Podcast o rôznych tipoch a zaujimavostiach zo sveta marketingu, vďaka ktorým vaša značka vynikne, a zároveň jediná päťminútovka, v ktorej sa vedomosti netestujú, ale získavajú. Moderuje Andrea Liszkai.
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Neil Patel and Eric Siu bring you daily ACTIONABLE digital marketing lessons that they've learned through years of being in the trenches. Whether you have a new website or you're an established business, you'll learn the latest SEO, content marketing, social media, email marketing, conversion optimization and general online marketing strategies that work today from people that actually practice marketing and operate businesses. Approaching 100M downloads with 2,500+ episodes, you're sure to ...
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At the Intersection of Marketing and Technology
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Insightful interviews with authors, experts, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders who share valuable marketing tips, growth strategies, and resources. Hosted by John Jantsch, one of America's top small business marketing experts, this show is dedicated to helping you craft effective marketing strategies that will grow your business. Whether you're a small business owner, marketing professional, or marketing agency owner, you'll gain valuable insights and actionable advice on topics such as mar ...
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Ügyfélszerzés modern sales és marketing technikákkal, CRM, B2B marketing
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Kipp Bodnar (HubSpot’s CMO) and Kieran Flanagan (Zapier’s CMO), lead you down the rabbit hole of marketing trends, growth tactics and innovation. On the way you’ll pick up undiscovered strategies to give you that slight edge for success. These are not your typical twitter thread regurgitated marketing tactics that everyone is doing. These are new methods, with unfiltered examination of successful fresh ideas.
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Marketingpod er et ugentligt podcast om digital marketing med Kristian Tinho og Halfdan Timm (partnere i Obsidian Digital . Det udkommer hver mandag og indeholder det vigtigste historier om digital marketing fra den foregående uge samt et emne, hvor vi går i dybden. Skriv dig op på Marketingpod.dk for at få mail ved nye episoder.
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Tune in to learn the tips, tricks, and new insights that the top players in the digital marketing world are using to grow their brand and business. www.marketingspeak.com
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Every week on Marketing Made Simple, you'll get practical tips to make your marketing easy and make it work!
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Aprenderás de Marketing Digital para negocios online y emprendedores. https://www.juanmerodio.com/
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Alessandro Bogliari, CEO and Co-Founder of The Influencer Marketing Factory, a global influencer marketing agency, talks with great guests about influencer marketing, social media, the creator economy, social commerce and much more.
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Online marketingről, érthetően. Beszélgetések marketingről cégvezetőknek, mikro- és kisvállalkozóknak.
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In the Marketing Mentor podcast, Ilise Benun, founder of Marketing-Mentor.com, offers short but meaty conversational interviews with creative professionals who are doing what it takes to stop feast or famine, get better clients and command the fees they deserve – and sharing what they’ve learned.
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Podcast Konkretnie o marketingu i sprzedaży - zgodnie z nazwą - dostarczy Ci wskazówek, dzięki którym zwiększysz skuteczność działań marketingowych i sprzedażowych w swojej firmie. Prowadzący i zaproszeni goście dzielą się własnym doświadczeniem i wypracowanymi studiami przypadku. Jesteś przedsiębiorcą? Pracujesz w branży marketingu, sprzedaży? Chcesz poszerzyć swoją wiedzę w tych obszarach? W takim razie to podcast dla Ciebie. Skontaktuj się ze mną: czesc@arturjablonski.com www.arturjablons ...
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Podcast Nowoczesna Sprzedaż i Marketing jest skupiony na sprzedaży i marketingu w B2B. Przyprawiony odrobiną humoru i prawdziwym doświadczeniem!
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Marketing, entrepreneurship, and all things small business. Hosted by Justin Miller
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Un podcast 100% dedicado al marketing para restaurantes donde entrevistamos a emprendedores del sector para descubrir sus experiencias, emprendimientos e ideas.
