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rSlash Reads Reddit

I read Reddit stories with emotion and with funny voices. My most popular subreddits are r/Prorevenge, r/Entitledparents, and r/Choosingbeggars Subscribe to unlock bonus episodes:
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RSPA Trusted Advisor


“The Trusted Advisor,” powered by the Retail Solutions Providers Association (RSPA), is a content series designed specifically for point of sale resellers and software developers.
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The latest thinking from the world’s leading voices on topics ranging from education, design and creativity, to politics, philosophy and economics. Fresh ideas for better futures from the RSA.
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Radiology Podcasts | RSNA

The Radiological Society of North America

Radiology Podcast Editor Linda Chu, MD and guests discuss recently published research in the January 2021 Issue of Radiology. Subscribe today on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify, or ask Alexa to "play Radiology podcasts on TuneIn".
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RSG Geldsake is die grootste sakeprogram in Suid Afrika. Dit fokus op belangrike sakenuus, menings en beleggingsinsigte. RSG Geldsake word elke weeksdag tussen 18:10 en 19:00 op RSG (101 – 104 FM) uitgesaai. Moneyweb redakteur Ryk van Niekerk bied die program aan.
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It's the must-listen of the racing week. Saturday Mornings on RSN. Catch all the interviews, news and previews from Australia's best form analysts on RSN ahead of the major races each week. Starting with The First Word, Matt Nevett and Warren Huntly whip around the leading stables to get the latest on their runners. They're joined by Mark Hunter, David Gately and the TAB at 8am for the full Melbourne Form Panel preview.
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The Investment Perspectives podcast from RSMR helps financial advisers understand the economic landscape by analysing current events from an expert investment perspective. With two decades of experience delivering independent fund ratings to advisory businesses, our forward-looking research process is dedicated to constant market monitoring and assessment. Our investment team is a fountain of knowledge and as Client Engagement and Marketing Manager at RSMR, I’m always looking for ways to get ...
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RSM's talkBIG Podcast

RSM Australia

RSM’s talkBIG podcast will make you better with money. This is edutainment at its finest, suited for financial geeks or newbies. We discuss all things financial with straight-shooting opinions from our hosts. Sit back and relax with a cold one and get your hit of personal and business money talk. This podcast delves into real-life stories and inspires listeners to talk and think BIG, setting them up to save, create and protect their wealth.
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Radio Méridien Zéro

Pour ceux qui se posent encore la question : Radio Méridien Zéro, une web-radio aux émissions engagées et au ton résolument corsaire !
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Podcast da Emater/RS-Ascar

Associação Sulina de Crédito e Assistência Rural

Podcasts e programas de rádio produzidos pela Gerência de Comunicação da Emater/RS-Ascar com informações sobre o meio rural e o serviço oficial de Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural e Social (Aters) do Rio Grande do Sul. Apresentação: Mateus de Oliveira. Edição: José Cabral. #AgriculturaFamiliar #Agronegócio #Agro #Saúde #Alimentação #MeioAmbiente #Sustentabilidade
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RSA Conference

