Australia's #1 podcast for women is where smart women come for good conversation — with an occasional side serve of chaos. Covering news, pop culture and big ideas, plus the small stuff that matters, Mamamia Out Loud is hosted by journalists and authors Mia Freedman, Jessie Stephens and Holly Wainwright. It's your daily dose of conversation that's like catching up with your best, funniest and sharpest friends in the group chat, offering conversation at its most addictive.
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Navigating motherhood and our God given calling one day at a time.
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Nahbarkeit, Empowerment, Selbstironie und viel „kennen wir!“ statt „told you so“ Du möchtest Werbung in diesem Podcast schalten? Dann erfahre hier mehr über die Werbemöglichkeiten bei Seven.One Audio:
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Podcast pre všetky mamy a skoro mamy, ktoré majú kopec otázok.
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Histórias infantis criadas e contadas por Paula Rebouças. Feito com amor, de mãe para filha. Toda Segunda-feira, uma história para ouvir e soltar a imaginação! Nos acompanhe também em @mamaemecontaumahistoria!
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Drama for mamas. Business Inquiries: Originally produced by Studio71. But now it's produced by meee :)
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Whether you're a big juicy book worm or you want to include more reading into your life, the podcast book club is the place. Read the book club selections then join Jessie Stephens and a host of her Mamamia guests as they dive between the pages of some brilliant, (and not so brilliant) reads. Should you recommend it to a friend or forget it ever happened? Listen in as we debate the works.
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On the M is for Mama Podcast, you’ll hear encouragement for all things motherhood, practical helps and systems to help you thrive in your home from day to day, funny, relatable kid-stories, examinations of what the Bible has to say about cultural issues, and so much more!
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A mother and daughter pair covering all things motherhood while paying homage to the mamas we've learned from.
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Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz Weekly Torah Lesson Enjoy this video of what we hope will be a weekly endeavor into spreading the educational words of our Torah. Chabad Lubavitch of Southwest Florida 5620 Winkler Road Ft Myers, FL 33919 239-433-7708
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Gründe und führe dein eigenes Business, damit das Dilemma zwischen Zeit und Geld endlich ein Ende hat.
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Welcome to The Mama Marketer Podcast! Hosted by Olivia Hayse. Sit with me and listen as I interview my friends about topics like entrepreneurship, politics, pop culture, bible studies and everything in between!
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Chaque semaine découvrez la diversité et la richesse de la scène musicale autochtone avec Moe Clark. Pour consulter les archives de cette balado :
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The official Podcast of the Mama Tried Show and Flat Out Friday Races
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Hi My friends! Welcome to Story Time With Bear & Mama! 🌟 Join me—Mama—and my sweet son, Bear, as we read through some of our favorite classics and beloved books. Leave a comment on what book you would like us to read next!
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Sharing the highs and and low of everyday life to help you remember that you are not alone.
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Echt. Echter. Ehrlich gesagt. 🎆 Neues Cover, 🎶 neuer Jingle, 🎙️neue Stimme. Der neue Echte Mamas Podcast geht tiefer: Jetzt spricht Nora Pinck mit echten Eltern über echte Gefühle. Und zwar über die schönen, aber auch die schwierigen! Denn wir wissen genauso gut wie ihr: Das Leben als Eltern ist wunderbar erfüllend, kann aber auch fordernd – und manchmal sogar überfordernd – sein. Nora fragt ihre Gäste das, was sonst keiner fragt. Wir laden euch ein, mit uns zuzuhören, was unsere Gäste wirkl ...
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A podcast where we navigate the Hell out of being a Creative Mom with Humor and Heart. Honest convos. Hilarious stories. Inspiring guests. You are NOT alone. Hosts: Cherice Barton & Shelly Hutchison Producer: Jessica RG OKeefe, Breatheasy Productions
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This podcast discuss the ups and downs of motherhood seen through the eyes of a stay at home mom ( me!) and also discuss the issues that us women face in our everyday lives This is Motherhood at its best We’re not perfect but we’re making it!!!! email is Instagram: YouTube:
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Meet the American Mamas. Daily Segment on American Ground Radio KEEL 101.7 FM/710 AM 6-7 Central. Shreveport, LA.
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My son and I started Military Mama the podcast to record our conversation on his everyday living. We discuss whatever is on his mind and as his mama with my husband and I serving as a dual couple with our instant family.
