The Professional सार्वजनिक
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show episodes
‘राह – एक करियर पॉडकास्ट ‘, सुनो इंडिया की एक हिंदी पॉडकास्ट श्रृंखला है, जिसके माध्यम से हम हमारे देश में उपलब्ध उन् करियर विकल्पों के बारे में अवगत करवाते हे जिनके बारे में शहरी और ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों के स्टूडेंट्स को शायद जानकारी नहीं हे। वैसे भी 120 करोड़ आबादी वाले देश में, जंहा इतनी विविधता है, वहां हम एक ही तरह के विकल्पों से सभी को रोज़गार नहीं उपलब्ध करवा सकते और हमे अन्य विकल्पों की तलाश करने की आवश्यकता है। इस पॉडकास्ट के माध्यम से, हम उन करियर विकल्पों पर जागरूकता बढ़ाने की उम्मीद कर ...
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Hindu Podcast

Sanjit Mahapatra

This channel is for a “Sanatana-Hindu-Vedic-Arya”. This is providing education and awareness; not entertainment. This talks about views from tradition and lineage. It will cover different Acharayas talks on Spirituality, Scriptures, Nationalism, Philosophy, and Rituals. These collections are not recorded in professional studios using high-end equipment, it is from traditional teachings environment. We are having the objective to spread the right things to the right people for the Sanatana Hi ...
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show series
How the Modi-Putin friendship and BRICS alliance are reshaping global geopolitics. From Trump's public fear of UPI to India's growing global influence, this episode of Beyond Borders with Anuj Shukla dives deep into the changing power dynamics. Is America's dominance slipping? Why is BRICS causing tremors in the West? Watch to find out as we explor…
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Welcome to Untold Story with Anuj Shukla. Today, we dive deep into the mystical history of Shambhal (Sambhal), a land that holds immense importance in Sanatan Dharma and Indian traditions. Shambhal isn't just a place—it is the prophesied birthplace of Lord Vishnu's 10th and final incarnation, the Kalki Avatar, destined to bring an end to Kaliyuga a…
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Step into the world of political intrigue as we dissect the emerging speculations surrounding a possible alliance between the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the Biju Janata Dal (BJD) in Odisha. Prime Minister Narendra Modi's recent visit has sparked rumors, and our podcast explores the behind-the-scenes meetings, statements, and political dynamic…
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राह के आज के एपिसोड में हम बात करेंगे Photojournalism के बारे में। ये एक ऐसा करियर का क्षेत्र हे जंहा काम करने के लिए फोटोग्राफी और जर्नलिज्म यानि की पत्रकारिता दोनों की जरुरत पड़ती हे। इस क्षेत्र के बारे में जानने के लिए host Tarun Nirwan ने अनुश्री फडणवीस जो की वर्तमान में एक international वायर एजेंसी के साथ काम करते हैं से बात की और उनसे उनका इस …
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एक फुल टाइम करियर से पहले अपनी पसंद नापसंद को परखने और एक रियल टाइम जॉब के समानांतर अनुभव पाने के लिए इंटर्नशिप ेल बहुत ही अच्छा विकल्प हे। इसी के साथ इंटर्नशिप आपको अपने पेशेवर नेटवर्क बनाने के साथ साथ अनुशंसा पत्रों यानि की letters of recommendation लेने में भी सहायता करता है जो भविष्य में आपको किसी जॉब को अप्लाई करने में काफी मदद करता हे। राह के…
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स्पोर्ट्स मैनेजमेंट में Venue Management, Stadium Infrastructure & Design, Tournament Planning & Operations, Safety & Security से लेके TV & Broadcast Operations जैसे क्षेत्र सम्मिलित हैं। राह के इस एपिसोड में होस्ट तरुण निर्वाण, आकृति मेहरोत्रा ​​जो की एक media and communication विशेषज्ञ हैं, और संदीप मांचा, जो एक खेल प्रबंधन सलाहकार हैं से बात की।…
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Visual Arts में पेंटिंग, ड्राइंग, प्रिंटमेकिंग, मूर्तिकला, सिरेमिक, फोटोग्राफी, वीडियो, फिल्म निर्माण, डिजाइन, शिल्प और वास्तुकला जैसे कला के कई रूप सम्मिलित हैं। भारत में, यह एक बढ़ता हुआ क्षेत्र है और बड़ी संख्या में रोजगार प्रदान कर सकता है। इस क्षेत्र को बेहतर ढंग से समझने के लिए राह के इस कड़ी में, होस्ट तरुण निर्वाण ने प्रियंका कुमार से बात की…
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हमारे शहरों की हर इमारत और संरचना अपनी ही एक कहानी बयां करती है, चाहे वो ताजमहल हो या हवामहल या फिर मेट्रो सिटीज में बने बड़े बड़े माल्स। और इन कहानियों को वास्तुकारों और इंटीरियर डिजाइनरों जैसे पेशेवरों द्वारा इतना अद्वितीय और मनमोहक बनाया जाता है। राह की इस कड़ी में, होस्ट तरुण निर्वाण ने अनुज कुशवंशी जो एक लाइसेंस प्राप्त वास्तुकार हैं और Rove स्ट…
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इंजीनियरिंग करके भारत के सबसे पुराने और मशहूर रॉक बैंड Indian Ocean में प्रमुख गिटारवादक बनने तक का सफर निखिल राव के लिए अपने सपनो को जीने की तरह हे। राह की इस कड़ी में, होस्ट तरुण निर्वाण, निखिल राव के साथ बात करते हैं, की कैसे उन्होंने खुद ही गिटार सिख के भारत के सबसे मशहूर रॉक बैंड Indian Ocean में कैसे शामिल हुए। इस कड़ी में, निखिल ने भारतीय सं…