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Jaap Jacobs, Managing Director van Fingerspitz, bespreekt samen met diverse Marketing experts de trends omtrent Digital Marketing in 2025.
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Podcast „Wyższy Poziom Marketingu” to miejsce, gdzie eksplorujemy fascynujący świat marketingu strategicznego, badając jego kluczowe elementy i zastosowania. Jako twórcy podcastu, poruszamy się w szerokim spektrum tematów, takich jak: tworzenie strategii marketingowej, badania marketingowe, pozycjonowanie marki, innowacje w marketingu i wiele innych. Wszystko to podane w przystępnej formie, z praktycznymi wskazówkami, przykładami i sporą dawką dobrego humoru. Posłuchaj i odkryj jak strategia ...
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Todo lo que siempre has querido saber y nunca te has atrevido a preguntar sobre Marketing Online.
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Marketingpodden er en podkast presentert av Carat, Norges største mediebyrå. Kristina Loennechen Church og Jesper Urban Mikkelsen ønsker å gi deg et innblikk inn i medieverdenen, hva vi jobber med, hvilke problemer vi løser for våre kunder og vi skal komme med gode råd. Vi vil løfte frem de gode casene og løsningene vi jobber med hver eneste dag!
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Marketing MSc Podcast haladó marketing megoldásokkal és a legfrissebb szakmai trendekkel. Vállalkozóknak, akik okosan és etikusan akarnak kitűnni a reklámzajból, és marketing szakembereknek, marketinges hallgatóknak, akik a szakma élvonalába akarnak tartozni. Egy bullshitmentes, hamisíthatatlanul szakmai, mégis szórakoztató marketing-utazás Matykó Noémivel.
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Conseils Marketing - Des conseils concrets pour prospecter et fidéliser !
Frédéric CANEVET de ConseilsMarketing.com
Découvrez toutes les semaines des stratégies, techniques, astuces pour trouver des prospects et fidéliser vos clients
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A podcast created by students, for people who are curious about marketing!
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A weekly digital marketing podcast with listeners in over 190 countries worldwide.The Digital Marketing Podcast combines interviews with global experts, together with the latest news, tools, strategies and techniques to give your digital marketing the edge. Perfect for your daily commute, the podcast aims to be both entertaining and informative. Produced by Target Internet and hosted by Daniel Rowles, Ciaran Rogers and Louise Crossley. Find out more at targetIniernet.com/podcasts
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Počúvajte, čo je nové v marketingu, biznise a reklame. Do vašich uší priamo z TRIADu.
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Vypočujte si Marketing k obedu - 30 stráviteľných minút o marketingu od marketingovej agentúry Basta digital.
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Wir sprechen über Wissenschaft, Unterhaltung und Werbung. In unserem Podcast greifen wir dabei tagesaktuelle Themen der Gesellschaft auf oder wir vertiefen uns in spannende Forschungsgebiete der Informationstechnologie und Werbeindustrie. Marc (@marchoeft) und Thomas (@reklame) haben beide eine Leidenschaft für die digitale Welt und leben diese sowohl privat als auch beruflich aus.
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Your easily digestible, quality shot of helpful marketing advice.
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Pierwszy w Polsce podcast o marketingu i sprzedaży dla agentów ubezpieczeniowych.
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Simon Batchelar talks about marketing for coaches, consultants and small businesses. They bust some myths and help you make your marketing authentic, manageable and fun!
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Dienstleistungsmarketing der Extraklasse, um erklärungsbedürftige Dienstleistungen besser zu verkaufen. Ich zeige Selbstständigen und Unternehmern, wie sie ihre Dienstleistungen und Produkte durch clevere Strategien erfolgreicher verkaufen und mehr Umsatz machen können.
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Die Online-Marketing Expertin Sandra Holze teilt, was im Marketing und Business bei ihr und ihren Gästen funktioniert. Sie zeigt dir die wirksamsten Online-Marketing-Strategien, mit denen du Reichweite aufbaust und bessere Kunden gewinnst. Hol dir Inspiration für dein Business.
