Paulo Portas analisa a atualidade internacional e traduz os problemas com que nos defrontamos à escala global.
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Komentarji prinašajo poglede na aktualna doganjanja v družbi. Pri tem ostajajo zvesti narodu, domovini in krščanski tradiciji.
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Art, biography, history and identity collide in this podcast from the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery. Join Director Kim Sajet as she chats with artists, historians, and thought leaders about the big and small ways that portraits shape our world.
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Our writers profile individuals, some well-known, some overlooked, and explore how they shaped the world as we know it. Read by Sebastian Brown.
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土曜0時二配信 | 思索生知ポッドキャスト番組 #レクリエーションポート 俳優と写真家のふたりが深夜にお届け!! クスッと笑える音声をあなたの日常に。 辞書を使ったお勉強コーナーも有り。 👽 深夜ノ、リラックストークヲドウゾ 番組のご感想、お便りはお気軽に公式から! 【公式サイト】 【Twitter】@RECREATION_Port
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Le podcast sur Los Angeles
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’Portrætalbum’ er et musikalsk portrætprogram, hvor musikformidler Anders Bøtter hver uge har nogle af Danmarks største tv-værter, sportsstjerner, forfattere, politikere, skuespillere, musikere, komikere og andre levemennesker i studiet til en snak om et musikalbum, der har en helt særlig betydning for dem. Vi kommer tæt på ugens gæst gennem musikken, når Anders og gæsten sammen tegner et portræt af både albummet og dets betydning for gæsten. Samtidig sættes albummet ind i en større fortælli ...
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Portal del Web
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A D&D actual-play podcast featuring comedians and actors from Sydney, Australia. The Adventuring Portal will take them to new and exciting worlds filled with monsters to fight, treasure to find and laughs to be had.
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Ser colaborativo é uma realidade. Acesse o link e faça parte da verdadeira advocacia colaborativa.
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Was verbindet Hollywood-Stars, erfolgreiche Unternehmer, Spitzensportler, Bestseller-Autoren und Millionäre mit Lebensrettern oder Menschen, die existenz- oder lebensbedrohende Krisen überwunden haben? Das was wirklich zählt, sind nicht die Erfolge, sondern die Menschen hinter den Erfolgen. Ihre persönliche Geschichte, ihre Gedanken, ihre Gefühle – ihre Strategie und ihr Handeln. Ab sofort hier in „Menschen im Porträt“!
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Subscribe for your latest News Briefing
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Port Orange Church Of The Nazarene
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Portréty osobností známých i méně známých. Kronika dvacátého století viděná skrz osobní příběhy politiků střední Evropy, ale i lidí politikou zasažených. Všechny díly podcastu Portréty můžete pohodlně poslouchat v mobilní aplikaci mujRozhlas pro Android a iOS nebo na webu
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NPC is a podcast about one of the hottest corners of the gaming world: portable hardware. Every other week, Federico Viticci, John Voorhees, and Brendon Bigley cover portable gaming news and share their experiences with everything from the simplest retro gaming handhelds to cutting-edge handheld PCs.
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The latest news and information about North Port.
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Portal Quandary is a real-play dramedy Dungeons and Dragons podcast. Magnolia, Lucille, Noah and Hymmbo are four strangers who find themselves stuck in a mystical land farther away than they ever thought possible. Our party must explore this dangerous land to return home, but somehow, this alien world provokes questions about home they never thought to ask.
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The world is full of mystery. Man's hubris would have you believe that the world is mapped, it is explained, it has been conquered. But many would disagree. We believe the world still has mystery. That there are layers upon layers of the world that remain unexplored and unexplained. That there is still magic and mystery all around us.. if only we would open our eyes and our hearts to understand. Paranormal Portal explores the many mysteries that still persist. Discussing theory, testimonial ...
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Faith comes by hearing! - STAY FRESH Ecc. 9:8 "Let your garment always be white, and let your head lack no oil"
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神戸市から兵庫県の主要なニュースをお届けするPODCASTです。 今日も、地域のニュースを一緒にキャッチしていきましょう! Welcome to "NEWS PORT Hyogo"! Curious about what’s happening in Hyogo? We’ve got all the top stories you need to know, right here. Follow us to add a touch of local news to your day! Let’s dive in and catch today’s headlines together!
