Dostcast is the only Indian podcast with the widest range of conversations and interviews. Politicians. P*rnstars. Performers. Philosophers. No topic is out of bounds. No guest is too taboo. No conversation is too unsafe for this show. Watch or listen to Dostcast every Tuesday and Friday at 8 PM Indian Standard Time. About the host: Vinamre Kasanaa is a writer and content creator. He studied advertising and religion at Boston University and returned home to setup the best conversation networ ...
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Sant Rampal Ji Satsang 4 to 8 March 2009 HD
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मुक्तिको मार्ग कार्यक्रम विश्वब्यापी बाइबल अध्यापन सेवकाई Thru the Bible को एक भाग हो | यो अनुक्रम मूल रुपमा Dr. J. Vernon McGee द्वारा तयार भएको हो र यो १०० भन्दा बढी भाषाहरुमा अनुवाद गरिएको छ | यो रेडियो कार्यक्रम श्रोताले ३० मिनेटसम्म बाइबलबाट क्रमबद्ध रुपमा सुन्ने अभिप्रायले बनाईएको हो | यहाँ केहि कार्यक्रमहरु अनलाईनमा उपलब्ध छन् | हामीहरू तपाईप्रति आभारी छौं कि परमेश्वरको वचन अझ बढी जान्नको लागि यो कार्यक्रम सुनिरहनु भएको छ | तपाई हरेक दिन सोमबारदेखि शुक्रबारसम्म कम्तिमा पनि एउटा कार्यक ...
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जीवन ता सर्री कार्यक्रम दुनिया ता बाईबल अध्ययन सेबबगई ता भाग आन्द इद बिन्दु खास रूप तल डा जे वर्नोन मैगी ना जरिया ते तैयार किया माता, बदेना अनुवाद ओण्डे मानी किवाना 100 तल ज्यादा बोली ने किया माता इद उन्द 30 मिनट ता रेडियो कार्यक्रम आन्द, बद अपनो केंजान वालेडुन पूरो बाईबल ता उन्दी खाकनल अध्ययन किसुहताता। आपीढल बांगे कार्यक्रम मी लायसो इन्गा इन्टरनेट ते है। अम्माट मिवा आभारी हैययाम कि इम्माट परमेश्वर ता वचन तुन सिखे मायान लायसो इद कार्य क्रम तुन आचतीट अम्माट मिकुन बती कियातेडाम इंगा इम्माट सो ...
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Numerology and connection of your nature..
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ई थ्रू द बाइबल (सत्यवचन) कार्यक्रम विश्वव्यापी बाइबल प्रशिक्षण सेवकाई क एगो भाग हवे। ई मूल में Dr. J. Vernon McGee क अभिकल्प हवे। जेवना क 100 से अधिक भाषा में अनुवाद क के अपनावल गइल बा। ई रोजा अलगे से 30 मिनट क रेडियो कार्यक्रम बढ़िया तरीका से श्रोतागण सम्पूर्ण बाइबल में से ले सकेलें। अब अइसने अउरी कार्यक्रम आप सब के ऑनलाइन उपलब्ध बा। हम धन्यवादी बनी की आप सब लोगन परमेश्वर क वचन अऊर अधिक जागे खातिर ए कार्यक्रम क सुने बदे चुनाव कइनों। सोमार से सुक्कर तक रोजाना एगो कार्यक्रम क सुने बदे आप सभन ...
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Baatein hain, kuch to dil pe lagengi aur lagengi tabhi asar hoga……
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Listen and find yourselves Panjabi,Hindi Urdu etc.Ok thanks
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Study Of Psalm
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LEARN JYOTISH LIKE NEVER BEFORE! Join Nitin P.Kashyap in this official podcast of Astro Life Sutras Jyotish Academy and master the fundamentals of Astrology. We are going to discuss fundamentals of Astrology in hindi. Divine and occult knowledge of astrology can make you a good human being. This subject is not for knowing future. This subject will help you to know your inner self. This is astrology podcast for the learner of Jyotish. You can learn astrology here. Nitin P.Kashyap is going to ...
