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The Hybrid Podcast

The Hybrid Podcast

Hosted by Michigan natives Noah Kole and Nathan Wahr, The Hybrid Podcast focuses on all the big storylines each week throughout a number of sports. From football to golf, nothing is off limits as Kole and Wahr analyze and break down what's new and happening with an unbiased lens. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/Hybridpodcast/support
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Independent news and stories from SBS Audio, connecting you to life in Australia and German-speaking Australians. - Nachrichten und Geschichten aus unserer deutschsprachigen Community in Australien, in deutscher Sprache.
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London, die Weltstadt in der Träume wahr werden und zerbrechen! Die britische Hauptstadt zieht jedes Jahr Millionen von Menschen an, Touristinnen, Abenteurer, Party people, Geschäftsleute und Geflüchtete. 20‘000 Schweizer:innen leben in der 10-Millionen-Metropole. Wie ist das eigentlich, wenn man hier nicht nur kurz auf Besuch ist, sondern den ganz normalen Alltag lebt? Carla Maurer, Pfarrerin an der Schweizer Kirche in London, ist vor zehn Jahren mit einem grossen Koffer in Gatwick gelandet ...
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The Swiss crime series Wilder is currently showing on SBS on Demand. It shows sides of idyllic Switzerland that we don't necessarily see otherwise. Pierre Monnard directed the first two seasons and talks to us about tricky shoots in the snow and about the real criminal cases behind the individual seasons. - Die schweizerische Krimiserie Wilder ist …
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Queensland's Liberal National party has claimed a narrow victory in the state election this weekend, ending nearly a decade of Labor power in the state. A record number of Queenslanders participated in the voting, with abortion, housing and youth crime the focus of the election. - Die Liberal National Party hat in Queensland bei den Wahlen am Woche…
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The first German Week is currently taking place in Canberra and, as in Adelaide, Brisbane or Melbourne, the event also seems to be a complete success in the capital. A central meeting point for the festivities is the Harmonie Club Canberra, which opened its doors in 1964 and has changed over time. There is a big Oktoberfest on the club grounds toda…
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There is still no priestly ordination for women in the Catholic and Orthodox Church. In the Protestant Church, however, the spiritual office is open to both women and men - at least in Germany. However, this has not been the case in Australia so far and this has led to tensions with the German Evangelical Lutheran church in that country. Hopefully …
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Concerns about “suicide tourism” have reignited in Switzerland after a US citizen died for the first time in the Alpine state in a specially constructed suicide capsule by Australian physician Dr. Philip Nitschke. Afterwards, there were arrests and the incident is heavily debated. Benjamin Kanthak and Barbara Barkhausen are discussing what is behin…
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Elections were held in Moldova last weekend. Moldovans voted on joining the EU and their new president. Both were confirmed by a slight margin. Now, there are allegations of election fraud from various sources. - In Moldau haben am vergangenen Wochenende Wahlen stattgefunden. Abgestimmt wurde zum Einen über einen EU-Eintritt, gleichzeitig fand die …
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EU-Kommission will den Fischfang in der Ostsee weiter einschränken / Treffen der Brics-Staaten in Russland / Statue von Königin Victoria in Sydney mit roter Farbe beschädigt / Israelisches Militär verteidigt weitere Ziele in Beirut anzugreifen / Opfer der schlimmsten Umweltkatastrophe Brasiliens verklagen BHP am High Court in London auf geschätzte …
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German is considered a difficult language. So is it worth the effort to learn the language at all? There will be answers to these questions on Friday, October 25 at German Careers Day in Melbourne. Universities, companies and the Goethe-Institut are setting up career opportunities using the German language. We spoke to two of the organizers. - Deut…
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Australia is preparing for a bushfire season this summer, as the nation still recalls the horrors of the Black Summer bushfires in 2019 and 2020. Emergency authorities are encouraging people to remain vigilant and stay across local weather and disaster warnings. - Australien erinnert sich noch mit Schrecken an die Buschbrände des “Black Summers” vo…
