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Amnesty International je najväčšia ľudskoprávna mimovládna organizácia na svete – celosvetové hnutie viac ako 10 miliónov ľudí z viac než 150 krajín a území sveta usilujúcich sa o dodržiavanie ľudských práv na celom svete. [kontakt&web:;]
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Í mannréttindahlaðvarpi Íslandsdeildar Amnesty International er ljósi varpað á ýmis mannréttindamálefni og stöðu mannréttinda á Íslandi sem og úti í hinum stóra heimi. Fyrsta sería mannréttindahlaðvarpsins heitir Tjáum okkur en í henni verður tjáningarfrelsið tekið fyrir frá ýmsum hliðum. Þættirnir eru sex talsins.
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Amnesty International Podcasts

Amnesty International

Amnesty International (AI) is a worldwide movement of people who campaign for internationally recognized human rights. AIs vision is of a world in which every person enjoys all of the human rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights standards.
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Meet the investigators whose job it is to hold human rights abusers to account. Amnesty International’s reports make headlines all over the world. And behind every one? Months, sometimes years, of painstaking sleuthing by our researchers. It’s difficult - often dangerous - detective work in some of the most challenging and volatile places on earth. ‘Witness from Amnesty International’ takes you behind the scenes. Each episode follows the twists and turns of a different high-stakes human-righ ...
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A brand new series of comedy podcasts from Amnesty International. Featuring live stand-up comedy, interviews with top comedians, critics’ top festival picks, comedy gems from Amnesty’s Secret Policemen’s Ball archive and backstage access. Find out more at
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Peter rozpráva o svojom živote bez domova, ťažkostiach, ktoré mu takýto život priniesol a ako sa to všetko začalo. Viac o práve na bývanie sa dočítate: Grafický dizajn a animácie vytvoril Dávid Koronczi v spolupráci s Jurajom Mydlom, mix a audio logo Živej knižnice pripravil Jonatán Pastirčák. Idea&r…
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Rodné mesto si nemôžeme vybrať, ale miesto, kde si vytvoríme domov, si vyberáme sami. Grafický dizajn a animácie vytvoril Dávid Koronczi v spolupráci s Jurajom Mydlom, mix a audio logo Živej knižnice pripravil Jonatán Pastirčák. Idea&realizácia: ​kristína országhová. Vzniklo v rámci projektu Silné čítanie, ktorý vedie Laputa, o.z. (www.literarnabas…
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Keď sa na svoj život pozerám zvonka, uvedomujem si, že asi je to dosť hardcore, so všetkými možnými okolnosťami. Lenže takého hardcore-u je na svete veľa. Ľudia sa ma zvyknú pýtať, ako to dávam - a ja odpovedám, že nedávam. Neviem povedať žiadnu múdru vetu o nevzdávaní sa, lebo som sa vzdala veľakrát a bojovať by som chcela tiež hlasnejšie...ale ak…
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Narodil som sa s fyzickým znevýhodnením a vyrastal som v ústave. Tam som sa učil, ako sa stať samostatným. Život mimo ústavu som takmer nezvládol. Dnes sa venujem vzdelávaniu mládeže. Grafický dizajn a animácie vytvoril Dávid Koronczi v spolupráci s Jurajom Mydlom, mix a audio logo Živej knižnice pripravil Jonatán Pastirčák. Idea&realizácia: ​krist…
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Danielov príbeh ukazuje mladého človeka hľadajúceho sa vo svete, ktorý si ešte na inakosť zvyká. Hanba, každodenná frustrácia z nepochopenia a strach z budúcnosti sa na jeho ceste premenia na lásku k sebe, pochopenie a múdrosť, aj keď kroky po nej nesú váhu ťažkého srdca. Daniel v príbehu popisuje svoju cestu za iným životom do hlavného mesta Slove…
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Toto fiktívne meno reprezentuje všetky moje identity dokopy a moju neustálu snahu nájsť medzi nimi súlad. Použitie židovských mien mužského a ženského rodu ako odkaz na môj židovský pôvod a rodovo premenlivú (genderfluid) identitu. Godla je rómske priezvisko po mojom otcovi. Tohto priezviska som sa vzdal, keď som mal 15 rokov, je pre mňa stále prip…
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Í þessum lokaþætti fyrstu hlaðvarpsseríu Íslandsdeildar Amnesty International, Tjáum okkur, verður fjallað um ævi og baráttumál Þorgeirs Þorgeirsonar. Þorgeir var kærður fyrir meiðyrði vegna blaðagreinar þar sem hann lýsti lögregluofbeldi með óvægnum hætti. Þorgeiri blöskraði dómsmeðferðin og kærði ríkið fyrir ólýðræðislega málsmeðferð. Hann fór sv…
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Í þessum þætti er fjölmiðlafrelsi til umræðu og staða þess skoðuð, sérstaklega hérlendis. Samkvæmt skýrslu Samtakanna, Blaðamenn án landamæra, fyrir árið 2021, búa blaðamenn við hömlur í tæplega þremur af hverjum fjórum þeirra 180 ríkja sem rannsóknin nær til. Ísland er í 16. sæti á lista yfir fjölmiðlafrelsi í ríkjum heimsins samkvæmt matskvarða B…