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मोक्ष प्राप्ति को मानव जीवन का लक्ष्य मानने वाले ज्ञानमार्गी जिज्ञाशुओं के लिए धार्मिक पाठों और गोष्ठियों का संकलन प्रस्तुत पॉडकास्ट में करने की एक छोटी सी कोशिश की गई है ।
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This is my first podcast, please have fun listening and give feedback :)
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Enjoy exciting and thrilling stories collection of Vikaram and Betal
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Bussiness । Motivation । Learning । success । Ek Nayi Seekh
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सुकूनभरी ध्वनि
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“If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.”
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Have fun listening and give feedback. For accompanying articles, videos, news visit our Website at WWW.TECH.ASOKA.APP
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कारीगर हूं साहेब शब्दों की मिट्टी से महफ़िल सजाता हूँ...! किसी को बेकार... किसी को लाजवाब नज़र आता हूं...!
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धर्म,दर्शन,ज्योतिष,समाज,राजनीती और मानवीय संवेदनाओ का वैज्ञानिक,आध्यात्मिक और व्यवहारिक विश्लेषण.
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Scripts ki Kahani, Scriptwriters ki Zubani! For more updates, you can follow our show on Spotify and IG at Instagram Show some love to our co-host and co-creator Aadesh at Send some appreciation and your feedback to the co-creator Sayali at
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Hello I am dipender shakya who is a 18 years old young ENTREPRENEUR, VIDEO CREATOR and a AUTHOR
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वे हमारे चारों ओर हैं! हम उन्हें हर रोज मिलते हैं! आइए इन छोटी रोचक कहानियों में, अपने आस-पास रहने वाले अपने पसंदीदा पात्रों से मिलें! यह पॉडकास्ट KissaTaleKahani समूह द्वारा लघु कथाओं की एक श्रृंखला प्रदान करता है। आनंद लें और हमें अपनी टिप्पणी बताएं! #KahaniSunoge! #KissaTaleKahani This podcast provides a series of short hindi stories by KissaTaleKahani group. Enjoy and do let us know your comment!
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I have been living a life that's restricted to the walls of my heart. This podcast of mine is for those who have ever been hurt in love, whether mutual or one sided, and felt a pinch of salt in their heart due to the pain that it caused. I am here for you. दर्द देना वो जानते हैं, बाँटना हम। आईये एक नए ज़रिये से हम एक दूसरे से बात करते हैं। मैं आपको सुनाता हूँ कुछ दिल क जज़्बात ताकि आप बदल सकें अपने दिल के हालात।
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Welcome to The Holistic Heyat Show! 🎙️ कुछ बातें होंगी। कुछ दिल की बातें होंगी। कुछ जिंदगी की बातें होंगी। कुछ मोहब्बत की बातें होंगी। कुछ कामयाबी की बातें होंगी। किसी की दुआ की बातें होंगी। अपनी भाई और बहनों को उम्मीद दे सकूं। बातें बड़ी नहीं है सिर्फ बात लंबी है। उम्मीद। Join us as we delve into heartfelt stories, life lessons, and inspiring journeys. Our podcast brings together everyday heroes and insightful guests to share their experiences, providing motivation and igniting minds.✨ Stay ...
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You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough, get busy living or get busy dying...!!
जीते तो सभी हैं, बस थोड़ा सा स्टाइल और Attitude, देखो सब कैसे आपके दीवाने हो जाते हैं, तो सुनते रहिये, मुझे यानी SAAGOUR को, इस Show के अंत तक
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** श्री आनंदपुर धाम महिमा ** श्री आरती-पूजा सत्संग सेवा सुमिरन और ध्यान, श्रद्धा सहित सेवन करे निश्चय हो कल्याण || **Shri Anandpur Dham Mahima** Spirituality is not a is a selfless Service for pure bhakti teaching by our Masters. First Master Shri Paramhans Dayal Swami Advaita Anand ji Maharaj, Second Master Shri Swami Swarup Anand Ji Maharaj, Third Master Shri Swami Vairag Anand Ji Maharaj, Fourth Master Shri Swami Beant Anand Ji Maharaj, Fifth Master Shri Swami Darshan Puran A ...