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Ça va maman est un podcast où parle de santé mentale parentale en compagnie de la Dre. Lory Zephyr, psychologue spécialisée en santé mentale maternelle, périnatalité et attachement parent enfant, ainsi que Jessika Brazeau, journaliste. Toutes deux sont aussi mamans de plusieurs enfants. Elles entretiennent des conversations authentiques, dépourvues de tout jugement, qu'on entend rarement sur la place publique. Que ce soit en compagnie de mamans anonymes, d'autres professionnel.le.s ou person ...
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A biweekly podcast where writers Leah Nicole and Dani Bee discuss Black spirituality, community, and culture.
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Mama Sein verändert - auch beruflich! Entdecke faszinierende Geschichten erfolgreicher Persönlichkeiten in diesem Podcast! Von Influencern über Autoren bis hin zu Unternehmerinnen und Unternehmern - wir sprechen über Erfolge, Misserfolge, Vereinbarkeit, Mindset, Marketing.... Verena von MamaWahnsinnHochVier nimmt dich mit auf diese Reise und teilt ihre wertvollen Erkenntnisse mit dir. Erfahre aus erster Hand, wie du Fehler in Learnings umwandeln kannst. Hol dir jetzt wertvolle Tipps und Tric ...
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I am your Daily Life Mamalia
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Sheilandria Wells is a wife, stay at home mom, homeschool mom, autism mom, twin mom, entrepreneur and still a person some where in between all of that. Listen in as your new mom friend breaks down the ins and outs of motherhood. Let's INSPIRE, EDUCATE , MOTIVATE each other on this motherhood journey through Christ. Episodes posted on Mondays
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Concrete Mama is not just a podcast — it’s a raw and powerful journey recorded in the heart of the Washington State Penitentiary in Walla Walla. Featuring Demar, Anthony, Red, Cambo, Vik, and Rachel, this groundbreaking show rewrites the narrative of life behind bars. The hosts delve into the prison’s notorious past — the infamous “Concrete Mama” era, when a failed experiment turned it into one of the most feared facilities in America. They also document Anthony’s transition into the free wo ...
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I'll go first: Motherhood is a dang rollercoaster and sometimes I feel like I'm just hanging on. My name is Nina and I am the host of Mama Knows. I truly believe that every mama *knows.* Have you ever held your crying child and just said or thought "I know honey." YOU, mama, know what is best for your family and sometimes it's different than what the other mama knows. This podcast is an ongoing, honest conversation around motherhood, mental health, parenting and relationships...the good, bad ...
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Podcast de anime dirigido por 3 treintones.
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Join our community of stay-at-home parents as we learn to manage, save, and invest our money — all while keeping family as our first priority.
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Your go-to podcast for baby and toddler sleep solutions, overcoming parenting challenges, and all things messy motherhood.
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My Favorites statement, poems, part of section.
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Join us as we talk about all things motherhood and bring a biblical perspective to the conversation. Almost nothing is off the limits, as we discuss having babies to then raising said babies. We are so glad you are here and pray that our words point you to our Savior first and foremost.
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The Wellness Mama Podcast is a weekly series covering the topics of holistic health, real food, stress, sleep, fitness, toxins, natural living, DIY, parenting, motherhood, and other health tips to give you actionable solutions to improve your family’s life! Brought to you by Katie Wells of
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That Twin Mama Podcast features topics, concerns, and questions that touch on all things motherhood and beyond, with a special added lens for moms of multiples. Lauren interviews experts, celebrities, and influencers tackling topics that make you feel seen, uplifted, and of course laugh as a mama trying to survive.
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Mama Bear Apologetics is a podcast for mothers of biological, adopted, or spiritual children who want to learn about how to defend the Christian faith, help give their children reasons for faith, and understand the worldviews that challenge Christian faith in the first place.
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Whether you’ve just given birth for the first time or are already deep into the thick of it, The Mama Circle is here to help you enjoy motherhood and feel GOOD. Join Natalie K. Martin for real talk, empowerment tools and honest insights to keep you company, whether you’re on your 2am night feed, cooking dinner for your family, or out and about running errands. The Mama Circle is here to help you feel seen, heard and supported.
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Dem Black Mamas answers all the questions yo mama won't! From sex & dream catching to adulting & raising free Black children in an unfree world, three #BlackMamaCreatives Crystal Tennille Irby, NeKisha Killings, & Thea Monyee, give you all the #BlackMamaMagic your heart can hold while pursuing their own creative dreams.
