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Meaningful Ideas on the Parsha

Yaakov Meltzer

A 9 minutes or less shiur on the Parsha, grounded in Chazal and the Rishonim. Goal is to show how the parsha speaks directly to our lives today. Strive to be simple enough for the busy layman, yet deep enough for the advanced Talmid Chacham at the same time. Podcast is available on all the major platforms. Call in options: 712-432-3491 (US) or 079-574-2029(IL). Rabbi Yaakov Meltzer is a Talmid of Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim. He has a Semicha from Rav Moshe Heinemann, and an MS in Special Education ...
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show series
We come to judgement day this year on the heels of a complicated year. One of the lessons we see from the differences in the Hamas attack versus the Iran attacks is Hashem's complete control over the world. How can we use it to humble ourselves and focus on His Kingship before the Yom Hadin? Wishing you a K'sivah V'chasimah Tovah and a meaningful a…
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As we approach Rosh Hashana we need to be focused on Teshuva and self-growth. Some insights from Rabbeinu Yona and the Ramban on the Siyatah Dishmaya Hashem provides us when we try to tap into our innate goodness and do Teshuva. Thank you for being a listener again this past year. Appreciate your support. Have a K'Sivah V'chasimah Tovah and a good …
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It's an honor to have my good friend Avi Friedman on the podcast. Avi runs his own time management coaching business called Managed Minds, and has learned a great deal about truly living with Bitachon from his experience with entrepreneurship and the lack of a set paycheck. Hope you enjoy his insights. Have a good Shabbos.…
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Elul is a time to focus on the fundamentals. The Mishna in Avos says the world stands on judgement, truth and peace. Chazal learn important fundamentals in all three areas from the third pasuk in the Parsha. Have a Ksivah Vchasimah Tovah and a wonderful Shabbos
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In this week's parsha, we have a Mitzvah to thank Hashem for the good in our lives. We also have a Mitzvah to realize all our challenges in life come from a loving Father. An exploration of how Rabbeinu Yona connects these two Mitzvos. Have a wonderful Shabbos
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Found a beautiful idea in the Midrash Raba about why Moshe is buried in Chutz Laaretz and how it helps us in the current Galus. How it really is for our benefit, and a sign of the love Moshe had for the Jewish people. Hope you enjoy, always appreciate any questions or feedback. Have a great Shabbos.
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When we went to fight Midian, we sent 12,000 to fight, 12,000 to guard the supplies, and 12,000 to daven. Why did we need to bring 12,000 soldiers to daven on the battlefield, why couldn't they daven in shul? An idea from Rav Yechezkel Levenstein on one of the fundamentals of prayer. Have a wonderful Shabbos…
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Chazal tells us people were critical of Pinchas for killing the Nasi of Shevet Shimon for his immoral behavior. With all the miracles that took place, how could they have been critical of Pinchas? An approach from Rav Yechezkel Levenstein on the importance of analyzing and working on our Middos. Have a good Shabbos…
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This Friday of Parshas Chukas has been proclaimed as a day of Tefilah regarding Gezairos against the Torah, and historically it has been a day of fasting for the 24 cartloads of Sefarim burned in France. An explanation from Rav Simcha Zissel Broide why we have a special significance tied to the Friday of this week, and how the day of a Parsha has a…
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The error of the Meraglim can in part be attributed to a lack in Bitachon that Hashem would help them conquer Eretz Yisrael. Should we be worried that our flaws will prevent Hashem from helping us at times? Does Bitachon dictate being an optimist who expects the best, or just that we learn to roll with the punches knowing He is in charge? Built upo…
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Why does the Torah repeat the offerings of the 12 Nesiim at length, if it seems to be repetition of the same Karbanos? An approach of Rav Henoch Leibowitz Zt'l, to how and why they found a way to express the individuality and uniqueness of each Shevet, while at the same time allowing for uniformity among all the Shevatim. Have a good Shabbos…
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Shavuos is a day when we try to grow in Torah, and appreciate how it can transform out lives. A small tribute to my Rebbe Zt"l who personified this, and two unique insights I gained from him about the Torah and the human mind.Have a Chag Kasher V'sameach
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Bechukosai is a Parsha where we talk about the importance of working in Torah and developing a life of connection with the Torah. A surprising connection the Sefer HaChinuch makes to Maasar Behaimah, and what we hope to gain from Yerushalayim. Have a good Shabbos
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Making a Kiddush Hashem and avoiding Chillul Hashem are from the most fundamental Mitzvos we have. The more we represent Hashem and His Torah, as individuals and as a people, the greater our responsibility in this area. Discussion about our responsibilities and our potential for greatness in this area. Have a Wonderful Shabbos.…
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The Kohen Gadol only wears white in the Kodesh Kedoshim and not gold, so as not to invoke the memory of the Chet Haegel. So why does he wear gold during the rest of the Yom Kippur service? Differences in how to speak to our fellow Jews, and how we speak about them before Hakadosh Baruch Hu. Have a good Shabbos…
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On Shevii Shel Pesach we focus on Kriyas Yam Suf, which is mainly about the justice brought upon the Mitzriyiim. This shiur focuses on their appreciation of the individuality of the judgement on different Mitrzriyiim, according to their levels, and what teaches us about Hashem's Hasgacha. Nothing is insignificant before Hashem. Have a Chag Kasher V…
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The Seder is one of the foundational elements of building and conveying our Emunah. The more we feel the world is custom made for us, and that what Hashem does to us is personally crafted, the more we can give over that approach to Yetzias Mitzrayim and to our current world. How the Alter of Slobodka brought this out from Yetzias Mitzrayim, how the…
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Chazal say one of the reasons the Metzora goes around calling out that he is Tamei, is so others should daven for him. The Chofetz Chaim explores how this is not simply because he needs help healing, but also because it helps heal him from what causes him to speak Lashon Hara. Some thoughts on how we can build bridges with each other and thereby gu…
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When they inaugurated the Mishkan and did the Avodah on the eighth day, initially the Shechina did not descend upon the Mishkan. Rashi says Aharon Hakohen immediately put the blame upon himself, that Hashem must be upset with Him. Some lessons in taking ownership for what goes on in the world. Have a good Shabbos…
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The Torah says the Chatas is shechted in the same place as the Olah. Chazal explain it's to protect the sinner, that it shouldn't be clear to all that he is bringing a Chatas. Some lessons in how sensitive we have to be about potentially embarrassing others.Have a good Shabbos.