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With this podcast, you can turn any portable mediaplayer into a 'Praystation Portable '. When you subscribe to the feed, you'll be able to download a daily morning and evening prayer that you can take with you on the road. The prayers are taken from the Catholic Liturgy of the Hours.
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Welcome to Port City! We are located in the sunny harbour city of Gladstone, Central QLD. We love to greet new people and spread the gospel message. We meet each week for two services on Sunday morning at 8:30am and 10:30am.
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Season ONE is REFLECTIONS, unique stories, from the journeys of women over 40 years old and then capped off with an incredible portrait session that you can see in the Podcasts and Portraits instagram page.
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One Controller Port is a video game podcast focused on niche games, news stories, and topics. Learn something new every week with a show that differs from your typical weekly gaming podcast. Part of, which features video reviews, articles, podcasts, streams, and more! Find me on Twitter @Oculin
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An ongoing exploration of the complexity of being human, through monthly conversations about trust, loss, feelings and perspective.
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Explore and Expand your consciousness at Portal to Ascension. Bringing forth revolutionary and empowering conscious individuals that have dedicated their lives to the paradigm shift that is now occurring on the planet.
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Sermons and messages given by Pastor Denvil Farley and others.
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Welcome to the F1 Time Portal, where we dive headfirst into the thrilling history of Formula 1 racing. The stories, dramas, drivers - and of course the awesome racing! Brought to you by two F1 nerds😊
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Portrait of an Editor interviews comic book editors from around the world. During it we discuss an editor’s origin story, mentors, tricks of the trade, and the people skills and unique creativity an editor brings to his or her job.
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Partons à la rencontre de personnes qui font battre le cœur de notre région. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Two sisters living miles apart catching up week to week on life, kids, work, but mostly about General Hospital of course! Tune in as these ladies dish about the latest episodes of the daytime soap opera they both love to watch. This is the Port Charles Update with Mich and Mel!
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Join in as Nikki Closser, a mentor in the Sue Bryce Education community, interviews photographers who manage successful portrait photography businesses from around the globe using the business model Sue Bryce teaches. Subscribe to hear stories that will fast track your success and transform you as a photographer and business owner.
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Bienvenidos al Portal del Cine, donde no tienes que ser un experto para hablar y disfrutar del Cine y la Televisión. Escucha cada semana a Rodrigo, Marcelo, Pato, y Adrian discutir acerca de los estrenos de la semana, debatir acerca de qué franquicia es mejor, mencionar sus listas de mejores películas en diversos géneros y muchas cosas más. Síguenos En Nuestras Redes Sociales Twitter: @PortalDelCine YouTube: Portal Del Cine Facebook: @portaldelcine Instagram: @portaldelcine & @rodrigovqz
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Discerning Geeks Portal is a gateway into the exploration of all things geek: Star Wars, Star Trek, Marvel, ‘80s movies, TV, and more. Dave, Todd, Andruw, and Preston, take a discerning look into the world of geek fandom. We care about intriguing storytelling, compelling characters, and thought-provoking themes, but we also love action, special effects, and comedy. We break down the positives, negatives, and mixed feelings about everything we cover. Step through the portal with us for fun an ...
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Started in 2024, the Port Orange Police Department's podcast not only features members from our department, but also community members and partnerships, along with leaders in the law enforcement profession around the country. Our podcast will give you a glimpse in to what our department does and has to offer and also have important discussions with community members and leaders. The theme music for this podcast was created and performed by Mick Neals. Copyrighted non-published works Michael ...
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Wer sind eigentlich die Personen, deren Spuren wir noch heute in historischen Funden begegnen? Wie haben sie gelebt, was hat sie bewegt? Und was ist eigentlich von ihnen geblieben? Unsere beiden Autoren Miguel Castro und Alexander Wittlings machen sich in ihrem Geschichts-Podcast gemeinsam mit ihren Gästen auf die Suche. Dabei legen sie ihren Fokus auf die älteste Stadt Deutschlands, Trier, und die geschichtsträchtige Region zwischen Mosel, Eifel und Hunsrück. Was für Zeugnissen bekannter un ...
