Das Social-Media-Update der c't. Dreimal die Woche, so lang, wie es sein muss, wechselnde Gegenüber und alte Bekannte. Angefangen als täglicher Blick auf die Irrungen und Wirrungen der Übernahme von Twitter durch Elon Musk schauen wir heute dreimal wöchentlich auf die Welt der sozialen Netzwerke.
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c't uplink - Der Podcast aus Nerdistan
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Mitglieder der c't-Redaktion diskutieren über die aktuellen Themen aus dem c’t Magazin und was sonst noch so in der IT-Welt passiert.
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Where successful CTO's share their secrets.
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CTisus.com is advancing diagnostic imaging and the quality of patient care by educating radiologists, radiology technologists, and other professionals in the principles and practice of CT scanning. This podcast supplements and enhances the cutting-edge materials found on CTisus.com.
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Call of Cthulhu, and perhaps other systems on occasion, played via Skype.
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CTisus.com is advancing diagnostic imaging and the quality of patient care by educating radiologists, radiology technologists, and other professionals in the principles and practice of CT scanning. This podcast supplements and enhances the cutting-edge materials found on CTisus.com.
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Un défi, une chanson qu'on enregistre en s'inspirant de son interprète, et on en parle ensemble. Avec ego, Draven puis Sandra et Laurent autour deMichidar et tous ceux qui se sentiront de nous rejoindre au gré des artistes qu'on choisira.
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Prozessoren, Grafikkarten, Notebooks, Desktop-PCs, Server, KI, Rechenzentren und IT-Markt: In "Bit-Rauschen", dem Prozessor-Podcast des Computermagazins c’t, dreht sich alles um Chips. Weitere Infos hier: https://ct.de/bit-rauschen
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Sie möchten beim Thema Datenschutz auf dem Laufenden bleiben, aber keine seitenlange Literatur wälzen? Dann wenden Sie sich vertrauensvoll an unser Juristen-Redakteurs-Duo. Alle 14 Tage bespricht c't-Redakteur Holger Bleich mit Joerg Heidrich aktuelle Entwicklungen rund um den Datenschutz. Joerg ist beim c't-Mutterschiff Heise Medien als Justiziar für das Thema zuständig und hat täglich mit der europäischen Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGVO) zu tun. Wechselnde Gäste ergänzen das Duo. Mehr I ...
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Computing editor Tom Allen talks to tech execs about their challenges, their passions and, of course, their technology - from AI to zero-days, and everything in between.
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c't uplink - Der Podcast aus Nerdistan
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An Australian based actual play RPG Podcast. Providing audio dramas, using the Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition System
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A video game accessibility podcast published twice monthly. Hosted by Arevya and LauraKBuzz. Email - CtrlAltAccessPodcast@Gmail.Com
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Welcome to SELF CTRL, a space dedicated to self-discovery, overcoming fear, and unlocking your fullest potential. Through honest conversations and actionable insights, we empower you to break patterns, build empowering beliefs, and create the life you’ve always dreamed of.
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Sermons from Covenant Presbyterian Church in Ledyard, CT
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This is the Ctrl+Alt+Azure podcast. We talk about all things Microsoft, including Microsoft Azure, and share our experiences and thoughts on the way. Your hosts are Tobias Zimmergren and Jussi Roine.
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Podcast of Sunday Sermons from Christ Community Church located in Darien, CT, USA. Visit us Sundays at 10AM at 988 Post Road in Darien, or on the web, christcommunityct.org
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Welcome to the Ctrl-Alt-Secure podcast, your guide to navigating the ever-changing landscape of cybersecurity. Join us as we delve into the latest trends, threats, and innovations shaping the infosec space.
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Casual yet insightful conversations on the latest in cybersecurity and weekly updates on vulnerabilities and solutions.
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We strive to build a church of action founded on biblical truth characterized by faith, grace, community, service, authenticity, clear thinking and cultural relevance. Grace Community Church is about knowing God, knowing His truth, and building community that extends to our full lives, not just Sunday morning.