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It's not just scientists who work in Antarctica. A post office must also be operated and the local penguins must be monitored. Filling these two positions on the loneliest and most misanthropic continent on Earth is always a challenge. - In der Antarktis arbeiten nicht nur Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler. Auch ein Postamt muss betrieben un…
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The Oktoberfest season is in full swing. All over Australia, people celebrate Bavarian culture with beer, pretzels and lederhosen until the end of the month. But the original folk festival broke up days ago. Why is it called Oktoberfest when it actually takes place in September? And what is the origin of the biggest folk festival in the world? We h…
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Rooted in the Ruhr area, but globally positioned. Football club Borussia Dortmund is looking for connections and partners in Australia. This task is in the hands of Julia Farr, Head of Asia Pacific for New Business Development. The former soccer player and trainer talks to Wolfgang Müller during a visit to Sydney. - Im Ruhrpott verwurzelt, aber glo…
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Many families in Australia have German roots that go back generations. But how and where can you find out where the ancestors came from? Katharina Lösche was at an exciting seminar at the National Archives of Australia (NAA), which focused on the history of German immigrants in Australia. She has learned how to easily search online for passenger li…
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If you are looking for entertainment in Canberra on the weekend, a visit to the many German Week events is recommended. Gabriele Matanovic is the co-coordinator of Deutsche Woche and she says that an army of volunteers worked for months to get this German Week off the ground. - Wer am Wochenende in Canberra Unterhaltung sucht, dem sei ein Besuch de…
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How does birth trauma occur and how can it be prevented? The freelance midwife Miriam Bufe helps expectant mothers to be more effective before and during childbirth. She shared her professional experience with us and talked about the importance of continuous pregnancy care. - Wie entstehen Geburtstraumata und wie können sie verhindert werden? Die f…
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As Oktoberfest in Munich comes to an end, the season in Australia is reaching its peak. One man who benefits from this is musician Martin Zakharov. The trained classical clarinettist lived in Austria and Germany for many years, where he toured Europe with various folk music groups. Today, in his native Australia, he plays with folk music bands at O…
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Hans Bertram musste 1932 mit seinem Flugzeug vor der Nordwestküste Australiens notlanden. Seine Überlebensgeschichte ist dramatisch: Er wurde von Aborigines gerettet, doch sein Kopilot verlor während der Strapazen den Verstand. In dieser Episode erfahren Sie, wie Bertram diese schwierige Zeit überstand und welche Rolle die australische Wildnis dabe…
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The Oktoberfest season is booming in Australia, and events are being organized across the country to celebrate German tradition. In the Schofields district of Sydney, Oskar “Ossi” Zechner has been hosting a local Oktoberfest in his hunting lodge for years. In an interview, he talks about Australians' growing enthusiasm for Oktoberfest and gives ins…
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EU-Staaten warnen vor einem alarmierend hohen Niveau an Antisemitismus in Europa / Generaldirektor der Statistik Austria sieht aufgrund der anhaltenden Rezession und struktureller Probleme große Herausforderungen für die nächste Regierung Österreichs / Umfassendes Gleichstellungsgesetz des unabhängigen Abgeordneten Alex Greenwich wird voraussichtli…
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Last week, MPs and senators in Parliament read out letters from their youngest voters. The letters are part of a campaign to give children a voice in politics. More than 500 young people wrote to members of their constituency — and they had a lot to say. - Letzte Woche haben Abgeordnete und Senatoren im Parlament Briefe ihrer jüngsten Wähler verles…
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Europas Gewässer stehen weiterhin unter Druck / Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) erhält auf einer Geberkonferenz in Berlin Finanzzusagen von einer Milliarde Dollar / Ehemaliger Senator Guy Barnett zum neuen stellvertretenden Premier der liberalen Partei Tasmaniens gewählt / Neue Daten des Australian Council of Social Service zeigen Arbeitslosengel…
