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Tales from the Shadows Row followed by an episode of the horror anthology series, "The Turn of Night." Hosted by Dano Villano & Dr. Invisible. For more cool content, check out Anti-Social Media. #theshadowsrow #podcasts #antisocialmedia #truecrime #horror #occult #metaphysical #paranormal #ghosts #monsters #crime
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show series
Another sighting of giants that was video taped shows 10 ft tall "entities" on top of a mountain and then one of them comes down the hill - very odd nont human strides and movements - then the 411 mystery and vanishing people, the rapture of the Church, border invasion, Texas takes action to control border, Biden goes to court to stop Texas and on …
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We will try again to have a blog talk radio show but will record it and post it if that fails - As the world moves into 2024, most experts feel that this is going to be a very interesting and scary year, with warnings of an impending economic crash, the UN is pushing for jabs that many are refusing, so that means they may stage an "invasion", decla…
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Merry Christmas for all who celebrate the impregnation of Mary by the Holy Spirit, as Jesus was most likely born in the fall, on a Feast of Trumpets - and we will try again to get a show up as we have been notified that they have fixed the problem, so we will see how it goes. The Sun is ever more anomalous, the radiation spikes are having their way…
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The UN vote for "peace and security" in Gaza was 153 in favor of a cease fire and may have been very prophetic and a warning as to how close we are to Daniel's final years, as we find a 153 fish in the net. Then we have the Russia calendar concerning war with the USA/Babylon in 2024 along with the solar eclipse of April 8, 2024 with an X over Ameri…
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December 8, 2023 and we got past Pearl Harbor Day, but there remains a high watch for a major false flag event sooner or later, hopefully later!! The UN wants to stop Israel, and that means that they want to invoke Article 7 and send in troops - so this is getting ever more dicey as time goes on. Then we have ever more diversions as the UN and thei…
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We are now in December and false flag events could come at any moment as the left knows that more and more people are finding out the elite's plan for world domination - which means they have to move faster to stop the resistance. The WHO treaty for world health domination continues to move forward. Then we have Israel and Biden at odds over Hamas …
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As we are about to enter December we hear more and more bad news concerning a global banking collapse that is, of course, part of the agenda to force the world into the digital wallet and digital currency, where cash will be terminated and even made a crime to conduct any transactions with cash. The digital money system will lead directly into the …
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2024 is now rapidly approaching, more and more UFO and odd creature sightings as the portals/gates open up but the Lord told us the gates of hell would not prevail - however the time when Christians must use their authority over enemy spirits is now upon us. Albert Pike and his WW3 prophecies appear to be working as planned, America is ripe for a m…
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Happy Thanksgiving to all as it may well be the last "normal" one we have, but be on full alert as it would be a day or weekend for those who hate America to start an internal conflict - even perhaps an EMP event to catch as many people "on the go" as possible - an estimated 50 million will be on the highways and returning back home on the weekend.…
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The USA is now under judgment and that will continue to worsen as the hatred for Israel and Christians grows, not only in America but around the world as prophecy said would happen. The demonization of Israel and Christians is growing by leaps and bounds and that soon turns into violence and mass killings. The UN/WHO/WEF and other NGO's continue th…
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More warnings from Government concerning possible terrorist activity in America/Babylon, first the FBI and now the DOD has issued a new warning. So it appears that things could get a bit dicey if we have such activity here and of course that would be the final destabilization of America along with an invasion would bring the UN invasion and martial…
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More warnings from Government concerning possible terrorist activity in America/Babylon, first the FBI and now the DOD has issued a new warning. So it appears that things could get a bit dicey if we have such activity here and of course that would be the final destabilization of America along with an invasion would bring the UN invasion and martial…
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FBI warnings of a major terrorist attacks in USA/Babylon need to be taken seriously as it indicates they know a major false flag event is in the works. Many sleeper cells could be activated all over the USA with no warning so one needs to be extra careful no matter where you are. The war in Israel is spinning out of control and more and more nation…
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Here we are in November, the Middle East war is expanding rapidly, and it appears that Albert Pike's vision/script is spot on. WW3 is the last and final conflict for humanity in this nuclear age, and the ruins it leaves behind are a testimony of how deep the rebellion of fallen man is. Peace, peace when there is no peace and that cannot happen unti…
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This is a short update as things are moving very rapidly in the Middle East as reports that Turkey has entered the war and other nations will soon join in. Iran continues its aid, and now Europe is getting involved (NATO) and this can only lead to a world war and a nuclear confrontation as outlined by Albert Pike. Then we have our borders still bei…
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No one knows where October went, but it flew by really fast and now winter comes upon the North Country, and that means 2023 is almost over, so where did it go? Is the Lord speeding up time as Pike's WW3 appears to have now begun? Reports claim that Israel is still in delay mode on the invasion of Gaza most likely because Israel may have come to th…