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भारत देश पुरे विश्व में फिल्मों के निर्माण और उनके वितरण मामले में दुनिया का सबसे बड़ा फिल्म उद्योग हे।भारतीय फिल्म उद्योग की बात करें तो 2019 में ये 100 बिलियन (यूएस $ 1.43 बिलियन) तक पहुंच गया था। राह एक करियर पॉडकास्ट के इस कड़ी में, हमने दिल्ली के क्राफ्ट फिल्म स्कूल के निदेशक, श्री नरेश शर्मा से इस क्षेत्र में अभिनेता और अभिनेत्री बनने के अलाव…
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भारत की समृद्ध सांस्कृतिक और ऐतिहासिक विरासत, पारिस्थितिकी में विविधता और देश भर में फैले प्राकृतिक सौंदर्य के स्थानों के कारण यात्रा और पर्यटन के क्षेत्र में रोज़गार और व्यवसाय के लिए असीम सम्भावनएं हैं। वित्तीय वर्ष 2019/20 में, भारत में पर्यटन क्षेत्र में 3.9 करोड़ नौकरियां सृजित की गईं; जो की देश में कुल रोजगार का 8.0% था। राह एक करियर पॉडकास्ट क…
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भारतीय पर्यटन और आतिथ्य उद्योग भारत में सबसे बड़े रोजगार क्षेत्रों में से एक है। वित्तीय वर्ष 2019-20 में, भारत के पर्यटन क्षेत्र में 39 मिलियन नौकरियां सृजित की गईं जो की देश में कुल रोजगार का 8.0% था। आतिथ्य या होटल प्रबंधन में एक पेशेवर डिग्री उद्योग को समझने में कैसे मदद करती है? इस पाठ्यक्रम के दौरान कौन से कौशल सिखाये जाते हैं? और इस उद्योग क…
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Presenting "Prashnottari", a series recorded at different parts of India. These are the unique answers to some of our frequently asked questions related to Religion, Spirituality, and Nationalism. Puri Peethadhishwar Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalananda Saraswati Ji is one of the highest authorities of the Hindu religion. Hope the listener…
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Presenting "Prashnottari", a series recorded at different parts of India. These are the unique answers to some of our frequently asked questions related to Religion, Spirituality, and Nationalism. Puri Peethadhishwar Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalananda Saraswati Ji is one of the highest authorities of the Hindu religion. Hope the listener…
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Presenting "Prashnottari", a series recorded at different parts of India. These are the unique answers to some of our frequently asked questions related to Religion, Spirituality, and Nationalism. Puri Peethadhishwar Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalananda Saraswati Ji is one of the highest authorities of the Hindu religion. Hope the listener…
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Presenting "Prashnottari", a series recorded at different parts of India. These are the unique answers to some of our frequently asked questions related to Religion, Spirituality, and Nationalism. Puri Peethadhishwar Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalananda Saraswati Ji is one of the highest authorities of the Hindu religion. Hope the listener…
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Presenting "Prashnottari", a series recorded at different parts of India. These are the unique answers to some of our frequently asked questions related to Religion, Spirituality, and Nationalism. Puri Peethadhishwar Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalananda Saraswati Ji is one of the highest authorities of the Hindu religion. Hope the listener…
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Presenting "Prashnottari", a series recorded at different parts of India. These are the unique answers to some of our frequently asked questions related to Religion, Spirituality, and Nationalism. Puri Peethadhishwar Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalananda Saraswati Ji is one of the highest authorities of the Hindu religion. Hope the listener…
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Presenting "Prashnottari", a series recorded at different parts of India. These are the unique answers to some of our frequently asked questions related to Religion, Spirituality, and Nationalism. Puri Peethadhishwar Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalananda Saraswati Ji is one of the highest authorities of the Hindu religion. Hope the listener…
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Presenting "Prashnottari", a series recorded at different parts of India. These are the unique answers to some of our frequently asked questions related to Religion, Spirituality, and Nationalism. Puri Peethadhishwar Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalananda Saraswati Ji is one of the highest authorities of the Hindu religion. Hope the listener…
