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Discernment is increasingly lacking within the church, but it is paramount that Christians begin to hone their skill of discernment if they desire to lead a life that is pleasing to God. Working from Romans 12:1-2, Pastor Josh provides a thoroughly...द्वारा Joshua Claycamp
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We live in a day in which the family is under attack, and the notion of fatherhood is broadly questioned. What does it mean to be a Father? Why does God give Fathers, and what does God desire for Fathers to be and to do? Working from Malachi 4:4-6...द्वारा Joshua Claycamp
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Upon what should we build our lives? What is the foundation that will stand through every crucible and every crises? What is the bedrock that can never be moved even when everything else gives way? Paul tells us that the bedrock that should both...द्वारा Joshua Claycamp
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The Apostle Paul cries out in Romans 9 that he wishes he were cursed and cut off from God if it means the salvation of his fellow Jews. He repeats this same soul-aching cry again in Romans 10, saying that his prayer is that somehow the Jews may be...द्वारा Joshua Claycamp
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The whole world longs for eternity. Though there are many who deny it or refuse it, the whole world longs for life beyond the grave. This yearning for eternal life is what is written all over the ancient Egyptian Pyramids. It is recorded in the...द्वारा Joshua Claycamp
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The day of the crucifixion closes with a sad question: where were they? Where did the disciples of Jesus go? Where were His mother and brothers and sisters? Where were they? When Jesus died, his body was claimed by two remote acquaintances, Joseph of...द्वारा Joshua Claycamp
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Many prefer the happy Immanuel of Christmas. Others are willing to put up with the suffering Lamb of Easter, even though it starts to hit closer to their own personal sinfulness. But one thing no one really wants to think about is the...द्वारा Joshua Claycamp
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Gen Z is becoming famous for #deconstructing, a term that refers to taking apart their faith in Christianity. Many have abandoned the beliefs of their childhood altogether. The problem comes for those who endure and look back at this lost generation...द्वारा Joshua Claycamp
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Gen Z is becoming famous for deconstructing, a term that refers to taking apart their faith in Christianity. Many have abandoned the beliefs of their childhood altogether. The problem comes for those who endure and look back at this lost generation...द्वारा Joshua Claycamp
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One of the great mysteries of history is that God is going to provoke the Jews to jealousy over the relationship that He enjoys with the Gentiles. This is a part of His plan of salvation, and it is one of the final events of history before we attain...द्वारा Joshua Claycamp
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No matter how dark, no matter how dangerous, and no matter how sinister the spread of evil has become, there are always a few believing men left in the world. God's Word promises that the church will endure no matter what. She may be few in...द्वारा Joshua Claycamp
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Two years ago the Government of Canada passed Bill C4 which amended the Criminal Code of Canada to prohibit reparative therapy or conversion therapy, which is broadly defined as any attempt to persuade an individual that their sex and gender at birth...द्वारा Joshua Claycamp
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The Apostle Paul has been clear that not all Israel will be saved. Romans 9 and 10 are his elaborate explanation of the inevitable truth that only the elect will be saved. However, we cannot conclude that God is finished with the Jews. If Romans 9 and...द्वारा Joshua Claycamp
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It is a time of great geopolitical struggle. Russia has invaded Ukraine, China has its eyes on Taiwan, and Iran-backed proxies are terrorizing Israel. How does this all end? What will become of our generation? The Scriptures do not give us specific...द्वारा Joshua Claycamp
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When we are living in such troubled times, how can we celebrate Christmas? This is a question that many are asking. Is right to rejoice, celebrate and make merry when we are surrounded by so much conflict, so much tension, and so much trouble? The...द्वारा Joshua Claycamp
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How do we see ourselves? And when we do take the time to look at ourselves, how do we understand what makes us look beautiful? For most of us, we try to see ourselves the world sees us, but this can be incredibly destructive. Nowhere is this more...द्वारा Joshua Claycamp
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Is there such a thing as a secret Christian? Occasionally, there are those who acknowledge their brokenness and who desire the salvation that Jesus offers, but they will not make their faith in Jesus public. The Apostle Paul makes clear that such a...द्वारा Joshua Claycamp
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What is salvation? How do we obtain it? How do we get to it? Do we cross oceans? Do we climb Mountains? Do we dive down to the depths? In one sense, yes, this type of strenuous effort is necessary, but in another sense, no, you do not need to become...द्वारा Joshua Claycamp
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Paul prays for the salvation of Jews on the basis of their great zeal for God. But he laments that the reason they are not saved is because they have a zeal for God, but it is a zeal that is without knowledge. What kind of knowledge is Paul talking...द्वारा Joshua Claycamp
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To what end is providence leading us? God is directing history to reach its conclusion in the worship of God with people joining together from every tribe, every tongue, every people and every nation. God calls us to join Him in pursuing this reality.द्वारा Joshua Claycamp
