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show episodes
Extraordinary stories from across Scottish football communities - this is the SPFL Trust Football Powered podcast. As part of this season’s SPFL Trust Trophy competition, we’re bringing together guests from Scottish football clubs and their associated community trusts to talk about the game, and most importantly the incredible power it has to change lives. The SPFL Trust is a charity, registered in Scotland (SC041121). We work with community trusts and associated SPFL clubs across the countr ...
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Podcast SPFW

Podcast SPFW

Mais que evento, mais que moda. Comandado por Graça Cabral e time SPFW, o podcast conta com convidados especiais, para falar sobre diversos aspectos das indústrias criativas.
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SPF Japan-U.S. Insights

SPF Japan–U.S. Program

SPF Japan-U.S. Insightsは、笹川平和財団日米グループのポッドキャストチャンネルです。このチャンネルでは、アメリカの政治・社会、外交・安全保障のホットなトピックからより広く日米関係、国際政治まで、様々なテーマについて専門家による議論をお届けします。
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show series
Extraordinary stories from across Scottish football communities - this is the SPFL Trust Football Powered podcast. As part of this season’s SPFL Trust Trophy competition, we’re once again bringing together guests from Scottish football clubs and their associated community trusts to talk about the game, and most importantly the incredible power it h…
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Extraordinary stories from across Scottish football communities - this is the SPFL Trust Football Powered podcast. As part of this season’s SPFL Trust Trophy competition, we’re once again bringing together guests from Scottish football clubs and their associated community trusts to talk about the game, and most importantly the incredible power it h…
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Extraordinary stories from across Scottish football communities - this is the SPFL Trust Football Powered podcast. As part of this season’s SPFL Trust Trophy competition, we’re once again bringing together guests from Scottish football clubs and their associated community trusts to talk about the game, and most importantly the incredible power it h…
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本エピソードでは、11月5日の大統領選挙でドナルド・トランプ前大統領が次期大統領に確定したことを受け、2024年以降の米国外交政策への影響について、「アメリカ現状モニター」研究会のメンバーであるお二人に大統領選挙の総括、そしてウクライナ、中東、中国など広く外交政策への影響についてお話しいただきました。 ※このエピソードの議論の内容も含むお二人の最新論考が、近日中に日米関係インサイト「アメリカ現状モニター」から公開予定です。 (1)ゲスト:森聡氏(慶應義塾大学教授)        渡部恒雄氏(笹川平和財団上席フェロー) (2)収録日:2024年11月14日(木) (3)使用言語:日本語 ーーーーーーーーーーーーー…
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Extraordinary stories from across Scottish football communities - this is the SPFL Trust Football Powered podcast. As part of this season’s SPFL Trust Trophy competition, we’re once again bringing together guests from Scottish football clubs and their associated community trusts to talk about the game, and most importantly the incredible power it h…
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Extraordinary stories from across Scottish football communities - this is the SPFL Trust Football Powered podcast. As part of this season’s SPFL Trust Trophy competition, we’re once again bringing together guests from Scottish football clubs and their associated community trusts to talk about the game, and most importantly the incredible power it h…
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The SPFL Trust Annual Conference for 2024, Powering Forward, took place at Topgolf in Glasgow on Thursday 5 September. We were delighted to be joined by delegates from community trusts from all around the country, alongside some of our key partners and stakeholders. Our Annual Conference for 2024 was an opportunity for us to reflect on the last thr…
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Extraordinary stories from across Scottish football communities - this is the SPFL Trust Football Powered podcast. As part of this season’s SPFL Trust Trophy competition, we’re once again bringing together guests from Scottish football clubs and their associated community trusts to talk about the game, and most importantly the incredible power it h…
