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Episode summary: Do you find yourself stuck in your mind ? Maybe you feel alone, overwhelmed or just in down. Join me LIVE every monday for 17-Minutes of Soulful conversation that can shift you from "blah to bliss" - it truly is the miracle magnet. Join me Live at 12PM EST.We streaming live on both linkedIn and Youtube. You can also follow me on my…
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Episode summary: Join me LIVE every monday at 12PM EST for this week's 17-Minute Soulfully Speaking. When FOG rolls in and the path of life is met with uncertainty fear quickly rises. Join today on how to remain in a spirit of hope and faith knowing you are being guided even when the step in front is hard to see. For this path is about patience...t…
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Episode Summary: Ever feel like your peace, positivity and productivity evaporates in seconds by the energy of others around you? Perhaps it is a work situation? A sudden flare up in a relationship? It is not easy to remain calm when a drama is unfolding before you. In this episode Learn how to remain calm like a Hermit! Join me evry Monday at 12PM…
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Episode Summary: Yes, you read that correctly.... I went for a hike with Audrey Hepburn. Join me LIVE every Monday at 12PM EST to learn more about it and why it matters for your life It's is always connected to peace. Peace MUST be at the heart of living a soulful life. Join me to learn how to have more PEACE, create more PEACE and …
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Episode Summary: Sometimes you can feel alone...especially in moments of transition and change. However, there are signs always trying to get your attention to let you know you are not alone. Perhaps it is a sequence of numbers (11:11, 444 etc), a song that always plays when you think of someone or a feeling that you need to do something. In this e…
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Episode summary: As we walk towards the "100th Episode" today is RIGHT BEFORE YOUR EYES. Lessons of Life that show up daily RIGHT BEFORE YOUR EYES...the ordinary that are the teachers to your heart and life. When you stop scrolling and look up....what needs your attention is right before you. In this episodw you will learn three simple ways to not …
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Episode Summary: Do you like to go on long walks or hikes? Do you find yourself feeling different after a walk? Your mind a bit clearer? I LOVE to walkand hike....especially living here in Switzerland. Join me on "walk to 100"....the 100th Episode of soulfully speaking in october. Each show leading up to the 100th show will be a soulful sharing of …
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Episode summary: You know that feeling of being stuck. You cannot pinpoint what it it is but there is just a feeling inside you. Here's the thing when you keep trying to "figure out why you think you are stuck" - you stay in your head. You will just keep spinning. You don't have to know what is stuck. You first have to take three simple soulful act…
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Episode summary: Are you walking on "egg shells" at work? The boss or colleague that sends a ripple effect out with their bad mood, temper or fear of being targeted by their behavior? Walking on egg shells immediately sends your nervous system and spirit into survival and fear mode. You energy is immediately being controlled by another person - som…
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Episode Summary: Have you been ghosted recently? Perhaps it is after several interviews for a job and then nothing. You reply. Maybe it is a perspective new client after a great first meeting. You reach back out and no answer. Ghosting is a far to common practice today. Bottom line - it is just rude and unprofessional to ghost anoth…
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Episode Summary: This question by a client brought a smile to my face last week. The "homework" was more an exercise of soul work...simply 60 seconds of writing that was providing profound insights. Did you know that simple writing prompts will provide new insights for you in seconds? This is especially true if dealing with a challenging work situa…
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Episode Summary: 👉Maybe it is your micromanager boss that is driving you nuts but you make excuses because you are afraid to say something? 👉Maybe you are falling into the gossip trap about everything and everyone at work but make excuses why you stay? 👉Maybe you know it is time to move on but you keep making excuses why you have not brushed up you…
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Episode Summary: You feel micromanaged by a boss. Or maybe you keep being put on so many projects that keep you from seeing your kids and family - feeling guilty and tensions are on the rise. Or perhaps desire a different job or want to go out on your own but controlled by the fear of not having the paycheck and failure. The list can go on and on. …
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Episode Summary: Are you seeking money? Either for yourself, as a Fundraiser, Business owner seeking investors or for a charity you want to support in a big way? One of the most powerful senses is our #intuition that is a heat seeking money magnet. However, your intuition will often nudge in small ways to lead you. It all comes down to three things…
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Episode Summary: Control is just a costume for fear. We control when afraid...especially when unsure. Yes, you need to be in responsibility of your money but control is a different issue. Control creates a mindset...and even more so a heart block to a lack belief, desperate to get or failure to act. Today, join me for 17-minutes of Soulfully Speaki…
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Episode Summary: Numbers don't lie. However, you can lie to yourself about the numbers. This 17-Minute Soulfully Speaking is the first of a Four Part Series: The Heart of Money. Designed for anyone that is seeking to raise money for their business, fundraisers and anyone that seeks to evolve their relationship with money. Money is an energy....but …
