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show episodes

Huberman Lab

Scicomm Media

The Huberman Lab podcast is hosted by Andrew Huberman, Ph.D., a neuroscientist and tenured professor in the department of neurobiology, and by courtesy, psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford School of Medicine. The podcast discusses neuroscience and science-based tools, including how our brain and its connections with the organs of our body control our perceptions, our behaviors, and our health, as well as existing and emerging tools for measuring and changing how our nervous system ...
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Abe Huber | Podcast

Abe Huber

Pastor sênior da Paz Church São Paulo. Abe é autor de vários livros, idealizador e gestor da Visão MDA, pregador e palestrante internacional. É apaixonado pelo avanço do Reino de Deus e pela salvação de vidas. Saiba mais:
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THE FYX with Krysta Huber

Operation Podcast

Link up with host Krysta Huber as she lays it ALL out on the mic. Her episodes cover all things fitness, nutrition, love, loss, personal and professional relationships, entrepreneurship, being a damn millennial, and embracing that stereotype. Fill your coffee cup, sip away, and get your FYX of Coach Krysta on her podcast.
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The Nick Huber Show

Nick Huber

The Nick Huber show is a short-form podcast on real estate, entrepreneurship and wealth. You won't find a lot of long-form interviews or unorganized banter. My goal is to be short and to the point and deliver value as quickly as possible. We'll cover things like terminology, deal overviews, acquisitions, structuring deals, raising money, operations, hiring and more. Nick Huber owns a real estate private equity company ( in the self storage space. He owns 24 properties ...
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Power Yoga with Jennifer Huber

Jennifer Huber of

Jennifer Huber is Power Yoga teacher and has recorded live studio classes for you to flow along with at home. You will need a yoga mat and block, and you will want to heat up your room as best you can. For more information about Jennifer please visit I am a no-nonsense yoga teacher who leads classes with clear and essential language, powerfully and simply cueing for action, body part, and direction. I keep personal sharing to a minimum, ensuring that I do not interfere wi ...
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Today, life is totally different compared to pre-internet. We are here to discuss that with people around us. Real talk. No script. Hosted by Huberta Brothers: a programmer (@victorhuberta) and a digital marketer/analyst (@vincenthuberta). All podcasts are in Indonesian. We believe that great tech innovations start from and for the people. Put people first.
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Hubert Wangenroth

Hubert Wangenroth

Ich, Hubert Wangenroth, 62 Jahre, Bestatter, erzähle des Nachts in meinem Wohnzimmer von mir und anderen wichtigen und schönen Dingen in der Welt. Mein Kater ist zwar tot, aber auch dabei.Ich habe ihn präparieren lassen. Er sitzt und spricht. Ich habe einen Atari-Computer und einen Kassettenrekorder für meinen Podcast.
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The Huber Rebels Podcast

Huber Rebels

The Huber Rebels Podcast is the perfect podcast for anyone who loves playing games and watching movies! Every week, Ethan and Jordan sit down and discuss everything they've been up to either in a digital world or in front of the silver screen. They're coming to you from the world famous Ground Floor Attic and hope that you too will become a fellow rebel..
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Das Arbeitsgespräch – Der Podcast mit Arbeitsminister Hubertus Heil

Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales

Fragen rund um die Themen Arbeit und Soziales, politische Antworten und persönliche Perspektiven finden hier ihren Platz: im Podcast "Das Arbeitsgespräch" aus dem Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales. Bundesminister Hubertus Heil trifft Gäste aus Politik und Gesellschaft – weil Politik von Debatte und Austausch lebt. Mehr dazu unter
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LMU-Präsident Huber im Gespräch