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Biden just told us the New World Order is almost here, along with warning us that WW3 is now in progress and all of this means radical changes in the life of Americans as the UN/WHO/WEF bring in their draconian New Order of the Ages. Middle East war continues to expand and is drawing in USA military forces, all scripted long ago by Masonry and Albe…
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It appears that the Middle East may explode at any moment as the Psalm 83 nations one by one gather against Israel. As we do not know the exact sequence of Psalm 83, Daniel 8, Isaiah 17 & 18 and others, we have to wait and see how all of this develops. But it appears that Pike's prophecies of how WW3 starts are now happening, and it is just a matte…
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Albert Pike's prophecy of WW3 appears to be beginning now and will increase over time to a global conflict in which no one wins. Humanity, for whatever reason, will not admit they are a fallen creature, destined to eternal ruin, a fate they cannot escape no matter how hard they try. Having rejected the only escape route given, only eternal death an…
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This show is a special expanded show to bring everyone up to speed regarding the globalist agenda that also includes Psalm Two and the new (old) war in Israel as Christ and Satan battle it out for control over Earth. The New World Order is now advancing with breakneck speed to get everything in place before humanity finds out they have been totally…
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This is a test broadcast from another location with an update on news as the world watches war and trouble that never stops. Are we watching the end of days? It seems that the signs are increasing rapidly in the stars, sun and moon, with Israel on Earth. Earth Changes abound and the Sun anomalies continue as well and more... Thanks for listening an…
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Something very strange is happening in the heavens that will never happen again and all of it points directly to the Bride of Christ. The mysterious alignment speaks volumes to those watching. We will be speaking of this mystery and don't forget the HIGH HOLY DAYS this September - many think the rapture of the Bride will occur this Feast of Trumpet…
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Sorry for the delay in posting this, but we have a number of issues to talk about tonight and hopeful we can expand of some of them on Friday night's show. They are really pushing a new variant of the CV-19 hoax and a totally new lockdown coming. If the American people are foolish enough to bow down without a whimper, as they did in 2020 and allow …
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Can anyone tell me where August went? It seems that time is actually speeding up, one of the possible ways God can shorten the days to save the very elect - what is time and how does it work? The Destroyer is inbound, and there are some pictures that appear to be authentic but only time will tell. Then we have Trump, and have we seen the LAST OF TR…
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So here we go again, with Biden planning another total lockdown beginning, it is said, mid-September, which is interesting timing because of the High Holy Days. It is said he will roll this out slowly but a full lockdown with masking, social distancing, tracking, and most likely this time a mandated mRNA MARK. All of this is the new culling wave al…
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As we move through August we see the world going deeper and deeper into insanity and near total depravity. Now those that have pointed out what really happened in Maui and being called lunatics as Satan & the NWO cannot stand the truth or have their lies revealed to the masses. More evidence against China Joe, in fact so much evidence of treason th…
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More warnings of war, food shortages, and while the Sun is quiet now, it will not remain so, and we are entering a very dangerous time for the Kill Shot that the remote viewers saw, and the Bible prophets told us about, more clues we are at the cusp of Daniel's 70th week. Then we have the UN and WHO attempting to make a global power grab and it loo…
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This is a test show to be sure we can actually do a show and if so we will post this and then do our regular Wednesday show a bit longer than usual to catch everyone up to speed. There is a lot going on as the Elite move up their agenda for a global takeover while the masses of the world have no clue as to what awaits them. Earth changes continue b…
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August is flying by us at breakneck speed and the war drums beat steady and loud. Then we have the Sun anomalies that are hitting the Earth with strong radiation, causing unseen harm to people, animals, plants, crops and so on. It appears that this is going to continue for a while yet. This also causes freak weather, bad storms, earthquakes and vol…
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August, 2023 and crop losses continue with downpour rains, hot sun, drought and possible early freeze. Will 2023 be the first of seven lean years? Crop reports would tend to confirm it. That means that 2024 will be even worse, and with the approach of the Destroyer and a possible pole shift, there would be no crops at all and massive starvation wou…
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August, 2023 and more and more sun activity and large doses of radiation, kicking up all sort of arthritic problems for people, brain fog, muscle pains, etc. This radiation keeps pouring in along with the solar storms and may get a lot worse before it is over. In point of fact, changes in cosmic radiation may be the cause of radical changes in huma…
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Once again the US government is refusing to give any evidence and denies we have any alien ships. bodies and advanced technologies, all of course is a lie as this "cabal" that runs all of this does not want anyone to muscle in on their power - for they can control the world secretly with their backwards engineering projects. He that controls the en…
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Tension between the nations is ramping up as Bible prophecy said it would in the last of the last days. The Book of Enoch says the demons within humanity rise up to destroy, and the Book of the Kolbrin says that mankind grows more and more restless as their spiritual foundation is lost. All of this together happens as the elite attempt to bring in …
