O que guardamos dos dias. O que passando, fica. Fernando Alves na Antena 1.
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Episódios da Cor do Dinheiro
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Insight, wit and analysis from BBC correspondents, journalists and writers telling stories beyond the news headlines. Presented by Kate Adie.
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As principais notícias econômico financeiras do dia para ajudá-los nas tomadas de decisões!
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Welkom op ons hoofdkanaal. Hier luister je naar Goede Gesprekken met Lex Bohlmeijer, de Jesse Frederik Show, al onze voorgelezen verhalen en meer. Al onze shows zijn ook te vinden op een eigen kanaal. Word ook lid van De Correspondent voor 9,85 euro per maand, 98,50 euro per jaar of 187 euro per twee jaar. Je krijgt dan toegang tot het platform met alle verhalen en je steunt onze journalistiek. De Correspondent is afhankelijk van de steun van onze leden. Heel erg bedankt! www.decorrespondent.nl
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Podcast dedicado a correr. Marc Bañuls nos hablara sobre entrenamientos, experiencias y dudas que pueden surgir a cualquier corredor a la hora de mejorar en su faceta como corredor Ocultar
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The Correspondent is the community banker’s go-to source for community banking content and resources. Browse podcast episodes featuring trusted voices, on topics that matter for your institution.
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Pra quem ama correr e falar de corrida. Acompanhe a gente no Youtube. www.youtube.com/@canalcorredores e IG: @canalcorredores
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Hier luister je naar alle voorgelezen verhalen van De Correspondent. Word ook lid van De Correspondent voor 9,85 euro per maand, 98,50 euro per jaar of 187 euro per twee jaar. Je krijgt dan toegang tot het platform met alle verhalen en je steunt onze journalistiek. De Correspondent is afhankelijk van de steun van onze leden. Heel erg bedankt! www.decorrespondent.nl 679061
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Aplanir les débats qui rongent la pop culture de l'intérieur dans une conversation apaisée et poncer des filmographies intégrales since 2018. Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.
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Podcast sobre o futebol e a vida na Inglaterra. Bastidores da Premier League, debates, entrevistas e reportagens exclusivas. Com João Castelo-Branco, Natalie Gedra e Renato Senise gravado em Londres, quando possível em um pub.
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Welcome to Poetically Correct, a podcast of three young, studied artists (Marcus Conley, Isaiah Howton, Jake Robinson) looking to analyze and improve the society they are products of.
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Ao telefone com um dos correspondentes da nossa rede dispersa por África e pelo mundo analisamos os grandes temas do momento que fazem o pulsar da actualidade nos vários países.
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Mining the deep reporting of CNA's correspondents, Teresa Tang goes behind the scenes with journalists on the frontlines to unpack the biggest Asian and global stories. The views and opinions shared during this podcast series are those of the hosts and guests and do not necessarily reflect the views of Mediacorp Pte. Ltd. or its group of companies.
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O olhar único de José Manuel Fernandes para os principais acontecimentos do dia. Programa aberto à participação dos ouvintes que quiserem dar a sua opjnião. Basta inscreverem-se pelo 910024185. Todos os dias às 10h10 na Rádio Observador.
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Katy Bisraor, Miri Maman, Julien Bahloul, Rina Bassist et Emmanuelle Adda décryptent l’actualité israélienne, du lundi au vendredi, à 8h08.
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Saúde é, muitas vezes, uma questão de informação. A proposta do quadro é levá-la aos ouvintes de forma simples e esclarecedora.
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Les correspondants de RFI sur les cinq continents nous font vivre chaque samedi les faits les plus saillants de leur région. De Tokyo à Washington, de Copenhague à Johannesbourg, en passant par Téhéran, Bamako, Pékin, Moscou… RFI vous fait voyager et vous informe sur le quotidien des populations du monde.