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साथियों यह हिंदी भाषी पॉडकास्ट है मेरा नाम किरन आचार्य है। जिंदगी बहुत ही सुंदर और खूबसूरत है शर्त यह है कि हम सकारात्मक भावों को अपने भीतर पनपने दें खुशियों को फलने फूलने दे आशाओं के दीप जलाएं और उम्मीदों की उड़ानें भरी जीवन के सफर को और भी सुंदर बनाने के लिए मूल्यवान बनाने के लिए गुणवत्तापूर्ण बनाने के लिए जीवन और उसके आसपास के वातावरण और लोगों को समझने के लिए इस पॉडकास्ट में सामग्री को जोड़ा जाएगा फिलहाल श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता के श्लोक और उनके अर्थ व उनसे जुड़े हुए तथ्यों को हम इन पॉडकास्ट में ...
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Din Bhar is a daily news analysis podcast in Hindi language presented by Aaj Tak Radio. It covers issues ranging from Politics and international relations to health, society, cinema and sports. Did your regular prime time debate miss something that really matters to you? Close your day with Din Bhar, wherein we pick four big news stories of the day and analyse them with help of experts in a manner that is easy to understand. दिन भर के शोर के बाद शाम ढल गई है. हमारे यहां आइए. ख़बरों के सबसे अ ...
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This story is about three young men and their love triangle, where two friends fall in love with the same girl. How do they choose that girl? Who will have to sacrifice their love? It is as confusing as it sounds, but it is more interesting, and it is serious about one such love triangle story inspired by a famous novel, “Gridah”, written by a famous writer and novel “Sarat Chandra Ji”. So what are you waiting for? Start Listening and Learn about this interesting love triangle only on “Audio ...
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तुलसीदास जी का जन्म, आज से लग-भग 490 बरस पहले, 1532 ईसवी में उत्तर प्रदेश के एक गाँव में हुआ और उन्होंने अपने जीवन के अंतिम पल काशी में गुज़ारे। पैदाइश के कुछ वक़्त बाद ही तुलसीदास महाराज की वालिदा का देहांत हो गया, एक अशुभ नक्षत्र में पैदा होने की वजह से उनके पिता उन्हें अशुभ समझने लगे, तुलसीदास जी के जीवन में सैकड़ों परेशानियाँ आईं लेकिन हर परेशानी का रास्ता प्रभु श्री राम की भक्ति पर आकर खत्म हुआ। राम भक्ति की छाँव तले ही तुलसीदास जी ने श्रीरामचरितमानस और हनुमान चालीसा जैसी नायाब रचनाओं को ...
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Aaiye yahan har hafte, aur suniye darr ka ek naya afsaana. Duur daraaz ke gaanvon, ghane jungalon aur sunsaan haveliyon mein nahin, kuch bhoot-bhootniyaan rehte hain shehari ilaakon mein. Cafes, gharon, aur galiyon-mohallon mein rehte hain vo – insaanon ke saath, unke aas-paas. Aur jab jab in bhooton ka insaanon se saamna hota hai, tab tab banti hai ek daravani, khatarnak, aur rooh kanpa dene wali – Bhoot Bhulaiya. "Bhoot Bhulaiya", Jatin Bhasin ke Viral Tweets par aadhaarit ek Hindi Podcast ...
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Spotify Exclusive: Best of Rajiv Bharwan | Ultimate Motivation
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26:49Listen to the Full Episode on Spotify: Listen to the Full Episode on YouTube : In this best-of episode on military life and discipline, we revisit our conversation with Colonel Rajeev Bharwan, a veteran Indian Army offi…
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Best of Finance: Gajendra Kothari, Monika Halan & Neeraj Arora | Spotify Exclusive
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30:01Listen to the Full Episode on Spotify: Listen to the Full Episode on YouTube : In this best-of episode on financial wisdom, we bring together insights from Neeraj Arora, Gajendra Kothari, and Monika Halan. Originally ai…
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Drunk Stories from the Sea | Dostcast w/ Lt. Cdr. Bijay Nair (Retd.)
