Charles Spurgeon सार्वजनिक
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Charles Spurgeon was a popular Baptist minister in London in mid-Victorian times; his ministry was highly influential and had a significant effect on many families in London and further afield. It was difficult to find a hall large enough to accommodate the crowd who wished to hear him. At times the Royal Surrey Gardens’ Music Hall was hired to accomodate the Sunday congregation; this could seat 10,000 but large numbers were unable to gain admittance. His world-wide heritage is very much wit ...
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HE WHO SPOKE and wrote this message will be greatly disappointed if it does not lead many to the Lord Jesus. It is sent forth in childlike dependence upon the power of God the Holy Ghost, to use it in the conversion of millions, if so He pleases. No doubt many poor men and women will take up this little volume, and the Lord will visit them with grace. To answer this end, the very plainest language has been chosen, and many homely expressions have been used. But if those of wealth and rank sh ...
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19 de Setembro. Para a liberdade foi que Cristo nos libertou. (Gálatas 5.1) A liberdade nos torna livres para seguirmos a Constituição do céu - a Bíblia . Crente, eis uma promessa selecionada: "Quando passares pelas águas, eu serei contigo" (Isaías 43.2). Você é livre para esta promessa e para a seguinte: "Porque os montes se retirarão, e os outeir…
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“And they follow me.” — John 10:27 We should follow our Lord as unhesitatingly as sheep follow their shepherd, for He has a right to lead us wherever He pleases. We are not our own, we are bought with a price — let us recognize the rights of the redeeming blood. The soldier follows his captain, the servant obeys his master, much more must we follow…
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18 de Setembro. Se vivemos no Espírito, andemos também no Espírito. (Gálatas 5.25) As duas coisas mais importantes de nosso cristianismo são a vida de fé e o andar de fé. Aquele que compreende isto corretamente não está distante de ser um mestre na prática da teologia, pois isto é vital para um crente. Você nunca encontrará a fé verdadeira desacomp…
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~ Around the Wicket Gate ~Almost Saved, But Altogether Lost Here in Chapter 3, Spurgeon explores the necessity of personal faith in Jesus for salvation, stressing that it’s not enough to acknowledge Christ’s sufficiency without actively seeking refuge in Him. Through vivid analogies, Spurgeon illustrates how faith involves running to Christ, much l…
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“If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.” — Galatians 5:25 The two most important things in our holy religion are the life of faith and the walk of faith. He who shall rightly understand these is not far from being a master in experimental theology, for they are vital points to a Christian. You will never find true faith unattende…
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“Encourage him.” — Deuteronomy 1:38 God employs His people to encourage one another. He did not say to an angel, “Gabriel, my servant Joshua is about to lead my people into Canaan — go, encourage him.” God never works needless miracles; if His purposes can be accomplished by ordinary means, He will not use miraculous agency. Gabriel would not have …
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“Bring him unto me.” — Mark 9:19 Despairingly the poor disappointed father turned away from the disciples to their Master. His son was in the worst possible condition, and all means had failed, but the miserable child was soon delivered from the evil one when the parent in faith obeyed the Lord Jesus’ word, “Bring him unto me.” Children are a preci…
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17 de Setembro. Traze o teu filho. (Lucas 9.41) O pai desapontado volveu-se, em desespero, dos discípulos para o Senhor deles. O seu filho se encontrava na pior condição possível, e todos os recursos haviam falhado. O filho foi imediatamente liberto do maligno, quando o pai obedeceu, com fé, a ordem do Senhor Jesus: "Traze o teu filho". Os filhos s…
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“am I a sea, or a whale, that Thou settest a watch over me?” — Job 7:12 This was a strange question for Job to ask of the Lord. He felt himself to be too insignificant to be so strictly watched and chastened, and he hoped that he was not so unruly as to need to be so restrained. The enquiry was natural from one surrounded with such insupportable mi…
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“Partakers of the divine nature.” — 2 Peter 1:4 To be a partaker of the divine nature is not, of course, to become God. That cannot be. The essence of Deity is not to be participated in by the creature. Between the creature and the Creator there must ever be a gulf fixed in respect of essence; but as the first man Adam was made in the image of God,…
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16 de Setembro. Co-participantes da natureza divina. (2 Pedro 1.4) Evidentemente, ser um participante da natureza divina não significa tornar-se Deus. Isto é impossível. A criatura não pode ser participante da essência da Divindade. No que diz respeito à essência, tem de haver um abismo entre a criatura e a Divindade. O primeiro homem, Adão, foi cr…
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“A people near unto him.” — Psalm 148:14 The dispensation of the old covenant was that of distance. When God appeared even to His servant Moses, He said, “Draw not nigh hither: put off thy shoes from off thy feet”; and when He manifested Himself upon Mount Sinai, to His own chosen and separated people, one of the first commands was, “Thou shalt set…
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“He shall not be afraid of evil tidings.” — Psalm 112:7 Christian, you ought not to dread the arrival of evil tidings; because if you are distressed by them, what do you more than other men? Other men have not your God to fly to; they have never proved His faithfulness as you have done, and it is no wonder if they are bowed down with alarm and cowe…
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15 de Setembro. Não se atemoriza de más notícias. (Salmos 112.7) Crente, você não deve temer a chegada de más notícias. Se elas o entristecem, em que aspecto você é diferente dos outros homens? Eles não têm o seu Deus, a quem podem recorrer. Nunca provaram a fidelidade de Deus como você a tem experimentado. Não devemos nos admirar que eles se prost…
