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Podcast bensiinipeadelt teistele bensiinipeadele. Neile, keda ei huvita uute ostukärude proovisõidud või parima töökinda ostukoha valimine, vaid (auto)sõidust saadav emotsioon! Saatejuhid:Janne Ilumets-Kalmist & Henri Kalmist
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Petrolheads | BNR

BNR Nieuwsradio

Vanuit Petrolheads H.Q. bespreken Bas van Werven en Carlo Brantsen op geheel eigen wijze het autonieuws, zolang dat maar niet al te groen en salonfähig is. Elke woensdag om 15:55 uur een nieuwe editie, te vinden in je podcast-app naar keuzen en uiteraard via
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1ª Igreja Presbiteriana em Petrolina-PE

1ª Igreja Presbiteriana em Petrolina-PE

1ª Igreja Presbiteriana em Petrolina-PE Acolhendo vidas, adorando a Deus e anunciando-O às nações! Somos uma igreja para frequentar, muito mais uma família para pertencer. Rua João Calvino,15-Lot. Eduardo Petrolina/PE Brazil Na descrição de cada podcast você acessa uma lista de livros para você ler em 2024. 1 ipb-pe
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Pint of Petrol

Tim Watson & Ian Arthur

Hello and welcome to A Pint of Petrol, your pint-sized podcast of automotive entertainment, where we dive into the world of cars, bikes, automotive news and octane oddities. NEW EPISODE EVERY SUNDAY! Hosted by Tim Watson and lan Arthur, each episode focuses on a specific topic - whether it’s a legendary automotive brand, the culture that surrounds it, or just a quirky corner of the industry. We’ll also take a look at some of the latest automotive headlines and trends from the week. Recorded ...
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Sunay Akın’ın anlatımıyla Mahya Işıkları 2021 yılında da devam ediyor. Her gün bir başka hikaye sizlerle buluşuyor. Hikayeleri Youtube 360' ve VR gözlükle izleme seçeneği için Petrol Ofisi youtube kanalını ziyaret edebilirsiniz. LİNK:
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Mexico's experience with oil contrasts sharply to the development of the same resource from the same formations in the United States, and it illustrates the most salient cultural, political, and historical differences between the two countries. "El Petroleo es Nuestro" uses the history of oil in Mexico to tell the story of the development of modern Mexico and its national institutions. Remastered and re-released for 2018!
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La Petrolera Podcast


Podcast psicodélico y absurso nacido del delirio de dos trabajodres aislados en una estación petrolífera con performances tan bizarras como Ana Torroja compartiendo micro con una cajera travesti de Mercadona. Autor: LaPetroleraPodcast/
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The Petrol Station