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Episode Summary: Join me for this special 17-Minute Soulfully Speaking LIVE from Paris. In the City of Lights ✨the question is.... Are you allowing your Light to shine❓ Do you believe you are a "Lightworker" with your attitude, gifts and presence❓ Light is part of your mission in life. Tune in to learn how to brighten it, follow it and see it a bit…
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Episode summary: Guess you evolve so does your purpose or mission in the world. You may have several missions in your lifetime. It may be job may family related...personal relationship or something just for you. Listen in for this 17-Minute soulful conversation to learn simple ways to connect, listen, follow and above all kno…
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Episode Summary: You have probably said at some point when working through a project or challenge..."I am finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel." What do you do when there is no light? All you see is more of the same? Join me every monday at 12PM EST for 17-Minutes of soulful, practical and inspired conversation on this topic that you c…
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Episode summary: You are thinking of someone and they text you that same day. You meet someone at an event who works at exactly the company where you just applied for a job. You keep seeing certain numbers showing up for you (11:11, 444). You are rerouted due to a traffic jam and discover a new neighborhood that has a house for sale that catches yo…
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Episode Summary: You are about to begin... A new project, an important interview or meet someone in person for the first time. You were feeling good until...."Self-Doubt cozied up next to you." Now you are starting to get yourself into a spin. Join me Every Monday AT 12PM EDT . Learn HOW to un-invite Self-Doubt at the start of anything new. It is n…
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Episode Summary: As you evolve through live so will your identity. It is easy to hold on - stay attached to an old identity either what your title or job used to be - or where you used to live - or things you used to do. That is why so often when searching for a job you encounter blocks - you are still holding on to what WAS and not opening up to w…
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Episode Summary: It is always when you least expect it... You feel pushed into an awkward corner by a person or situation. All sorts of buttons often get pushed in us in those moments...judgement, anger, frustration, and so many more. However...what if you take a a soulful approach to the very annoying human moment to see there is a bigger reason f…
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Episode summary: Life Happens.... Sometimes we are in the flow... All going with ease, focus, patience and good energy. Then... all of a sudden it goes off track with a disagreement, tiredness, lack of focus and the list goes on. Join Me every Monday at 12PM EST LIVE for 17 - Minutes of Soulful Conversation. In today's Episode we are learning Simpl…
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Say what? Everything we do today has a "pin number" - "passcode" to enter. It's like the "secret numbers" on the back of your credit card - it is just for you. So does our soul - our spirit. There are special gifts attached just to you. When you know the "soul pin" it makes navigating and entering life situations much easier to learn, thrive and ev…
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Episode summary: Are you struggling to "figure out" what is your next career move or maybe how to handle a relationship matter? Perhaps you are trying to "figure out" how to deal with financial matters but still feel lost. "Figuring It Out" from the mind will always have you spinning in fear and control. Only when you all yourself to connect with y…
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Episode Summery: What you are often most fearful about sharing is the way forward. The ego mind will always spin it with fear - don't share you will loose the person or things will be worse. In the end, no matter what the secret may be about either in relationship, finances, work, or simply not able to speak your voice - COURAGE is the catalyst to …
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Episode Summary. JOY is a magnet. To have a joyful presence is to live a life that attracts abundance. This needs to be even more of focus especially in challenging times of your life. Joy is about appreciating what is right before you, seeing that the small moments are the miracle moments and this attract what you desire. JOY is not always laughin…
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Episode Summary: What do your friendships reflect about you? There are some friendships that are for a lifetime. Some for a period of time usually around a common interest, bond or activity. Some friendships just seem to disappear. Some who you thought were friends show their true colors in a time of need. From a Soulful perspective friendships are…
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Episode Summary To say "I will never do this or that" is a life lesson. Join me every monday for a very heartfelt Special Soulfully Speaking on how the decisions of our life are powerful lessons to becoming fully who we are called to be in this life at 12PM EDT . We are streaming live on both LinkedIn and Youtube. Dont forget to follow me on Instag…
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Episode summary: 🟡Have you become a master of protecting yourself through humor, charm or business speak? 🟡Like a chameleon that changes color to blend in - so too can you develop the same behavior that in the end holds you back. Holds you back from being truly authentic. 👉👉JOIN ME LIVE every monday at 12PM EDT in this heart-authentic conversation …