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The CTO Podcast è il podcast di riferimento in Italia per i leader tech quali CIO, CTO, Director/VP/Head of Engineering, IT Manager, Engineering Manager. Puoi discutere gli episodi e connetterti con i tuoi pari entrando in Tech Mastermind, dal 2017 la Community dei Tech Leader italiani: https://techmastermind.it/
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Welcome to the new CTO Insights podcast, brought to you by Gardner Systems CTO, Paul Stringfellow. We aim to bring you concise summaries, expert opinions, and thought-provoking interviews covering emerging technologies, industry trends, and best practices. And to provide you with a go-to source for the latest updates in enterprise IT.
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Weekly radio show from Renyard, showcasing new and classic Acid House
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Tresorit's own produced podcast, bringing you biweekly insights on business, security and technology. If you have any questions or feedback, please write to us at podcast@tresorit.com.
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Modern CTO is the #1 place where technology leaders and CTOs hang out. We live to bring tech leaders value. Listen in on our fun, intelligent and engaging podcast. We hang out with interesting and popular CTOs in Aerospace, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics + Many more industries. All of this, right here, right now, on the Modern CTO Podcast. What do you think of the show? Let us know here!
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Ctrl-Alt-Speech is a weekly news podcast co-created by Techdirt’s Mike Masnick and Everything in Moderation’s Ben Whitelaw. Each episode looks at the latest news in online speech, covering issues regarding trust & safety, content moderation, regulation, court rulings, new services & technology, and more. The podcast regularly features expert guests with experience in the trust & safety/online speech worlds, discussing the ins and outs of the news that week and what it may mean for the indust ...
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The Mythos Mysteries is a Dumb-Dumbs & Dice live-play podcast where professional voice actors and improvisers delve into the madness that is the Pulp Cthulhu Roleplaying Game. Join Red, Adrian, and Old Man Richter, as childhood friends and their erstwhile mentor return home to try and save a friend! Follow our anti-heroes, and see if they can maintain their sanity as they're forced to fight otherworldly horrors!
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The Podcast For Those of Us Who Love Virtual Reality and Love Making Many Alts.
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A series of interview-style podcasts and webinars with a focus on the tech industry, manufacturing, supply chains, data analytics, and more. Brought to you by Octopart, the industry-leading part search engine and the number one resource in helping electronics professionals navigate the supply chain industry.
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The sermon and messages podcast from Bethany Covenant Church in Berlin, CT. Join us Sunday mornings at 9:30am or go to www.bethanycovenant.org for more information!
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Welcome to the Sanctuary Podcast - the place to find conversations and sermons from the Young Adult Ministry of Black Rock Church. Check both our weekly sermons and our weekly podcast as we navigate what it means to be a follower of Christ today.
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Sportovní podcasty webu ctsport.cz. Vedle pravidelného fotbalového také biatlonový, hokejový i cyklistický. /// ⚽️&🏒: Nově můžete odebírat naše podcasty Fotbal Fokus a Hokej bez červené i v samostatných kanálech. Kromě větší přehlednosti se můžete těšit například i na extra obsah.
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What dark deeds unfold on the streets of Arkham? And which unwitting souls will succumb to the maddening call... OF CTHULHU? Cosmic horror and black comedy meld in this award-winning audio drama that explores Lovecraftian lore in queer and uncanny ways. Meet unlikely heroes from all walks of life who'll risk their sanity to keep the world spinning as they face down eldritch nightmares, unholy rituals, kindly creatures, and monstrous humans. Each season is a standalone tale where our cast liv ...
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We specialize in helping parents de-stress through tailored curriculum support, technology guidance, and resources to help families thrive. Business Inquires: info@ctrhomeschooling.com Learn more: https://www.ctrhomeschooling.com/ Join our membership program: https://www.ctrhomeschooling.com/plans-pricing #ctrhomeschooling #resources #homeschoolsupport
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Endurance PodCast Canal do Centro de Treino e Avaliação Desportiva por Tiago Aragão (Endurance Coach) Dúvidas, dicas e ciência por trás da metodologia do treino em modalidades desportivas de Endurance, como o Ciclismo, o Triatlo e a Corrida (Maratona) e UltraTrail Instagram: t_aragao Facebook: tiago.aragao Contacto: tiago.aragao @tiagoaragao.com Treinador Ciclismo, Running, Ultratrail, Triatlo High Performance Training Center Cycling (Road & Mountain Bike) Triathlon & UltraTrail Running/Mara ...