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Join Terri Hoffman, CEO of Marketing Refresh, to hear from leading CEOs, sales leaders, and revenue growth experts. Discover their journey to achieving exponential growth via digital marketing and gain actionable tips and strategies to elevate your business and stand out in your market.
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อัพเดท ความรู้ เคล็ดลับ ข่าวสาร Digital Marketing สำหรับนักการตลาดชาวไทย
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Marketing, do którego odbiorcy chcą wracać? Niemożliwe? W odcinkach solo i rozmowach z gośćmi, Michał Kasprzyk odkrywa, dlaczego niektóre działania marketingowe przyciągają i utrzymują uwagę ludzi, a inne… powiedzmy, że wszyscy chcemy o nich zapomnieć (jak się przed tym ustrzec?). Strona podcastu: https://seryjnimarketerzy.pl/podcast/wciagnieci/ Produkcja serwisu “Seryjni Marketerzy” stworzona przez agencję produkcji podcastów Cleverhearted.
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We bring you conversations recorded in the studio at marketingSHOWCASE events around the UK. Our host James Marriott chats to experts from right around the world of marketing to get their insights into the industry, the latest trends, what's working and what's not, their wins and challenges - and loads more. --------- Find out more about marketingSHOWCASE and upcoming events at https://mktgshowcase.co.uk/ Get a taste of what marketingSHOWCASE is all about on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/ ...
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Unlock the Secrets of Marketing Analytics! Dive deep with industry pros as they share cutting-edge stories, strategies, insider interviews, and the roadmap to supercharge your career!
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The fun email marketing podcast. Sell more of your online courses, grow your membership and bring in more coaching clients with email marketing that doesn't stink. Sound good? Then join your fellow Email Marketing Heroes for your weekly dose of fun, practical, yet brutally honest email marketing advice. You can listen in to a piping hot, fresh episode every 'Email Marketing Wednesday' or if you prefer learning with your eyes instead of your ears, we turn each episode into a full written blog ...
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Ciao, siamo il team di Marketing Espresso e questo è Weekly News, il podcast in cui ogni martedì ti raccontiamo in 15-20 minuti le ultimissime dal mondo digital e marketing 🔥 https://zaap.bio/weeklynews
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De Marketing Powerhouse podcast met Dennis van Leeuwen. Met deze inspireren wij ondernemers & marketeers op het gebied van ondernemen en (online) marketing. Wij hebben het over over strategieën die helpen om meer klanten binnen te halen via het internet. Veel luisterplezier.
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Highlighting Innovation, Creativity, Determination. Marketing fruit was created to encourage listeners to become entrepreneurs and give real time data to current business owners as well as other marketing professionals.
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Der Business Podcast für Creators, Solopreneure und Unternehmer, die online durchstarten: Ob Onlinekurs-Ersteller, Blogger, Coach, Schriftsteller, Künstler, Designer, Affiliate-Mensch oder Podcaster - hier erfährst du, wie du dein Online-Marketing, Branding und vor allem: Monetarisierung in die Hand nimmst. Victoria Weber ist Squarespace-Expertin und digitale Unternehmerin in der Creator Economy. Hier spricht sie mit ihren Gästen über Onlinemarketing, SEO, Website-Strategie, Content Marketin ...
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podcast per migliorare con pochi piccoli accorgimenti la tua realtà sportiva.
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Amy Porterfield is a marketing strategist helping entrepreneurs build their business online.
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O podcast Mídia e Marketing, do UOL, traz entrevistas sobre o mundo da propaganda e criatividade. O jornalista Renato Pezzotti recebe pessoas do mercado para falar sobre carreira, publicidade e negócios.
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From Marketing Beat, the #1 free source of marketing news, intel and features in the UK, the Marketing Bites podcast takes a deeper dive into the personalities, trends and strategies that are driving success in the industry.
