Sabbat सार्वजनिक
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Sabbath Lounge

Learning how we grafted into Yahushua! Learning to become Israel. Keeping the feast, keeping Shabbat, and following Torah. Getting rid of the Levan of mans teachings!
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Sabbath School From Home

Cameron and Lachlan Rogers

Sabbath School is perhaps the most communal and participatory element of a regular Seventh-day Adventist church event (after foot-washing), but social distancing has us all isolated at home. This is a weekly Sabbath School styled conversation on Biblical themes and passages. Join in the conversation by writing comments/questions to .
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We present or expound on a principle or belief related to the SDA Sabbath School quarterly each week. We invite you to visit our website to learn more about who we are and, just as important, who we are not. Tune in each week for new and interesting insights to your Sabbath School studies.
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Sabbath School Study Hour

Amazing Facts - God's Message Is Our Mission!

You’ll get fresh and in-depth biblical insight from our popular Bible school program in time for your weekly quarterly lessons! (60 minutes). Get into the Bible and grow in your faith.
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Hora do Sabbat

Hora do Sabbat

A Hora do Sabbat é um espaço de expressão, visibilidade e pluralidade de vozes da mulher arteira e fazedora. A única revista feminista colaborativa no seu radinho! Conheça mais sobre a gente no Sintonize é imperdível! 📻 Horários de Transmissão: Radio Silva: Terça-feira, às 19h Radio Graviola: Quarta-feira, às 15h Radio Pagu: Sexta-feira, às 21h Radio Aurora Recife: Sábado, ao meio-dia Radio Eixo: Domingo, à meia-noite Radio Armazém: Terça-feira, às 22h
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Hope Sabbath School

Pastor Derek Morris

An in-depth, interactive study of the Word of God. Each week, a group of young adults participate in a lively discussion of the Bible lesson. There are Hope Sabbath School members in more than 130 countries around the world.
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X Prince

Sabbathways brings you glimpses of historical religious writings from diverse traditions throughout the U.S. and beyond. It is one part religious story time, one part electric organ dreamscape with a dash of historical context. Every episode offers a different religious tradition’s texts—texts that explore the meaning of life, the presence of God, our place in society and beyond. These texts speak to current day issues and are enlivened by a song on the organ.
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Sabbath Bloody Podcast

Sabbath Bloody Podcast

A Sabbagraphy for the masses! Now that The End has come and gone, I’ve decided to put myself and any other willing Supernauts through Heaven & Hell! Exploring the music and impact of the band Black Sabbath. Listen in and follow on twitter @sabbathbloodypc or contact the show at Bog blast all of you!
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Observing the Sabbath

Nathanael Molnar

In this series, we're taking you through the centuries to supersonic years! We'll be going through all of the original Black Sabbath studio albums, discussing them song by song. We'll do other reactions, commentaries, analyses, and discussions as well! We want to build a community of Black Sabbath lovers, and really dive deep into why we love them so much. So take my hand and we'll go riding as we observe the Sabbath.
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Der Sabbatical Podcast

Malina Korbach

Du planst dein Sabbatical oder träumst schon länger davon, eine Auszeit zu nehmen. Tun und lassen was dir gefällt und dein Leben neu ordnen. Dann bist du hier genau richtig! Der Drang aus altbekannten Strukturen auszubrechen ist menschlich und auch oft sinnvoll. Beim Sabbatical Podcast erfährst du alles, was du für die Verwirklichung deines Traumes benötigst. Egal wie alt du bist und womit du dein Geld verdienst, ich zeige dir zusammen mit meinen Interviewgästen, wie du dich optimal auf dein ...
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This podcast is for the weekly Seventh-Day Adventist Sabbath school lessons and other bible studies A new podcast will be added every sabbath (Saturday) and occasionally when other bible studies happen. I hope you enjoy the topic and that the lord blesses you with what is discussed.
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Sabbath and Scripture

Christ City Church

In response to the grace of God, Christ City Church is joining Christ in his work of redemption in Washington, DC, and the world. Our vision is to see the Kingdom of God on display in DC, in every life and every sphere of life.
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Sabbath Breakfast Show