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本エピソードでは、笹川平和財団安全保障研究グループの渡部恒雄上席フェローに、民主党党大会を終え11月5日の投票日まで約2か月と迫った米国大統領選挙の現状について、話を伺いました。 (1)ゲスト:渡部恒雄氏(笹川平和財団上席フェロー) (2)収録日:2024年8月23日(金) (3)使用言語:日本語 (4)進行:村田綾(笹川平和財団日米グループ グループ長) (5)0:00~4:00 導入・渡部氏の紹介     04:00 ~  渡部上席フェローの話スタート ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー <渡部 恒雄 氏の略歴> 笹川平和財団 安全保障研究グループ上席フェロー 専門:米国の外交・安全保障政策、アジアの安全保…
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Extraordinary stories from across Scottish football communities - this is the SPFL Trust Football Powered podcast. As part of this season’s SPFL Trust Trophy competition, we’re once again bringing together guests from Scottish football clubs and their associated community trusts to talk about the game, and most importantly the incredible power it h…
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Extraordinary stories from across Scottish football communities - this is the SPFL Trust Football Powered podcast. As part of this season’s SPFL Trust Trophy competition, we’re once again bringing together guests from Scottish football clubs and their associated community trusts to talk about the game, and most importantly the incredible power it h…
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Extraordinary stories from across Scottish football communities - this is the SPFL Trust Football Powered podcast. As part of this season’s SPFL Trust Trophy competition, we’re once again bringing together guests from Scottish football clubs and their associated community trusts to talk about the game, and most importantly the incredible power it h…
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Extraordinary stories from across Scottish football communities - this is the SPFL Trust Football Powered podcast. As part of this season’s SPFL Trust Trophy competition, we’re once again bringing together guests from Scottish football clubs and their associated community trusts to talk about the game, and most importantly the incredible power it h…
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In this episode, we invited two distinguished experts Dr. Hal Brands and Dr. Zack Cooper to hold a discussion, "Challenges facing the U.S. and Japan in 2024: Russia-Ukraine War, Middle East, China, and the U.S. Presidential Election." Since the beginning of the Biden administration, the U.S. has faced three regional security issues: Russia's invasi…
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Extraordinary stories from across Scottish football communities - this is the SPFL Trust Football Powered podcast. As part of this season’s SPFL Trust Trophy competition, we’re once again bringing together guests from Scottish football clubs and their associated community trusts to talk about the game, and most importantly the incredible power it h…
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Like-Minded Allies? Indo-Pacific Partners’ Views on Possible Changes in the U.S. Relationship with Taiwan *This episode is originally from the webinar "Like-Minded Allies? Indo-Pacific Partners’ Views on Possible Changes in the U.S. Relationship with Taiwan" held on October 5, 2023. Details of the seminar👇 https://www.spf.org/jpus-insights/ideas-an…
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*This episode is originally from the public seminar "The Future of U.S.-China Rivalry and Changes in the International Security Environment" held on August 22, 2023. Details of the seminar👇 https://www.spf.org/jpus-insights/ideas-and-analyses-en/20230908.html In this episode, we hosted Dr. Hal Brands (Professor, Johns Hopkins University, SAIS) and …
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Extraordinary stories from across Scottish football communities - this is the SPFL Trust Football Powered podcast. As part of this season’s SPFL Trust Trophy competition, we’re once again bringing together guests from Scottish football clubs and their associated community trusts to talk about the game, and most importantly the incredible power it h…
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Extraordinary stories from across Scottish football communities - this is the SPFL Trust Football Powered podcast. As part of this season’s SPFL Trust Trophy competition, we’re once again bringing together guests from Scottish football clubs and their associated community trusts to talk about the incredible power football has to change lives. The S…
