Inspiration and advice for women on living a full and happy life!
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What If You Gave Yourself Permission To Just Slooooow Things Down??
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What is one new skill or activity you would like to learn or try?
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That's just the nature of things.......>>>>>Please "like" my Facebook page (Deborah Barron Coaching) to receive a FREE copy of my eBook "What If It's True?"
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Do you have a dream that you might only feel safe sharing with a stranger on the bus? >>>>>>For a FREE copy of my new eBook, please "like" my Facebook page (Deborah Barron Coaching)!
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What if you traded in "I don't know how" for "I would like to try"? >>>>>>>"Like" my Facebook page (Deborah Barron Coaching) and receive a FREE copy of my eBook "What If It's True?"
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"I'm Livin' the Dream!"How many times have I said that in jest?So this is what it feels like to really mean it!>>>>>>>>> For a FREE copy of my eBook "What If It's True?", please "like" my Facebook page (Deborah Barron Coaching)...
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I have been asking you what your dream is and encouraging you to go for it. I have been gently urging you to take the next step or possibly even the big leap. I have also been sharing with you the steps I am taking to live my own dream. And that's my big news ....I'm doing it! To receive a FREE copy of my eBook entitled "What If It's True?, please …
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What Do You Want That You Already Have?
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6:21So, what do you really want? What do think having it will do for you? What will be possible for your life once you have it? For a FREE copy of my eBook, "like" my Facebook page (Deborah Barron Coaching)
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Perched on a branch or soaring through the decide. For a FREE copy of my eBook, "like" my Facebook page (Deborah Barron Coaching)
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Who are you renting space to in your head? Are they good tenants or squatters running you into spiritual bankruptcy?
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What if you decided today to give away just one of those “things” that you keep? What would you be clearing away the space for? What would it feel like to be that free?
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I'm curious: How good are you at asking for help? What is it that holds you back?
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What I tend to forget is there is a bit of geography between the leap from the ledge and the soft, comfortable landing…and it is pure free-fall.
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Who's driving your car? Is it the wise, experienced self; the playful, fun self; or is it the dreaded "Saboteur"?
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True to form, Life was determined to give me everything I asked for and so much more.
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So, do you know what you REALLY want? Or are you just wandering the aisles?
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