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Chaque matin, retrouvez nos correspondants internationaux qui vous apportent un éclairage exclusif sur les événements marquants de la journée. Depuis les grandes capitales jusqu’aux régions les plus reculées, ils répondent à une question simple mais essentielle : Que se passe-t-il chez eux aujourd’hui ? 🌍 Géopolitique, économie, société, culture… Découvrez en temps réel les faits marquants qui façonnent le monde et impactent notre quotidien. 📻 Ne manquez pas votre rendez-vous avec l’actualit ...
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The Socialist Correspondent attempts to get to the truth behind events. Using Marxist principles, it shines a light on those responsible for war, terrorism and exploitation and reports and analyses the struggles of working people across the globe. The Socialist Correspondent is partisan. It unashamedly supports those fighting for peace, justice and socialism.
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Explore the meaning of science fiction, and how it's relevant to real-life science and society. Your hosts are Annalee Newitz, a science journalist who writes science fiction, and Charlie Jane Anders, a science fiction writer who is obsessed with science. Every two weeks, we take deep dives into science fiction books, movies, television, and comics that will expand your mind -- and maybe change your life
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Um podcast sobre viagens e corridas. Aqui você encontra: Corrida (tanto corrida de rua quanto corrida de trilha e tanto corrida no Brasil quanto corrida no mundo), Viagem para correr, Planejamento de Viagem, Resenhas de produtos de corrida (Use correndo), Calendário de Corridas; Experiências de corridas, Relatos de viagens, Instrumentos práticos para viagens (checklist de viagem, aplicativo de exercícios...). Venha com a gente explorar as particularidades de viajar para correr e conversar so ...
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Questo è il podcast ufficiale di Esco a Correre: Anime di Corsa. Intervistiamo persone che hanno la corsa dentro l'anima, o l'anima dentro la corsa. Esco a Correre è nata su Youtube ed ora è anche un Magazine digitale e una community. https://escoacorrere.com/ La missione: Incentivare più persone possibile a cercare e trovare la propria migliore versione di se stessi attraverso la corsa.
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A Correction is an economics podcast that seeks to demystify the economy and make economics accessible.
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Corrected Felon Podcast is a podcast based on 3 principles, 1. Information 2. Inspiration and 3. Mobilization. It’s in conjunction with our other 2 podcast, Brown Paper Bag Podcast and Purple Pill Politix .
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A Jesusy podcast about race and faith from the perspective of an Asian guy, a black girl, and a white guy too -- Andrew, Beth, and Kris, three Philadelphia activists and organizers. Circle Mobilizing because Black Lives Matter is a compassion team of Circle of Hope church.
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O Por Falar em Correr é o programa e podcast de corrida de rua mais antigo do Brasil. Falamos da corrida e do esporte de maneira descontraída, informativa e bem-humorada. Os episódios abordam diversos temas e a história de vida de pessoas que praticam o esporte. Aqui você encontra o PFC Entrevista, o PFC Debate (Enio, Gigi, Marcos, Camila, Duda, Ana e Thainara falam sobre todos os assuntos possíveis de um jeito que você não vai acreditar), o Redação PFC (as notícias do mundo da corrida com o ...
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🧠 La Neurociencia de la vida: El lugar correcto eres tú . En cualquier estado mental, estado físico o situación externa que te puedas encontrar el lugar correcto siempre estará dentro de ti. 🦋Este podcast tiene como misión promover el autoconocimiento como la llave a el camino de la libertad. La libertad a vivir un camino basado en un modelo HECHO A TU MEDIDA. 🌍 Se estrenan episodios todos los domingos! contacto: infoellugarcorrecto@gmail.com Instagram: @el.lugarcorrecto
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Welcome to Corrections Connections, the exclusive podcast from Correctional News. Join us as we sit down with leaders across the justice community—from owners and operators to AEC firms and vendors—to discuss the latest news, projects, trends, and innovative ideas shaping the industry. Hear from the most sought-after experts, get real-world insights, and enjoy engaging conversations. https://correctionalnews.com/
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Cor Memories is the ultimate nostalgia trip for kids of the 80s and 90s! Join us as we take a heartfelt and humorous journey through the sights, sounds, and stories that defined our childhoods. From Saturday morning cartoons and blockbuster movies to iconic music and the simple joys of growing up in a pre-digital world, we’ll dive deep into the pop culture and personal memories that made these decades unforgettable. Whether you’re reminiscing about your favorite action figures, reliving epic ...