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From September to April, freshly caught carp is on the menu in Franconia. Pondkeeper Josef Dorsch explains why catching carp is such a dirty business and how best to prepare it for a delicious meal. - Von September bis April steht in Franken fangfrischer Karpfen auf der Speisekarte. Teichwirt Josef Dorsch erklärt, warum das Karpfen-Fangen so eine s…
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Melbourne can finally celebrate a German Week, with lots of culture, music, games and, of course, German food. Thanks to many tireless organizers and supporters, it will kick of on October 20th. Event Director Martin Brütsch and the coordinator of the Goethe Institute's cultural program, Gaby Urban provide information about the colorful program. - …
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Weitere Bemühungen für indigenes Mitspracherecht / Joe Biden kündigt neuen Termin für Staatsbesuch in Deutschland an / Lufthansa: Wirtschaftsstandort durch hohe Gebühren gefährdet / Canberra trifft Vorkehrungen zur Vogelgrippe / Mobilfunkstandard G3 wird abgeschaltet
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Are you seeking a truly impactful Australian travel experience? Whether you’re seeking wilderness, food, art or luxury, there are plenty of First Nations tourism adventure that you can explore, led by someone with 65,000 years of connection to this land. Not only will you deepen your experience, but you’ll help drive cultural and economic opportuni…
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Pretzels, beer and brass band music - Katharina Lösche reports on the opening of Oktoberfest from the German Club Brisbane. - Mitten aus dem Leben: Brezeln, Bier und Blasmusik - Katharina Loesche berichtet von der Eröffnung des Oktoberfest aus dem German Club Brisbane.
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The state elections in East Germany have changed the political landscape. Parties on the left and right sides of the political spectrum achieved unimagined majorities. After the public recovered from this political earthquake, work began to form governments and it became quiet. Now in October, it is still quiet and many are asking themselves: Where…
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The Victorian government has allocated 31 million dollars to implement a new strategy on eating disorders. In the last ten years, the prevalence of eating disorders among Australian adolescents has almost doubled. Experts believe that the pandemic and social media are responsible for this development. - Die Regierung von Victoria hat 31 Millionen D…
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If you are still looking for entertainment in Adelaide on Sunday, a concert with a rare combination of instruments is recommended. Harpsichord and guitar - played by two Australian - German artists who only give one concert in Australia. So a real rarity. Oliver Fartach-Naini is the duo's guitar player. He reports on what is being heard at the conc…
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Rupert Murdoch is one of the most successful media executives in the world. With his 'propaganda machine' Fox News he helped Donald Trump succeed in his career as US president. Benjamin Kanthak and Barbara Barkhausen explain how. - Rupert Murdoch ist einer der erfolgreichsten Medienunternehmer der Welt. Mit seiner "Propaganda-Maschine" hat er auch …
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Nowadays, having a credit card in your pocket is a matter of course. Without a credit card, you can no longer shop in many stores today, because cash is no longer accepted in many places. That was completely different 50 years ago. Credit cards were almost unknown and only reserved for a small, really rich clientele. The former Labor government wan…
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Bernhardt Holtermann, ein Goldgräber aus Hamburg, erlangte Berühmtheit, als er 1872 das größte Goldnugget in der Geschichte Australiens fand. Diese Episode erzählt die Geschichte eines Mannes, der nicht nur durch seinen Glücksfund, sondern auch durch seine Fotografien der Goldrausch-Zeit Spuren in der Geschichte hinterließ. Ein Gespräch mit dem Aut…
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At first glance, Sydney Harbour looks breathtakingly beautiful. But the fantastic backdrop is deceptive: Climate change and urbanization have destroyed the habitat of several marine animals below the water surface. Scientists are now taking up the fight with the help of seagrass and seahorses. - Auf den ersten Blick wirkt der Hafen von Sydney atemb…
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Deutsches Bundesverteidigungsministerium plant weitere Ukraine-Hilfen im Umfang von 1,4 Milliarden Euro / Vor dem fünften Jahrestag des Anschlags auf die Synagoge in Halle ruft Bundesinnenministerin Faeser zum entschlossenen Kampf gegen Rechtsextremismus und Antisemitismus auf / Österreichs Finanzminister Brunner betont auch Österreich sei von der …
