Yvon Prehn सार्वजनिक
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Church communication is one of the most challenging ministries because it is the connection hub of the entire church. To do it effectively requires more than the latest images, social media, and technology tips. You need timeless strategy, inspiration, and Biblical challenges that work no matter what tech tools and channels you use, the size of your church, or age of your audience. You'll get them here. This podcast is part of the ministry of Effective Church Communications, www.effectivechu ...
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Bible 805

Yvon Prehn

I believe the Bible is as true and real as this palm tree in my front yard and the area code (805) I live in. In this podcast, my goal is to help you know, trust, and apply the Bible. Doing that isn't always simple or easy and the podcasts provide in-depth studies, historical background, and challenging applications, all from me, Yvon Prehn, a lay teacher and a writer for Jesus. Go to www.Bible805.com for show notes, commentary, and resource links to videos, charts, teaching resources, and p ...
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show series
Why does it matter how historians determine what is true? (QUICK NOTE: this is a lesson that is especially good to look at the PowerPoint video of it, here is the link: https://youtu.be/gvTRyfFtujUThe Bible805 site https://www.Bible805.com, has links to all the videos of the podcasts) In the previous lesson, we talked about the importance of truth …
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Before we begin, this lesson is part of a 4-part foundational series: How Truth & History confirm that we can trust the Christian Bible Though each lesson is useful on its own, all four lessons in this series go together for a complete understanding of the topic The 4 lessons in this series are: • #1 What is Truth?. . . and how historical truth rel…
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As you have read through the Bible from first to last, it’s all been about Jesus. He created a perfect world for humanity to enjoy and to walkwith Him. When they disobeyed, He promised a Redeemer. The entire Old Testament talks about this future Redeemer,the importance of salvation by faith, and how the sacrificial system was a picture of what was …
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Our study of the New Testament is about so much more than anoverview of books, or a historical tour. It is the culmination of God’s rescue plan for the people He created. The development of God’s changed, redeemed people is what we’ve been learning about. All else will fade (churches, buildings, denominations); God’s people will not. And it is thos…
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How do we act when bad things happen to us? We always have a choice—we can retaliate; we can throw a pityparty; we can blame others. Or we can trust God no matter what and try to respond in a wayHe wants us to. In what are called the “Prison Epistles” Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon we’ll look at how the Apostle Paul responded in a…
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The content here may seem an overly intense way to encourage you to read through the Bible in Chronological Order, which Bible805 (https://wp.me/pazrJD-OO) has a variety of ways for you to do, but we are living in a time when truth seems to have lost its connection with objective reality in the minds of manyand a simple encouragement to read throug…
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Romans is one of the most significant books in the Bible because it is a complete and systematic explanation of the Christian faith. It is different than the other letters of the New Testament that were written to address specific problems in specific churches. The focus of this book was to clarify the Christian faith and our salvation—to show from…
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A struggle for most of us who follow Jesus is that we know we should be better than we are. We know God called us to live lives that reflect our Savior, but far too often our lives reflect our world instead. As we learn in reading Paul's letters to the Corinthians, this struggle is nothing new. We can grow and become all God wants us to be, and the…
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As we learned in our previous lesson on Acts and Hebrews, when Paul first began preaching this new message of salvation in Jesus, he began by showing how Jesus was the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy. As he moves further away from Jerusalem and begins to preach to people who aren’t as familiar with the Bible, he runs into both new questions a…
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Hebrews has a reputation for being a difficult book to understand and it is if you simply pull it out of context and without at least some knowledge of the Old Testament that it is based on, try to figure out what it is talking about. This is sad because Hebrews was intended to be a book of explanation—of how Jesus fulfilled all that was pictured i…
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What is the point of being a disciple? We certainly don't hear a lot about it in churches today with the emphasis from many pulpits is a combination of happy life promises, and moral outrage over whatever the latest conservative news channel is reporting, mixed in with pleas for money. What an extraordinary shift that is from the message of Jesus, …
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It's common to hear, even from those who seem very knowledgeable about the Christian faith and the Bible that "the Trinity is very hard to understand" or that "the Trinity is a mystery," or a similar statement. I STRONGLY disagree! Our God wants us to know Him and understand Him and I don't believe the essential doctrine of the Trinity is difficult…
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A primary criticism of the New Testament is that critics say that Christians intentionally left out and/or suppressed certain writings, primarily what we call the Gnostic Gospels, and that they should be part of our New Testament and aren’t. We need to take their challenges seriously because our New Testament contains both how to be saved by faith …
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How do we know what we’re told about Jesus is true? Wasn’t the New Testament written hundreds of years after Helived? How do we know it isn’t just legends about a good teacher? And why did some books get included and others didn’t? In addition to that, from the start, John the Baptist and Jesus both talked about the importance of the Kingdom of God…