Far Island

Nina Sudbrooke is a young girl who works the nights at her local remote petrol station. One evening she encounters something...stranger and now is desperate to tell somebody, anybody. The Petrol station is a semi horror podcast about the lonely world of working the graveyard shift in the middle of nowhere. Produced by Far Island For more information, follow us on twitter @_FarIsland
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show series
Welcome back to A Pint of Petrol... in episode 5, the boys are looking at the UK car parc and how it is changing in more ways that we realise. There is some surprising stats and worrying facts coming up... and two cars both Ian and Tim REALLY want. Oh, and the doggo has a bit of an accident... Recorded in February 2025.…
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Harri Lillevars ehk Harri’s Weldworks & Motorsports paljudele enam tutvustamist ei vaja. Kuid kes veel ei tea, siis nimigi viitab, et tegemist on “go to” keevitusmehega. Kes hobikorras sõidab ka väga kiiresti otse. Väga ebaharilike autodega. Esimeses osas räägime aga sellest, kuidas kõik sai alguse varateismelise Lada 011’st, millele oli vaja uut s…
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Podcast 380 (12/3) met Bas en Carlo staat in het teken van passagiersvliegtuigen, imponerende Morgans, superieure caravantrekkers, een ballade-achtige Jingle, racende Capri’s en andere gezelligheid. Ook de rally van Gijs van Lennep en de Franse ‘Flux Libre’ tolpoorten (nee, niét gratis!) worden besproken. En dat alles binnen een uur. Enjoy. Word li…
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Welcome back to the fourth episode of A Pint of Petrol... this week, the boys are trying to help Tim's much-loved petrolhead friend Robert Denton find a new car. After his Peugeot was stolen and written off, a crowd-funding campaign raised more then £25,000 for Robert, who has autism, to get him back on the road. BUT there is a catch... the funds h…
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Met vaste co-host invaller Henri gaat Carlo in #pc379 (5/3) met zevenmijlslaarzen door het momenteel behoorlijk dynamische (inter)nationale autonieuws heen. Verder is er natuurlijk tijd voor een mooie herinnering, een jingle, de afbraakauto der week, nieuws van Lotus en Renault, plus fijne reacties van luisteraars op de podcast van vorige week. Lui…
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Welcome back to the third episode of A Pint of Petrol. Ian is in the driving seat this week and has found several brand new cars and vans that have LOST THOUSANDS off their list price. This is even before they have had a SINGLE OWNER, and some have covered just ONE MILE. Ian also shares a new heritage scheme from Renault and Tim sets them both a ch…
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Mati Leivategija on taasiseseisvunud Eesti üks olulisemaid autokultuuri teerajajaid. Tema käe alt on tulnud suur osa autoajakirjades kajastatud sõgedamaid masinaid, kerevahetused teiste “raamide” peale olid igapäevased. Kuidas tundub ristata omavahel Tšaika ja Cadillac? Või Volga ja BMW? Sellest kõigest ja veidi ka vabatahtlikust päästest räägimegi…
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In podcast 378 (26/2) een mix van mooie verhalen, terwijl invaller Henri en Carlo met - soms - stupide feiten, heerlijke herinneringen en prachtige anekdotes aan komen zetten. Reken op een uurtje gezelligheid én verrijking van je kennis, terwijl de Machinist zich redelijk koest houdt. VW Bora-rijders kunnen trouwens beter in één keer doorschakelen …
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Welcome back to A Pint of Petrol. Recorded in February 2025, the second episode picks up from where we left off in Episode 1, with a closer look at our first cars... We also discuss one of the best car adverts either of us have seen in years and discuss one of the most dangerous elements of the Electric Vehicle...…
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Welcome to the very first episode of A Pint of Petrol. Recorded in February 2025, this first episode looks at our First Cars and how these have changed the years. Auto Trader recently surveyed 1,000 17-25 year olds and 1,000 47-55 year olds today, who were aged 17-25 in 1994. How have things changed in the last 30 years and what does Gen Z really w…