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1:47:28Lt. Cdr. Bijay Nair (Retd.) is a former Naval officer who served for 10 years after being commissioned from the Naval Academy, rising to the rank of Lieutenant Commander. A decorated veteran, he played a key role in Operation Talwaar during the Kargil War (1999) and was honored with the Ops Vijay Star and Vijay Medal. In recognition of his service,…
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Will Shani Bring Tough Times? Saturn Transit to Pisces 2025 | Dostcast w/ @Lunarastro
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1:40:09Follow Dostcast on Spotify and stay tuned for exclusive Spotify episodes. You can also listen to the podcast here: Giri, an engineer by education, is the founder of Lunar Astro Vedic Academy. Coming from a Brahmin family with a seven-generation legacy in astr…
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Neeraj Arora's EPIC Finance Motivation | How to Master Mutual Funds | Spotify Exclusive
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12:05Listen to the Full Episode on Spotify: Listen to the Full Episode on YouTube : In this best-of episode from Neeraj Arora's EPIC Finance Motivation, we revisit our insightful conversation on Mutual Funds, originally aire…
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Neeraj Arora's EPIC Finance Motivation | How to Master the Stock Market | Spotify Exclusive
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15:29Listen to the Full Episode on Spotify: Listen to the Full Episode on YouTube : In this best-of episode from Neeraj Arora's EPIC Finance Motivation, we revisit our insightful conversation on navigating the stock market, …
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Trump vs. The Deep State: How India, China, and Russia Are Shaping the Future of Global Power
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1:19:49Abhijit Chavda is a geopolitical analyst, historian, and podcaster with expertise in world history, international relations, and geopolitics. Chavda is recognized for his in-depth analysis of complex global issues, including conflicts, political dynamics, and historical perspectives. He is also the host of the Abhijit Chavda Podcast and the #AskAbh…
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Spotify Exclusive: Lt. Gen. DP Pandey Shares Military Insider Stories | Epic Motivation
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35:15Listen to the Full Episode on YouTube : Listen to the Full Episode on Spotify: In this best-of episode from Defending the Nation: Warfare, Intelligence & Propaganda, we revisit our eye-opening conversation with Lieutenant Gen…
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Women's Day Special: Saloni Khanna on Women in UPSC, Gender Equality, Caste Bias, and Parenting in India | Dostcast
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1:45:44Saloni Khanna is a Societal Educator, Assistant Professor, and UPSC mock interviewer. She graduated from Hansraj College, Delhi University, with a degree in Economics in 2013. Early in her career, she interned at Religare Wellness and later worked as a youth influencer for Adidas and Vogue magazine. She also gained experience as an intern at ‘Care’…
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Spotify Exclusive: Lt. Gen Satish Dua Shares Extreme Military Stories | Epic Motivation
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28:10Listen to the Full Episode on YouTube : Listen to the Full Episode on Spotify: In this best-of episode from Defending the Nation: Warfare, Intelligence & Propaganda, we revisit our riveting conversation with Lieutenant Genera…
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Spotify Exclusive: Best of Mahabharat ft. Ami Ganatra
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1:15:17Listen to the Full Episode on YouTube : Listen to the Full Episode on Spotify : In this episode of Unraveling the Mahabharata with Ami Ganatra, we explore the untold aspects of the epic with author and management professional…
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Increase Length, Supplements for Fixing ED, Exercises, and Sperm Health ft. Dr. Vijayant Gupta
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2:06:30Dr. Vijayant Govinda Gupta is a board-certified Urologist and Andrologist, recognized as one of the top Urologists in New Delhi, India. With decades of experience, he specializes in complex urology cases, particularly Andrology, and is the most recommended surgeon for Prosthetic Urology, including penile implants, male sexual dysfunction, and infer…
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