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ABOUT PASTOR WICKWIRE Jeff Wickwire is an author and radio teacher and has served in ministry for over 40 years. Jeff was saved as a teenager in a juvenile detention center and has passionately followed God. He founded HARDWIRED radio, which can be heard in over 120 countries worldwide. He also founded Turning Point Church of Fort Worth, TX, and currently serves as the Senior Pastor.
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show series
The whole point of the Sermon on the Mount was for Jesus to show the people listening to Him how they could live a life that was pleasing to God, and how they needed a Savior to rescue them from the punishment of death and sin. When you build your life on the teachings of Jesus, you can withstand the storms and the struggles that the world will use…
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The day is coming when every person who has ever lived will stand before God to give an account of how they lived their life on Earth. Unfortunately, there are many who will point to their accomplishments and faithfulness as their reason why they should be allowed into Heaven, instead of acknowledging that the only thing that can buy their salvatio…
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When you look at a famous Christian teacher on social media, what is their content primarily focused on? Pastor Jeff wants you to be aware of false prophets because, in this day, there are countless people trying to make a career by telling people how God wants them to live, without backing up their claims in Scripture. Instead, you should be looki…
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The world is full of people trying to show you how their way of life is the ultimate key to happiness. Fitness instructors, self-help gurus, and financial wizards, all seem to have the secret sauce to happiness. Well, Pastor Jeff teaches you today that trying to live your life by what any human being tells you will result in you going through the w…
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What happens when you know that you need to move on? When you know that your life is being pulled in another direction, how do you respond? Today in his message, Pastor Jeff wants you to know that change is never easy, but changing for God’s plan will be the best decision you ever made. No matter how improbable or implausible His plan may seem, it’…
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When’s the last time you truly progressed in your faith? For some, maybe it was earlier today, for others, maybe it’s never happened. Today, Pastor Jeff wants you to know that no matter where you stand in your faith, you should always be striving to move forward. The longer stay in one place, the further from the heart of God you’ll be. The Holy Sp…
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How hard have you had to persevere for things in life? Everyone has had to endure a tough season at one time or another, and the only way they made it through is by holding on and persevering. Pastor Jeff reminds you today to stay persistent when asking the Lord for the things you need. God is a loving Father, but He also wants to build you up and …
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Sin is a disease that has infected all of mankind, but it’s easy to point out the sin in other people’s lives without addressing what is going on in our own hearts. Pastor Jeff reminds us today that while it is important to be able to call out sinful behavior in those around us, we need to reflect on the sin in our own lives and confess it to the L…
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It is extremely difficult to go through life without judging. It is basic human instinct to want to compare yourself to someone else, to find ways where you are living your life better than they are. However, Pastor Jeff teaches today that God has called you to use those instincts for the good of mankind. Instead of just judging people in order to …
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Worry is a tricky thing to deal with. It really is another word for fear, because, in the end, you worry about something because you fear the outcome that it may have in your life. You worry about finances because you fear poverty, you worry about your relationships because you fear loneliness. But Pastor Jeff reminds you today to not worry about t…
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The heart is kind of like a compass, it points you in the direction you most desire to go in. That’s why Pastor Jeff teaches that it is important to set your heart on the treasures of Heaven because your feet will follow where your heart wants to go. Your actions will always be a reflection of your priorities. Even if you are able to act against yo…
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Have you ever been conflicted with the direction of your life? Have you ever thought that you had it all figured out, only for God to throw a wrench in your plans? Today in his message, Pastor Jeff reassures you of the blessings that come with choosing God’s plan. Even if it seems reckless and doesn’t make sense, God’s way will always be the best w…
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Are you disillusioned by your past? Are you living a life full of shame and regret because you can’t seem to get the monkey off your back? In today’s message, Pastor Jeff wants you to know that if you want to blossom into the best version of yourself, you need to let God take your hand. When you put Him behind the wheel, He’ll do nothing but allevi…
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There are many philanthropists in the world who give large amounts of money to good causes, but many of them attach their names to their efforts to gain attention from it. Pastor Jeff teaches you today that you shouldn’t do good works just to gain earthly glory from them because that glory is only temporary. Instead, you should seek to bring glory …
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When you do good things, who are you seeking to please? Pastor Jeff points out how the Pharisees used to make grand gestures with their prayer, fasting, and giving in order to look good in front of people, but Jesus warned that their reward wouldn’t matter in Heaven. Rather, do what you do to bring glory and honor to God, and see how He can reward …
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Have you ever wished your enemies would just drop dead? Wouldn’t it be better if they just ceased to give you trouble, and went away forever? Well, Pastor Jeff reminds you today that you are called to have mercy on those who wish to harm you. After all, they are also God’s children, who need to hear the message of the Gospel and be reconciled with …
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Do you know someone who knows exactly what buttons to press to make you angry? It can be someone close to you, or someone you barely know, but either way, they have this inexplicable power to ruin your day. Well, Pastor Jeff shows you today how Jesus has called you to resist the urge to get mad when someone insults you. It may take all of the stren…
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Divorce is a terrible thing for anyone to go through, regardless of who was or wasn’t at fault. Pastor Jeff shares his own testimony regarding divorce in today’s message but also shares that there is hope for those who have gone through the painful process. God loves you unconditionally, and as His child, there is nothing you can do to make Him lov…