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PhotoBizX The Ultimate Wedding and Portrait Photography Business Podcast
Andrew Hellmich: Photographer, Interviewer, Podcaster and Owner of Impact Images
Photography business and marketing success with strategies from the pros
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Twin Portals is a fifth Edition Dungeons & Dragons (D&D 5E) actual play podcast. Our group of stage performers, improv artists, and musicians provide a portal to Faerûn, where adventure awaits with new episodes monthly. Questions? Ideas? Inspiration? Join the conversation on Discord! "Twin Portals" is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC. ...
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Leadership Portraits is a conversation to inspire the leader in you. Leadership is a lifestyle choice; a set of core values, a culture of the heart. We lead people everyday because we influence people everyday. Please rate & review this podcast to help other people find it more easily. Who can you inspire by sharing this content with them? music from,,
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In-depth conversations with researchers, explorers and thought leaders from around the world, on cutting edge research and original ideas.
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MARIONE.NET - Il portale della ControInformazione GialloRossa (A.S. Roma, Roma e dintorni...) - Sito ufficiale di Mario Corsi e della trasmissione Te la do io Tokyo.
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Savona church of Christ in Port St Lucie
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Tales, techniques, tricks and tantrums from one of the UK’s top portrait photographers. Never just about photography but always about things that excite - or annoy - me as a full-time professional photographer, from histograms to history, from apertures to apathy, or motivation to megapixels. Essentially, anything and everything about the art, creativity and business of portrait photography. With some off-the-wall interviews thrown in for good measure!
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A comic tragedy for anyone flailing in the sea of their own inadequacy. Sony Radio Award winners Geoff Lloyd and Annabel Port steer a life-raft through the choppy waters of being a functional human. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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16 Feb 2025 - Ps James Hewitt - Spiritual Weapons - Its Time to Declare
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39:08Spiritual Weapons Series - Its Time to Declareद्वारा Port City Christian Church
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A Baby By Omission - A General Hospital Podcast
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1:07:11On episode 316 of the PC Update, co-counsel , co-murder…it’s all about team work. Willow may want to have a look at Elaine before coming for Sasha. Turns out a dangerous man like Cyrus is no match for a Quarterback. This episode covers GH episodes from February 10th - 14th, 2025. *Music provided by Scott Holmes (song name - Electronic Vibes).…
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国宝姫路城の入城料、2500円に値上げ 年10億円増収、維持管理に利用 地元市民は千円に据え置き 神戸市営地下鉄とJR西、1枚で通勤通学OK! 3月15日、イコカの連絡定期券を発売
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なぜこんなに話せるのかわからないが、気付けば腹十分目を通り越しているのであって… --------- ℝ𝕖:𝕔𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 ℙ𝕠𝕣𝕥. 【毎週土曜0時配信|レクリエーションポート】 俳優・ナレーターの武藤翔馬と写真家・ソーシャルワーカーの小宮京がお届けする、思索生知ポッドキャスト番組。 日常の些細なことから世の中のこと、それぞれのクリエイティブな話など、独自の視点でトークします。 思索生知、思考をデザイン。 ▷公式サイト/お便りはこちらから!! ▷Twitter @RECREATION_Port ▷Caster Shoma Muto(@shoma674) / KOMIYAMIYAKO(@KkOoMmIiY…
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Trees uprooted as Tropical Cyclone Zelia moves inland as a category 3 system
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2:08Trees uprooted as Tropical Cyclone Zelia moves inland as a category 3 system See for privacy information.द्वारा LiSTNR
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EPISODE 339 - The three hundred-and-thirty-ninth episode
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41:55Geoff becomes a gastronaut, and Annabel assesses her fixtures and fittings Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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North Port Living: Feb. 12, 2025 | Upcoming Events in North Port
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16:56Welcome to North Port Living, your guide to making the most of life in our vibrant city! From family-friendly activities and local events to helpful home tips and ways to stay active, we cover everything that makes North Port a great place to live, work, and play. In this episode, we’re talking about upcoming events in North Port. Be sure to check …
