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Love’s Last Call

Carol Ann Caster

"Love's Last Call" focuses on the Prophetic Word of God and how current events are unfolding with "pay attention" urgency while exposing the many counterfeits of the enemy that are keeping mankind from coming to the true and Saving knowledge of Jesus Christ the Savior.
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Life After Last Call

Eric Kramer

Life After Last Call is an honest, lighthearted podcast about life, love, and growth in sobriety. Hosted by Eric and his husband Rich, this show dives into the challenges and joys of living alcohol-free, exploring topics like recovery journeys, breaking stigma, personal growth, and the Sobervation brand’s mission to inspire others. Whether you're sober, sober-curious, or just looking for a fresh perspective, join us for candid conversations, laughs, and stories of resilience. We do recover.
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Last Call Tonite


What goes on in Vegas lives in Vegas.. Where Knowledge is the key and Maturity is expected...Cannabis education. There over 350,000,000 stories in Las Vegas mine is one of them..Social Issues and current events will be discussed
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CNBC's "Last Call"


Hosted by CNBC's Brian Sullivan, "Last Call" is a fast-paced, entertaining business show that explores the intersection of money, culture and policy. Through panels, debates and newsmakers, the "Last Call" podcast delivers fresh takes on the biggest business topics of the day while also shining a light on the other important stories that listeners may have missed.
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Last Call For Adventure

Higgins Productions, LLC

Last Call for Adventure™ is a weekly tabletop show using Dungeons & Dragons where separate crews of players from an extensive overall cast will embark on different adventures in the same world, contributing to a persistent, overarching narrative.The whole project is a grand collaborative effort, from the cast members on the show, to viewers like yourself.
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Last Call Podcast

Last Call Podcast

Ken, Nick & Dave chop it up over our featured beverage choice of the week. Just three friends taking their group chat debates into a studio and recording them for the world. Sports sprinkled with Politics, Current Events, Cultural Topics - anythings game. Subscribe, Comment & Enjoy! Contact Us: Ken: @kenplush Nick: @nickcreegan Dave: @earth_dave
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College Football's Last Call

Joshua Stein

Josh and his friends Laurence Kessler and Jason Ganz take you on a 30 minute trip around the nation to recap all of the highlights from each week of the 2022 College Football Season including analyzing each UGA game and providing a "Sucker Bet of the Week".
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Last Call for Knowledge

Martin Ali

A podcast to increase our knowledge on ways to engage each other on all socially conscious topics to empower one another by discussing on issues through diverse perspectives. Support this podcast:
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Last Call with Jim MacKrell

James MacKrell

Jim isn't shy about sharing his opinions. At his tender age, there isn't much left for him to give a shit about as far as the Silver Screen or the flickering light box in the bedroom or living area is concerned. After all, with all of the questions with no answers and answers with no questions...Jim boy has heard it all. Buckle up for a ride through the ins and outs of Sho Biz as lived by Jim MacKrell.
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Last Call at Bluebell Cafe

