Fr. Kyrillos Ibrahim- Homily for the Sunday Before Lent. The Holy Great Fast of Lent is a time of remembrance. I remember God. I remember my sins. I remember the necessity of directing by whole being back to God. Click the icon below to listen.द्वारा Fr. Kyrillos Ibrahim
Fr. Andrew Iskander- Homily for the 2nd Sunday of Amshir. A reflection on the feeding of the multitudes from the Gospel of St. John and God's tests. Click the icon below to listen.द्वारा Fr. Andrew Iskander
Fr. Kyrillos Ibrahim- Homily for the 1st Sunday of Amshir. After the miracle of the feeding of the multitudes, the Lord exposed the motives of the hearts of the people who sought Him. To discern the purity of our intentions is a great gift from God. The monastic life has a prophetic witness in manifesting a pure love for God. Click the icon below t…
Fr. Andrew Iskander- Homily for the 4th Sunday of Tobi. Lessons from the story of the healing of the man born blind and spiritual transformation. Click the icon below to listen.द्वारा Fr. Andrew Iskander
Fr. Kyrillos Ibrahim- Eulogy of our beloved brother, Dr. Mark Malek, who served as a living example of Christ's love, touched so many lives, and will be sorely missed. Click the icon below to listen.द्वारा Fr. Kyrillos Ibrahim
AD Mark Soliman- A reflection on the life of St. Abraam the Bishop of Fayoum and "Friend of the Poor." Click the icon below to listen.द्वारा AD Mark Soliman
Fr. Kyrillos Ibrahim- Homily for the 3rd Sunday of Tobi. In the 3rd chapter of John's gospel, we read that the Father has placed all things into the hands of Christ. We can understand this from the perspective of eternity, the economy of salvation, and the judgement. Click the icon below to listen.द्वारा Fr. Kyrillos Ibrahim
Fr. Kyrillos Ibrahim- Homily for the Feast of the Theophany. A reflection on the Feast of the Theophany (Epiphany). Click the icon below to listen.द्वारा Fr. Kyrillos Ibrahim
Fr. Andrew Iskander- Homily for the 1st Sunday of Tobe. Lessons from the Holy Family's journey into Egypt. Click the icon below to listen.द्वारा Fr. Andrew Iskander
Fr. Kyrillos Ibrahim- Homily for the 4th Sunday of Kiahk. In the prayer of Zacharias at the birth of John the Baptist, he exclaims that God will "guide our feet into the way of peace." (Lk. 1:79) Christ is the Prince of Peace and peace is the gift and legacy of His Incarnation. It is precisely the peace of His presence with us and in us. Click the …
Fr. Kyrillos Ibrahim- Homily for the 3rd Sunday of Kiahk. The gospel of the visitation of our Lady St. Mary to St. Elizabeth is shrouded in humility, wonder and joy. St. Mary's going in haste to her relative manifests a unique quality of true humility: Self-forgetfulness. Click the icon below to listen.…
Fr. Andrew Iskander- Homily for the 2nd Sunday of Kiahk. A reflection on the Incarnation as a great example of Humility. Click the icon below to listen.द्वारा Fr. Andrew Iskander
Fr. Kyrillos Ibrahim- Homily for the 1st Sunday of Kiahk. The Incarnation of our Lord is not merely a commemoration of the birth of our Savior but an invasion of God into the darkness of our world. He comes in order to bring the Good News of salvation and God's merciful love through the victory over evil forces, toppling Satan’s kingdom and strongh…
Fr. Andrew Iskander- Homily for the 5th Sunday of Hathor. How to find internal peace and tranquility in the face of our struggles. Click the icon below to listen.द्वारा Fr. Andrew Iskander
AD Mark Soliman- A reflection on 10 Habits of Highly Effective People as applied to Christian lives. Click the icon below to listen.द्वारा AD Mark Soliman
Fr. Kyrillos Ibrahim- Homily for the 4th Sunday of Hathor. A Young Rich Ruler approached our Lord seeking eternal life. The Gospel tells us that Christ looked at him and loved him, then called him to the height of perfection. In doing so, the Lord also reveals the great reward He offers His disciples and all who follow Him. Click the icon below to …
Fr. Andrew Iskander- Homily for the 3rd Sunday of Hathor. A reflection on the cost of discipleship through examples from the Bible. Click the icon below to listen.द्वारा Fr. Andrew Iskander
Fr. Kyrillos Ibrahim- Homily for the 2nd Sunday of Hathor. In the Parable of the Sower, as well as the one immediately after in Matthew's Gospel, the Parable of the Wheat and the Tares, the Lord reveals the strategy of the Devil in both snatching the divine seed from the human heart, as well as sowing his own seeds of tares. The Lord gives us the m…
