Dating can be hard - especially when your date is the legendary Bigfoot! Where do you take a guy like that? More importantly, where do you find a guy like that? You're in luck because our crypto-woo-ologists have a binder full of suitable candidates ready for one hell of a good time. Whether or not our bait survives is up to them. Who says love isn't without a few risks?
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Since 2015, Crush This has been your number one stop for all things Monster Trucks. Bringing you behind the scenes each week into the minds and lives of your favorite Monster Truck drivers, past and present. Brought to you by two life long fans of the sport, Brad "The Monster Truck Canucker" Shaw and Dan "Cheech" Agosh. Their goal is to ask the hard hitting questions and get to know the drivers outside of the seat. When not hosting the podcast, Dan is a crew member of the legendary Hall Brot ...
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Bigfoot driver and Crew Member Ken Koelling joins us. started in 82 and stop in the in 90s. Note: sorry about some of the dead air time. Some connection issue was going on. Sorry about thatद्वारा brad shaw, Dan Agoh
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1:26:17It’s that time again! Continuing from last year we once again bring you IN THE MARCH OF MADNESS, our very own monster-smooching bracket of Lovecraftian and eldritch beings. So strap in and strap on for SIXTEEN SALTY beings of unknowable horror and tentacles as we complete a single-elimination bracket broken into two conferences. This episode we tac…
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General and Daddys girl Monster tank. Michele and her crew talk with Mark Wernerद्वारा Brad Shaw and Dan Agosh
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Monster Truck fan to one of the best R/c monster truck builders! Matt Hall joins Dan Agoshद्वारा Brad Shaw and Dan Agosh
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Date 96 - Eat Your Heart Out
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1:09:44Happy Valentine’s Day from all of us at Monster Crush! We celebrate Monster Love every single day but it feels especially important on this corporatized, pre-assigned day of affection. So this time we bring you a couple of monsters to make your heart skip a beat… as they rip it from your chest. Yes, far from content with heart-shaped boxes of candy…
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Back to the public!! Mike Welch joins us!! Tell some stories from Japan, The second Super Pete and Moreद्वारा Brad Shaw and Dan Agosh
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We got Mark live!! Part 2 of his Crazy monster life. speed network, OG of the MT Throwdown world!! ending of his career. Like. share and Subscribe. Also Screen shot and tag us and guest!! on Faceook, youtube!!द्वारा Brad Shaw and Dan Agosh
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Monster Crush is back! After our holiday hiatus, we are energized and ready for even more monster smooches. And in this new year and month of love, we decide to give a second chance to some of our previously unchosen singletons. So strap in and strap on this week for a second chance for the J'ba Fofi, a massive spider cryptid from the Congo! And I …
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One of Voice of Speed Network Monster Jam! Driver and once Owner of The Devastator Monster truck. Mark Schroeder joins us for Part 1 of our conversation! Part 2 will be on Feb 4th live on Facebook and Youtube. So join us!!द्वारा Brad Shaw and Dan Agosh
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Brian Cardiff and Tim Delany with special Guest
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1:14:25Mark Warner!! is our special Guest. Interview with two West cost Legend. Brian Cardiff " Cardiff Giant and TIm Delany crew Chief and Driver of Hawaiian Punchद्वारा Brad Shaw and Dan Agosh
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A TNT icon!! The beautiful Red and Yellow GMC!! Johnny K jumps and chat with us!!द्वारा Brad Shaw And Dan Agosh
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Show 1 in 2025!! 10th year!! why not have the first guest from the every first show.. Joey Sylvester!! Cheech is on the road in Greensboro Nc for Monster Jam!!द्वारा Brad Shaw and Dan Agosh
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2024 has come to a End.. why the last day of 2024 also!! Jared Smith from Team DCT powersports!! comes in and chats with Dan "Cheech" Agosh!! join the ride!!द्वारा Brad Shaw and Dan Agosh
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Mud racer at heart and monster truck owner a builder from the 90s. Ken Krum joins us with Mark Warner as the guest hostद्वारा Brad Shaw And Dan Agosh
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A Legend, his ideas where alot of first in the monster truck world!! One of the first to win a monster truck race in the 80s. One of the first to self Promote his shows and announce! Like in the 1930's he was like the barn Burner!! This is Mr. Super Pete!! Mike Welchद्वारा Brad Shaw And Dan Cheech Agosh
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Date 94 - You've Been Very Naughty