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A thoughtful, unpretentious, mostly weekly conversation about the companies, ideas and products that are transforming our world. We look at what it is, why it matters and where it fits in the broader business of consumer technology. So, grab your favorite Blue Barn sandwich, put the Giants game on mute and join us. Hosted by Ryan Fretwell and Carlos Gomez.
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A podcast for type 1 diabetics. Science, stories, and practical tips to help you navigate type 1 diabetes like a boss. Hosted by Cait Macleod and Tracy Sanders https://linktr.ee/correctiondose Instagram: @type1tracy and @correctiondose Email: cait@correctiondose.com
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Correspondance 81 c'est des mixs de 90 minutes qui vous fait découvrir les DJs du centre de la ville et de ceux qui y passent leur tête. Bref, tout ce qui se tram(me) autour du mix entre St Just et le Pharo. Alors tout le monde à bord : ici vous n'avez besoin de valider que les titres qu'on vous passe !
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Teaching biblical correctness in a biblically incorrect world, Messianic Jewish author Kevin Geoffrey (of Perfect Word Ministries and MJMI) challenges biblical misinformation, ignorance and illiteracy by upholding the truth and reality of the word of God. Join Kevin for straightforward, edifying Bible teaching as he brings his unique Messianic Jewish perspective and sound, biblical insight to the Scriptures. (Biweekly.) VIDEO PODCAST at https://perfectword.tv also available.
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Rana Fonk y Anuar Canavati se juntan todas las semanas para chalar sobre películas, series y todo lo que están viendo en cines y streaming.
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Cornelis Geert Aaldrik, kortweg Cor Pot. Spartaan, voormalig Excelsior-spits en de voormalig 'talisman' van Feyenoord. Het Rotterdamse voetbal verenigd in één man. En bovendien: de George Clooney van de Meent. Een wandelende anekdote, aan iedere vinger een vrouw. Maar bovenal: de oorspronkelijk eerste gast van onze podcast. De show ging niet door, maar de naam bleef. Dit is de Cor Potcast, waar het eigenlijk altijd gaat over veel meer dan voetbal. Een show van Excelsior-assistent Thomas Verh ...
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Directionally Correct, A People Analytics Podcast with Cole & Scott
Directionally Correct, A People Analytics Podcast with Cole & Scott
Directionally Correct, A People Analytics Podcast with Cole & Scott is the #1 People Analytics Podcast in the World! If you like the podcast, check out the Directionally Correct Newsletter on Substack, the #1 People Analytics Substack: https://directionallycorrectnews.substack.com/
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Follow the ramblings of a self-taught 3D modeler / Generalist at the crossroads where Art, animation and life happens.
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Podcast para falar de triathlon, maratonas e águas abertas no Brasil e no Mundo. Notícias e debates sobre Ironman e entrevistas com pessoas ligadas ao esporte.