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

Zu Beginn seiner dritten Amtszeit im Oktober 2010 spricht LMU-Präsident Professor Bernd Huber unter anderem über die Entscheidung des Senats, die Höhe der Studienbeiträge beizubehalten, über das Abschneiden der LMU in den viel diskutierten internationalen Hochschul-Rankings und weshalb er sich über den Rückbau der Grundlagenforschung zugunsten der angewandten Wissenschaften Sorgen macht. Das Gespräch führt der ehemalige LMU-Student Daniel Pontzen, der jetzt als Fernsehjournalist tätig ist. I ...
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show series
Real estate investing isn’t just buying low and selling high. Unlike stocks, it’s not liquid—you can’t panic sell, forcing long-term thinking. This episode was originally posted on August 12, 2021 Watch the video version here: Thanks for listening! Like this video? I think you’ll love my newsletter. I write a long form …
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Nem sempre a obediência traz recompensas imediatas. José escolheu a integridade, fugiu da tentação e permaneceu fiel, mas, em vez de ser exaltado, foi traído, acusado falsamente e jogado na prisão. Parece injusto, não? O que parecia ser um desfecho cruel era, na verdade, um teste crucial: o teste da prisão. Um teste que exige perseverança, caráter …
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This is the Sunday, February 16, 2025 episode of Open Air with Cheri Huber. Open Air with Cheri Huber is a worldwide “group” opportunity. Every Tuesday evening at 5:00pm, Pacific, Cheri and Michael are on the air to facilitate a conversation to support the practice of conscious, compassionate awareness. Visit…
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Join host Krysta and special guest Annie Ferro for an authentic conversation about questioning your relationship with alcohol, breaking free from societal expectations, and creating a life that truly aligns with your values. Annie shares her journey of becoming sober curious, founding a supportive community, and helping others navigate social conne…
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Der Landesgeschäftsführer der Wirtschaftsjunioren Bayern spricht mit mir über die aktuelle wirtschaftliche Lage in Deutschland und gibt einen Ausblick auf das Jahr 2025. Die Wirtschaftsjunioren sind auch sehr politisch aktiv und beraten unteranderem Parteien. Andreas Burkhardt nennt auch ein paar wichtige Learnings, die er aus seiner Karriere mitne…
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My guest is Dr. Michael Platt, Ph.D., a professor of neuroscience and psychology at the University of Pennsylvania. We discuss how factors such as hormonal or social status influence what we value, how we make decisions, and even our perceptions across a range of areas, from who and what we find attractive to our political affiliations. We also dis…
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In this Huberman Lab Essentials episode, I explain the crucial role hormones play in shaping the sexual development of both the brain and body. I discuss how biological masculinization and feminization depend on factors such as genetics, hormone ratios, and receptor availability. I also explore how hormones like testosterone, estrogen, and other st…
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This is the Tuesday, February 11, 2025 episode of Open Air with Cheri Huber. Open Air with Cheri Huber is a worldwide “group” opportunity. Every Tuesday evening at 5:00pm, Pacific, Cheri and Michael are on the air to facilitate a conversation to support the practice of conscious, compassionate awareness. Visit…
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In 2015, my partner Dan and I started planning our self-storage business, taking two years to set it up. We launched in May 2017 with five investors. Since then, we’ve grown to 4,930 units across 24 properties in four states. With a team expanding into new markets, our goal is 50 units in 30+ states. This episode was originally posted on August 09,…
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Unlock the secrets of your brain's "mind origami" and discover how it shapes your life in this episode of Tapping Into Uncomfortable with Dr. Reade Hubert. Delve into the fascinating world of neuroplasticity, exploring how our brains adapt and change from gestation to adulthood. Learn about gyrification and its role in enhancing communication speed…
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In this episode, my guest is Pavel Tsatsouline, a world-renowned strength and conditioning coach, former military special forces training instructor, author, and founder of StrongFirst—an online school focused on “low-tech, high-concept” training to build strength for men and women of all fitness levels. We discuss the most effective and efficient …
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Você pode até ter um grande sonho, mas será que está pronto para o caminho que leva até ele? José recebeu uma promessa, mas antes de chegar ao trono, enfrentou desafios que testaram sua fidelidade, sua integridade e sua pureza. O palácio não era apenas um lugar de honra, mas um campo de provas. A tentação não era apenas um obstáculo, mas um divisor…
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This is the Sunday, February 9, 2025 episode of Open Air with Cheri Huber. Open Air with Cheri Huber is a worldwide “group” opportunity. Every Tuesday evening at 5:00pm, Pacific, Cheri and Michael are on the air to facilitate a conversation to support the practice of conscious, compassionate awareness. Visit…