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57:56Happy Holidays and, more importantly, Gruss Vom Krampus from all of us at Monster Crush! We finally did it! We released a holiday episode and finally got around to covering the Christmas Devil himself, the one and only KRAMPUS! And it’s no secret that this horny holiday hellion is a smash but you may learn things about this cloven Christmas creatur…
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One of the voice of Monster Jam. The Host of Inside Monster Jam Podcast. Scott Jordan joins us. Monster jam, Ravens football and musicद्वारा Brad Shaw and Dan Agosh
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Fan to Monster Jam driver!! Here is his story!द्वारा Brad Shaw and Dan Agosh
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We all love to play with toys but can you love a toy that plays with you? What about a toy that has intense, possibly malicious, paranormal energy attached to it? If you said yes, then do I have the date for you! This episode LD entertains two of the most notorious haunted dolls around with Robert the Doll and the infamous Annabelle! With these spi…
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Date 92 - Thankful for Monsters
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1:03:16It’s a special Thanksgiving episode for LD and Derek and they are thankful for so much. We are thankful to you, our wonderful audience (like all 7 of you), we are thankful for the opportunity to make a podcast as friends, and we are thankful for all of the smoochable monsters! So this episode, we prepare a Thanksgiving feast, and the main course? W…
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Fan, r/c racer to monster truck crew/ Driver. Dustin Spallone from Fl joins upद्वारा Brad Shaw and Dan Agosh
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Given recent events, we here at Monster Crush have decided to stop all this monkey business. So join us as we go ape-shit for our singletons this week! Insert additional monkey pun here. So strap in and strap on for some cryptids who might involve reaching a loving hand back down the evolutionary branch so chimpler times (that’s the last one, I swe…
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Driver of Joe Nichter "Stomper" Monster truck. Chats with us!! Talk about Full Throttle Monster tour, they drivers who are in it. The Brad Shaw Design Stomper theme and more!!द्वारा Brad Shaw and Dan Agosh
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Throttle Monster driver Berto Trevino chats in!! Talks about monster truck, SkateBoards, and moreद्वारा Brad Shaw and Dan Agosh
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Date 90 - I Vant to Suck Your…
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1:36:20Episode 90 has arrived and just in time for Halloween! So join us as we dive a stake deep into the heart of one of the most iconic monsters of all time, a terror who has dug his fangs deep into the neck of pop culture, the vampire of all vampires - COUNT DRACULA! So strap in and strap on for an exploration into the fictional and real world history …
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Coty stop by and gave us a update from the last few years since the last time we talk !!द्वारा Brad Shaw and Dan Agosh
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crew chief to driver and member of Monster truck Throwdown. Josh Ekkel join usद्वारा Brad Shaw and Dan Agosh
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It’s SPOOKY MONTH and so Monster Crush continues it’s Halloween tradition of bringing you three monsters who represent some of the most iconic seasonal creatures. This year, in our Halloween Threesome, we bring you a ghost, a vampire, and a werewolf: The Kyōkotsu, The Vampire Beast/Beast of Bladenboro, and The Werewolf of Werewolf Springs respectiv…
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Jason comes on and chat for a good 2 hours plus!! enjoy it was a great timeद्वारा Brad Shaw And Dan Agosh
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We haven't talk to Steven in a few years!! Well he is back on and now a owner of a monster truck!! Come hang out and take a listenद्वारा Brad Shaw and Dan Agosh
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Brad seat down and chats with Canada Monster Truck icon!!द्वारा Brad Shaw And Dan Agosh
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We said we would do it and, against all better judgment, we’re finally doing it.. It’s the SLEEP PARALYSIS EPISODE! So strap in and strap on for a journey into nightmares as LD braves her own subconscious for this week’s singletons. So, presented in this episode are LD’s very own sleep paralysis demons! Including: The Bowler-Hat-Man, The Hag (aka F…
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It’s an age-old question: Head or No Head? Well despite your feelings on the matter, the singletons this week are fervently in the “No Head” category. But that doesn’t mean they are not worthy of love! So join us on this date with good ol’ boy cryptid, The Grafton Monster, and the ‘mythological’ race of headless humanoids, the Blemmyes! Maybe they’…
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One year later!! We have Jasmin Borders and she comes back and chats about her career!द्वारा Brad Shaw and Dan Agosh
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Joe Pagano for the The 4 Wheel Jamboree