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Mati Leivategija on üks 90-2000date tuntumaid autokultuuri esindajaid. Tema käe alt on tulnud sõgedad kerevahetustega projektid. Mati ise aga alustas oma karjääri nelja-aastasena viinapudeli eest traktori ostmise (prooviga) ja nipitades taksopargis ning tuletõrjes. Selle mehe elu on seiklusi täis!द्वारा Klapid Pähe
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Helaas, de verkoop van Bas z’n oude Jaguar S-Type wil nog niet lukken, maar om nou te zeggen dat hij chagrijnig is: nee. De stemming zit er sowieso goed in, in #pc377 (19/2). Reken op een herinnering over een Nekaf-Jeep en nieuws over de diefstal van laadkabels, auto’s als trouwobject (bah), het nu even afgeketste Nissan/Honda-verhaal en de toekoms…
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----------------------------------------------------------Lista de livros para você ler em 20241° Os prazeres de Deus=John Piper 2° A Pirâmide da Sabedoria =Brett McCracken3° Você Acredita =Paul David Tripp4° Cartas de um diabo a seu aprendiz=C. S. Lewis5° Levando Deus a Sério =Kevin DeYoung6° A Vida de Oração de Jesus=Sangue Sub Yoo7°O Conheciment…
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----------------------------------------------------------Lista de livros para você ler em 20241° Os prazeres de Deus=John Piper 2° A Pirâmide da Sabedoria =Brett McCracken3° Você Acredita =Paul David Tripp4° Cartas de um diabo a seu aprendiz=C. S. Lewis5° Levando Deus a Sério =Kevin DeYoung6° A Vida de Oração de Jesus=Sangue Sub Yoo7°O Conheciment…
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-----------------------------------------------------------------------Lista de livros para você ler em 20241° Os prazeres de Deus=John Piper 2° A Pirâmide da Sabedoria =Brett McCracken3° Você Acredita =Paul David Tripp4° Cartas de um diabo a seu aprendiz=C. S. Lewis5° Levando Deus a Sério =Kevin DeYoung6° A Vida de Oração de Jesus=Sangue Sub Yoo7°…
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-----------------------------------------------------------------------Lista de livros para você ler em 20241° Os prazeres de Deus=John Piper 2° A Pirâmide da Sabedoria =Brett McCracken3° Você Acredita =Paul David Tripp4° Cartas de um diabo a seu aprendiz=C. S. Lewis5° Levando Deus a Sério =Kevin DeYoung6° A Vida de Oração de Jesus=Sangue Sub Yoo7°…
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Avo on elupõline automees, kes poeg Arturiga koos mitmeid autosid ka endile sõitmiseks restaureerinud-ehitanud. Tänaseks on fookus rajaautodelt läinud tänavale ning viimaseks suuremaks projektiks olnud Ferrari 360 Eesti teedele toomine. Lisaks mitmed 911’ed, Mini. Kas Ferrari pidamine on tegelikult oluliselt kallim või keerulisem, kui sama aja 911?…
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Terwijl Bas en Carlo in Petrolheads 376 vieren dat ze bij de 3 Ton Club behoren (in kilometers, niet in geld), behandelen zij ook prangende vragen omtrent hurk-WC’s, klassiekertips, blauwe parkeerschijven (je kunt maar ergens druk mee zijn), focus-flitsers, de pijlsnelle carrière van Claire Dubbelman binnen de FIA en méér. De herinnering gaat over …
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Avo nimi ei pruugi kohe kõigile pähe karata, kuid kes viimase 20a jooksul on käinud mõnel rallil ja kuulanud ralliraadiot, tunneb ta hääle ilmselt kohe ära. Lisaks sellele, mäletatakse foorumite aegadest ehk veel ka rustang’i (roostes Mustang, noh), üht tqhq ja opentracki foorumi alustala, kes dragist hoopis kurvisõitu liikus ja alla tonni kaaluva …
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Na een wedstrijdje ver plassen over de Ferrari 375 MM richten Bas en Carlo zich in podcast 375 (5/2) over de bekende Petrolheads rubrieken. BYD komt langs, evenals Audi, Aston Martin, Microlino, Toyota en muziek die moordlust opwekt. De herinnering behelst een Sahara-avontuur met een Peugeot 505. Have fun! Word lid! Want wil je 100% bewezen Komjoen…
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----------------------------------------------------------Lista de livros para você ler em 20241° Os prazeres de Deus=John Piper 2° A Pirâmide da Sabedoria =Brett McCracken3° Você Acredita =Paul David Tripp4° Cartas de um diabo a seu aprendiz=C. S. Lewis5° Levando Deus a Sério =Kevin DeYoung6° A Vida de Oração de Jesus=Sangue Sub Yoo7°O Conheciment…