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2733. Preguntas frecuentes de la «La Búsqueda Digital»
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Hoy respondo a las preguntas más frecuentes acerca de "La búsqueda digital", una aventura online a la que todos podéis participar, con un bote de 5.000€. Pero antes, recordemos que en Boluda.com tenéis cursos para emprendedores, marketing online, desarrollo web, y todo lo que necesitáis para vuestro negocio online. Hoy empezamos el curso de podcast…
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Han har bygget 750 webshops - hvad har han lært om vinderne? + Amazon Haul + Jaguar rebrand + Chrome
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Denne uges nyheder: Jaguar har re-brandet sig selv. Skal deres CMO hyldes ... eller fyres? Amazon lancerer Haul og gør det nemmere at importere billigt lort fra Kina. Der er rygter om, at de amerikanske myndigheder vil tvinge Google til at sælge Chrome fra. Dagens emne: Morten Graversen fra Webshopskolen har været fødselshjælper for mere end 750 da…
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Jak być produktywnym? Poznaj 7 sprawdzonych technik zarządzania sobą w czasie, które regularnie stosuję #227
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Naucz się efektywnie zarządzać swoim czasem Zastanawiasz się, jak efektywnie zarządzać swoim czasem, godzić różne role zawodowe i osobiste, a przy tym wszystkim nie zwariować? Dzielę się dzisiaj 7 kluczowymi w mojej opinii technikami zarządzania sobą w czasie, które pomogły mi pogodzić rolę prezesa trzech spółek, szkoleniowca i edukatora, znajdując…
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NSM 236: Jak podnieść ceny i nie stracić klientów? Pricing w B2B
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W tym odcinku opisuję jak podejść do tematu podwyżki cen u klientów. Jak się przygotować oraz co mieć z tyłu głowy w trakcie tych przygotowań. Pokazuję również jak ułożyć komunikat do klientów na temat podwyżki. Bezpłatna konsultacja SellWise: https://www.sellwise.pl/darmowa-konsultacja/ Ogłoszenia o pracę: https://hirewise.pl/praca/…
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In questo episodio finale del 2024 andiamo a capire quale sia il trend del marketing sportivo che farà scalpore nel 2025.द्वारा Andrea Annunziata (Sporthink)
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Often, small oversights in business operations can have significant consequences. For instance, mishandling a simple task like following up with a potential client can result in lost sales and missed opportunities. Imagine waiting for a call from a business at a specific time, only to have them never follow through. This can leave a negative impres…
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Ep 177 - Fundamentos del Growth Marketing para Restaurantes con Julián Blanco de La Cocina que Vende.
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Con el propósito de ayudarte a aumentar tus ingresos, esta semana recibimos a Julián Blanco (@julian.blancom), de @lacocinaquesuena y @lacocinaquevende, quien nos hablará sobre Growth Marketing y cómo aplicarlo en tu restaurante. Durante su intervención, el experto en marketing gastronómico te explicará los pilares fundamentales de un restaurante…
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Stop Losing Money: Track & Grow Your Agency
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In this bonus episode, we give you a sneak peek into what our Agency Owners Association (AOA) hangouts look like. Join their discussion of insider strategies on optimizing profitability, tracking efficiency, raising prices, and scaling through acquisitions. Don’t forget to help us grow by subscribing and liking on YouTube! Check out more of Eric’s …
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SEM fm #117: Schwächen im Kopf
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Es hat sich wieder einiges angestaut in unseren Köpfen und daher war es Zeit für eine neue Folge SEM fm! Die Menschheit hat sich entschieden, einen Schritt weiter auf den Abgrund zuzugehen - da gibt es natürlich viel zu bereden.Marc macht sich außerdem über sein Sexleben Gedanken . jedenfalls gibt er ein paar praktische Tipps für den einfachen Haus…
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Welcome to Titan Tips, a rapid-fire segment by Marketing Fruit that empowers you to create compelling stories and high-quality videos in under one minute. Each episode delivers concise, actionable advice on crafting your narrative, enhancing your visual storytelling, and mastering the art of filmmaking. Whether you're a seasoned content creator or …