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Why do we bring Karbanos, and what we can learn from them? Why are they one of the three pillars of the world, what can they teach us? Rabbeinu Bechayai and the Chinuch connect it to Kaparah and how it can bring us to Teshuva. The Rosh connects it to keeping us in a good place emotionally and not losing hope.…
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What did Purim teach us about the way Hashem runs the world in times of concealment? How did Haman convince all the nations to agree to kill the Jews? Why did Purim lead to a new reacceptance of the Torah? Understanding the Chiddush of Purim, and why this salvation was worthy of a new Holiday.A Freilichen Purim…
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The Seforno explores four components involved in the construction of the Mishkan that ensured it would last eternally. Some thoughts on the importance if doing things right, and how it affects the holiness and long term impact of the mitzvos we do.Have a good Shabbos
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It's an honor to share with you a special guest lecture by my good friend Rabbi Baruch Gore. Chazal learn the Issur to carry on Shabbos from this weeks parsha, so it's an appropriate week to share an idea on the topic. Rabbi Gore is the founder of the National Eruv Initiative and works to improve the quality of Eruvin across the country. You can le…
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Moshe assembled all the people and taught them about Shabbos and about donating to and building the Mishkan. Why were the instructions about the Mishkan preceded by instructing us about Shabbos? What is the connection between the relationship we have with Hashem through Shabbos, and the relationship we have through the Mishkan? Have a wonderful Sha…
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Chazal teach us that Moshe and the Avos were blessed with tremendous wealth. Yet they also teach us about the dangers of excess wealth, and how it helped lead to the downfall of Korach and Haman, and helped bring about the Chet Haegel. Is wealth a Bracha or a danger? Some perspectives on the double edged sword of money.Have a good Shabbos.…
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Chazal tell us the cedar trees they used to build the Mishkan were originally planted by Avraham Avinu, and transplanted to Mitzrayim by Yaakov Avinu. Why did we need wood that connected us to the Avos, and what can it teach us about hoping for the Geulah?Have a good Shabbos
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Someone broke into a car, found a passed out child in the back and saved their life. Someone else crashed into a car, caused the other party to miss their flight, which ended up crashing into the sea. Is the Mazik obligated to pay in those cases, or does the good result patur him? Some interesting examples in the Torah's wisdom in Dinei Mishpat.Hav…
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Chazal say Pharaoh worked to ignore all the good Yosef had done for him, and it led to his denying Hashem. How does being a Kafui Tov lead to one being a Kofer? Can succumbing to the Yetzer Hara really take us down in such a dangerous downard spiral?Some ideas in the self-destructive nature of middas raos.…
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In our introduction to Moshe Rabeinu, basically all the Torah tells us about the first 80 years of his life is that he was Noseh B'ol with others. Why was this Middah his biggest zechus to become the leader of the Jewish people? How does it differ from empathy and kindness? A little longer this week as I added a small message in honor of the Mashgi…
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Yaakov Avinu's brachos to Yissachar and Zevulun reference the partnership they have between them. Is Yissachar giving up a portion of his learning, can one buy another's zechusim? What about selling one's aveiros? Some insights into how one can gain a share inthe zechusim of another, and the greatness of supporting Torah.Hope you enjoy. Feel free t…
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At the end of Parshas Miketz, the brothers are submissive with Yosef and prepared to stay as his slaves. However, at the beginning of Vayigash, Yehuda is threatening Yosef with war and destruction if he tries to keep Binyamin. What caused the change in approach? An approach based on the Ohr Hachaim, Lev Eliyahu, and the Kovetz Hearos to the topic o…
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Chazal tell us that Hashem often prevents Tzaddikim from suffering for more than 3 days. Fascinating applications Chazal make to Yosef's brothers going to jail, Yonah, Matan Torah, and the Akeidah.May this week's Dvar Torah be a zechus for a Refuah Shelaimah for Eitan ben Batsheva Yahalomi, among the rest of the Shevuyim.Have a good Shabbos…
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Chazal tell us Hashem caused Yehuda to give birth to the ancestor ofMashiach before they even went down to Mitzrayim. Why was that neccessary at this time? Some insights into the light of Hashgacha Pratis Hashem provides even in times of darkness.Have a good Shabbos and a Freilichen Chanukah.
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The Torah tells us of all the kindness Yaakov provided for the city of Shechem, and how they then abducted and abused Dinah. Some thoughts on those who only seek to harm us, and how to approach them. May this Dvar Torah be a zechus for Erez and Sohar Kalderon, and Yagil and Or Yaakov, to have a full Refuah Shelaima, together with the other released…
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