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In the midst of all this talk of election, of choosing some from before they were born, of the hardening of hearts, and of the sovereign directing of all human history... there must surely be a lingering question in your mind. If God is in control of...द्वारा Joshua Claycamp
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Why does God harden hearts? Is it only to ensure that evil men are punished or is there something more? These questions, which were raised in Romans 9:14-18, find their fullest answer in Romans 9:19-23. The aim of God's action in history is make...द्वारा Joshua Claycamp
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Why does God harden hearts? Is it only to ensure that evil men are punished or is there something more? When we consider the hardening of Pharaoh's heart in Romans 9:14-18, we are tempted to think that there is something unfair or unjust about...द्वारा Joshua Claycamp
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Our world dismisses psychological pain as unnecessary, as something that can and ought to be medicated away. Yet, we discover something extraordinary in the book of Romans- the Apostle Paul not only holds onto a certain kind anguish, he even nurses...द्वारा Joshua Claycamp
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Does the Bible have anything to say about psychological pain? What does "mental health" mean when it is considered from a Biblical perspective? The Apostle Paul gives us an incredible look into his own emotional life in Romans 9:1-5. Follow...द्वारा Joshua Claycamp
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Is God playing mean tricks with us? When considering the inscrutable and mysterious ways of God, we often stumble in understanding how He is working in our lives. The Apostle Paul tells us that when we can't understand how his hand is at work...द्वारा Joshua Claycamp
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The most amazing assurance given in Scripture is that God will bring good from everything, even the evil and heartache of this world. But this promise is not given to everyone. It only belongs to those who love God. Therefore, it behooves us to ask...द्वारा Joshua Claycamp
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Happy Mother's Day to all the moms! As we reflect on the investment that you have made into our lives, we are forever grateful. Your love for us is a mirror into understanding the love that God has for us. Just as you have nurtured us, pushed us...द्वारा Joshua Claycamp
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There's this myth that is quite popular today. It is the belief that following the Holy Spirit very carefully will lead the believer into abundant prosperity, a dream job, the perfect marriage & family, never-ending health, and a...द्वारा Joshua Claycamp
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There is an aspect of the Christian life that is violent. Followers of Jesus are always called to be meek and gentle, kind and compassionate in all their dealings with others. But there is a mean-streak to the Christian that is quite ruthless. Paul...द्वारा Joshua Claycamp
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In the days before Christ men were given the Word of God. In the days between the first coming of Christ and His second coming men have been given His Word, but they have also been given something else. They have been given His Holy Spirit. What does...द्वारा Joshua Claycamp
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The hope of walking this earth again, after death, is no idle dream but a confident expectation given by Jesus himself when He walked out of the tomb! We are promised by God to live again in a resurrected body, to eat food, to breath the clean air, to...द्वारा Joshua Claycamp
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It is stunning how seldom God himself is proclaimed as the greatest gift of the Gospel. Yet, Jesus does not allow us to understand the Gospel in any other way. Christ's triumphant entry into the Temple on Palm Sunday, to perform God's...द्वारा Joshua Claycamp
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"Is it possible for a leopard to change its spots," asks the prophet Jeremiah. The fundamental goal of spirituality is to become that which we were not nor could we ever be left to our own devices. How does that happen? How do we become...द्वारा Joshua Claycamp
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"Is it possible for a leopard to change its spots," asks the prophet Jeremiah. The fundamental goal of spirituality is to become that which we were not nor could we ever be left to our own devices. How does that happen? How do we become...द्वारा Joshua Claycamp
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You have a sinister inner-self. In Robert Louis Stevenson’s The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Dr. Jekyll comes to realize that he is “an incongruous compound of good and evil.” What Stevenson captures in literature is true for everyone...द्वारा Joshua Claycamp
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Western society prides itself on its reason and intellect. But we do not see as clearly as we think. In order to see, God must reveal, and what God reveals is that we are exceedingly sinful beyond measure (Rom 7:13). It is necessary to understand this...द्वारा Joshua Claycamp
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Do Christians keep the law? What parts of the law do Christians keep, if any? These questions have sparked a great deal of debate over the centuries and persist to this day...but Paul makes it clear in Romans 7 that Jesus has discharged us from the...द्वारा Joshua Claycamp
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Sometimes you come across a passage of Scripture that summarizes the entire Bible, and Romans 6:23 is one of those passages. Hear the good news of what God offers to you in the offer of eternal life in Christ Jesus as Lord. Follow along as Pastor...द्वारा Joshua Claycamp
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It is quite common to hear the expression today that, "Christianity is about a relationship, not a religion." Yet, the Apostle Paul may not entirely agree with that sentiment. Today, we are going to see that there is a call upon every...द्वारा Joshua Claycamp
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In a recent study, it was estimated around 9,000 churches in Canada will close their doors forever by 2030. When there is such a drought, such a spiritual famine of hearing God's Word, Amos 8 gives us wisdom. As we begin 2023 and worship the Lord...द्वारा Joshua Claycamp
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