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How This YouTuber Gets 100k+ Views with Only 60k Subs
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In episode #2875, Eric Siu and Neil Patel discuss the importance of quality content creation on platforms like YouTube. They share insights on how a YouTuber with fewer subscribers can achieve high view counts through meticulous content production and strategies for growing a YouTube channel. Don’t forget to help us grow by subscribing and liking o…
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Cómo Dominar la IA Antes de Que Sea Demasiado Tarde
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Acabo de abrir mi nuevo programa online Tu Propósito con IA, un programa de 4 semanas que comienza en enero 2025, donde descubrirás cómo usar la IA para alcanzar tus metas, mejorar tu productividad, potenciar tu marca personal, tu negocio, tu profesión y desarrollar habilidades que te diferencien en el mundo actual. Este no es un curso más: es una …
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514: How I built it: Ilo Orleans interviews Ilise Benun
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In today’s episode, we turn the tables and I am interviewed about how I build my business by my very first client, Ilo Orleans, director and producer of films for the likes of Google, Microsoft and other names worth dropping! And if you like what you hear, we’d love it if you write a review, subscribe here and sign up for Quick Tips from Marketing …
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Este año por Black Friday lanzo un cinefórum para emprendedores. 12 pelis, 12 meses, 12 directos, y un grupo de Telegram para todo el año. Pero antes, recordemos que en Boluda.com tenéis cursos para emprendedores, marketing online, desarrollo web, y todo lo que necesitáis para vuestro negocio online. Hoy finaliza el curso de Zoho Marketing, ¡a por …
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Simple Shifts To Turn Average Speakers Into Expert Communicators
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In this episode of the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast, I interviewed Michael Chad Hoeppner, a political communications expert, CEO of GK Training, and author of Don't Say Um: How to Communicate Effectively to Live a Better Life. Hoeppner is known for his work with high-profile leaders, including Andrew Yang, and as an adjunct professor at Columbia Bus…
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DOJ Targets Chrome: What This Means for Google
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In episode #2874, Eric Siu and Neil Patel discuss the ongoing antitrust challenges faced by Google, particularly the Department of Justice's push to break up its monopoly by selling the Chrome browser. They also explore the bullish sentiment in the stock market regarding economic prospects under a potential Trump administration. Don’t forget to hel…
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Mis abuelos tenían poco, mis padres suficiente, y mis hijos demasiado. Analicemos qué ha pasado en tres generaciones, y como demasiado siempre es malo. Pero antes, recordemos que en Boluda.com tenéis cursos para emprendedores, marketing online, desarrollo web, y todo lo que necesitáis para vuestro negocio online. Estamos entrando ya en la recta fin…
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#44 Miért kell videó a marketingedhez? Vendégünk Budácsik Attila
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Akár személyes márkát, akár a vállalkozásod marketingjét építed, ma már megkerülhetetlen a videós tartalmak használata. A Marketing MSc Podcast 44. epizódjában vendégünk Budácsik Attila, aki videókészítőként már számos cég image filmjét, shorts videóit készítette el.Matykó Noémivel, a Chiro Marketing ügyvezetőjével közösen igyekeznek feltárni, mil…
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Shorts: Hvad er Less Personalized Ads? EU vs. Meta
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AI-opsummering: I denne samtale diskuterer Halfdan Timm og Kristian Tinho Meta's nye abonnementsmodel og de udfordringer, som EU's regulering medfører for virksomheden. De dykker ned i, hvordan abonnementsmodellen fungerer, og hvordan den påvirker både annoncører og brugere. Samtalen udforsker også introduktionen af 'less personalized ads' og 'unsk…
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Geschäftsmodelle: Email Marketing oder Newsletter? (+ Hinweis: Newsletteria-Preis steigt!)