Last Call at Bluebell Cafe

​Last Call at Bluebell Cafe is a fantasy audio drama about a shapeshifting Barista who is a little too interested in other people’s lives. The Barista runs the transient Bluebell Cafe, where customers can get more than just coffee. Many of the wanderers who find themselves stumbling upon this hidden cafe in dusky hours are at a crossroads in their life. Who better than our Barista to guide them along their path? With a little help from magic, of course. However, magic and people are both unp ...
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Ken is a lifelong St. Louisian, graduating from the late, great Cleveland High in beautiful South St. Louis. He also attended Washington University and, of course, Broadcast Center. Many years ago, he was a fairly popular singer who moved into the concert industry where he met a lot of famous people. His radio career includes a show on KDHX that featured original material by local bands and a stint at an AM station that no longer exists. But things are looking up! Check out LAST CALL live on ...
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show series
Send us a message In Ephesians 6:11-12, the Apostle Paul alerts us to the spiritual entities that war against us, especially as we draw nearer to the last things on God’s Prophetic Calendar. In this message, we address the spirit of Witchcraft that is reaching phenomenal heights in this last hour, and which is operating from within the world forces…
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Send us a text The journey through sobriety reveals truths we never expected to face. In this deeply moving episode, Rich opens up about losing his brother to alcoholism 22 years ago—a story he rarely shares. When our recent guest Michael described hiding alcohol bottles around his home, it struck a painful chord with Rich, who watched his brother …
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Send us a message In Part 2 of our message, we learned how Roman Catholicism’s Pontiff’s – through the powers held within the Vatican and Holy See – have played a major role in the formation of the “One World Empire” of the coming Antichrist. And as we continue in Part 3, we will see how this spiritual/political alliance that was officially birthed…
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Send us a message In his book, “The New World Religion” which he wrote in 1999, Kah began with highlighting the approaching year 2000, for even though Lucifer’s plans for a “One World Religion” began in his heart even before the Garden of Eden, the year 2000 presented a major push forward to its full manifestation. And now having reached the year 2…
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Send us a text Discover the compelling journey of Michael, a recovering alcoholic who shares his transformative experiences with sobriety and the challenges that accompany it. Throughout the episode, we dissect the myths surrounding alcohol consumption and recovery, offering a candid look at the struggles faced by many. Michael reflects on his earl…
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Send us a message In Chapter 17 of the Book of Revelation, we are introduced to the Harlot who rides the Beast, and in verses 3-5, we read the description of her as seen through the eyes of John the Apostle. The majority of Prophecy teachers and scholars who have sought the Holy Spirit’s wisdom in Truth, believe that this Harlot is the Mother Churc…
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Send us a message In Part 2 of Deadly Delusions, Shadows & The Dark Side of Light, we expose the dangers of “Psychology” which has infiltrated the Church of Jesus Christ with cunning Luciferian persuasions. Many – some of whom are very sincere in their motives – have fallen prey to this deadly counterfeit that is built on the sinking sand of “S…
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Send us a message Beyond a doubt, one of the greatest issues facing the Church of Jesus Christ today, is the integration of modern psychology with the Bible. As one medical doctor states, “No greater issue faces the modern Church of today than this Trojan Horse of Psychology. It has a stranglehold that will not be easily loosened.” EQ Psychology ha…
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Send us a text Mental health and sobriety go hand in hand, but staying balanced—especially in a world that feels heavy—can be challenging. This week, Rich and I open up about navigating mental health struggles in recovery, from missing medications to dealing with body image and self-criticism. We share the tools that help us stay grounded and remin…
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Send us a message As Agape Light Ministries moves forward with “Love’s Last Call” at the forefront, we have some important updates to share with you. Support the show Visit our website:द्वारा Carol Ann Caster
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Send us a message As we delve into the root system of Psychology, and study every branch that is an offshoot of it, we will find that this cunning counterfeit not only does not offer any real help for the torments of man – but that it actually originates from the very enemy who is the orchestrator of every evil device that leads man into his desper…
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Send us a text Can a sippy cup really reveal the need for personal transformation? Join Eric and Rich as we share a humorous yet eye-opening tale of teaching a neighbor’s four-year-old a questionable party trick, only to realize how alcohol clouded our judgment. Through this candid reflection, we address the necessity of taking personal inventory t…
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Send us a message As we delve into the subject of Psychology and in particular Psychotherapy, certain things must be considered – especially as it concerns the deceptions of the enemy and the deadly delusions he is employing in this critical hour in the earth. So what must we know in order to understand how something that presents itself as an answ…
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Send us a text Navigating social situations without alcohol can be challenging, but it can also be incredibly fulfilling. We discuss mindset shifts, confidence building, and practical strategies to own your choices, set boundaries, and redefine fun in sobriety. • Importance of confidence while socializing sober • Shifting your mindset from “I can’t…
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Send us a message As the world rapidly descends into chaos, some might ask – how did we get here? And how is Satan able to deceive so many – even many of those who profess to be Christian? The answer is found in God’s Prophetic Word of Truth that provides His timeline of Redemption’s Promise from the beginning to the End of the Age. Regardless of t…
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Send us a text Can a single night change the trajectory of your life? For Eric, it was a troubling evening that sparked a journey of self-healing and transformation. Join us as Rich and Eric candidly share their personal battles with alcohol, highlighting the emotional highs and lows of quitting drinking. We unpack the importance of shedding unnece…
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Send us a text What if the key to strengthening relationships lies in choosing sobriety? Join me, Eric, alongside my daughter Zoe as we uncover how the pandemic unexpectedly enhanced our bond. Our candid chat touches on everything from my struggle and eventual relief from alcohol addiction to Zoe's disrupted senior year and her social media adventu…