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This podcast features interviews of CTOs and other technical leadership figures and topics range from technology (AI, blockchain, cyber, DevOps, Web Architecture, etc.) to management (e.g. scaling, structuring teams, mentoring, technical recruiting, product etc.). Guests from leading tech companies share their best practices and knowledge. The goal is to support other CTOs on their journey through tech and engineering, inspire and allow a sneak-peek into other successful companies to underst ...
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The Small Business CTO for Australia's business community.
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CTRL ENTER: Tudo o que você sempre quis saber sobre Ciência de Dados, mas tinha medo de perguntar, é o novo Podcast sobre Data Science do IDP. Conversas com os melhores profissionais do setor privado, governo, ONGs e academia sobre as dores e as delícias de trabalhar com dados hoje. Apresentação: Leonardo Monasterio Edição: Felipe Mux Ouça também em https://www.idp.edu.br/podcasts/
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The preaching and teaching ministry of Harvest Baptist Church | New Hartford, CT
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The Great Dane Society is an actual play Call of Cthulhu podcast, featuring an amazing cast of characters. Join the Great Danes Saturday nights at 6:00pm pst at https://twitch.tv/QuestsandChaos or on VOD at https://youtube.com/QuestsChaos. Music Licensed through http://www.premiumbeat.com, Epidemic Sound, and Custom created by Allen Strickland. Support The Channel Join our Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/questsandchaos Order the Deck of Inspiration - https://shop.questsandchaos.com Buy wit ...
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There are four questions that uniquely shape our lives. Four questions that influence who we are, what we believe, how we think, what we value, and the choices we make. In this series, we’ve asked these questions and looked at the answers God provides for us in Scripture, nature, and life. We encourage you to dive into these questions and search fo…
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Die c’t-Security-Checklisten 2025 | c’t uplink
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Mit dabei: Wilhelm Drehling, Sylvester Tremmel und Jan Schüßler Einmal im Jahr legen wir unsere Security-Checklisten neu auf – nicht nur für unsere Leser, denn der Artikel ist als kostenlose PDF-Datei verfügbar und damit perfekt als Handreichung für Freunde und Bekannte. In inzwischen ganzen 14 Checklisten erklären wir kurz und knapp die wichtigen …
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Datenmissbrauch gestern und heute
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Mit Markus Sailer, Holger Bleich und Joerg Heidrich Die Macht von Daten wird oft erst dann sichtbar, wenn sie missbraucht wird. In Episode 125 des c't-Datenschutz-Podcasts werfen Holger, Joerg und der Datenschutzbeauftragte Markus Sailer einen Blick zurück auf historische Beispiele, in denen Staaten ihre Datensammlungen zur gezielten Verfolgung von…
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Advent 2024: A Glory of the Incarnation
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Rev Rodney Henderson Luke 2:1-14
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Thanks for checking out this weeks sermon as we walk through this season of advent together. Russ closes out the series focusing on God's act of love sending his Son Jesus into the world. Join us this Christmas season as we celebrate the miracle of Emmanuel - God with us! STAY CONNECTED // Sanctuary Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/wearesanctu…
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Von Stöckchen und globalen Auswirkungen (mit Jannis Schakarian)
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Wie “persönlich” kann ein Tweet sein, wenn er von einer Person mit einem öffentlichen Amt stammt? Wir müssen ausnahmsweise mal über Elon Musk reden - aber auf der Metaebene. Eine Einmischung in den deutschen Wahlkampf mit klarer Wahlempfehlung am Freitag, eine Beleidigung des Bundeskanzlers am selben Tag - eine Chronik der An-die-Stirn-geschlagenen…
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Biatlon fokus podcast: Davidová – po vykřičníku otazník. Hornigův vzestup i Uldalova rychlopalba
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Český biatlon díky vítězství Markéty Davidové ve sprintu v Kontiolahti zase nádherně zazářil. Jenže teď jsou tu mírné obavy, jak se mistryně světa vypořádá s bolestmi zad. Jak do sezony vstoupili další čeští reprezentanti? Jaká překvapení přinesly první dvě zastávky Světového poháru? Kde hledat rezervy, a komu to naopak šlape skvěle? V Biatlon foku…
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Chip-Fertigung mit High-NA-EUV-Lithografie | Bit-Rauschen 2024/26