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Join us for an insightful conversation with podcast host and creator Sandalina Sattar about navigating social media, building authentic connections, and finding your path as a young professional. From her transition out of investment banking to launching a talk show highlighting South Asian and Muslim voices, Sandalina shares her journey of discove…
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In this Huberman Lab Essentials episode, I discuss the biology of emotions and moods, focusing on how development and neurochemicals shape our feelings and relationships. I describe how early infant bonds and puberty shape adult patterns of emotional connection. I explain that understanding emotions requires recognizing both internal states and ext…
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This is the Tuesday, February 4, 2025 episode of Open Air with Cheri Huber. Open Air with Cheri Huber is a worldwide “group” opportunity. Every Tuesday evening at 5:00pm, Pacific, Cheri and Michael are on the air to facilitate a conversation to support the practice of conscious, compassionate awareness. Visit…
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When it comes to investing in real estate, do you want to know what my secret is to finding the best deals? This videos covers the tools that I use and a bunch of important tips and tricks. This episode was originally posted on February 08, 2021 Thanks for listening! Like this video? I think you’ll love my newsletter. I write a long form essay on h…
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This is the Sunday, February 2, 2025 episode of Open Air with Cheri Huber. Open Air with Cheri Huber is a worldwide “group” opportunity. Every Tuesday evening at 5:00pm, Pacific, Cheri and Michael are on the air to facilitate a conversation to support the practice of conscious, compassionate awareness. Visit…
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In this episode, my guest is Dr. Ellen Langer, Ph.D., professor of psychology at Harvard University and the world’s leading researcher on the mind-body connection and the power our thinking has on our physical health. She explains how specific ways of framing and asking questions about the world shape our physical health and rate of aging. Dr. Lang…
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Você já sentiu que está preso, como se sua vida estivesse em um poço profundo e sem saída? José teve um sonho, um chamado, um destino. Mas antes de chegar lá, enfrentou traição, rejeição e um buraco escuro que parecia o fim. O que ele não sabia é que aquele poço não era sua prisão, mas seu campo de treinamento para algo muito maior. E você? Está no…
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In this follow-up to last week's TikTok ban discussion, Coach Krysta dives into why our collective response to losing access to social media platforms might be a warning sign about our relationship with technology. With both tough love and practical wisdom, Krysta explores how our dependence on social platforms impacts everything from weight loss t…
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In this Huberman Lab Essentials episode, I explain the biological mechanism behind motivation and drive, as well as discuss practical tools for overcoming procrastination. I discuss the key role dopamine plays in driving cravings and motivating action. I explain how dopamine regulates the balance between pleasure and pain, and what happens when thi…
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This is the Tuesday, January 28, 2025 episode of Open Air with Cheri Huber. Open Air with Cheri Huber is a worldwide “group” opportunity. Every Tuesday evening at 5:00pm, Pacific, Cheri and Michael are on the air to facilitate a conversation to support the practice of conscious, compassionate awareness. Visit…
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Unpack the colorful truth behind red dye in this eye-opening episode of Tapping Into Uncomfortable with Dr. Reade Hubert. Dr. Hubert share the fascinating history, controversy, and future of synthetic dyes like Red Dye No. 3. Discover why these additives are being banned after over a century of use and what it means for our food industry today. Key…
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Changing your mind is key to growth, especially for entrepreneurs. It takes courage, openness, and adaptability. Embrace change, re-evaluate beliefs, and gain new insights to grow. Challenge yourself to see things differently today. This episode was originally posted on January 30, 2023 Thanks for listening! Like this video? I think you’ll love my …
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In this episode, my guest is Josh Waitzkin, former child chess prodigy and the subject of the movie and true story Searching for Bobby Fischer. Josh is also a world champion martial arts competitor and the author of the book The Art of Learning. We discuss Josh’s childhood as a chess prodigy and how he learned to train and compete at the highest le…
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This is the Sunday, January 26, 2025 episode of Open Air with Cheri Huber. Open Air with Cheri Huber is a worldwide “group” opportunity. Every Tuesday evening at 5:00pm, Pacific, Cheri and Michael are on the air to facilitate a conversation to support the practice of conscious, compassionate awareness. Visit…
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