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Caro shares some of our journey as a church, highlights some of our values and shares some changes for us in 2025. Those changes relate to leadership structure and to our rhythm of gatherings.द्वारा Central Church Port Kembla
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City Commission Regular Meeting on 2025-02-11 10:00 AM - Amended to add Item No. 25-1900 - Feb 11, 2025
Watch Download File
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Machine Translation's Impact on Japanese Translation feat. Cargodin – Hot Pot Gaming Podcast
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1:51:35I have a long history of using machine translation to help me read Japanese news stories, talk to fan bases online, and sometimes even play games. However, when you don't know the original language, it's hard to understand what impact these tools may have on how we interact with the Japanese language. I talked with Cargodin, a fan translator on gam…
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Port Orange Church Of The Nazareneद्वारा Ponaz
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Preparation for the Promise (Shane Hotchkin) - Audio
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28:17Sermons and messages given by Pastor Denvil Farley and others.द्वारा Shane Hotchkin
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On this episode of Orange Juice, we interview Coach Vic of Bully Me Now, Jiu Jitsu gym. Coach Vic explains the importance of Jiu Jitsu for law enforcement, as well the curriculum he teaches locally to multiple law enforcement agencies.द्वारा POPD
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Being Kingdom Minded( Part 4)-What I Have Not Done Before || Pastor Joel Udegbe
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38:30This series teaches the importance of kingdom mindedness in experiencing wealth, prosperity and the abundance of rain in 2025. For more information, visit us at
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Psalm 86 1 Thessalonians 5:9-10 Prayer Requests to [email protected]
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Psalm 45 Ephesians 1:3-10 1 Thessalonians 2:13 Prayer Requests to [email protected]
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Psalm 119:41-48 Psalm 40:2-14,17-18 Jeremiah 32:40 Prayer Requests to [email protected]
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Psalm 42 Sirach 36:1-5,10-13 Psalm 19A Jeremiah 15:16 Prayer Requests to [email protected]
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Psalm 31:1-17,20-25 Proverbs 3:1-20 Prayer Requests to [email protected]
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Psalm 95 Prayer Requests to [email protected]
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Te la do io Tokyo (15-02-2025)
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4:00:00Te la do io Tokyo - Trasmissione del 15/02/2025 - Tutte le notizie su www.marione.netद्वारा Te la do io Tokyo
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Psalm 91 Revelation 22:4-5 Prayer Requests to [email protected]
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Psalm 110:1-5,7 Psalm 115 Revelation 19:1-7 2 Thessalonians 2:13-14 Prayer Requests to [email protected]
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Psalm 23 Psalm 76 Romans 8:26 Prayer Requests to [email protected]
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Psalm 118 Daniel 3:52-57 Psalm 150 Ezekiel 36:25-27 Prayer Requests to [email protected]
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Psalm 104 Proverbs 1:1-7,20-33 Prayer Requests to [email protected]
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Psalm 95 Prayer Requests to [email protected]
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1965: Jim Clark and Lotus Return to the Top (Part 3 of 3)
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41:47The Italian Grand Prix in Monza was again the closest race of the year. The "Temple of Speed" did not disappoint as the lead changed a record forty-two times between four drivers before Hill’s BRM team-mate Jackie Stewart won the slipstreaming battle and scored his maiden GP victory to cap an impressive rookie campaign. Join us for this and more st…
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Portal del Web (14/02/2025 - Tramo de 15:00 a 16:00)
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59:59Portal del Web (Tramo de 15:00 a 16:00)
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Portal del Web (14/02/2025 - Tramo de 14:00 a 15:00)
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59:59Portal del Web (Tramo de 14:00 a 15:00)
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durée : 00:03:32 - Portrait d'ici, ici Vaucluseद्वारा ici