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While there appears to a total blackout on the news from Ukraine and Poland, there may well be a growing clash that will bring Russia directly into a full confrontation with NATO/USA and full escalation into WW3. Reports coming in say that Ukraine/NATO has ordered all their troops to disengage from all Russian fronts and seek shelter, which, IF TRU…
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July is flying by and the globalists are hard at work to bring in their UN Agenda 30/50 as fast as they can before the slumbering masses of the world wake-up and stop them - then we have WW3 coming as the West keeps kicking the Bear to see if anything happens and eventually it will, BIG TIME. Then we have the UFO/Acclimation/Alien agenda kicking in…
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The escalation towards WW3 continues and the West keeps pushing Russia into a corner from which they must either surrender or fight. It is now obvious that Ukraine is the tool of the Globalists to bring this about, and now plans have been discovered from long ago to confirm this scripted operation of Russia's total destruction. Prophecy indicates t…
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The traitor Biden has issued a call-up of our reserve military forces to send into the Russian meat grinder. Having poured billions of dollars into Ukraine while Americans lose their homes and can't afford to feed themselves, the Obama/Biden team has depleted our weapons and now is working to slowly destroy our reserve forces. Is there any red line…
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Because of rank censorship, I have to be very careful on what is said here, but there is important news to bring everyone living within 50 miles of the East Coast - insofar as Earth changes go more volcanic eruptions are taking place and also the UN and the WEF are using Ukraine as a diversionary tactic as they make their global power grab and more…
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July 7, 2023 is a 777 number, a series of "completes" indicating that we are on the verge of Daniel's 70th Week, and confirming it is a brand-new UN plan to take-over the world with a 7-YEAR PLAN. Why would they issue a 7-year plan for a total takeover of Earth, and at the same time the UN's WHO has a "plan" for total takeover of your health, which…
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We made it through the 4th of July and so now we wait for more news concerning Ukraine and NATO's insane lust for WW3 as news claims evacuations around the nuclear power plant have been mostly completed, and it appears that orders have been given to a wide area to "pack your bags" and bring your "papers". This will be blamed upon Russia, but it wil…
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June is almost gone, lots of war & rumors of war talk, but things of late have taken an ominous turn if one connects the dots - clearing the way for WW3 to begin in earnest - that is, flying nukes that kill lots of poor folks who only wanted to live their lives - but no - very evil people want to destroy everything good, everything right, and resha…
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A coup that was not, but rather a decoy operation to set up an invasion of Ukraine and perhaps end the game, and as Russia leaders have said, Ukraine will be no more. Remember Jade-Helm military operations within the USA rounding up civilians and taking them to FEMA Camps? "Mastering the human domain" was the motto and now we find military exercise…
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Something very strange/odd is going on inside Russia and NATO along with internal American military moves and "exercises". It appears that what is going on is the final stage just before a Russian attack that will topple the Ukraine power structure, and Russia taking all of Ukraine, as Putin said was going to happen. This may force the USA/NATO to …
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It appears that NATO has engineered a coup during Air Defender 2023, that began its operation just as the "exercise" was to close down, but now NATO has an excuse to "stay around" because of this coup attempt to dethrone Putin and all his supporters. However this coup attempt is gaining support of the Russian military, and any change in leadership …
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June 23, 2023. A 9-23 in code, an important number to the occult forces of the world. NATO's Air Defender is now winding down and so far, it appears no major "event" as of yet. As no one knows what is really going on behind the curtain we all have to wait to see what happens next! Will there be a major false flag event? NATO keeps probing the Bear …
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It appears that confusion reigns regards military movements in the USA, but if one backs off and looks at the BIG PICTURE then we are very close to War, as the elite has decided to use WAR to bring in their Great Reset, their new digital dollar, total control over everyone, the fake arrival of the Blue Beam Project and economic CHAOS to bring in as…
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NATO to finish off their Air Defender 2023 on 6-23 a 9-23 in code - does it mean anything. U.S. Military odd or strange activity in USA still in huge debate - why all the total silence in major and alternative news? Some pictures posted were from some time ago - was this a wag-the-dog to see what would happen? Did the WEF order Biden to declare mar…
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This is a special show to update every one of the very strange military movements within the USA and shutdowns of some highways, cities, and MSM silence concerning all of this. Videos of massive movements all over the USA appear to be still going on with a total black-out of WHAT and WHY. Then we have a major blackout in Alaska as well and don't fo…
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This is a short shout-out to give you a heads up of massive military movements within the United States being reported, especially in California and Idaho but also in many other areas. Something is up, and we could be going under martial law next week - rumors of possible conflict with Russia also in the wind. No one seems to know what, why or how,…
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With Putin warning the West that if they attempt to stop the Ukraine war that the EU and USA will become nuclear targets, the stakes have been raised another notch. Most in the West think that Putin is bluffing and would not dare attack the West and so on and on the chess game goes. Then we have China and there is clear indication China will take T…
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