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The New Testament makes some extraordinary claims including that the long-prophesied Messiah came into the world, lived, taught, died, and rose again to offer a restored relationship to God to all who believe in Him. For claims of such importance, naturally, not everyone believed them then or now and questions like these come up: Wasn’t the New Tes…
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From the close of the Old Testament to the start of the New Testament, it is a VERY different world—so many things had changed. There is a an infographic that goes through the changes that goes with the lesson. In this lesson, we’ll go over how the changes came to be. We’ll also look at the various groups that emerged during this time, the Pharisee…
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The book of Malachi begins… with God saying, “I have alwaysloved you, but you retort, “Really? How have you loved us?” Malachi 1:2 In some ways, these brief statements sum up the entirehistory of the Old Testament. God again and again both shows and declares His love for Hispeople. And His people again and again, don’t believe Him, go their own way…
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These books were written 14‐16 years after the Jews returned to the land after their captivity. The return itself was a glorious work of God. Once in the land, there were challenges when the surrounding people tried to stop them, but God intervened there also. The Israelites had seen God conquer and give victory in much greater problems and He took…
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Though God had to punish the Children of Israel for their many sins by sending them into exile in Babylon, the punishment had a promised limit of 70 years and at the end of the 70 years, He miraculously returned them to their land. In this lesson we’ll go over the return and the leadership God used to make it possible. This is a lesson where knowin…
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The setting for this episode is that time has run out. After hundreds of years of warnings and challenges, it’s over for Judah. Daniel and Ezekiel are in Babylon taken there in an early deportationbefore the end came in Jerusalem. What seemed horrible to them at the time was a great blessing indisguise— they were kept from the horrors of the siege,…
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When we read through the Prophets in the Old Testament, particularly when we get to Ezekiel and Daniel we are introduced to fantastic images, whirling wheels, fantastic beasts, and world-shaking prophecies. This type of writing is what is known as “apocalyptic” and it’s useful to take some time to understand this type of writing, this genre in the …
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How are we supposed to act when things go wrong? Especially ifwe had nothing to do to cause the problems that plague us? How can we help others who are going through a hard time? I have answers to these questions and more in this lesson. First, the lesson goes into a little bit of history to set the stage. For centuries God has been patient, but no…
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Is it really OK to ask God “why?” We all have questions like these: Why does God allow evil? Why do evil people get away with things? Why do good people get caught up in the mess others make? In this lesson we’ll look at the prophet Habakkuk and what happened when he not only asked God “Why?” but when he kept asking God when he didn’t like how God …
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The best-selling book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People totally revolutionized the lives of millions of people and one of the habits he talked about is a great summary of our lesson today. The habit I’m talking about is Habit #2—Begin With the End in Mind The prophets who preached after the fall of Israel and before Judah was conquered by…
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When God delivered Israel from slavery in Egypt, they met God at Mt. Sinai and there God not only gave them the 10 Commandments and Hisother laws for how to live, but He offered them a covenant, an agreement with Him that if they would obey and follow His commands, they would be His people, His treasured possession who He would bless. He also told …
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Just before Hosea appears, God sent the prophet Amos to condemn the sins of Israel. Amos preached forceful, harsh messages for about 3 years. With Hosea God gives his people a similar message that they have violated his covenant and judgment is coming, but in a very different way. In Hosea, his overall message is of God’s incredible love for His pe…
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Reading the prophets can be confusing and to help, and Bible805 did a preliminary lesson to help you understand them, CLICK HERE to go to it. As I was preparing this section on the prophets, especially as you start to read Isaiah, I realized that an explanation of two more things are very important to keep in mind as we study the prophets as we go …
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The prophet Amos and his message has captivated preachers, reformers, and Christian leaders from the earliest days it was preached until today, particularly with its emphasis on justice. Martin Luther King used it in his I Have a Dream speech where he quoted the verse “Let justice roll down…” from Amos 5:24. And in June 2023 Pope Francis chose “Let…
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We all know about the fish swallowing Jonah, but there is more in the book including the answers to these questions: What about people who haven’t heard the gospel if Jesus is the only way to God What do we do about bad people, or when people treat us badly? What does God expect from us as His followers? How should we respond to continuing trials? …
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When people think of the Old Testament prophets, most often two areas come to mind: First, most people think of the prophecies of Jesus’ coming, and though that is important and a significant validation of the truth of the Christian faith, only 2% of prophecies are about the coming of Jesus. Second, many think of the Old Testament prophets as a gro…
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After studying the life of David, we couldn’t have a greater contrast between his life as a man “after God’s own heart,” than what we find in his son Solomon. This lesson will show you the solid foundation of Biblical instruction he had, how he started well, but progressively deteriorated into self-indulgent sins that destroyed not only his life bu…
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The Bible calls David, a man “after God’s own heart.” Thisphrase is part of a sermon of Paul’s in the NT Acts 13:22—where he is talking about the history of Israel, and Paul says, “After removing Saul, he made David their king. God testified concerning him: ‘I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him…