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#0186: Was ist denn eigentlich der Unterschied zwischen Newsletter und Email Marketing? Alsooo, zuallererst mal sind das nämlich zwei verschiedene Sachen, wie du das Ding monetarisieren kannst. Bei Newsletter dreht sich alles um coolen redaktionellen Content, bei dem zwischendrin Werbeanzeigen platziert werden. Wohingegen bei Email Marketing der Fo…
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What would you suggest as the best way to use community fans to help spread the word
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Yep it's not a secret, word of mouth marketing is powerful... So powerful I know many businesses that have built hugely successful and profitable businesses using JUST this marketing technique. So how do we supercharge it? Well have a listen and find out! But for a sneak peak I am going to talk about... The importance of nurturing relationships How…
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How To Sell Customer Experience, Not Customer Service
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In this episode of the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast, I had the pleasure of interviewing Jeannie Walters. Jeannie Walters is an award-winning customer experience expert, international keynote speaker, and Founder of Experience Investigators, a firm that helps companies increase sales and customer retention through elevated customer experiences. Trail…
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Jaguar’s ‘Woke’ Ad Controversy: What Went Wrong?
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In episode #2873, Eric Siu and Neil Patel discuss Jaguar's recent marketing campaign that sparked controversy due to its focus on gender identity rather than the product itself. They critique the decision to alienate the brand's core audience and compare it to other failed marketing strategies. Don’t forget to help us grow by subscribing and liking…
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Copywriting avanzado con IA: el método de Persona de IA
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Acabo de abrir mi nuevo programa online Tu Propósito con IA, un programa de 4 semanas que comienza en enero 2025, donde descubrirás cómo usar la IA para alcanzar tus metas, mejorar tu productividad, potenciar tu marca personal, tu negocio, tu profesión y desarrollar habilidades que te diferencien en el mundo actual. Este no es un curso más: es una …
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477. Overcoming Adversity with Ryan Crownholm
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Life’s trials can lead to extraordinary transformations. In this Marketing Speak episode, we deep dive into entrepreneurship, personal growth, and the importance of taking full responsibility for one's life with Ryan Crownholm, a successful entrepreneur, mentor, and advocate for personal growth and reintegration. In this episode, we also delve into…
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#184: Talkin’ Shop—How Clear Messaging Unlocks Growth for Complex Tech Brands
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Tech companies often struggle with the same challenge—making their complex solutions simple to understand. When customers can’t grasp how a product solves their problem, even the most innovative ideas can fall flat. How do you balance clarity and sophistication to attract buyers without sacrificing the technical depth that sets you apart? In this e…
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Listen on… Levering marketing funnels to connect with potential clients, optimize conversions, and uplevel your business. Today, I'm bringing back one of the most popular episodes because these strategies have literally brought millions in revenue to my business! This one is all about funnels – one of the best ways to find new […] The post #736: 3 …
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How to Create Content That Resonates with Your Clients
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Want to create content that truly resonates with your clients? Think of content as a vehicle guiding your client from where they are now to where they want to be. Use actionable advice, relatable metaphors, and emotional visuals to build trust and engagement. The key? Experiment and listen to what your audience responds to best. Discover more about…
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Hoy contesto preguntas de los oyentes sobre podcasts automáticos, contratos de dropshipping entre dos empresas, y la retención en el podcasting. Pero antes, recordemos que en Boluda.com tenéis cursos para emprendedores, marketing online, desarrollo web, y todo lo que necesitáis para vuestro negocio online. Estamos en pleno curso de Zoho Marketing, …
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How Do You Get Your Customers To Buy And Buy Again?