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“I acknowledged my sin unto Thee, and mine iniquity have I not hid. I said, I will confess my transgressions unto the Lord; and Thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin.” — Psalm 32:5 David’s grief for sin was bitter. Its effects were visible upon his outward frame: “his bones waxed old”; “his moisture was turned into the drought of summer.” No remedy…
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“There were also with Him other little ships.” — Mark 4:36 Jesus was the Lord High Admiral of the sea that night, and His presence preserved the whole convoy. It is well to sail with Jesus, even though it be in a little ship. When we sail in Christ’s company, we may not make sure of fair weather, for great storms may toss the vessel which carries t…
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14 de Setembro. E outros barcos o seguiam. (Marcos 4.36) Naquela noite, o Senhor Jesus era o Almirante Supremo do mar e podia, com sua presença, preservar toda a frota de barcos. É bom velejar com Jesus, mesmo que num barco pequeno. Quando navegamos na companhia de Cristo, podemos não ter uma garantia de tempo bom; pois grandes tempestades podem ba…
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“This man receiveth sinners.” — Luke 15:2 Observe the condescension of this fact. This Man, who towers above all other men, holy, harmless, undefiled, and separate from sinners — this Man receiveth sinners. This Man, who is no other than the eternal God, before whom angels veil their faces — this Man receiveth sinners. It needs an angel’s tongue to…
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“Who passing through the valley of Baca make it a well, the rain also filleth the pools.” — Psalm 84:6 This teaches us that the comfort obtained by a one may often prove serviceable to another; just as wells would be used by the company who came after. We read some book full of consolation, which is like Jonathan’s rod, dropping with honey. Ah! we …
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13 de Setembro. O qual, passando pelo vale árido, faz dele um manancial; de bênçãos o cobre a primeira chuva. (Salmos 84.6) Estas palavras nos ensinam que o conforto obtido por alguém pode frequentemente se mostrar útil a outrem, assim como os poços de água são usados por uma geração após outra. Lemos um livro repleto de consolações, que se mostra …
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“I will sing of mercy and judgment.” — Psalm 101:1 Faith triumphs in trial. When reason is thrust into the inner prison, with her feet made fast in the stocks, faith makes the dungeon walls ring with her merry notes as she I cries, “I will sing of mercy and of judgment. Unto thee, O Lord, will I sing.” Faith pulls the black mask from the face of tr…
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“God is jealous.” — Nahum 1:2 Your Lord is very jealous of your love, O believer. Did He choose you? He cannot bear that you should choose another. Did He buy you with His own blood? He cannot endure that you should think that you are your own, or that you belong to this world. He loved you with such a love that He would not stop in heaven without …
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12 de Setembro. O SENHOR é Deus zeloso. (Naum 1.2) O crente, o seu Senhor é bastante zeloso em relação ao seu amor para com Ele. O Senhor o escolheu? Por isso, não pode suportar que você escolha outrem. O Senhor o comprou com o seu próprio sangue? Ele não pode suportar você que pense que pertence a si mesmo ou a este mundo. O Senhor o amou com um a…
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“Lead me, O Lord, in Thy righteousness because of mine enemies.” — Psalms 5:8 Very bitter is the enmity of the world against the people of Christ. Men will forgive a thousand faults in others, but they will magnify the most trivial offence in the followers of Jesus. Instead of vainly regretting this, let us turn it to account, and since so many are…
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“Be ye separate.” — 2 Corinthians 6:17 The Christian, while in the world, is not to be of the world. He should be distinguished from it in the great object of his life. To him, “to live,” should be “Christ.” Whether he eats, or drinks, or whatever he does, he should do all to God’s glory. You may lay up treasure; but lay it up in heaven, where neit…
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11 de Setembro. Separai-vos. (2 Coríntios 6.17) O crente, embora esteja no mundo, não é do mundo. Ele deveria ser distinguido do mundo nos grandes objetivos de sua vida. Para o crente, o viver tem de ser Cristo (ver Filipenses 1.21). Quer beba, quer coma, quer faça alguma outra coisa, o crente deve fazer tudo para a glória de Deus (ver 1 Coríntios …
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“Evening wolves.” — Habakkuk 1:8 While preparing the present volume, this particular expression recurred to me so frequently, that in order to be rid of its constant importunity I determined to give a page to it. The evening wolf, infuriated by a day of hunger, was fiercer and more ravenous than he would have been in the morning. May not the furiou…
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“And he goeth up into a mountain, and calleth unto him whom he would: and they came unto him.” — Mark 3:13 Here was sovereignty. Impatient spirits may fret and fume, because they are not called to the highest places in the ministry; but reader be it thine to rejoice that Jesus calleth whom He wills. If He shall leave me to be a doorkeeper in His ho…
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10 de Setembro. Depois, subiu ao monte e chamou os que ele mesmo quis, e vieram para junto dele. (Marcos 3.13) Nesse acontecimento se manifestou a soberania. Pessoas impacientes podem irritar-se e ficar iradas porque não foram chamadas às posições mais nobres do ministério. Mas, querido leitor, regozije-se com o fato de que Jesus chama a quem Ele m…
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“And round about the throne were four and twenty seats: and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white raiment.” — Revelation 4:4 These representatives of the saints in heaven are said to be around the throne. In the passage in Canticles, where Solomon sings of the King sitting at his table, some render it “a round table.…
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