Adventist Radio London

After a long hard week at work, start your Saturday morning with the Mike Johnson and Cathy Boldeau, for the Sabbath Breakfast. From 7:00 until 9:00am, listen to the best in Gospel music, learn from the words of resident pastor, Ian Sweeney with the weekly Scripture Smash, be inspired by the Morning Message from international speakers, and hear the testimonies of a variety of guests.
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show series
Texto para Legenda: 🎙️ Na 20ª edição do Hora do Sabbat, a parte musical está imperdível! Trazemos o quadro Pitaco Musical com as talentosas Natalia Lebeis, Vivian Benford, Daya Moraes e Duda in the Sky, que nos presenteiam com suas canções incríveis. E ainda, um convite super especial da Miá Mello para sua nova temporada de Mãe Fora da Caixa. Nesta…
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Yesus berdoa di Getsemani, agar cawan penderitaan disingkirkan, dan doa-Nya dijawab. Yesus berserah kepada kehendak Allah. Jawaban Allah "Tidak." Allah tidak mengambil cawan penderitaan, karena melalui inilah keselamatan ditawarkan kepada dunia.द्वारा Adventist World Radio
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यो अखमिरी रोटीको पहिलो दिन हो, जब निस्तार-चाडको थुमा बलि चढाइएको थियो भनेर उल्लेख गरिएको छ।द्वारा Adventist World Radio
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Di Perjamuan Terakhir, Yesus meresmikan upacara peringatan baru, transisi perayaan Paskah. Tidak ada daging domba, karena Yesus adalah Anak Domba Allah. Roti Perjamuan melambangkan tubuh Yesus, “darah-Ku, darah perjanjian…ditumpahkan bagi banyak orang"द्वारा Adventist World Radio
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अनि उहाँले भन्नुभयो, 'अब्बा, बुबा, तपाईका लागि सबै कुरा सम्भव छ। यो कचौरा मबाट लिनुहोस्; जे होस्, म जे गर्छु होइन, तर तपाईले के गर्नुहुन्छ। ”द्वारा Adventist World Radio
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संसारमा धेरै कुराहरू भइरहेका छन् जुन धेरै चिन्ताजनक छन्। मानिसहरू वास्तवमा के प्रकट हुँदैछ भनेर डराउँछन्। हामी कसरी सक्छौं,द्वारा Adventist World Radio
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This week’s lesson focuses on Mark 14, beginning with the fifth Sandwich Story, which interlinks two opposite actions in relation to Jesus. This is followed by the Last Supper, followed by His struggle in Gethsemane. There He is arrested and taken before the leaders to be tried. The trial scene is linked with Peter’s denial of Jesus, forming the si…
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The linked content discusses various biblical references related to the symbolism in the book of Revelation. It delves into imagery such as a woman in the sky, signs of the Son of Man, and battles in heaven. The pieces explore themes of spiritual warfare, divine protection, and the victory over evil forces.…
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The destruction of the temple seems to be blended here with the end of time, and things are not super clear. This chapter is almost entirely a sustained speech by Jesus, which is prompted by some observations about the impermanence of the temple. Some of it seems quite specifically about the temple in Jerusalem, and this makes the most sense of som…
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Menunggu kedatangan Kristus, kita diperintahkan berjaga-jaga, penuh kewaspadaan, tekun bekerja, kerjasama dengan kecerdasan Ilahi untuk keselamatan jiwa-jiwa, sebagai hamba setiawan & budiman yang “memberikan makanan kepada mereka pada waktunya”.द्वारा Adventist World Radio
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एक संक्रमण बिन्दु चिन्ह लगाउँछ, साथै। यसले ठूलो सङ्कष्टलाई जनाउँछ जुन संसारको सृष्टिदेखि नै बराबर छैन। यसले यरूशलेमको पतनमा भएको भन्दा ठूलो वा अधिक व्यापक सतावटलाई चित्रण गर्दछ।द्वारा Adventist World Radio
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Kembalinya Yesus Kristus dalam kemuliaan, didahului dengan tanda-tanda pada matahari, bulan, dan bintang. Mereka yang telah meninggal di dalam Kristus, akan dibangkitkan dan diangkat bersama orang-orang kudus yang hidup untuk bertemu Kristus di angkasa.द्वारा Adventist World Radio
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Kesusahan besar yang tak ada bandingannya sejak penciptaan dunia, menandakan sebuah penganiayaan yang lebih besar, lebih luas dari kehancuran Yerusalem. Yesus mengamarkan ancaman lain yaitu nabi & kristus palsu, yang bangkit sebelum Yesus datang kembali.द्वारा Adventist World Radio
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तर यरूशलेम सहरलाई उजाड पार्ने “आउने राजकुमार” को हो? यो शहर रोमन सेनापति टाइटस द्वारा नष्ट भएको थियो। तसर्थ, यो तार्किक देखिन्छ कि उहाँ "आउने राजकुमार" हुनुहुन्छ भनेर उल्लेख गरिएको छद्वारा Adventist World Radio