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Extraordinary stories from across Scottish football communities - this is the SPFL Trust Football Powered podcast. As part of this season’s SPFL Trust Trophy competition, we’re once again bringing together guests from Scottish football clubs and their associated community trusts to talk about the game, and most importantly the incredible power it h…
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Extraordinary stories from across Scottish football communities - this is the SPFL Trust Football Powered podcast. As part of this season’s SPFL Trust Trophy competition, we’re once again bringing together guests from Scottish football clubs and their associated community trusts to talk about the game, and most importantly the incredible power it h…
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Extraordinary stories from across Scottish football communities - this is the SPFL Trust Football Powered podcast. As part of this season’s SPFL Trust Trophy competition, we’re once again bringing together guests from Scottish football clubs and their associated community trusts to talk about the game, and most importantly the incredible power it h…
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SEJA SÓCIO-OUVINTE SPFCAST Com R$5,00 mensais (ou R$50,00 anuais) você ajuda o SPFCast a continuar semanalmente no ar e também a melhorarmos nosso conteúdo e pagarmos nossas despesas. (Padrim e Picpay) Sendo sócio você terá participação ativa no SPFCast: – Grupo no whatsapp para falar sobre os programas o SPFC – Votação sobre o tema do programa esp…
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SEJA SÓCIO-OUVINTE SPFCAST Com R$5,00 mensais (ou R$50,00 anuais) você ajuda o SPFCast a continuar semanalmente no ar e também a melhorarmos nosso conteúdo e pagarmos nossas despesas. (Padrim e Picpay) Sendo sócio você terá participação ativa no SPFCast: – Grupo no whatsapp para falar sobre os programas o SPFC – Votação sobre o tema do programa esp…
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Two Nuclear Peer Problem: Implications for U.S. Nuclear Deterrence Strategy In this episode, we welcome two distinguished experts; Dr. Brad Roberts and Mr. Sugio Takahashi. Dr. Roberts and Mr. Takahashi were involved in the publication of a report by CGSR entitled "China's Emergence as a Second Nuclear Peer: Implications for U.S. Nuclear Deterrence…
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SEJA SÓCIO-OUVINTE SPFCAST Com R$5,00 mensais (ou R$50,00 anuais) você ajuda o SPFCast a continuar semanalmente no ar e também a melhorarmos nosso conteúdo e pagarmos nossas despesas. (Padrim e Picpay) Sendo sócio você terá participação ativa no SPFCast: – Grupo no whatsapp para falar sobre os programas o SPFC – Votação sobre o tema do programa esp…
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SEJA SÓCIO-OUVINTE SPFCAST Com R$5,00 mensais (ou R$50,00 anuais) você ajuda o SPFCast a continuar semanalmente no ar e também a melhorarmos nosso conteúdo e pagarmos nossas despesas. (Padrim e Picpay) Sendo sócio você terá participação ativa no SPFCast: – Grupo no whatsapp para falar sobre os programas o SPFC – Votação sobre o tema do programa esp…
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2023年の米国:対中政策議論の現状 本エピソードでは、「アメリカ外交政策の中長期的展望と日本の課題」プロジェクトより松田康博氏(東京大学東洋文化研究所教授)をゲストにお招きし、「2023年の米国:対中政策議論の現状」と題する対談を実施いたしました。中国、台湾をめぐっては、ナンシー・ペロシ下院議長の訪台、半導体輸出規制、気球問題など、常に米国における議論の中心となっています。本対談では、モデレーターに秋田浩之氏(日本経済新聞社コメンテーター)をお迎えし、現在のアメリカにおける中国、台湾海峡をめぐる議論はどのように展開されているのか、松田氏がアメリカで直接現地調査をされて得られた知見も踏まえ、お話しいただきました。 (1)収録日:2023年3月9日(木) (2)対談者:      モデレーター…
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Extraordinary stories from across Scottish football communities - this is the SPFL Trust Football Powered podcast. As part of this season’s SPFL Trust Trophy competition, we’re bringing together guests from Scottish football clubs and their associated community trusts to talk about the game, and most importantly the incredible power it has to chang…