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Í þessum þætti verður fjallað um hið flókna fyrirbæri sem kallast „hatursorðræða“. Alþjóðasamfélagið og flest ríki heims hafa reynt að setja á lög sem banna tjáningu sem jafnast á við hatursorðræðu. Mikill munur eru þó á því sem skilgreint er sem brot á lögunum. Mjög er deilt um það á Íslandi hvort víkka eigi enn frekar út lagalegt ákvæði um haturs…
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Í þessum þætti verður áfram rætt um tjáningarfrelsið á tímum kórónuveirufaraldursins og reynt að fá innsýn í merkingu hugtakanna „upplýsingaóreiða“ og „falsfréttir“. Glímt verður við spurninguna um hvernig ríkisvaldinu beri að feta hinn gullna meðalveg þar sem ólíkir hagsmunir eru vegnir og metnir, samanber verndun tjáningarfrelsisins og aðgengi að…
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Í þessum þætti er fjallað um tjáningarfrelsið á tímum kórónuveirufaraldursins og þeirri spurningu velt upp hvort eðlilegt geti talist að ríki heims hefti tjáningarfrelsið og aðgengi að upplýsingum í einstaka tilfellum þ.e. þegar um rangar og villandi upplýsingar ræðir til að tryggja lýðheilsu fólks. Rætt verður við Önnu Lúðvíksdóttur framkvæmdastjó…
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Í þættinum er fjallað um tjáningarfrelsið almennt, af hverju það er mikilvægt, hvar það er varið í landslögum og alþjóðalögum og glímt við spurninguna hvenær réttlætanlegt sé að skerða það. Við munum heyra hvað almenningur hefur um tjáningarfrelsið að segja og takmarkanir á því og fáum Margréti Steinarsdóttur, lögfræðing og framkvæmdastjóra Mannrét…
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Your phone rings. Within seconds, it’s infected with secret spyware that's tracking everything you do. From Mexico to Morocco, some of the most insidious attacks on human rights activists, including the targeting of one of Amnesty’s own team, have been waged using spyware manufactured by NSO Group, a major player in the secretive surveillance indus…
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2008. Amnesty researcher, Audrey Gaughran gets a call from a contact in the Niger Delta saying there’s been a massive oil spill in the village of Bodo. The white sandy beaches are covered with crude; local livelihoods are destroyed. Shell – keen to downplay the damage – have offered token recompense. How can the inhabitants fight back? Hear the ext…
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Amnesty’s Donatella Rovera has an extraordinary job – she walks the bombed-out streets of the Syrian city of Raqqa, talking to witnesses and searching the rubble. Her aim? To piece together evidence of the lives lost during its bombardment by the US-led coalition in 2017. Case by case, she collects tiny scraps of information, hoping to get justice …
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Summer 2017. News reports show the Rohingya, a population in north west Myanmar, fleeing across the border to Bangladesh with nothing but the clothes on their backs. What’s happened? The Myanmar military say one thing, witnesses tell a very different story. Amnesty’s Tirana Hassan gets on a plane to Bangladesh to find out. Can she and the team gath…
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Nauru was known as ‘Pleasant Island’ - until its neighbour, Australia, began to use it for a nefarious purpose: detaining humans. In this episode, Amnesty researchers, Anna Shea and Anya Neistat, take on the near impossible task of getting onto the island to record testimonies – before the authorities can catch them. “I had a week and that was it a…
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2015. There are whispers about what life is like inside ‘Saydnaya’ - the most feared of Syrian military prisons – but very few witnesses. Amnesty researcher, Nicolette Waldman, starts to wonder: what’s going on inside this blackest of black sites? "We would just drive, from city to city... we would basically follow any lead we could get - it was th…
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Kali ini kami mewawancarai Nining Elitos, Ketua Umum Kongres Aliansi Serikat Buruh Indonesia dan Andriko Otang, Direktur Eksekutif Trade Union Rights Centre. Kami mengobrol tentang kurangnya transparansi, terbatasnya akses untuk berpartisipasi dalam pembuatan undang-undang hingga rentannya hak-hak pekerja dalam omnibus law.…
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Hari ini, 21 tahun yang lalu, seorang mahasiswa YAI bernama Sigit Prasetyo dibunuh oleh aparat keamanan Indonesia dalam insiden yang dikenal sebagai Tragedi Semanggi I. Saat itu, Sigit bersama ribuan mahasiswa lainnya sedang berunjuk rasa menentang Sidang Istimewa MPR yang ingin mempercepat proses pemilu pasca Soeharto lengser. Namun, sudah 21 tahu…
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Bernardinus Realino Norma Irmawan atau yang akrab dipanggil Wawan, adalah salah satu korban pelanggaran HAM yang dilakukan oleh aparat keamanan 21 tahun silam dalam Tragedi Semanggi I. Tak kunjung mendapatkan keadilan, ibunda Wawan, Maria Catarina Sumarsih menuliskan kerinduan, kegelisahan, dan harapannya kepada mendiang anaknya. Namun, kali ini Su…