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Have you ever wondered about the calculus of Jesus' "sign of Jonah" statement? Jesus said, "For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the huge fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth" (Matthew 12:40 WEB). This is usually understood as referring to Jesus' time in the tomb, but this int…
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हामीले उल्लेख गरिसकेका छौं, मन्दिर परिसर साँच्चै अचम्मको संरचना थियो। जोसेफसले टिप्पणी गरे कि कम्प्लेक्सको दक्षिणपट्टि रहेको रोयल पोर्टिकोमा १६२ वटा स्तम्भहरू थिए, जसमध्ये प्रत्येक तीन जना मानिसले हात मिलाएर वरिपरि पुग्न सक्थे।द्वारा Adventist World Radio
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तब तिनीहरूले मानिसको पुत्रलाई ठूलो शक्ति र महिमाका साथ बादलमा आउँदै गरेको देख्नेछन्।द्वारा Adventist World Radio
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Persembahan janda ini dipuji Yesus. Ia memberi lebih dari orang lain, memberi dari kemiskinannya. Para pemuka bertanggung jawab menggunakan sesuai kehendak Allah. Jika pemuka korup, orang yang memberi demi pekerjaan Allah tetap diberkati pemberiannya.द्वारा Adventist World Radio
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आफ्नो शक्तिले बनाएको रूखलाई श्राप दिने ख्रीष्टको कार्य सबै मण्डलीहरू र सबै इसाईहरूलाई चेतावनीको रूपमा खडा छ।द्वारा Adventist World Radio
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This week’s lesson starts with a very brief story at the end of Mark 12, where Jesus makes a profound statement about a small act by a widow. The main portion of this week’s lesson, however, deals with Mark 13, a striking prophecy about the fate of the Jerusalem temple and more. This chapter, along with its parallels in Matthew 24 and Luke 21, tell…
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A number of challenging statements are made in this chapter of Mark. We focus on the story of Jesus cursing a fig tree, which seems somewhat unfair given that it was not the season for figs. There's something interesting here because when the disciples ask about it Jesus answers with comments about prayer. We find a few connections, but are unable …
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मार्कको सुसमाचारमा यस बिन्दुसम्म, केही अपवादहरू बाहेक, अधिकांश धार्मिक नेताहरू येशूका विरोधी छन्। यो विशेष गरी यरूशलेममा साँचो छ, जहाँ येशूले मन्दिरको पूजामा नेतृत्वको सामना गर्नुभएकोद्वारा Adventist World Radio
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Bila hidup untuk diri sendiri, seperti pohon ara yang dikutuk Yesus. Melakukan kepura-puraan tapi tidak berbuah, perbaktian sekadar rupa, tanpa pertobatan atau iman, mengaku menghormati hukum Allah, tapi penurutan kurang, berkata-kata, tapi tidak berbuat.द्वारा Adventist World Radio
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हामीलाई कुनै कुरामा तिनीहरूले उहाँलाई निन्दा गर्न प्रयोग गर्न सक्थे, या त रोमी राज्यपाल वा मानिसहरूलाई। यो विवादमा यो प्रश्न थियोद्वारा Adventist World Radio
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येशूले मन्दिर सफा गर्नु भएको भोलिपल्ट, धार्मिक नेताहरूले उहाँलाई मन्दिरको दरबारमा भेट्टाउँछन्, उहाँले अघिल्लो दिन कुन अख्तियारले काम गर्नुभयो भनेर सोध्छन्।द्वारा Adventist World Radio
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बिहान, बेथानीबाट आउँदै गर्दा, यरूशलेमबाट करिब दुई माइल (तीन किलोमिटरभन्दा अलि बढी) मात्रै, येशू भोकाउनुभयो। पातमा एउटा नेभाराको रूख देखेर, सायद केही प्रारम्भिक फल खोज्न उनी त्यहाँ गए। किद्वारा Adventist World Radio
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A new MP3 sermon from Surrey Reformed Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details: Title: Delighting in the Sabbath Subtitle: Reformed Distinctives Speaker: Mike Kirkpatrick Broadcaster: Surrey Reformed Baptist Church Event: Sunday Service Date: 8/25/2024 Bible: Isaiah 58:13-14 Length: 51 min.…
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A new MP3 sermon from Surrey Reformed Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details: Title: The Sabbath Rest that Remains Subtitle: Reformed Distinctives Speaker: Mike Kirkpatrick Broadcaster: Surrey Reformed Baptist Church Event: Sunday - AM Date: 8/18/2024 Bible: Hebrews 4:9-11 Length: 50 min.…
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A new MP3 sermon from Faith Baptist Tabernacle is now available on SermonAudio with the following details: Title: One Thing I Know Subtitle: The Book of John Speaker: Mike Rodgers Broadcaster: Faith Baptist Tabernacle Event: Sunday - PM Date: 8/25/2024 Bible: John 9 Length: 41 min.
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A new MP3 sermon from Englewood Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details: Title: Lessons from Jesus' Sabbath Activity Subtitle: The Lord's Day Speaker: Amos Gibello Broadcaster: Englewood Baptist Church Event: Sunday Service Date: 8/25/2024 Bible: Luke 13:17; Luke 14:6 Length: 49 min.…
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त्वरित संदर्भ मार्गदर्शिका