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Send us a text Have you ever wondered how the concept of anonymity in sobriety came to be, and if it still holds the same significance today? Join us on Life After Last Call as we, along with my co-host Rich, unravel the history of anonymity from the founding days of Alcoholics Anonymous in the 1930s, when addiction was shrouded in stigma and secre…
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Send us a text What if taking control of your life started with a single, brave decision? Join us, Eric and Rich, as we share our personal journey from alcohol addiction to sobriety. Discover how relying on moderation led to nightly struggles and how embracing sobriety redefined our relationship and personal well-being. This episode is a testament …
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Send us a message Today, in our here and now, there is a destructive heresy (among many others) being taught in Christian Universities and seminaries where Pastors are being trained, that denies the full and final authority of Scripture. This is producing an increasing number of people who claim to be Christian, but who no longer view the Bible as …
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Send us a message The times we are living in are profoundly significant from a Biblical standpoint. Increasingly, we are witnessing a growing movement toward a one-world religion, which is steadily gaining momentum. This trend is evident in the rising number of inter-religious assemblies and dialogues taking place globally. While these gatherings a…
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Send us a message As Prophetic signs continue to converge with strong confirmation that we are living in the last minutes of the “Last Hour,” Satan has upped his game knowing that his time is short. And coming as an angel of light he is working through his agents of darkness who are serving him in the shadows of his false light with deadly delusion…
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Send us a message As God’s ambassadors of Truth, we must all the more be stationed in that unadulterated Word of Truth, following Paul’s instructions in 2 Corinthians 11:4 to be on guard against anyone who comes preaching another Jesus or another gospel – and that warning has never been more urgent than it is today. Therefore, in these last prophet…
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Send us a message To illustrate the End of this Age, we must look to the details that are revealed in the Book of Revelation. We will explore what will happen to all true believers while looking to the disciple who was closest to Jesus at His first Coming. It’s 95 AD, and an elderly John lies exiled on the Isle of Patmos – southwest of Ephesus. The…
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Send us a message In Matthew 24:40-42, it is written: “Then there will be two men in the field. One will be taken and one will be left. Two women will be grinding at the mill; one will be taken and one will be left. Therefore, be on the alert, for you do not know which day your Lord is coming. But be sure of this. That if the head of the house had …
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Send us a message In a Rapture Ready commentary they write that Jesus tells us that it will be business as usual right up until the moment He removes believers from the planet. There is no man-made, worldwide catastrophe in Christ’s prophecy preceding the Rapture. That devastation will be saved for the Tribulation Period. As for our being caught up…
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Send us a message Everything here on earth as we know it is temporary – and any hope to make this world better is a futile hope – for its destiny was determined before it was even formed. In 1 John 2:15-18, it is written: “Do not love the world, nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all th…
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Send us a message We have reached the hour that Lord Jesus warned us of where His Truth is being maligned, and replaced, with a counterfeit version which has been birthed from within the cesspool Lucifer’s lies and deceptions. And as the last “called ones” are being readied to “be chosen,” the Holy Spirit is raising up His Watchmen on the Wall who …
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Send us a message in Matthew Chapter 7 and verses 13-15, we read the ominous words of our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ: “Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide, and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and many are those who enter by it. For the gate is small, and the way is narrow that leads to life, and few are those who find it. B…
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Send us a message As the Prophetic Word of God continues to unfold before us, we have just witnessed an unprecedented presidential election take place, that has some people feeling exhilarated, and others on the brink of despair. And yet – in the final analysis – it is the Lord God Almighty Who is in complete control. And He alone is the One, Who k…
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Send us a message With “Wars & Rumors of Wars” – especially as it concerns Israel – taking place in real time – along with the many other prophetic precursors that are unfolding all around us – it becomes more evident with each new day that we are surely living in the last minutes of the Last Hour. And as these prophetic precursors converge with dr…
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Send us a message Based upon the symbolism and historical analysis, the four kingdoms of Daniel’s vision as recorded in Daniel 2:38-40 and chapter 7, are BABYLON: (612-539 BC) represented by the head of gold (2:32) and a lion having the wings of an eagle (7:4). MEDO-PERSIA: (539-331 BC) represented by the upper body of silver (2:32) and a bear (7:5…
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Send us a message In Part 2 of "Days of Noah & Lot: Signs We Must Not Ignore" we continue to address the volatile and prophetically charged time in which we are now living with emphasis on the importance of our Salvation Security in Jesus Christ the Lord. For surely the revisited days of Noah and Lot are upon us and the time to pay attention and to…
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Send us a message It is important that Christians are watching, and looking for the signs of the End Times – for as God’s Word points out many times – those that “walk in darkness” will be taken by surprise (1 Thess. 5:4) – and that the Day (the Day of the Lord) will come upon unbelievers like a thief in the night. (1 Thess. 5:2; Mt. 24:43; Rev. 16…
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Send us a message After nine months of negotiations, world leaders have agreed on a landmark “Pact for the Future” at the UN General Assembly’s “Summit of the Future” in New York. The Pact consists of 56 Actions designed to “turbocharge” the UN’s 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, but in particular to speed progress on issues around “peace and sec…
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Send us a message As the last minutes of the Last Hour continue to quickly tick toward the Midnight Hour, Paul the Apostle alerted us to the Rapture of God’s True Church which is the next main event on God’s Prophetic Calendar – with Paul’s encouragement in 2 Timothy 4:8 that there is great reward for those who long for the Lord’s Coming or as Paul…
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Send us a message As the “Great Antichrist Delusion” continues to captivate the people of earth, and his false prophets beguile with their cunning and deceptive persuasions, Salvation’s legitimacy is being put to the test as the wheat is being separated from the tares. Part of the “Great Antichrist Delusion” brings with it the mindset that presents…
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