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Te la do io Tokyo (14-02-2025)
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4:00:00Te la do io Tokyo - Trasmissione del 14/02/2025 - Tutte le notizie su www.marione.netद्वारा Te la do io Tokyo
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Psalm 4 Psalm 134 Deuteronomy 6:4-7 Prayer Requests to [email protected]
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Psalm 119:105-112 Psalm 16 Philippians 2:6-11 Colossians 1:2b-6a Prayer Requests to [email protected]
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Cyclone Zelia weakens to a category 4 after making landfall near De Grey
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2:08Cyclone Zelia weakens to a category 4 after making landfall near De Grey See for privacy information.द्वारा LiSTNR
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Psalm 119:33-40 Psalm 34 Jeremiah 17:9-10 Prayer Requests to [email protected]
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Psalm 119:145-152 Exodus 15:1-4a,8-13,17-18 Psalm 117 2 Peter 1:10-11 Prayer Requests to [email protected]
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Psalm 131 Psalm 132 Galatians 5:25–6:18 Prayer Requests to [email protected]
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神戸の交通安全は「OK」! 意識向上へ風呂「おけ」配る 兵庫署など区内の銭湯、温泉に 箱型客室ごと車や鉄道、航空機、船に 自動運転ですいすい 川重、万博で未来の交通展示 音声は を使用させていただきました
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Psalm 95 Prayer Requests to [email protected]
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Lea Wermelin og Taylor Swift ”The Tortured Poets Department”
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55:09“Hvis man er et politisk dyr, har man brug for et kærlighedsrum som det, Taylor Swift skaber.” De seneste år har budt på vilde omvæltninger i politiker Lea Wermelins privatliv og karriere. Den nu tidligere socialdemokratiske miljøminister var lige blevet skilt, da Taylor Swift udgav sit kunstneriske hovedværk ”The Tortured Poets Department” (TTPD).…
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Too late to leave: residents bunker down waiting for Tropical Cyclone Zelia
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2:09Too late to leave: residents bunker down waiting for Tropical Cyclone Zelia See for privacy information.द्वारा LiSTNR
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Tropical Cyclone Zelia hours away from crossing the Pilbara coast
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2:08Tropical Cyclone Zelia hours away from crossing the Pilbara coast See for privacy information.द्वारा LiSTNR
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With the hard part of the initiation out of the way, the team heads back to the base. There, they learn a little bit more about the organisation they've pledged to, and receive a hint about their first official mission. Content warnings for this week’s episode include coarse language, light sexual humour and mentions of alcohol. Find us on Instagra…
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Milenci královna Viktorie a princ Albert. Láska až za hrob
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23:55Své zemi vládla britská královna Viktorie déle než kdokoliv před ní. Stala se symbolem své doby, jež nese i její jméno. Její manželství s princem Albertem bylo dlouho považováno za vzorné. Měli devět dětí, které uzavíraly sňatky napříč Evropou. Viktorie ale o tolik porodů nestála, ačkoliv žila ve společnosti, která mateřství a rodinu idealizovala, …
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Portal del Web (13/02/2025 - Tramo de 15:00 a 16:00)
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59:59Portal del Web (Tramo de 15:00 a 16:00)
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Portal del Web (13/02/2025 - Tramo de 14:00 a 15:00)
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59:59Portal del Web (Tramo de 14:00 a 15:00)
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durée : 00:05:31 - Portrait d'ici, ici Vaucluseद्वारा ici
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Te la do io Tokyo (13-02-2025)
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4:00:00Te la do io Tokyo - Trasmissione del 13/02/2025 - Tutte le notizie su www.marione.netद्वारा Te la do io Tokyo
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OSCARS 2025 | La nueva favorita para ganar | Prediciendo Los Ganadores
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45:59HABEMUS PELÍCULA FAVORITA PARA GANAR La competencia ha estado dando giros y giros a travez de todas las semanas,pero por primera vez esta semana,todo indica ha que tenemos una favorita para ganar el Oscar A Mejor Película. Caile al podcast a escuchar a @rodrigovqz hablar acerca de cómo los Critics Choice Awards cambiaron todo, y predecir quienes ga…
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