RSA Conference

Information is power. And wherever there’s power, there are people looking to steal it. But that’s also where you’ll find us. We’re RSA Conference. And we’re here to stand against cyberthreats around the world. That means being here for you. Connecting you with the people and insights that will empower you to stay ahead of cyberthreats. We do this through our online outreach and with our events around the globe. And we make a great host, if we do say so ourselves. Some say it’s impossible to ...
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Elke derde en vyfde Dinsdag van die maand tussen 11:30-12:00 dek Moneyweb redakteur Ryk van Niekerk verskeie kwessies wat jou sak raak, as ook die moets en moenies rondom beplanning van jou finansële toekoms. Wees deel van die gesprek met beleggingskenners en finansiële gurus in ateljee.
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show series
Sunday Brunch, albeit in it's pre-recorded form, is over for another week; but if you missed it you can catch up with a free podcast, available for a whole week apologies for the late upload, I've been travelkling you know... Here's this week's playlist: 1. Dixie Dregs – Take it Off the Top (excerpt) (Intro) 2. Sky – Fifo (Fifo/Adagio/Scherzo/Watch…
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More work continues on the upcoming "Best of the Best" show, I have a track list, and now I just have to spend some time to start piecing it together. In more personal news, a valued contributor to RSA, my buddy Sundie, passsed away earlier this week. He was responsible for 3d printing the RSA tags, and even printed a replacement knob for a fan I h…
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Kathryn Crosby, who appeared in such movies as "The 7th Voyage of Sinbad", "Anatomy of a Murder," and "Operation Mad Ball" before marrying famed singer and Oscar-winning actor Bing Crosby, has died. She was 90.द्वारा AP
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Сказки занимают особое место в творчестве молдавского писателя Иона Крянгэ. Он не стремится к точной передаче народных сюжетов, а подчиняет их собственному замыслу. Характерно, что даже в сказках ощущается тяга Иона Крянгэ к реалистическому толкованию волшебных мотивов и сверхъестественных сил. Такова, например, «Сказка про Стана - виды видавшего»,…
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На международном конкурсе в Вене победительницей стала воспитанница рижской школы балета Вероника Резниченко. Веронике -15 лет. Как говорят специалисты, девочку ждет блестящая карьера. С какой страной она будет связана - сказать пока сложно. Ведь в Латвии Вероника с мамой - беженцы. А на ее Родине - в Украине - вот уже третий год идет война.…
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Kad rakstniece Laima Kota brauca uz Stambulu, viņai līdzi bija vienīgā Nobela prēmijas laureāta Orhama Pamuka latviski tulkotā grāmata "Sniegs". Toreiz Laima neprata turku valodu, nebija mācījusies zīmēt miniatūras, bet tagad viņa kļuvusi zināmā mērā par turku kultūras vēstnieci Latvijā, jo viņas tulkojumā no turku valodas klajā nācis Orhama Pamuka…
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Kāpēc mums jādomā par to, ko nevēlamies? Šāds jautājums rodas sarunā ar Annu Anniju, kad runājam par nāvi. Lasām Volfa Erlbruha meditatīvo bilžu grāmatu "Pīle, Nāve un tulpe" (Liels un mazs) un Joannas Rudņanskas grāmatu "Brigitas kaķenīte" (Aminori), ko poļu literatūras kritiķi raksturo kā daiļliteratūru bērniem, kas sevī apvieno līdzību, maģ…
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Biedrība "Ascendum" klajā laidusi dzejnieces, aktrises un mākslinieces Marijas Luīzes Meļķes grafiskās zibprozas darbu "Cilvēki ir kā pankūkas", kas ir atkailināts vēstījums par piedošanu, sava vājuma apzināšanos un dzīvi nepārtrauktā mainībā gan iekšēji, gan ārējā pasaulē. Grāmatas atvēršanas svētki notiks 28. septembrī Kaņepes kultūras centrā, ku…
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Pirms 85 gadiem darbu sāka Ķeguma HES. Atskatoties gan uz Ķeguma stacijas darbību, gan senākiem un arī jaunākiem Latvijas elektrifikācijas vēstures lieciniekiem, apciemojam AS "Latvenergo" Enerģētikas muzeju, kur kopā ar muzeja vadītāju Inu Lastovecku iepazīstam senāko muzeja eksponātu - 19. gadsimta nogalē ražoto ampērmetru strāvas stipruma mērīša…
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Andrew Bensley hosts Sunday Raceday Morning live from Flemington stable open day tour chatting to a number of key stable personnal along with Clinton McDonald, Andrew Forsman and Tim Clark. Clinton discusses Angel Capital after his win in the Caulfield Guineas Prelude, Andrew Forsman chats about Positivity earning a spot in the Caulfield Cup with h…
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Warren Huntly, Travis Noonan and Brad Bishop review all the key weekend action, including the Group 1 Underwood Stakes from Caulfield along with the Group action at Randwick. They also share their runs of the day and horses to follow. See for privacy information.द्वारा RSN