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Mit Dr. Albert Voit und Christof Windeck Die Herstellung von Halbleiterchips mit feinsten Strukturen steht vor einem Generationswechsel: Für die Fotolithografie kommen neue Maschinen zum Einsatz. Die Technik heißt High-NA EUV, es geht dabei um die Belichtung mit Strahlung aus dem extremen ultravioletten (EUV) Spektrum sowie mit hoher Numerischer Ap…
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Boldness (Chris Logan) - December 15, 2024
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Boldness (Chris Logan) - December 15, 2024 by Bethany Covenant Churchद्वारा Bethany Covenant Church
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द्वारा Stuart Knechtle
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द्वारा Bro. Dave Howard
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There are four questions that uniquely shape our lives. Four questions that influence who we are, what we believe, how we think, what we value, and the choices we make. In this series, we’ve asked these questions and looked at the answers God provides for us in Scripture, nature, and life. We encourage you to dive into these questions and search fo…
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There are four questions that uniquely shape our lives. Four questions that influence who we are, what we believe, how we think, what we value, and the choices we make. In this series, we’ve asked these questions and looked at the answers God provides for us in Scripture, nature, and life. We encourage you to dive into these questions and search fo…
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Understanding and Communicating the Bible
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How do we read, understand and communicate any verse in the Bible? This discussion gives tips on understanding the context of each verse, what it meant in that period of time to the audience it was written to, and ultimately how it applies today.द्वारा Landon Reesor
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FACT - 50% of all marriages end in divorce. FACT - "Irreconcilable differences" is the #1 cause of divorce. FACT - There is help and hope that can empower us to overcome the obstacles to building a successful marriage. This series looks at the common challenges every marriage faces. Discover some real-life, practical solutions to a better, more sat…
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FACT - 50% of all marriages end in divorce. FACT - "Irreconcilable differences" is the #1 cause of divorce. FACT - There is help and hope that can empower us to overcome the obstacles to building a successful marriage. This series looks at the common challenges every marriage faces. Discover some real-life, practical solutions to a better, more sat…
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FACT - 50% of all marriages end in divorce. FACT - "Irreconcilable differences" is the #1 cause of divorce. FACT - There is help and hope that can empower us to overcome the obstacles to building a successful marriage. This series looks at the common challenges every marriage faces. Discover some real-life, practical solutions to a better, more sat…
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This discussion covers the major overarching themes and events in the Old Testament and how it paints the picture of the coming of Jesus Christ.द्वारा Matthew Kresge
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This discussion is an overview of the major themes and events of the new Testament, from Jesus in the Gospels, wrapping up in the final book of the Bible, Revelation.द्वारा Matthew Kresge
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FACT - 50% of all marriages end in divorce. FACT - "Irreconcilable differences" is the #1 cause of divorce. FACT - There is help and hope that can empower us to overcome the obstacles to building a successful marriage. This series lFACT - 50% of all marriages end in divorce. FACT - "Irreconcilable differences" is the #1 cause of divorce. FACT - The…
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There are four questions that uniquely shape our lives. Four questions that influence who we are, what we believe, how we think, what we value, and the choices we make. In this series, we’ve asked these questions and looked at the answers God provides for us in Scripture, nature, and life. We encourage you to dive into these questions and search fo…
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FACT - 50% of all marriages end in divorce. FACT - "Irreconcilable differences" is the #1 cause of divorce. FACT - There is help and hope that can empower us to overcome the obstacles to building a successful marriage. This series looks at the common challenges every marriage faces. Discover some real-life, practical solutions to a better, more sat…