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A Cor do Dinheiro - Ao Nascer do Dia - 26 de Março de 2025
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28:35Ao Nascer do Dia de 26 de Março de 2025 Com Camilo Lourenço https://www.youtube.com/c/ACorD…
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Cor Memories Podcast: Going to The Movies In the 80s
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1:29:47Close your eyes and picture this: It’s a Friday night in 1980-something. You just spent the whole week at school, counting down the days to this moment. You hop in the backseat of the family station wagon, maybe Mom and Dad let you bring a friend along. As you pull into the parking lot, you see it—the glowing marquee, those big, bold letters spelli…
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Les Intégrales : Zhang Yimou, 5e partie
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1:20:10Deux productions somptueuses au discours fuyant, une lettre d'amour au cinéma, un hilarant navet de propagande : la fin est définitivement proche. Avec Amandine et Flo. 5'16 : Shadow 19'44 : One Second 38'23 : Les Espions de l'Aube 58'39 : Snipers Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.…
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Romeinse overgave (ft. Kevin Strootman) | Cor Potcast | S06E23
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1:10:23Deze weken spreken we een man die de top bestormde, Rome veroverde en het ritme van de wedstrijd dicteerde. Maar, ook werd hij na zijn knieblessures nooit meer de topspeler van daarvoor. Kevin Strootman heeft een bijzonder verhaal. Zijn carrière ging als een raket, hij werd een bepalende speler in Oranje en wist in misschien wel de mooiste stad van…
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Até a "Adolescência" é culpa do digital? — Debate
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1:37:46É polémica, mas necessária. A nova série da Netflix tornou-se viral e surge a necessidade de refletir: afinal, até a culpa da violência juvenil - e, mesmo, da morte - é das redes sociais? See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.द्वारा José Manuel Fernandes e Helena Matos
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Insuficiência cardíaca é um problema grande de saúde pública no Brasil
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5:00Luis Fernando Correia destaca que estimativas apontam que dois milhões de pessoas vivam com insuficiência cardíaca. São 240 mil casos diagnosticados anualmente. A insuficiência cardíaca uma das principais causas de hospitalização e mortalidade no Brasil.
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Sabes quem é Carlos Gonzalez Pintado? Texto de Fernando Alves
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Redes sociais são má desculpa para “Adolescência”
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7:51Também já vimos “Adolescência”. Logo lemos inúmeras opiniões sobre o perigo dos telemóveis e a “culpa” das redes sociais. Era fácil se fosse assim, mas nem sequer é essa a tese dos criadores da série. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.द्वारा José Manuel Fernandes e Helena Matos
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Por Falar em Tênis 103 - Os tênis de corrida que vimos no Japão
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29:30Enio Augusto eMarcos Buosi falam sobre tudo que envolve o mundo dos tênis e també…
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Glucose Is My Love Language: Dating and Relationships with T1D
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1:02:20Should you mention diabetes on the first date? If not, then when is the right time? And if you and your date walk off into the sunset, how do you navigate diabetes as a couple? There's no one-size-fits-all answer but Tracy and Cait share their own romantic experiences as diabetics. Plus, a guest appearance from Cait's husband Tom who knows all abou…
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L'Espagne, le Royaume-Uni et l'Égypte font la Une de la presse internationale
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2:47Chaque jour, les correspondants d’Europe 1 font le tour de l’actualité internationale. Distribué par Audiomeans. Visitez audiomeans.fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.द्वारा Europe 1
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De Westelijke Jordaanoever wordt in moordend tempo het nieuwe Gaza, zag ik ter plekke
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16:18Rinke Verkerk | Israël jaagt tienduizenden Palestijnen op de Westelijke Jordaanoever op met bulldozers, bommen en schietpartijen. Op papier is dit een gerichte operatie om terrorisme te bestrijden, maar in de praktijk is geen enkele Palestijnse burger veilig voor dit systematische, massale geweld. Opname: Julius van IJperen Montage & mixage: Tom Ru…
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De Westelijke Jordaanoever wordt in moordend tempo het nieuwe Gaza, zag ik ter plekke
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16:18Rinke Verkerk | Israël jaagt tienduizenden Palestijnen op de Westelijke Jordaanoever op met bulldozers, bommen en schietpartijen. Op papier is dit een gerichte operatie om terrorisme te bestrijden, maar in de praktijk is geen enkele Palestijnse burger veilig voor dit systematische, massale geweld. Opname: Julius van IJperen Montage & mixage: Tom Ru…