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The Metal Mama Podcast isn’t here to review the latest power metal release or crown the best symphonic metal band. We dig into band history, dive into cultural topics, and engage in plenty of stupidity along the way. It’s well-researched, packed full of music, and not afraid to be irreverent.
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Il regarde l'actualité de biais, d'en haut, d'en bas, de côté ; il la retourne dans tous les sens, la soupèse et nous la rend complètement décalée, tordue et tellement tordante. Mamane vous présente une actualité... différente.
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’Geriatric’ Mamas is the original, real and raw podcast empowering women over 35 to embrace pregnancy and motherhood. Join hosts Jessica Rizzieri and Sonia Welch Tapley as they share authentic fertility stories, insightful motherhood news and entertaining motherhood moments from guests, listeners and social media!
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Mamatism talking about ....... whatever, just talk.
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Mama's comedy show is has been performing in front of LIVE audiences for since 2009. Now, the cast gets together before each show to crack each other up and discuss the nonsense of the day.
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為什麼血是紅色的🩸?為什麼大便臭臭的💩?為什麼恐龍滅絕了🦖?好奇的小孩們總是有好多的問題在腦袋裡轉呀轉!「媽媽老師,我想問問題」是一個為全世界的好奇小孩們設計的Podcast - 孩子們可以勇敢提問,然後媽媽老師會帶著小朋友一起去尋找答案。在節目中我們不僅探討自然科學常識,開啟孩子視角,更深入關懷孩子們心靈,包含社會情緒學習、身體健康管理、品格養成等等...孩子的身心靈各個方面遇到的疑問和煩惱,都有我們來當家庭的後盾。我們會邀請各個領域的專家、其他家長,以及孩子們一起探索,一起學習,一起去找答案。 "Ask Mama Laoshi" is a podcast in Mandarin made for curious minds around the world. Children can ask any questions without being judged, and we not only answer them but also show them how to look for the answers. In this children-centered show, ...
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Top-rated podcast, hosted by sisters Paulina and Bricia Lopez. Super Mamas is a judgment-free space where new, expecting and experienced mothers come together to learn from one another. Laugh and cry along with the Super Mamas every week as they share stories with friends, experts and each other. Welcome to the Super Mamas Sisterhood! New episode every Tuesday. Featured on Oprah Daily, Parents Latina, Girlboss, Univision, Telemundo and NPR
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Nashville based Mama besties Amie & Macy dive into the UNFILTERED day to day life of new motherhood. From gory but beautiful birth stories, to toddler tantrums, to sex after baby, they cover it all! Join their mom squad and make motherhood a little less lonely.
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Living Your Calling When You Don't Want To
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25:11I don't know about you, but I've had days, weeks, maybe even a months of NOT wanting to show up and to the work I know God has called me to do. In those moments, I began to doubt I was really where I should be. I mean, if I'm doing God's work I should want to do it, right? Today, we discuss this very subject and go straight to God's word to find ou…
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Women’s Hormone Health: From Survival Mode to Thriving with Mandy Patterson
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45:57Episode Highlights With Mandy Patterson Her own hormone and fertility journey How she almost died with her first child at age 22 and was told she couldn’t have any more kids The things within our power to change when it comes to hormones It's common and normal for periods to be irregular for the first couple of years after menstruation begins Under…
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On our first venture inside the walls of the Washington State Penitentiary, the team explores the relationships formed while in prison, and how they’re irreparably altered when folks are released. Vik sits down with Demar, Red, and Cambo to discuss the void Anthony’s freedom has left behind, and Demar shares candid moments from the morning after An…
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Eeek! The Mama Circle Podcast is a little over a month old and I am sending a HUGE thanks to you. I truly value your support with this show! Please do get involved with any topic ideas or anything else you'd like to share with me here in the comments or: Instagram: @natalie.kmartin Facebook: Don't f…
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The Truth About Parenting Every Mom Needs to Hear – 343
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8:24Parenting isn’t a puzzle you can solve. There’s no secret formula that guarantees everything will go smoothly no matter how many parenting books you read, how much patience you practice, or how hard you try. When things don’t go as planned, it doesn’t mean you’re failing. It just means you’re a human raising other humans. And that can be pretty mes…
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Hey Mama- Chronic Illness and Motherhood
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37:20This week, the girls are joined by their sister-in-law, Hannah Glaser, as she discusses mothering while dealing with a chronic illness. They look at how, even when things seem impossible, Jesus is there to help them through. Thank you for listening! Please like and subscribe and tell us what you think of this episode! Follow us on Facebook, Instagr…
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為什麼寶寶👶愛哭、愛睡、愛喝奶🍼?Why Do Babies👶 Cry So Much, Sleep So Much, and Drink So Much Milk🍼?