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Episode Summary Your life will always be filled with negotiations. From negotiating a job offer, relationship or a disagreement - it is part of life. However, it is easy to hold back on what you want out of worry or fear on how it will be received by another. Tune in to this 17-Minute Episode to learn a soulful approach that will help you confident…
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Episode Summary: There is a soul relationship with our money. Meaning how our values and beliefs with money impact us daily. What is your relationship with money❓ What do you feel as you read this question - calm, anxiousness, dread or concern? Even more so when you are asked to give money either individually or as an organization to support a miss…
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SLEEP is the one of the most powerful aspects of living with clarity. So often it is the first aspect of our life that is pushed away. 🟡This is especially true when stress, overthinking or just poor sleeping hygiene routine is part of our life. 🟡Like being on your iPhone till shutting the lights off or going to bed thinking of problems. If this res…
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Episode Summary: 👉Waiting is always the hard part... 👉Waiting for test results... 👉Waiting for the email confirming you are moving forward in a job interview... 👉Waiting to hear back from someone following a date... 👉Waiting in line when rushing... The list could go on and on. 🛑HOWEVER, there is a Soulful Lesson in the WAITING to WATCH for what is …
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Episode Summary: Do you have a "sense" or "feeling" about people, events or even work projects that when you listen to it always proves true❓ Do you notice signs on a daily basis like repeating numbers, (444, 333, 11:11), or the coincidences that happen feel Divinely ochestrated to help you❓ Do you believe that your intuition and spiritual guides a…
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Episode summary: New Year...New Energy...New Evolution However, to evolve forward consciously faith and trust are the key ingredients. Join me evry Monday LIVE at 12PM EDT to learn how your trust is the ULTIMATE life force to all you desire in life. We are streaming Live on both linkedIn and Youtube.…
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Episode summary. Join me for the final special show of Soulfully Speaking on 👉👉 at 6PM EST: LOVE Yes, LOVE. Join me from a special spot in the world to be inspired on this special day about LOVE. If you are seeking a shift of perspective in these final days of 2023 this show is for you! If you guess it correctly in the comments you will win a free …
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Episode Summary : This is my story of running into Coco Chanel...say what, Brian?!? Yes, tune in to find out where and when...most important: HOW! A simple lesson for an age of IG and selfies...of where our vision needs to be. As 2023 closes out this message is about keeping the heart and soul focused on true beauty of life...not what we think it s…
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Episode Yes, it is that simple...when you know how. 👉Join me LIVE every Monday at 12PM EST for this 17-Minute Soulfully Speaking to be inspired on how to listen, connect and how set in motion what you desire more of in 2024 personally, professionally, relationships and more. PLUS.... 🛑SPECIAL ONCE A YEAR SPECIAL OF 40% OFF my exclusive ENLIGHTENMEN…
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Episode summary: MONEY... Just the word will either raise fear, worry, excitement or peace. Money is an energy. Money is part of your life. Money is part of any organization, too. Tune in every monday at 12PM EST to learn about a new currency of money. That money is all about connection. Got ya curious...see you at 12PM EST! Streaming Live on both …
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Episode Summary: You probably have heard someone say, "I am spiritual but not religious." The term spirituality is used now more than ever. That is a beautiful thing. This 17-Minute Episode will shed light on the difference and how being a spirit-filled person is connected to our sixth sense of intuition. By being aware opens you to more connection…
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Episode summary: What does it mean to manifest? Are you seeking something new into your life...job, relationship, clients? Join me evry monday LIVE AT 12PM EDT to learn my three manifesting universal guides. With these simple three shifts your Monday will move from mundane to having you mojo inspired for the week. We are streaming live on Both Link…
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Episode summary: Do you have a favorite song that just lifts your spirit instantly? Our life is marked by music. Songs and artists that when you hear their work it connects to the heart. Did you know that daily connection to music is the bridge to your soul? Learn why and how to use music to raise your vibes, calm stress and above all be in harmony…
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Episode summary: What do dinosaurs, donuts and destiny all mean for you? Well, tune in every nonday at 12PM EDT to find out. Here's a hint: LIFE The past, present and presence in the now. How to let go, observe and create. Join me for 17-Minutes of soulful inspiration to start your week. We streaming live on both Linkendin and Youtube.…
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Episode summary: JOIN ME LIVE,EVERY MONDAY AT 12PM EST for another inspiring 17-Minute Episode. Listen in on how my UBER Driver was not just a FIVE STAR rated employee but a man who witnessed how the most horrible trauma can be used for good. You will connect with the message to see that no matter the circumstance in your life there is a powerful l…
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Episode summary: The term "authentic" is a used a lot these days. It signals a conscious shift to not just expressing but being authentic. However, there will be people in our life personally or professionally that will want to quiet our voice. Especially if we are speaking about what we believe. 👉Tune in to learn how to ensure your authentic voice…
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