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RSN Form Expert Trav Noonan joins Warren Huntly on Turf Talk with his full preview of today's Flemington meeting. Get his race by race analysis and selections, plus his Best Bets and Quaddie selections. See for privacy information.द्वारा RSN
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Nick Noonan has done the form for Bairnsdale on Sunday. He joins Warren Huntly on Turf Talk with a full preview followed by his best bets and Quaddie selections. See for privacy information.द्वारा RSN
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(Adnkronos) - Alla vigilia della terza “Run For Inclusion”, presso il Village all’Arco della Pace a Milano, è stata presentata la nuova campagna nazionale “Fai posto al cuore”, che ha l’obiettivo di sensibilizzare il grande pubblico sulla Cardiomiopatia ipertrofica ostruttiva (Cmio) e dare un messaggio di speranza ai pazienti che ne sono affetti. P…
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(Adnkronos) - “La cardiomiopatia ipertrofica ostruttiva è una malattia magari non molto diffusa nella popolazione, ma che potrebbe avere un impatto molto importante sui pazienti. L’educazione e l’impegno volto a creare consapevolezza sui sintomi, su come diagnosticarla e come trattarla, sono molto importanti. Bisogna conoscerla perché, come accade …
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(Adnkronos) - “La campagna ‘Fai posto al cuore’ mira a far conoscere la cardiomiopatia ipertrofica ostruttiva, ospitando pazienti che hanno già avuto la possibilità di avere una diagnosi corretta e, soprattutto, di trovare la soluzione”. Così Franco Cecchi, presidente di Aicarm Aps, Associazione italiana cardiomiopatie, partecipando alla presentazi…
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(Adnkronos) - "Iniziative come questa credo siano molto importanti, specialmente per le persone che sono a casa e si sentono sole perché magari hanno ricevuto una diagnosi e la sentono come una sentenza, come qualcosa che ti travolge. A queste persone dico di non fermarsi e di non scoraggiarsi, di andare fino in fondo e trovare i centri specifici, …
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Itūreiz pi myusu gostūs dzejis slama “Rogovkys dzejis voga” debitants latgaliskajā literaturā i uzvarātuojs Silvestrs Solovjevs. Pyrma deveņu goda Silvestrs cīte smogā avarejā i niu juo kasdīna paīt, atjaunojūt spākus. Jam ir daudzi sapynu i mierku, kai ari prīca par vareibu pīdzeivuot lītys i nūtikšonys. Silvestrs padzilinuoti interesejās par smog…
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"Ir maz lēmumu, kurus es nožēloju, bet viens ir, ka es neaizgāju studēt medicīnu," tā saka bijusī veselības ministre Ilze Viņķele. Par lielāko kļūdu Covid laikā tagad viņa uzskata skolu slēgšanu. Par patriotismu ģimenē krievu okupācijas gados un krievu bērniem Rēzeknes pagalmā, par bēgšanu no čekistiem Rīgā un granddāmas Āboltiņas shēmām, un kāpēc,…
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Его называют учителем от бога. Один из самых сложных предметов - физику - он преподает так, что самые заядлые гуманитарии с радостью приходят на его уроки. Учитель 1-ой рижской гимназии Сергей Виноградов - гость программы АС
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Продолжаем познавательные уроки латышского языка с преподавателем Инесе Розе. Сегодня она рассказывает о словосочетаниях со словами īpašs и sevišķs. Inese: Labrīt, dārgie klausītāji! Jeļena: Labrīt! Сегодня мы обещали поговорить о прилагательных. Inese: jā, mēs likām priekšā, piedāvājām šo tēmu. Jeļena: мы предложили эту тему. Хотя чего в ней особе…
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Haos semiradiofonic de umor și viață, cu Iulian Tănase, Constantin Bojog, Remus Boldea și Mihai Laurențiu Fuiorea invitata ediției: Ilina Schileru Support…
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RSN form experts Warren Huntly, Mark Hunter and David Gately have done all the form for today's Group 1 Underwood Stakes Raceday at Caulfield. They provided all their selections and analysis of the meeting at Caulfield on Saturday morning with Unibet's Phil Moyes providing all the latest market updates. See for privacy infor…
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Friday, 20th September 2024 (In order of appearance)... Please remember and say "hello there" to someone who is alone this time of the year. - Balou 01. Iron Maiden - Run to the Hills 02. The Hu - Yuve Yuve Yu 03. Steppenwolf - Born to Be Wild 04. Black Sabbath - War Pigs 05. The Sisters of Mercy - Dominion / Mother Russia 06. The Goo Goo Dolls - I…
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Join hosts Matt Nevett and Warren Huntly on RSN for The First Word as they chat to the track managers at Caulfield and Randwick, sharing the latest track updates before talking to leading trainers regarding their runners today. Trainers include Ben Hayes, Natalie Young, Robbie Griffiths, Adrian Bott, Mick Kent Jnr, Sam Freedman and plenty more. See…
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