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----------------------------------------------------------Lista de livros para você ler em 20241° Os prazeres de Deus=John Piper 2° A Pirâmide da Sabedoria =Brett McCracken3° Você Acredita =Paul David Tripp4° Cartas de um diabo a seu aprendiz=C. S. Lewis5° Levando Deus a Sério =Kevin DeYoung6° A Vida de Oração de Jesus=Sangue Sub Yoo7°O Conheciment…
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----------------------------------------------------------Lista de livros para você ler em 20241° Os prazeres de Deus=John Piper 2° A Pirâmide da Sabedoria =Brett McCracken3° Você Acredita =Paul David Tripp4° Cartas de um diabo a seu aprendiz=C. S. Lewis5° Levando Deus a Sério =Kevin DeYoung6° A Vida de Oração de Jesus=Sangue Sub Yoo7°O Conheciment…
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----------------------------------------------------------Lista de livros para você ler em 20241° Os prazeres de Deus=John Piper 2° A Pirâmide da Sabedoria =Brett McCracken3° Você Acredita =Paul David Tripp4° Cartas de um diabo a seu aprendiz=C. S. Lewis5° Levando Deus a Sério =Kevin DeYoung6° A Vida de Oração de Jesus=Sangue Sub Yoo7°O Conheciment…
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Andre Rauda teavad paljud Eesti autohuvilised ühe kena oranži Datsun Fairlady Z järgi. Seal aga oli lisaks välimusele ka pauku ja mürtsu, sõites dragirajal 10s sisse. Saame teada, kas ja kui keeruline see projekt oli värvida ja ehitada. Aastaid on Datsun aga müüdud ja aeg uueks projektiks, milleks Duster. Ei, mitte Dacia, vaid Plymouth. Millel LS m…
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In podcast 374 (woe. 29/1) hebben Bas en Carlo het over nep en origineel, en dan vooral in relatie tot Jaguar en Ferrari. Verder komt de nieuwe BMW X5 langs, plus een langsvliegende asteroïde en iets over de risico’s die fluokledij veroorzaakt. De autoherinnering gaat over een heuse 2-drs C-Kadett. Veel plezier. Word lid! Want wil je 100% bewezen K…
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Lista de livros para você ler em 20241° Os prazeres de Deus=John Piper 2° A Pirâmide da Sabedoria =Brett McCracken3° Você Acredita =Paul David Tripp4° Cartas de um diabo a seu aprendiz=C. S. Lewis5° Levando Deus a Sério =Kevin DeYoung6° A Vida de Oração de Jesus=Sangue Sub Yoo7°O Conhecimento de Cristo =Mark Jones8°A União com Cristo =João Paulo Th…
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---------------------------------------------------------Lista de livros para você ler em 20241° Os prazeres de Deus=John Piper 2° A Pirâmide da Sabedoria =Brett McCracken3° Você Acredita =Paul David Tripp4° Cartas de um diabo a seu aprendiz=C. S. Lewis5° Levando Deus a Sério =Kevin DeYoung6° A Vida de Oração de Jesus=Sangue Sub Yoo7°O Conhecimento…
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Andre Raud vastutas mitmeid aastaid paljude kohalike driftiautode väljalaskekollektorite ning hindajana ka võistlustulemuste eest. Paljud tunnevad teda aga oma aja kohta kreisi Honda Prelude poolest, mis 400m jagu musti jutte võis maha jätta. Kõik aga algas Golfidest Laki Tuuningus…द्वारा
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Een nieuwe president in de USA, anti-filemaatregelen in Nederland, een mooie herinnering uit Zuid-Frankrijk en véél meer: Petrolheads podcast 373 (woe. 22/1) behandelt het allemaal. En de Machinist geeft helaas ook volgas. Maar dat is therapeutisch, zullen we maar zeggen. Veel plezier. Word lid! Want wil je 100% bewezen Komjoenittie-lid blijven, da…
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Lista de livros para você ler em 20241° Os prazeres de Deus=John Piper 2° A Pirâmide da Sabedoria =Brett McCracken3° Você Acredita =Paul David Tripp4° Cartas de um diabo a seu aprendiz=C. S. Lewis5° Levando Deus a Sério =Kevin DeYoung6° A Vida de Oração de Jesus=Sangue Sub Yoo7°O Conhecimento de Cristo =Mark Jones8°A União com Cristo =João Paulo Th…
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Sel korral jõuame Jaanise praeguse kollektsioonini, milles on paar driftimiseks mõeldud PRO klassi BMW’d ja hulk tõelisi postriautosid, mida ta kõiki ka kasutab. Uurime, kuidas nendega tegelikult sõita on. Mõned näited selles nimekirjas: Supra MK4 2x Mazda RX7 FD Nissan Skyline R32 GTS-T Skyline R32 “Frankenstein” Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 4 Toyota Cha…
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