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Sepanjang sejarah, komik banyak digunakan untuk menggambarkan realitas sosial. Di luar negeri, komik seperti Maus, Watchmen, Dark Knight Returns hingga V for Vendetta menyiratkan eskalasi politik dan ketidakadilan sosial yang terinspirasi oleh fenomena di sekitar mereka. Pada era digital ini, muncul komik daring yang bisa mendorong warganet untuk b…
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Leyla en Arif Yunus strijden al decennia voor de mensenrechten in hun land Azerbeidzjan. De tol die ze daarvoor betalen valt nauwelijks te onderschatten: gevangenschap, marteling en uiteindelijk vertrek uit hun moederland. Ze wonen nu in Nederland maar blijven niettemin op hun hoede… Luister naar zijn persoonlijke verhaal in deze aflevering van 'He…
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Aksi 23,24 dan 30 September merupakan aksi mahasiswa terbesar sejak Reformasi 98 lalu. Ribuan orang turun ke jalan, mulai dari mahasiswa, siswa STM, masyarakat sipil, hingga kaum profesional, yang lazimnya jarang berunjuk rasa. Kebangkitan aksi masyarakat lewat tagar #ReformasiDikorupsi membuktikan bahwa pergerakan masa kini punya keunikannya sendi…
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Seán Binder besloot als vrijwilliger een aantal maanden bootvluchtelingen op Lesbos te gaan helpen. Volgens hem de normaalste zaak van de wereld. Maar de Griekse autoriteiten dachten daar heel anders over. En daarom hangt Seán nu een gevangenisstraf van 25 jaar boven het hoofd. Luister naar zijn persoonlijke verhaal in deze aflevering van 'Het Keer…
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In deze aflevering hoor je de Poolse activiste Elzbieta Podlesna, die Amnesty uitgenodigde voor een bezoek aan Nederland. In Polen kan je de politieke macht in de rechtspraak, in de media en het onderwijs ongelofelijk goed merken. Een ontwikkeling waar Elzbieta zich hevig tegen verzet. Maar waar ze ook persoonlijk mee te maken kreeg. Luister naar h…
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Lirik lagu Killing in The Name, Guerilla Radio dan Bullets of Parade mewarnai aktivisme anti kekerasan di Amerika. Tom Morello, gitaris Rage Against the Machine, dan juga Audioslave, menginspirasi banyak musisi yang telah mengadopsi pesan anti-Bush dan anti-perang yang eksplisit dalam beberapa tahun terakhir - dari Pearl Jam, Green Day, Radiohead, …
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Film-film bertokoh sentral superhero menjadi salah satu hal yang paling sering terbersit di pikiran ketika kita mendengar istilah budaya populer. Tahun ini, Indonesia memulai debut film superheronya dengan film Gundala karya Joko Anwar. Tokoh-tokoh fiksi berkekuatan super melawan ketidakadilan dan kerap bertindak di luar hukum. Kisah-kisah heroik C…
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Raganya terpenjara jauh di pulau Buru sana, tetapi gagasannya tak terbatasi dinding penjara. Pramoedya Ananta Toer, penulis Indonesia yang pernah dinominasikan untuk mendapat Nobel Sastra, berkontribusi menulis keping-keping sejarah Indonesia melalui kisah perjuangan melawan imperialisme berbalut romansa. Tuduhan atas keterlibatannya dalam salah sa…
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We caught up with Sarah Kendall in Brooks Bar at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. She was performing her latest show, 'Touchdown'. We find out why you shouldn't shake up your set even after 35 shows, she reveals how she practices the rudest thing you can do on twitter! And why she doesn't mess around with her stage 'uniform'.…
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We caught up with Felicity Ward in Abbatoir Bar at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival where she was performing her latest stand-up show 'The Iceberg'. She talks us through one of the worst gigs she ever played, how terrifying her first 12 minutes of stand-up comedy were, and getting her comeuppance on a radio show.…
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We had a chat with Tiffany Stevenson in the Loft Bar at the Gilded Balloon in Edinburgh, fresh from performing her show 'Optimist'. Tiff reveals the first time she recognised sexism at age 14, she talks about the importance of 'punching up' when you're telling jokes, and finally - the secret waterslide confession she wishes she'd kept to herself!…
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We invited ourselves round to Lucy Porter’s palatial temporary home in Edinburgh where she's been performing her latest show 'Me Time' to talk about her new play, her love of shocking comedy and what it's like to perform to a room full of babies.द्वारा Amnesty International UK
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We went backstage at the Balham Comedy Festival in London to chat to the extremely funny stand up and novelist Mary Bourke. She reveals her thoughts on the rape jokes, the power of a dress and heels and dispels a few myths on heckling. She also explains how you never want to upset an audience in Glasgow.…