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Presenting "Prashnottari", a series recorded at different parts of India. These are the unique answers to some of our frequently asked questions related to Religion, Spirituality, and Nationalism. Puri Peethadhishwar Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalananda Saraswati Ji is one of the highest authorities of the Hindu religion. Hope the listener…
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Presenting "Prashnottari", a series recorded at different parts of India. These are the unique answers to some of our frequently asked questions related to Religion, Spirituality, and Nationalism. Puri Peethadhishwar Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalananda Saraswati Ji is one of the highest authorities of the Hindu religion. Hope the listener…
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Presenting "Prashnottari", a series recorded at different parts of India. These are the unique answers to some of our frequently asked questions related to Religion, Spirituality, and Nationalism. Puri Peethadhishwar Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalananda Saraswati Ji is one of the highest authorities of the Hindu religion. Hope the listener…
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Presenting "Prashnottari", a series recorded at different parts of India. These are the unique answers to some of our frequently asked questions related to Religion, Spirituality, and Nationalism. Puri Peethadhishwar Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalananda Saraswati Ji is one of the highest authorities of the Hindu religion. Hope the listener…
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Presenting "Prashnottari", a series recorded at different parts of India. These are the unique answers to some of our frequently asked questions related to Religion, Spirituality, and Nationalism. Puri Peethadhishwar Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalananda Saraswati Ji is one of the highest authorities of the Hindu religion. Hope the listener…
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Presenting "Prashnottari", a series recorded at different parts of India. These are the unique answers to some of our frequently asked questions related to Religion, Spirituality, and Nationalism. Puri Peethadhishwar Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalananda Saraswati Ji is one of the highest authorities of the Hindu religion. Hope the listener…
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Presenting "Prashnottari", a series recorded at different parts of India. These are the unique answers to some of our frequently asked questions related to Religion, Spirituality, and Nationalism. Puri Peethadhishwar Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalananda Saraswati Ji is one of the highest authorities of the Hindu religion. Hope the listener…
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Presenting "Prashnottari", a series recorded at different parts of India. These are the unique answers to some of our frequently asked questions related to Religion, Spirituality, and Nationalism. Puri Peethadhishwar Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalananda Saraswati Ji is one of the highest authorities of the Hindu religion. Hope the listener…
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Presenting "Prashnottari", a series recorded at different parts of India. These are the unique answers to some of our frequently asked questions related to Religion, Spirituality, and Nationalism. Puri Peethadhishwar Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalananda Saraswati Ji is one of the highest authorities of the Hindu religion. Hope the listener…
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Presenting "Prashnottari", a series recorded at different parts of India. These are the unique answers to some of our frequently asked questions related to Religion, Spirituality, and Nationalism. Puri Peethadhishwar Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalananda Saraswati Ji is one of the highest authorities of the Hindu religion. Hope the listener…
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Presenting "Prashnottari", a series recorded at different parts of India. These are the unique answers to some of our frequently asked questions related to Religion, Spirituality, and Nationalism. Puri Peethadhishwar Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalananda Saraswati Ji is one of the highest authorities of the Hindu religion. Hope the listener…
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Presenting "Prashnottari", a series recorded at different parts of India. These are the unique answers to some of our frequently asked questions related to Religion, Spirituality, and Nationalism. Puri Peethadhishwar Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalananda Saraswati Ji is one of the highest authorities of the Hindu religion. Hope the listener…