Fr. Kyrillos Ibrahim- Homily for the 1st Sunday of Hathor. The Parable of the Sower reveals the primary agency of the Lord who is not only the Sower, but also the Seed. Further, His seed is planted in His own soil. The soil simply must receive and not hinder the work of the seed. Click the icon below to listen.…
Fr. Andrew Iskander- Homily for the 4th Sunday of Babah. A reflection on the miracle of the raising of the widow's son and 3 characteristics of compassion. Click the icon below to listen.द्वारा Fr. Andrew Iskander
Fr. Kyrillos Ibrahim- Homily for the 3rd Sunday of Babah. The desert fathers understood that while the Kingdom of God was the goal of Christian life, the way was through purity of heart. Purity of heart is not merely the avoidance of certain sins but about the integrity, harmony and singularity of the human person directed toward God. To achieve th…
Tony Soliman - Chapter 4 of St. Paul's First Epistle to the Corinthians. (First few minutes of audio was cut off.) Click the icon below to listen.द्वारा Tony Soliman
Henry Awad- a continuation of the discussion on God's Will, focusing on how we can be more like Christ. Click the icon below to listen.द्वारा Henry Awad
Fr. Kyrillos Ibrahim- Homily for the 1st Sunday of Babah. The healing of the paralytic was facilitated by the love and faith of his four friends. St. Paul's epistle speaks about the "fragrance of Christ" that is diffused by a life of faith, love, repentance and good deeds. The fragrance of holiness is not only a metaphor but a supernatural phenomen…
Fr. Kyrillos Ibrahim- Homily for the 4th Sunday of Thout. The gospel of the sinful woman in the house of Simon the Pharisee reflects a soul that was attracted to, and transformed by, the true beauty of Christ. Coming into contact with objective truth, goodness and beauty exposes Satan's disfigured counterfeits. Click the icon below to listen.…
Fr. Andrew Iskander- Homily for the 3rd Sunday of Thout. A reflection on the invitation and cost of discipleship. Click the icon below to listen.द्वारा Fr. Andrew Iskander
Tony Soliman- A contemplation about the concept of witnessing and martyrdom (as it relates to the Coptic New Year). Click the icon below to listen.द्वारा Tony Soliman
Fr. Kyrillos Ibrahim- Homily for the 2nd Sunday of Thout. A certain poet coined the term "Hound of Heaven" to describe God's relentless pursuit of the human heart. God's work in our lives aims to awaken our own desire and longing for Him and eternal life. We glorify God in our lives when we allow that desire to grow in intensity by detaching oursel…
Fr. Kyrillos Ibrahim- Homily for the Sunday of Nasie. The early Christians lived with the tension of the expectation of Christ's 2nd Coming. This tension inspired them to live holy lives. Spiritual tension, distinct from psychological stress, is a necessary element of spiritual growth which brings God's grace and salvation. Click the icon below to …
Fr. Kyrillos Ibrahim- Homily for the 3rd Sunday of Mesori. St. Paul commands us to "be wise in what is good." (Rom. 16:19). There are many examples of those who struggled and toiled in vain in pursuit of the spiritual life. A reflection on how can we avoid the traps that cause our spiritual striving to be in vain. Click the icon below to listen.…
Fr. Andrew Iskander- A lesson on the development of the Liturgy and why we pray the Liturgy that we pray. Click the icon below to listen.द्वारा Fr. Andrew Iskander
Fr. Kyrillos Ibrahim- Homily for the 1st Sunday of Mesori. The parable of the wicked tenants points to important truths about the character of God. Likewise, the wickedness of the tenants reveals spiritual problems in the human heart that demand our attention and our resolve. Click the icon below to listen.…
Fr. Andrew Iskander- Homily for the 4th Sunday of Epip. A reflection on God‘s delay during Lazarus’ death as a sign of God's graciousness in the midst of suffering, teaching us to sacrifice our desires in order to glorify God. Click the icon below to listen.द्वारा Fr. Andrew Iskander
Fr. Kyrillos Ibrahim- Homily for the 3rd Sunday of Epip. The miracle of feeding the multitudes in the lectionary is often referred to as the Sunday of Blessing. What is the difference between God's goodness and God's blessings? The difference is essential for our spiritual lives. Click the icon below to listen.…