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Listen to renowned comedian, satirist and ski jumper, Marcus Brigstocke tell us how he’d love to do more reality TV despite the injuries, perils of performing while on crutches and the ups and (sometimes very fast) downs of life as a comedian. It’s a slippery slope (No!. ed)द्वारा Amnesty International UK
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Delve into the hilarious and rambling mind of Canadian stand up Tony Law as he reveals his surprising talent for performing World War II aircraft impressions and chats about training dogs to play pool. Plus interpretive dance, costume design and being upstaged by a couple of five-year-olds. The young have no respect these days.…
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We went backstage at the Balham Comedy Festival to have a chuckle with the hilarious Reginald D Hunter. He reveals how he started out as an actor and only got into comedy because of a dare and discusses his latest BBC documentary. We also discuss Britain's pride in it's sarcasm and comic traditions and his hilarious extended family.…
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Backstage at the Balham Comedy Festival in London Mark Steel tells us about the easiest standing ovation he ever got, soulless football stadiums and how FIFA don’t give a flying Pukka for the game. He also chats to us about his bid to uncover idiosyncrasies of every place he tours.द्वारा Amnesty International UK
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We joined comedian Kevin Day fresh from performing his show 'Stand Uppy' at The Balham Comedy Festival in London where he told us about a typical day in the life of a comedy writer, and reveals his views on racism in football and the controversial subject of FIFA’s stinking decision to award the world cup to Qatar.…
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We went backstage at the Balham Comedy Festival to chat with comedian and star of 'Not Going Out' Tim Vine. We find out about his new show, musically entitled 'Timtiminee, Timtiminee, Tim Tim to you'. We also hear his thoughts on England's disappointing exit from the World Cup and how he and fellow comedian Terry Alderton have perfected the art of …
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We went backstage at the Balham Comedy Festival 2014 to catch up with the pioneer of the podcast. Fresh from performing his new show 'Lord of the dance settee', he reminisces on his most memorable podcast moments, including some unexpected answers from Stephen Fry. He also defends fellow comedian Frankie Boyle and his own material on the holocaust …
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The vastly experienced and talented Jeremy Hardy talks to us backstage at the Balham Comedy Festival in London about Twitter, politics, why he should never be allowed to be in a position of power and the incredible lies that his grandmother told him.द्वारा Amnesty International UK
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Listen to stand up and Mock the Week regular Zoe Lyons tell us why she's choosey about festivals, reminisce about her worst moment on stage and perfecting her turkey in an oven impression. She also reveals her belief that in the right hands, comedy can make people think differently.द्वारा Amnesty International UK
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We sat down with Rob Newman at the Balham Comedy Festival in London to chat with the deep thinking comedian. He told us about his one hour show 'New Theory of Evolution' and his trepidation at returning to the Edinburgh festival after a seven year break.द्वारा Amnesty International UK
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Listen to poet, actor, cartoonist and of course comedian, Phill Jupitus, chat to us about overcoming rejection early on in his career, his altar ego Porky the Poet and the power of comedy to change absolutely nothing at all whatsoever.द्वारा Amnesty International UK
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The winner of Amnesty International UK's protest song competition - Full Score is written and performed by Gypsy's Anchor from Truro + Penwith College, Cornwall. Find out more about this year's competition and how you can enter this year at by Steve Brown Recorded by Paul Cradik at Goodmerry Farm St…
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A quick preview of Radio 1's Make Some Noise! documentary, asking whether the protest song is dead, and featuring our Amnesty Youth Award songwriting winners. Find out more atद्वारा Amnesty International UK
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In the last of our Secret Comedy Podcasts recorded live at this year's Edinburgh Festival we have extra bits that we just couldn't squeeze into the other shows, including stand up from Tanyalee Davis, Paul Foot and David Morgan. Plus we chat to Lee Mack about his first ride and Tim Fitzhigham tells Mark Dolan about sailing across the English Channe…
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