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33:50Send us a text ✨本集介紹 Episode Overview✨ 各位好奇的小朋友們,你有沒有發現,小寶寶👶總是哭哭啼啼、一天到晚在睡覺💤,還只能喝奶不能吃飯🍼,為什麼寶寶和我們這麼不一樣呢?🤔 在這一集,媽媽老師會和各位小朋友一起用「小小朋友翻譯機🔊」聽懂小寶寶們到底在想什麼;還有特別來賓——五歲的 Audrey 👧🏻,她會分享她和她的弟弟相處的故事,讓我們聽聽看她是怎麼幫助爸爸媽媽一起照顧弟弟的!! 聽完這一集,你一定會更了解小寶寶,學會當個貼心又厲害的大哥哥大姊姊,說不定還會變成爸爸媽媽的超級小幫手呢!💪 快來收聽吧!🎧✨ Have you ever noticed that babies👶 cry a lot, sleep💤 all the time, and can o…
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All About Love: Saying & Showing It
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24:00Well this turned into a mini heart to heart. We all have ways we naturally show love, but are those the best ways for the people we care about most, especially if they need more, or just something different, from us than we're used to. Tell your people you love them and mean it - through your words and actions.…
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Sind wir gute Mütter? Und was zur Hölle passiert hier gerade?
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1:09:35Geneigte Leserschaft, man munkelt, dass sich in den geschätzten Kreisen dieses Podcasts eine spektakuläre Veränderung anbahnt. Doch zu viel sei an dieser Stelle noch nicht verraten.Doch widmen wir uns zunächst einer Frage, die schwerer wiegt als jede elterliche Perfektion: Sind wir gute Mütter? Alina und Fanny lassen die Fassade bröckeln und sprech…
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Why are we at war we are supposed to be friends :(
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36:10Ben is losing his patience with Americans. Watch the video version of the episode here: Follow my Instagram: Business Inquiries: Originally produced by Studio71. But now it's produced by meee :) Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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Burnout vermeiden: Strategien für Mütter im Business
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18:51♥ Gründungsmitglied in unserer Skool Community🥳 vermeiden: Strategien für Mütter im BusinessIn diesem Video teile ich wertvolle Tipps und Strategien, wie du als selbstständige Mutter Burnout vermeiden kannst. Lerne, die Anzeichen frühzeitig zu erkennen und präventive Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, um eine ge…
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Send us a text A delightful tale that brings the beauty of the season of Spring to life. Book: Other Books by Ellie: Spring Sings By Ellie Holcomb: Blooming Paper Press Coloring Books: TikTo…
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Hey mama! Happy Women's History Month! During week 5 on This Growing Mama Podcast, the host Sheilandria Wells will be breaking down three ways you can lean on God in motherhood. Sheilandria will be using the scripture Proverbs 3:5-6 from 52 Week Bible Study for Moms. This Growing Mama Confession Part 2 will be available at the end of the episode! G…
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Mamá soy Otaku # 30 - Solo leveling ¿obra maestra o puro hype?