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FACT - 50% of all marriages end in divorce. FACT - "Irreconcilable differences" is the #1 cause of divorce. FACT - There is help and hope that can empower us to overcome the obstacles to building a successful marriage. This series looks at the common challenges every marriage faces. Discover some real-life, practical solutions to a better, more sat…
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FACT - 50% of all marriages end in divorce. FACT - "Irreconcilable differences" is the #1 cause of divorce. FACT - There is help and hope that can empower us to overcome the obstacles to building a successful marriage. This series looks at the common challenges every marriage faces. Discover some real-life, practical solutions to a better, more sat…
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FACT - 50% of all marriages end in divorce. FACT - "Irreconcilable differences" is the #1 cause of divorce. FACT - There is help and hope that can empower us to overcome the obstacles to building a successful marriage. This series looks at the common challenges every marriage faces. Discover some real-life, practical solutions to a better, more sat…
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Einmal im Jahr legen wir unsere Security-Checklisten neu auf – nicht nur für unsere Leser, denn der Artikel ist als kostenlose PDF-Datei verfügbar und damit perfekt als Handreichung für Freunde und Bekannte. In inzwischen ganzen 14 Checklisten erklären wir kurz und knapp die wichtigen Handgriffe, um Windows, Browser, Smartphones und Router, aber au…
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Einmal im Jahr legen wir unsere Security-Checklisten neu auf – nicht nur für unsere Leser, denn der Artikel ist als kostenlose PDF-Datei verfügbar und damit perfekt als Handreichung für Freunde und Bekannte. In inzwischen ganzen 14 Checklisten erklären wir kurz und knapp die wichtigen Handgriffe, um Windows, Browser, Smartphones und Router, aber au…
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Cowboy Rhythmbox - We Got The Box King Cosmic - Last Night of Pleasure AKA ORANGE - ACID RIOT Oscean - Blaster Imploder Serge Santiago - Running Passions The Dare - Girls Moby - Go (Trentemøller Remix) Party Pencil - Bed of Memories Etienne de Crécy with Alex Gopher & Julien Delfaud - Fast Track The Whip - Trash The Futureheads - Hounds of Love (Ph…
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270 - Recap from the ESPC 2024 conference
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In this week's episode, we recap the ESPC 2024 event, live on site. Apologies, again, for the "hopping microphone" issues - we used wireless mics, and they caught some inferences we didn't see when recording. What did we learn about the event, and what are the expectations for the future based on these announcements? Also, Jussi asks Tobi an unexpe…
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Skype of Cthulhu presents a Delta Green campaign scenario. Impossible Landscapes by Dennis Detwiller. September 5, 2015 Carcosa The investigators make the treacherous journey to the palace, but one will make their final stand. Dramatis Persone: Jonathan as the Handler Max as Michael Witwer Gary as Agent Gary Randall as Agent Gus Sean as Agent Geral…
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Taking the Stage & Conquering Communication with Geoffrey Huck, Public Speaking Coach
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Today, we're talking to Geoffrey Huck, Public Speaking Coach. We discuss how to overcome communication barriers in the tech industry, translate complex ideas for non-technical audiences, and develop authentic speaking styles. All of this right here, right now, on the Modern CTO Podcast! To learn more about Geoffrey's work, check out his website her…
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Luke 1:39-56 Rev Rodney Henderson
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Blackwater Creek 06 - The Dark Forest
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Johnny, Lulu, Henry, Hector and the Sheriff head into the woods in search of Blackwater Creek itself... Buy us a coffee! - https://www.buymeacoffee.com/fumbledanthology Blackwater Creek is a Call of Cthulhu scenario written by Scott Dorward, and can be found in the Keeper Screen Pack published by Chaosium https://www.chaosium.com/call-of-cthulhu-ke…
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Smart-TVs und Streaming | c’t uplink
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Mit dabei: Ulrike Kuhlmann, Nico Jurran und Stefan Porteck Aktuelle Smart-TVs bieten eine gute Bildqualität, viele Funktionen und das auch zum kleinen Preis. Doch es gibt eine Kehrseite, weshalb man auf jeden Fall einige Einstellungen anpassen sollte. In der heutigen Ausgabe sprechen wir über Smart-TVs der 1000-Euro-Klasse. Dabei klären wir, welche…