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Rina Bassistद्वारा RCJ
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Te troebel om te zien, te mooi om te negeren: vijf schitterende landschappen die niemand kent
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20:19Tamar Stelling | We zijn goed thuis in bergen, bos en heide, maar noem eens een landschap in zee? Voor zeventig procent van het aardoppervlak – de gehele waterwereld – schieten woorden tekort. Onhandig, nu we er zoveel mee van plan zijn. Woorden bepalen hoe we een plek waarderen én beschermen. Dus verrijk dat voorstellingsvermogen! Ontdek de sponst…
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Te troebel om te zien, te mooi om te negeren: vijf schitterende landschappen die niemand kent
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20:19Tamar Stelling | We zijn goed thuis in bergen, bos en heide, maar noem eens een landschap in zee? Voor zeventig procent van het aardoppervlak – de gehele waterwereld – schieten woorden tekort. Onhandig, nu we er zoveel mee van plan zijn. Woorden bepalen hoe we een plek waarderen én beschermen. Dus verrijk dat voorstellingsvermogen! Ontdek de sponst…
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Nada parece funcionar bem em Portugal. Porquê? — Debate
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1:42:34Há pedidos constantes para mais energia renovável ou mais habitação, mas o Governo parece só dificultar a vida aos cidadãos e gastar o dinheiro público em coisas pouco ou nada benéficas. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.द्वारा José Manuel Fernandes e Helena Matos
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É verdade que os cães parecem com seus tutores?
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5:46Luis Fernando Correia traz detalhes de uma pesquisa que investiga a semelhança entre cachorros e humanos. Ouça o comentário.
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Think Tank - 25 de Março de 2025 No menu de hoje vamos ter os seguintes temas: - a vitória do PSD na Madeira pode repetir-se no continente? - Vamos também analisar as estratégias dos principais partidos (PSD, PS e Chega) e antecipar o que se vai passar na campanha eleitoral. São estes os temas do Think Tank desta semana, com Jorge Marrão, Carlos Al…
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Um país onde nada funciona (nem deixam funcionar)
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7:50Pede-se mais produção de energia renovável mas depois contestam-se as novas centrais. Exige-se mais habitação mas complica-se a legislação. Gasta-se mais dinheiro público com menos resultados. Porquê? See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.द्वारा José Manuel Fernandes e Helena Matos
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Na emissão A1 DOC de ontem, a repórter Linda Luz levou-nos ao ensaio da mais ocidental banda portuguesa. Texto de Fernando Alves
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Women have made great strides toward inclusion in banking, business, and financial literacy over the past few decades. However, pronounced disparities still persist in all of these areas. In this episode of The Correspondent podcast, host Madison Caplinger interview with Britney Campbell, senior vice president of marketing and public relations at L…
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EP: 48 Viví un brote PSICÓTICO: así se siente PERDER la realidad
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46:18Send us a text 🧠 ¿Qué pasa cuando tu mente te juega en contra? Nataly nos comparte su experiencia tras haber vivido un brote psicótico que la llevó a recibir un diagnóstico de trastorno bipolar tipo 1. Desde lo que sintió antes del episodio, hasta cómo fue ser hospitalizada, enfrentarse al estigma y reconstruirse tras el diagnóstico. Este episodio …
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Julien Bahloulद्वारा RCJ
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Nvidia showstopper: Cleaning robots, super chips and US-China rivalry
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13:29Nvidia's annual software developer conference in San Jose, California is almost like a rock concert - complete with CEO Jensen Huang in his leather jacket. CNA's Tan Si Hui was there to catch all the action and she tells Teresa Tang her key takeaways. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.…
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1:14:02O início de Thomas Tuchel na seleção da Inglaterra. Notícias da Premier League e perguntas dos ouvintes. 1 min Uma nova era na seleção inglesa 23 mins QUIZ KTO: Senise x Natalie 30 mins Notícias da Premier League: parte 1 32 mins Exclusiva com Willian 37 mins Mais notícias do futebol inglês: Sancho, Dyche e Arnold 43 mins Respondendo perguntas dos …
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Pergunte absolutamente o que quiser! - RESENHA CORRIDA EP.53
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1:12:24O Resenha Corrida vai ao ar ao vivo às segundas-feiras, às 20 horas, no Youtube do Canal Corredores.
