LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/web3-doers/
Chris Koronowski Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChrisWeb3Doers
Dominic Klopsch LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dominic-klopsch/
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