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SEJA SÓCIO-OUVINTE SPFCAST Com R$5,00 mensais (ou R$50,00 anuais) você ajuda o SPFCast a continuar semanalmente no ar e também a melhorarmos nosso conteúdo e pagarmos nossas despesas. (Padrim e Picpay) Sendo sócio você terá participação ativa no SPFCast: – Grupo no whatsapp para falar sobre os programas o SPFC – Votação sobre o tema do programa esp…
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SEJA SÓCIO-OUVINTE SPFCAST Com R$5,00 mensais (ou R$50,00 anuais) você ajuda o SPFCast a continuar semanalmente no ar e também a melhorarmos nosso conteúdo e pagarmos nossas despesas. (Padrim e Picpay) Sendo sócio você terá participação ativa no SPFCast: – Grupo no whatsapp para falar sobre os programas o SPFC – Votação sobre o tema do programa esp…
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SEJA SÓCIO-OUVINTE SPFCAST Com R$5,00 mensais (ou R$50,00 anuais) você ajuda o SPFCast a continuar semanalmente no ar e também a melhorarmos nosso conteúdo e pagarmos nossas despesas. (Padrim e Picpay) Sendo sócio você terá participação ativa no SPFCast: – Grupo no whatsapp para falar sobre os programas o SPFC – Votação sobre o tema do programa esp…
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Extraordinary stories from across Scottish football communities - this is the SPFL Trust Football Powered podcast. As part of this season’s SPFL Trust Trophy competition, we’re bringing together guests from Scottish football clubs and their associated community trusts to talk about the game, and most importantly the incredible power it has to chang…
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SEJA SÓCIO-OUVINTE SPFCASTCom R$5,00 mensais (ou R$50,00 anuais) você ajuda o SPFCast a continuar semanalmente no ar e também a melhorarmos nosso conteúdo e pagarmos nossas despesas. (Padrim e Picpay)Sendo sócio você terá participação ativa no SPFCast:– Grupo no whatsapp para falar sobre os programas o SPFC– Votação sobre o tema do programa especia…
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SEJA SÓCIO-OUVINTE SPFCAST Com R$5,00 mensais (ou R$50,00 anuais) você ajuda o SPFCast a continuar semanalmente no ar e também a melhorarmos nosso conteúdo e pagarmos nossas despesas. (Padrim e Picpay) Sendo sócio você terá participação ativa no SPFCast: – Grupo no whatsapp para falar sobre os programas o SPFC – Votação sobre o tema do programa esp…
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SEJA SÓCIO-OUVINTE SPFCAST Com R$5,00 mensais (ou R$50,00 anuais) você ajuda o SPFCast a continuar semanalmente no ar e também a melhorarmos nosso conteúdo e pagarmos nossas despesas. (Padrim e Picpay) Sendo sócio você terá participação ativa no SPFCast: – Grupo no whatsapp para falar sobre os programas o SPFC – Votação sobre o tema do programa esp…
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spfcast #277 - A Primeira do Ano SEJA SÓCIO-OUVINTE SPFCAST Com R$5,00 mensais (ou R$50,00 anuais) você ajuda o SPFCast a continuar semanalmente no ar e também a melhorarmos nosso conteúdo e pagarmos nossas despesas. (Padrim e Picpay) Sendo sócio você terá participação ativa no SPFCast: – Grupo no whatsapp para falar sobre os programas o SPFC – Vot…
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Extraordinary stories from across Scottish football communities - this is the SPFL Trust Football Powered podcast. As part of this season’s SPFL Trust Trophy competition, we’re bringing together guests from Scottish football clubs and their associated community trusts to talk about the game, and most importantly the incredible power it has to chang…
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Great Power PoliticsとASEAN:東南アジアの視点から見る米中対立と秩序の変化 本エピソードでは、東南アジアがご専門の大庭三枝先生(神奈川大学教授)と古賀慶先生(シンガポール南洋理工大学准教授)をお迎えして、「Great Power PoliticsとASEAN:東南アジアの視点から見る米中対立と秩序の変化」をテーマに対談していただきました。古賀先生が本年9月までウィルソンセンター・ジャパンスカラーとして滞在された、米国ワシントンDCでの研究成果や、近著 Managing Great Power Politics: ASEAN, Institutional Strategy, and the South China Sea (Palgrave Macmillan、2022…
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U.S. Nuclear Policy and Deterrence Strategy: Russia-Ukraine War and Its Implications for the Indo-Pacific In this episode, we welcome four distinguished experts; Dr. Brad Roberts, Mr. Sugio Takahashi, Mr. Masashi Murano, and Dr. Nobumasa Akiyama. They discuss wide range of issues surrounding the nuclear wepons, including recent American policies an…