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Have you recently had someone say to you, “You aren’t listening to me?” Most of us have. Maybe we weren’t paying attention, or maybe we didn’t want to hear what we knew someone was going to say. Whatever the reason, not listening can get us into a lot of trouble. The trouble is especially serious if we aren’t listening to God. If we aren’t hearing …
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There is a popular song that boasts “I did it my way!” Though it sounds appealing, is this really the best way to live? We’re going to look at around 400 years of history when an entire nation decided to do it their way in this podcast. From our earliest days, we want to do things our way; we don’t want anyone else to tell us what to do. Though we …
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What is the purpose of the stories in the Bible? If someone does something that seems a bit odd, like Gideon setting out a fleece to determine God’s will or the Children of Israel walking around the walls of Jericho to conquer it— Does that mean I should do similar things to please God? We’ll answer these questions and more in this lesson on How to…
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If you are having a hard time in your Christian life, this lesson will teach you 9 lessons on how to fight and win, and the first step to winning the battles of life is to realize you are in a battle! Many Christians today are surprised when bad things happen because they thought it was going to be easy and an unending series of blessings when they…
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In the book of Deuteronomy, the last of the five books of Moses that make up the Pentateuch, Moses preaches a final series of sermons to the people about to enter the Promised Land. There is a lot to talk about, but in this lesson, we’ll discuss three areas: 1. How we should love2.How we should give3.How we should define ourselves and how it influe…
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We’re in the book of Numbers as we read through the Bible and itis a pivotal book we can learn from, not only in what happened to the Childrenof Israel in this book but also what we can learn from it on how to deal withchallenging situations.Ray Steadman said about Numbers: “If you read the Old Testamentas nothing but a history of ancient events co…
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Every sport, hobby, or special interest has insider terms and history and the more you know the back story of them the more you’ll understand and enjoy the activity. The Bible is no different—the more you understand the foundational items in the first 5 books of the Bible, what we call the Pentateuch, the more the rest of the Bible will make sense.…
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When most people get into the books of Old Testament Law, especially in Leviticus and Numbers, with all the odd and obscure laws and regulations, they bail out. And why shouldn’t they? What do these laws and regulations have to do with us today? We will answer all these questions and more in this lesson as we consider the importance of the messages…
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Have you ever felt stuck, trapped, not where you want to be or expected you’d be at this time in your life? The last few years for many have been times of lockdowns, isolation, disruptions of all sorts. Current challenges aside, at any time of life we can become trapped, emotionally, physically, or spiritually. The book of Exodus and the life of Mo…
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With this week’s lesson we move from studying one person’s life, Abraham, to how God transforms his people into the nation of Israel, who God will use as His representatives on earth, the ones who will write His Word, demonstrate His worship, and eventually be the family that bears the Savior of the world, Jesus. The Patriarchs of this family, Abra…
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In Genesis, with the life of Abraham, we have a big shift, where God moves from working with all of humanity to a focus on ONE man, who will become the founder of the Jewish nation. Ultimately three major religions in our world today claim him as their founder: the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim religions. As such, he is held in great veneration by …
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One of the great answers we discovered the first video of this series is the assurance that Life after death is a great promise to those who believe in Jesus. Yet that assurance brings up another question that we will answer in this lesson which is: “What about those who have never heard of Jesus?” We have two more questions in this series, “Why do…
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With this lesson we start the adventure of reading through the Bible in Chronological Order. It begins by reading Genesis and three days into it, we jump to the book of Job. We will talk about why we read these two books together and you’ll see how Genesis and Job lay the foundation for much of what we will read in the rest of the Bible by starting…
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I truly believe that getting to know your Bible well by reading it in Chronological Order is THE MOST important thing you can do in the coming year and every year, not only for yourself, but for those you care for in your small groups, classes, or other ministry groups. However, even though I feel deeply about this and have created many resources f…
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We need a GPS, a global positioning system to help us live a life that pleases God. A GPS in our car or phone can give us directions because it is linked to a system of satellites orbiting the earth that can pinpoint where we are within 1 centimeter of accuracy. We might be lost or not know how to get from place to place where we are on earth. But …
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We may not think of Psalms as a book of the Bible about discipleship, but in reality, it is one of the most instructive books in the Bible to help us follow Jesus in all areas of life, which is the essence of being a disciple. Dallas Willard described discipleship in this way, We need to be clear in our heads about what discipleship is. My definiti…
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On the Bible805 Bible Reading Schedule we are going through the Bible in Chronological order. You’ll notice that along with the longer passage each day is a Psalm or a chapter in Proverbs. In this short lesson, I’d like to take a few minutes to explain why we’re doing this. I’ll first explain how we are organizing the books of history and the proph…
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