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Mindfulness nas escolas: Pesquisa destaca benefícios da 'atenção plena' no desempenho acadêmico
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8:16Luis Fernando Correia discute os benefícios do Mindfulness (atenção plena) nas escolas, com base em dois estudos que mostraram que, após dois meses de treinamento, estudantes do 6º ano apresentaram uma redução significativa no estresse e melhor desempenho acadêmico. Ouça.
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A Cor do Dinheiro - Ao Nascer do Dia - 25 de Março de 2025
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29:15Ao Nascer do Dia de 25 de Março de 2025 Com Camilo Lourenço https://www.youtube.com/c/ACorDo…
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Sarampo. A Europa ainda não aprendeu? — Debate
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1:39:07Se há uns anos se sonhava com a erradicação do sarampo, hoje a taxa de vacinação das populações parece dificultar tal cenário. A Europa pode estar, novamente, em perigo e a culpa é dos anti-vacinas? See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.द्वारा José Manuel Fernandes e Helena Matos
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‘Excesso de suplementação ou reposição de vitamina sem indicação pode ter consequência negativa’
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3:25Luis Fernando Correia fala sobre o uso de suplementos alimentares e vitaminas por crianças e adolescentes. Comentarista traz detalhes de uma pesquisa que aponta que essa decisão é muito influenciada por pais, amigos e publicidade. Luis Fernando Correia destaca que mais da metade das crianças que consomem suplementos ou vitaminas fazem uso se receit…
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¡Ey tú, corredor! Sí, tú, que te enfrentas al desafío del maratón. Hoy, vamos a hablar claro sobre algo que te quita el sueño: ¿Qué demonios pasa si no alcanzas ese maldito volumen de entrenamiento recomendado? Sé que te preocupa, especialmente si eres novato en esto. Ves esos planes de entrenamiento, esos números que parecen inalcanzables, y te pr…
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Soube-se recentemente que, pela primeira vez na história, um homem saiu de um hospital caminhando sem coração. Texto de Fernando Alves
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Sarampo está de volta e a culpa é dos anti-vacinas
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9:12O primeiro alerta chegou com um surto de sarampo nos EUA, mas a situação nalguns países da Europa é mais grave. O ativismo anti-vacinas é antigo e os erros da campanha da Covid relançaram-no. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.द्वारा José Manuel Fernandes e Helena Matos
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Les États-Unis, l'Irlande et l'Espagne font la Une de la presse internationale
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2:54Au sommaire : le renoncement de l'université de Columbia face aux exigences de l'administration Trump, l'attrait grandissant des universités irlandaises pour les étudiants internationaux, et l'augmentation des vols sur l'autoroute reliant Barcelone à la France. Notre équipe a utilisé un outil d’Intelligence artificielle via les technologies d'Audio…
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De rechtsstaat valt of staat bij de uitvoering ervan
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9:53Tim 'S Jongers | Brokkelt de rechtsstaat af? Het ligt eraan wie je het vraagt: de comfortabele middenklasse of een alleenstaande ouder in de schuldsanering. Want in het beste geval is de rechtsstaat ontoegankelijk, in het ergste geval je vijand. En wie maakt daar dankbaar gebruik van? De populist. Opname: Julius van IJperen Montage & mixage: Tom Ru…
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De rechtsstaat valt of staat bij de uitvoering ervan
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9:53Tim 'S Jongers | Brokkelt de rechtsstaat af? Het ligt eraan wie je het vraagt: de comfortabele middenklasse of een alleenstaande ouder in de schuldsanering. Want in het beste geval is de rechtsstaat ontoegankelijk, in het ergste geval je vijand. En wie maakt daar dankbaar gebruik van? De populist. Opname: Julius van IJperen Montage & mixage: Tom Ru…
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