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35:52Send us a text ¡Por fin hablamos de Solo Leveling! 📖⚡ Analizamos qué lo hace tan adictivo, en qué destaca y en qué momentos puede volverse repetitivo. ¿Es el mejor manhwa de todos los tiempos o solo vive del hype? Debatimos sobre su historia, personajes, peleas, animación y cómo se compara con otros títulos del género. ¿Realmente vale la pena o sol…
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Ep. 97: Lift Your Eyes (Motherhood Encouragement from Whitney Newby)
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36:03If you’ve ever found yourself discouraged in motherhood and wondering where to look for help, today’s guest, Whitney Newby from Brighter Day Press, has written a Scripture-drenched devotional geared toward helping you answer that exact question. In this episode, we chat all things motherhood, including the fallacy of “doing it all” (nobody does) an…
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Breaking the Cycle of Yelling w/ Becky Jennings
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56:08In this conversation, Nina and Becky discuss the complexities of yelling as a parenting strategy, exploring its roots in personal experiences and childhood conditioning. They delve into the psychological mechanisms behind why yelling seems effective, the challenges of breaking the cycle of learned behaviors, and the importance of self-regulation fo…
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Too Tired to Function, Too Wired to Sleep: Transform Your Sleep Habits with Sarah Petroski
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1:17:20Why is it so hard for moms—especially those with ADHD—to get the rest they need? If you’re stuck in the cycle of exhaustion and bedtime procrastination, this episode of That Twin Mama Podcast is for you! Host Lauren Berty sits down with Oxford-trained sleep specialist & fitness coach Sarah Petroski, founder of SleepFitSarah, to unpack the science b…
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Metal Mama Podcast Episode 1...Kinda. How a Moral Panic Shaped Metal.
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31:06Welcome to episode 1...kinda! This is the intro episode of The Metal Mama Podcast, and we’re getting into a heavy piece of metal history (see what I did there?). An era where two moral panics collided into one. On one side, you had the Satanic Panic. On the other, a crusade against modern music. When these forces joined, they became a Voltron of pe…
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DD 12 - Danger Dan Takeover: Michael Lichter + Bear Haughton
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42:19Danger Dan hijacks the Mama Tried / Flat Out Friday Podcast for an unfiltered conversation with legendary motorcycle photographer Michael Lichter and the mastermind behind Motorcycle Sherpa and Whiteknuckler, Bear Haughton. They dive into the culture, history, and artistry of motorcycles, photography, and what makes the Mama Tried Show & Flat Out F…
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Finding strength in the scars that tell my story.
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14:43Reject the False: Empower Your Path to Authentic: The importance of recognizing and dismissing misinformation while encouraging personal empowerment and the pursuit of genuine knowledge. This recording speaks to the struggle of accepting untrue answers and inspires individuals to seek their own truth.…
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Freundschaften als Working Mom – geht das überhaupt?
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15:058 geniale Hacks, wie du trotz vollem Kalender deine Freundinnen siehst! Freundschaften pflegen als berufstätige Mama? Klingt manchmal wie eine Mission Impossible zwischen Job, Familie und Haushalt. Doch genau diese Verbindungen sind die Kraftspender, die wir im turbulenten Mama-Alltag so dringend brauchen! In dieser besonderen Episode dreht sich al…
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122. Janka Zemandl: Jadrom odolnosti je porozumenie sebe samému.
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1:16:49S našou múzou Jankou Zemandl sme otvorili dôležitú tému. Budovanie odolnosti našich detí. Psychické odolnosť podľa Janky ide ruka v ruke s pocitom bezpečia a pochopenia. Pretože všetky deti (a nielen ony) sú krehké, no nie každé dokáže v tej krehkosti nájsť silu čeliť frustrácii. My rodičia máme náročnú úlohu. Dovoliť deťom budovať si frustračnú to…
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Episode 122. 5 Biblical Interpretation Questions Every Mama Bear Should Know!
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24:48Hey Mama bears (and Papa Bears too!), let’s talk about something super important—how we read the Bible. It’s not just about opening the pages and hoping for a divine light bulb moment. Nope! If we’re not careful, we can end up twisting Scripture to say what we want it to say instead of what God actually meant.That’s why we’re diving into biblical i…
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I am ecstatic to share the first episode in a brand new series called ICTea - where my cohost Faith and I SPILL THE TEA on all things local government. Every other week we will each bring up one topic at the city, county, state, and national levels of government to discuss. This week we discuss the school bond issues in both Wichita and Mulvane, ho…
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Navigating Spotify's new platform. It's challenging, and slightly frustrating however. I am determined to figure it out. I started this Podcast in 2017 on ANCHOR and for an Analog girl like me, I found quite simple. After ANCHOR was acquired by Spotify a few years ago, podcasting remaind simple as Spotify used that same format that I was acustom to…
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Fire Safety for Kids: Expert Tips from a Firefighter and Father of Four
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24:36When it comes to fire safety for kids, there’s a lot of information out there—but what do firefighters actually recommend? In this episode, I sit down with my friend, a firefighter, lieutenant, CPR instructor, paramedic, and dad of four, to get his expert take on common fire safety questions parents have. We cover: - Whether it’s safe to use a chil…
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