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Ready to tackle one of the biggest challenges in the world of online business? With rising ad costs and stiff competition for new leads, maximising the lifetime value of every customer is more important than ever. Let’s take a deep dive into how we can turn new customers into repeat customers that keep coming back for more and more. Useful Episode …
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Welcome to Good Game, a bite-sized segment by Marketing Fruit designed to supercharge your business in under one minute. Each episode delivers quick, actionable tips and tricks to help you navigate the entrepreneurial landscape with ease. From marketing hacks and productivity boosts to customer engagement strategies and financial insights, Good Gam…
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Ep. 56 - Roller Coasters and Postcards
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In this inaugural episode of Triceratalks, Jurassic Marketing's journey from Profit 911 is revealed with host Justin Miller leading the discussion. Dive into the exciting changes including new branding, sound effects, and upcoming content. Justin shares the fascinating experience at the IAAPA Expo in Orlando, where amusement park innovations meet d…
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Why Jake Paul Is Laughing His Way To The Bank
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In episode #2872, Eric Siu and Neil Patel discuss the recent fight involving Jake Paul and Mike Tyson, highlighting the entertainment aspect of modern boxing and how it parallels scripted wrestling. The discussion then shifts to Dude Perfect, a popular trick shot group that recently raised a significant amount of investment, exploring their busines…
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Digital Marketing Trends and Insights for 2025, with Jay Schwedelson
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In this episode of the Digital Marketing Podcast, Daniel is joined by Jay Schwedelson, host of US #1 Marketing Podcast and Founder of Outcome Media and Guru Media Hub. In the episode, Jay shares with us why being real and showcasing your personality is more critical now than ever, how your email database is your most valuable marketing asset, and w…
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5: Has generative AI become the everyday marketer's ultimate companion?
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Conceptually, most marketers are aware of what generative AI could do – and what we believe it currently can’t. We often see examples of creative at the extreme ends of the spectrum, for example, to demonstrate why the art and design of advertising is still a predominantly human activity. But it’s time we moved beyond the conceptual or extreme into…
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Dlaczego publiczność ufa jednym mówcom, a innych ignoruje - Kama Kotowska
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Co sprawia, że jedne wystąpienia przyciągają uwagę, a inne popadają w niepamięć? Odkryj co najlepsi mówcy robią, by budować więź z publicznością oraz jak poznanie emocji i potrzeb odbiorców pomoże Ci lepiej się komunikować. Dowiesz się: - Jak wykorzystywać techniki negocjatorów FBI w komunikacji? - Jak budować i utrzymywać zaufanie odbiorców? - Jak…
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Listen on… Missing your revenue goals this year? Here’s how to finish a down year off strong, stay in the game, and make strategic changes for next year. My friend, let's get real about a topic that's so often overlooked in entrepreneurship – what to do when you're not going to reach your […] The post #735: Keep Showing Up: How to Win in a Year of …
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Zaniedbany zasób, którego każdy marketer powinien chcieć od odbiorców
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“Uwaga” to najcenniejszy zasób marketingu i w dobie masowego contentu kiepskiej jakości, staje się jeszcze ważniejsza. Bo Twoi odbiorcy nie będą jej poświęcać na byle co. Ba! Bardzo szybko może się okazać, że prowadzone przez Ciebie działania, to po prostu marnowanie zasobów. Co zatem możesz zrobić, żeby temu zapobiec? Dowiesz się: - Czego “Gra o T…
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Hoy hablamos de una herramienta clave para cualquier podcaster: La escaleta. Veamos para qué sirve, cómo crearla, y buenas prácticas. Pero antes, recordemos que en Boluda.com tenéis cursos para emprendedores, marketing online, desarrollo web, y todo lo que necesitáis para vuestro negocio online. Ayer lanzamos el curso de Zoho Marketing, en el que h…
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How She Scaled an AI App to 3M Visitors/Mo Using AI SEO ft Chang Chen
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Ep. 281 Can AI really drive 3 million visitors a month to your site? Kipp and Kieran dive into the revolutionary impact of AI on SEO and modern marketing strategies with expert Chang Chen. Learn more about leveraging AI to handle repetitive tasks and enhance one-to-one user personalization, recognizing the shift in content strategy towards influenc…
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