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1:12:45Joe Pagano the voice of the 4 Wheel Jamboree. Come's in a hang out with with us. Talks about getting the company back. What he see's in the next few years!द्वारा Brad Shaw and Dan Agosh
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Date 86 - Make Mine Marvel Monsters
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1:03:51Welcome TRUE BELIEVERS to this episode of Monster Crush. With all the news these days coming from Marvel Comics we thought we’d jump on that bandwagon and ride some superheroic coattails (cape-tails?). So this week enjoy some familiar Marvel names that were originally attributed to some less than familiar monsters. These Silver Age singletons were …
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Date 85 - Smooch My Shiny Metal Ass
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1:02:26We are back with another Second Chance At Love for some of our monstrous singletons who didn’t make the cut in previous episodes! Winning out this week is the Alabama Metalman, an alien/cryptid/potential superhero who more or less ruined the life of a local police chief. Even cryptids are living that ACAB life it seems. So strap on and strap in for…
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Date 84 - Would You Still Love Me If I Was A Wyrm (Pt. 1)
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1:08:55It’s the age old question we must ask all of our romantic partners.. Would you still love me if I was a Wyrm? That is to say a massive, writing beast that haunts the waterways and dark places of the world. To explore this question we bring you two particularly wyrmy (or wormy depending on your definition) singletons today in the first of what is to…
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Chris Mormanis, Jeff and Gage Bursey
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1:21:04Bloomsburg Pa and talk about the Pa mountian Monster!!द्वारा Brad Shaw, Dan Agosh
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Does size matter? Is bigger always better? These are the tough questions we tackle here at Monster Crush. With that in mind we explore two ends of the size spectrum with the diminutive forest spirit of the Congo, The Eloko, and the sizable but probably-internet-bs mountain monster, the Bergkonge. While these two vary greatly in size they share surp…
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Mega truck driver and winner of freestyle and Racing!! Brad Kovacsद्वारा Brad Shaw and Dan Cheech Agosh
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Catching up with Frank. Now driver Hooked for Steve Sims. We talk about Helmets, his racing win against Dennis Anderson and Grave Digger in Atlanta 2011.द्वारा Brad Shaw and Dan 'Cheech" Agosh
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People are seeing something in the warmer parts of the ocean. Unlike any other sea serpent, this singleton is segmented, lined with flippers, and will give you whatever head you want it to. It’s the Con Rit, a potentially creepy crawly cryptid that lurks in the waters of Vietnam and, if all of the slightly connected sightings can be believed, lots …
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Date 81 - Some Real Daddy Energy
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1:09:31Happy Daddy’s Day! To celebrate all those monster lovers who appreciate some good daddy energy, we bring you the Greek Mythological Father of All Monsters: TYPHON! This hundred-headed, serpentine titan is ancient, virile, and looking for love… and also the devastation of the Olympians. But maybe LD can soothe his volcanic spirit and show a little m…
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2024 World finals racing champion! Zack joins us and chat about his 2024 yearद्वारा Brad Shaw and Dan Agosh
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Jamie Gerner joins us and talks about the 2024 year and a surprise guest jump on and talks about the racing win at Monster Jam World Finals 23द्वारा Brad Shaw and Dan Agosh
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Date 80 - Down the Rabbit’s Hole
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1:04:43Monster Crush returns with a Heavy Hitter episode! It’s time for Derek to admit that he was wrong as we entertain the surprisingly complex world of the Jackalope and it’s many horned relatives! So get ready for things to get horny and harey (as in the animal, it’s not a typo) as we discuss the ancient history of lepines with nice racks, the rogue t…
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Cole comes in a chat about his group limbs like me. His 2024 monster jam seasonद्वारा Brad Shaw and Dan Agosh
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Alec White the driver of Bad Decision! Comes in to chat with Dan Agosh !!द्वारा Brad Shaw, Dan Cheech Agosh
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Date 79 - Is That A Lightsaber In Your Pocket
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1:11:43EPISODE 79: IS THAT A LIGHTSABER IN YOUR POCKETIT IS A TIME OF MONSTER SMOOCHING IN THE GALAXY…Ok, enough caps lock, this won’t scroll anyway. Happy Star Wars Day! In honor of one of the greatest epic space operas, we bring you our very first Monster Crush Star Wars episode! So feel free to get a little cocky, have a good feeling about this, and fe…
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