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How The Online Regulators Stole Christmas
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In this week's round-up of the latest news in online speech, content moderation and internet regulation, Mike and Ben cover: Social media platforms have work to do to comply with Online Safety Act, says Ofcom (The Guardian) LFGSS and Microcosm shutting down 16th March 2025 (the day before the Online Safety Act is enforced) (LFGSS) The GamingOnLinux…
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CTRL-ENTER #17 | Aplicações da Inteligência Artificial no Direito, com Danilo Limoeiro
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Qual o impacto da inteligência artificial no meio jurídico? Quais são os riscos e os benefícios envolvidos? O estagiário de direito vai desaparecer? Para responder esta e outras perguntas, o CTRL-ENTER recebe hoje Danilo Limoeiro. Danilo tem mestrado em Oxford e doutorado no MIT. De volta ao Brasil, ele fundou a Turivius https://turivius.com/, uma …
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Renyard & DJ Fusion Guest Mix - 20th December 2024
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Featuring Renyard recorded live at Ministry of Breaks Open Decks on Friday 13th December 2024 at Fabwick: Mylo - Peach Melba ARLO - Bidet (Acid Vocal Mix) Todd Osborn - Put Your Weight On It (Frankfurt Mix) Kylie Minogue - Slow (Extended Instrumental) Kylie Minogue - Slow Nathan Fake - The Sky Was Pink (Holden Remix) Miss Kittin, Laurence Williams …
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Chaos im Schnellverfahren (mit Dennis Horn)
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Spill, Sill oder Nuzzel - wer erinnert sich denn schon noch an all diese Namen? Ich jedenfalls nicht. Versuche es aber trotzdem! Wir reden über Surf, Elon möchte die Hashtags abschaffen (und wir können ihn verstehen?!), TikTok kriegt sein Eilverfahren und Dennis entdeckt die neue "Haken dran"-Rubrik. ➡️ Mit der "Haken Dran"-Community ins Gespräch k…
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Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu scenario. And Some Fell on Stony Ground by Paul Fricker from Nameless Horrors. Please note that this episode contains depictions of violence that some people may find disturbing. February, 1922 Stowell, OH The poor unaffected souls decide that discretion is the better part of valor but only a few will liv…
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E26. Meri Williams - Caring Leadership and Making Paint Drips
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Meri is the CTO for PLEO, an innovative FinTech company, and has years of experience as a Technology Leader, NED and Advisor. In this episode, Meri talks to us about shaping an engineering culture and fostering a workplace where diversity and inclusion can truly thrive.द्वारा Guy Bevington
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#114 - Building an SDK feat. Dr. Daniel Hauschildt // CPTO @ IMG.LY
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The Tech and Business Side of Building an SDK Get insight into the SDK business (and learn about cross-platform performance and developer marketing) with Dr. Daniel Hauschildt (MD & CPTO at IMG.LY). As a client-side offering (no servers!), IMG.LY needs to take extra steps to ensure reliability on all devices 📱, platforms 💻 and browsers 🌐. From craf…
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Ep 16: CAA's 2024 Accessibility Retrospective - Ctrl, Alt, Access
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Ctrl, Alt, Access reaches the end of its first year. Let's look back on a year of accessibility updates.00:00 – Intro00:50 – Looking back at the podcast02:00 – Looking back at the accessibility year of 202402:20 – Game Awards 202405:35 – Year of High Contrast Mode07:15 – Year of Cognitive Accessibility12:50 – Year of Audio Description16:30 – Senua'…
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Dentro gli stipendi del 2024: il panorama del settore Tech in Italia | Hacking Expert 008 con Fabrizio Lalli di TechCompenso
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La trasparenza salariale è un tema cruciale per le aziende tech italiane e per i professionisti del settore. In questa puntata della rubrica Hacking Expert, Alex Pagnoni ospita Fabrizio Lallo, founder di Tech Compenso, per esplorare i dati e le tendenze emerse dal report 2024 sul mondo del lavoro tech e digital. Scopri come la trasparenza può aiuta…
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Skype of Cthulhu presents a Delta Green campaign scenario. Impossible Landscapes by Dennis Detwiller. September 5, 2015 Carcosa The investigators try to understand the strange logic (or illogic) of their new surroundings. Dramatis Persone: Jonathan as the Handler Max as Michael Witwer Gary as Agent Gary Randall as Agent Gus Sean as Agent Gerald Ste…
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