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Extraordinary stories from across Scottish football communities - this is the SPFL Trust Football Powered podcast. As part of this season’s SPFL Trust Trophy competition, we’re bringing together guests from Scottish football clubs and their associated community trusts to talk about the game, and most importantly the incredible power it has to chang…
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SPFCast #276 - Choque-Rei e a Semana Tricolor SEJA SÓCIO-OUVINTE SPFCAST Com R$5,00 mensais (ou R$50,00 anuais) você ajuda o SPFCast a continuar semanalmente no ar e também a melhorarmos nosso conteúdo e pagarmos nossas despesas. (Padrim e Picpay) Sendo sócio você terá participação ativa no SPFCast: – Grupo no whatsapp para falar sobre os programas…
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SPFCast #275 - São Paulo 0 x 2 Independiente Del Valle SEJA SÓCIO-OUVINTE SPFCAST Com R$5,00 mensais (ou R$50,00 anuais) você ajuda o SPFCast a continuar semanalmente no ar e também a melhorarmos nosso conteúdo e pagarmos nossas despesas. (Padrim e Picpay) Sendo sócio você terá participação ativa no SPFCast: – Grupo no whatsapp para falar sobre os …
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SPFCast #274 - São Paulo 4x0 Avaí | Show no Morumbi rumo a final da Sul-americana. SEJA SÓCIO-OUVINTE SPFCAST Com R$5,00 mensais (ou R$50,00 anuais) você ajuda o SPFCast a continuar semanalmente no ar e também a melhorarmos nosso conteúdo e pagarmos nossas despesas. (Padrim e Picpay) Sendo sócio você terá participação ativa no SPFCast: – Grupo no w…
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SPFCast #273 - Retomando as vitórias no BR SEJA SÓCIO-OUVINTE SPFCAST Com R$5,00 mensais (ou R$50,00 anuais) você ajuda o SPFCast a continuar semanalmente no ar e também a melhorarmos nosso conteúdo e pagarmos nossas despesas. (Padrim e Picpay) Sendo sócio você terá participação ativa no SPFCast: – Grupo no whatsapp para falar sobre os programas o …
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Extraordinary stories from across Scottish football communities - this is the SPFL Trust Football Powered podcast. As part of this season’s SPFL Trust Trophy competition, we’re bringing together guests from Scottish football clubs and their associated community trusts to talk about the game, and most importantly the incredible power it has to chang…
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SPFCast #272 - Majestoso e a semana do milagre! SEJA SÓCIO-OUVINTE SPFCAST Com R$5,00 mensais (ou R$50,00 anuais) você ajuda o SPFCast a continuar semanalmente no ar e também a melhorarmos nosso conteúdo e pagarmos nossas despesas. (Padrim e Picpay) Sendo sócio você terá participação ativa no SPFCast: – Grupo no whatsapp para falar sobre os program…
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SPFCast #271 - ESTAMOS NA FINAL DA SULAAAA Expressinho por Gustavo Canato SEJA SÓCIO-OUVINTE SPFCASTCom R$5,00 mensais (ou R$50,00 anuais) você ajuda o SPFCast a continuar semanalmente no ar e também a melhorarmos nosso conteúdo e pagarmos nossas despesas. (Padrim e Picpay)Sendo sócio você terá participação ativa no SPFCast:– Grupo no whatsapp para…
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SPFCast #270 - Tricolor segue sem vencer! Bancada - Beto Silva - Leandro Oliveira - Maria Tereza SEJA SÓCIO-OUVINTE SPFCAST Com R$5,00 mensais (ou R$50,00 anuais) você ajuda o SPFCast a continuar semanalmente no ar e também a melhorarmos nosso conteúdo e pagarmos nossas despesas. (Padrim e Picpay) Sendo sócio você terá participação ativa no SPFCast…
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SPFCast #269 - Semana tenebrosa para o São Paulino Bancada - Beto Silva - Leandro Oliveira - Maria Tereza SEJA SÓCIO-OUVINTE SPFCAST Com R$5,00 mensais (ou R$50,00 anuais) você ajuda o SPFCast a continuar semanalmente no ar e também a melhorarmos nosso conteúdo e pagarmos nossas despesas. (Padrim e Picpay) Sendo sócio você terá participação ativa n…
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