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Presenting "Prashnottari", a series recorded at different parts of India. These are the unique answers to some of our frequently asked questions related to Religion, Spirituality, and Nationalism. Puri Peethadhishwar Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalananda Saraswati Ji is one of the highest authorities of the Hindu religion. Hope the listener…
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Presenting "Prashnottari", a series recorded at different parts of India. These are the unique answers to some of our frequently asked questions related to Religion, Spirituality, and Nationalism. Puri Peethadhishwar Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalananda Saraswati Ji is one of the highest authorities of the Hindu religion. Hope the listener…
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Presenting "Prashnottari", a series recorded at different parts of India. These are the unique answers to some of our frequently asked questions related to Religion, Spirituality, and Nationalism. Puri Peethadhishwar Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalananda Saraswati Ji is one of the highest authorities of the Hindu religion. Hope the listener…
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Presenting "Prashnottari", a series recorded at different parts of India. These are the unique answers to some of our frequently asked questions related to Religion, Spirituality, and Nationalism. Puri Peethadhishwar Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalananda Saraswati Ji is one of the highest authorities of the Hindu religion. Hope the listener…
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Presenting "Prashnottari", a series recorded at different parts of India. These are the unique answers to some of our frequently asked questions related to Religion, Spirituality, and Nationalism. Puri Peethadhishwar Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalananda Saraswati Ji is one of the highest authorities of the Hindu religion. Hope the listener…
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Presenting "Prashnottari", a series recorded at different parts of India. These are the unique answers to some of our frequently asked questions related to Religion, Spirituality, and Nationalism. Puri Peethadhishwar Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalananda Saraswati Ji is one of the highest authorities of the Hindu religion. Hope the listener…
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Presenting "Prashnottari", a series recorded at different parts of India. These are the unique answers to some of our frequently asked questions related to Religion, Spirituality, and Nationalism. Puri Peethadhishwar Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalananda Saraswati Ji is one of the highest authorities of the Hindu religion. Hope the listener…
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Presenting "Prashnottari", a series recorded at different parts of India. These are the unique answers to some of our frequently asked questions related to Religion, Spirituality, and Nationalism. Puri Peethadhishwar Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalananda Saraswati Ji is one of the highest authorities of the Hindu religion. Hope the listener…
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-by Jagadguru Shankaracharya Nischalananda Saraswati Ji MaharajAnswered in Hindi.Presenting "Prashnottari", a series recorded at different parts of India. These are the unique answers to some of our frequently asked questions related to Religion, Spirituality, and Nationalism. Puri Peethadhishwar Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalananda Sarasw…
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-by Jagadguru Shankaracharya Nischalananda Saraswati Ji MaharajAnswered in Hindi.Presenting "Prashnottari", a series recorded at different parts of India. These are the unique answers to some of our frequently asked questions related to Religion, Spirituality, and Nationalism. Puri Peethadhishwar Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalananda Sarasw…
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-by Jagadguru Shankaracharya Nischalananda Saraswati Ji MaharajAnswered in Hindi.Presenting "Prashnottari", a series recorded at different parts of India. These are the unique answers to some of our frequently asked questions related to Religion, Spirituality, and Nationalism. Puri Peethadhishwar Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalananda Sarasw…
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त्वरित संदर्भ मार्गदर्शिका

अन्वेषण करते समय इस शो को सुनें