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Matthias Miersch soll neuer SPD Generalsekretär werden / Zahl der Rentner die in Deutschland auf Sozialhilfe angewiesen sind auf Höchststand / Älteste bekannter Baum Österreichs vor vermeintlichem Lebensende / ESA-Sonde "Hera" soll Asteroiden erreichen und untersuchen / Laut Flüchtlingsagentur der Vereinten Nationen kehren vertriebene Syrer*innen n…
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The GDR would have been 75 years old on October 7. How should we remember the GDR? Should we talk about the injustice and the many border deaths or should we talk about it with a good dose of Ostalgia? We spoke to Günter Wetzel. He fled the GDR in 1979 in a self-built hot air balloon and is now traveling all over Germany as a contemporary witness. …
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Australia is facing biodiversity risks, prompting industry and environmental leaders to take action. A world-first Global Nature Positive Summit will address urgent need for nature protection and restoration. The federal government has re-affirmed its commitment to collaborate with all sectors in tackling biodiversity loss. - Australiens biologisch…
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The English children's theatre Platypus in Berlin is an institution. Now, after 40 years, it is in new hands, and once again it is an Australian-German couple who are bringing plays to the stage. In an interview, Rachael Pattison explains what it takes to take over a theatre with such a long tradition. - Das englische Kindertheater Platypus in Berl…
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Johann Menge, ein Mineraloge aus Hessen, erkannte als einer der ersten den Reichtum an Kupfervorkommen in den Adelaide Hills. Gleichzeitig empfahl er den Weinanbau im Barossa Valley. Trotz seiner Erfolge versuchten Neider, vor allem aus der Viehzucht, seine Arbeiten zu unterdrücken. Erfahren Sie, wie Menge mit seinen Entdeckungen Südaustraliens Wir…
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October in Australia has almost a German twist. Not only are German Unity Day celebrations taking place, but German Weeks are also being held in several cities. Brisbane is the start. Katharina Lösche reports. - Der Oktober in Australien hat fast schon einen deutschen Anstrich. Nicht nur finden Feierlichkeiten zum Tag der Deutschen Einheit statt, s…
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The World Health Organization has once again declared the mpox outbreak a public health emergency of international concern as the virus continues to spread rapidly, particularly throughout Africa but also in other parts of the world. Lidia Cortina has taken a closer look at the monkeypox virus. - Das Mpox-Virus breitet sich vor allem in Afrika weit…
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What do the US presidential candidate Kamala Harris and the former Prime Minister of New Zealand have in common? Benjamin Kanthak and Barbara Barkhausen explain. - Kamala-Mania: So wird der Hype um die US-amerikanische Präsidentschaftskandidatin Kamala Harris bezeichnet. Dabei fallen einige Ähnlichkeiten mit Jacinda Ardern, der ehemaligen Premiermi…
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It has never been easy for marginalized groups. This is also and particularly true for transgender people. As early as during the Weimar Republic, some scientists and doctors wanted to do something about this. They built important networks and support for transgender people. And over the years, these networks spanned the entire world. An exhibition…
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Israel setzt Bodenoffensive im Libanon fort / Israel erklärt UN-Generalsekretär Guterres zur unerwünschten Person / NSW Polizei beantragt Verbot propalästinensischer Veranstaltungen / Payman will eigene Partei gründen / Ukrainisches Militär zieht sich aus Wuhledar zurück / Zürich: Messerattacke auf Kinder…
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Promotional work on organ donation, which not only saves many seriously ill people from certain death but also offers an opportunity to live an active and fulfilling life, is currently the focus of the Australian Transplant Games in Canberra. Among the participants is Emily Kessler-Dawson from Dresden, who is only 8 years old. She lives with a dona…
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Carl Rasp, ein mysteriöser Einwanderer, der behauptete, aus Cannstatt zu stammen, steht am Anfang der Erfolgsgeschichte des Bergbau-Riesen BHP. Trotz Unklarheiten über seine wahre Identität ist sicher, dass er ein ausgezeichneter Geologe war. Mit einem geschulten Blick erkannte er das immense Potenzial der Mineralien und Formationen rund um Broken …
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