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Life is a race. Whether you want to admit it or not, life is simply a matter of getting to the finish line. When we get to this finish, what’s the point of putting in the work? If we simply pass away and get buried in the ground, what’s the point? Today in his message, Pastor Jeff wants you to know that you need to remain steadfast in finishing the…
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In your faith journey, how do you approach God’s Word? Is it just an old book that you pick wisdom from? Or is it a blueprint for how you approach the trials of this world? In today’s message, Pastor Jeff wants you to know that if you want to blossom into the person that you know you can be through Jesus, you need to start the Bible. The lies of th…
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If you go to a garden supply store, you’ll see aisles and aisles of products meant to provide better soil for your plants. That’s because you can’t grow healthy and strong plants without the nutrients they need to grow. In today’s message, Pastor Jeff reveals how the Sermon on the Mount is meant to put good soil in your heart so that as you grow in…
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Exchanging one thing for another is the backbone of human society. You usually need to offer something of equal value to purchase something from someone else. But salvation is something that you cannot hope to buy on your own, you need someone else to buy it for you. Pastor Jeff reminds you today that God did that exact thing by sending Jesus to be…
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Everything around you is turning to dust. The laws of physics say that things can’t go from disorder to order, instead, they go from order to disorder, and that’s exactly what happens with the human race as well. The longer you go without God, the more disordered your life becomes. Well, Pastor Jeff teaches today that Jesus has empowered you to be …
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If you have ever competed in sports at a high level, you know the amount of dedication and discipline it takes to win. Athletes will spend years practicing the fundamentals of their sport, often with strict workout and eating regimens implemented by their coaches. Well, Pastor Jeff teaches you today that God is the ultimate spiritual coach. He is t…
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All believers will go through difficult challenges as part of their walk with Christ. You were never promised an easy path through life, but you were promised eternal life at the end of it! Pastor Jeff reminds you today that the Christian walk isn’t about avoiding difficult trials, it’s about how you respond to them. You have the option to complain…
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When you’re tempted, what is your defense? When Satan attacks you, how do you stand firm in God’s promises? Today in his message, Pastor Jeff reminds you that when you’re facing difficult trials and feel like giving up, never forget who will never leave your side—Jesus. You should never feel alone in your mistakes. Everyone has issues that resurfac…
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In your faith journey, have you ever been impatient with God? Have you ever had an idea for the plans for your life and tried to take matters into your own hands? Today in his message, Pastor Jeff wants you to know that you’ll never be able to beat God’s timing. No matter how well you think you have it all figured out, God will always have the best…
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Have you ever watched how Olympic sprinters run their races? They keep their eyes laser-focused on the finish line. They don’t look to their left or right, because those distractions will hold them back from their peak performance. Pastor Jeff teaches you today that the only way you can endure the trials of the world is if you keep your spiritual e…
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Have you ever tried to walk the wrong way on an escalator? Or tried to paddle a kayak upstream? It takes so much extra work to make progress, that it’s tempting to just give up and go where the stairs or the current is taking you. This is a lot like life, where Pastor Jeff shows you today that following God isn’t always going to be an easy journey.…
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Isn’t it hard to let go of something that God has blessed you with? Even if you know there’s something better around the corner, it’s easy to hold on to the security of what you already have instead of reaching for what’s new. But Pastor Jeff teaches that Moses had to do this exact thing to follow after God: he had to let go of his earthly position…
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God’s providence is an invisible force that is always working behind the scenes in your life. You can’t always see, hear, or feel it working, but God is working nonetheless. Pastor Jeff teaches you today about how God was working in Moses’ favor even as an infant, guiding the basket containing baby Moses down the Nile river until it was encountered…
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Because of the fallen nature of humanity, all of us have been corrupted by sin and deserve death. The only way to avert God’s wrath is for someone else to bear it in our place. But Pastor Jeff reminds you that just like when God made a way for Abraham to sacrifice a ram in the place of his son, Isaac, He has also made a way for a sacrifice to be ma…
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It’s easy to think that it was easy for Jesus on the cross. Whether you believe He truly is the Son of God or whether He’s just another holy man, the importance of the cross easily gets diminished. Today, Pastor Jeff reminds you to never forget the importance of Jesus’ sacrifice. When He freely gave His life, it wasn’t easy. When Jesus sweat blood …
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Do you ever take matters into your own hands? Even when you know God’s plans, do you ever try to move things along by your own might? Today, Pastor Jeff reminds you that no matter how well you think you have it all together, God’s plan will always serve to bless you the most. The more you exercise patience and let God do his thing, the closer you’l…
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What happens when you stop watering a plant? For most plants, they will start to wither and die without a source of water in their soil. And just like a plant, your faith can wither or die if it’s not fed by an external source. But Abraham learned to feed his faith not through material blessings, but instead through the presence of God. Pastor Jeff…
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Are you good at walking backward? Very few people are able to walk as quickly backward as they are forwards, and there is more danger of tripping and falling since you don’t have eyes in the back of your head. But Pastor Jeff teaches you today that there are many people who follow God while walking backward, they are just focused on what they have …
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Abraham is one of the best examples of faith in God that you could hope to follow. In today’s message, you’ll learn from Pastor Jeff about how Abraham gave up his life of comfort in his homeland to follow the new promises that God had given him. Although he didn’t know what the next several steps would entail, he trusted in the Lord to lead him to …
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Have you ever been on an airplane and had to listen to the flight safety briefing? Even for a short, regional flight, you need to know where the life preservers and oxygen masks are located in case of an emergency. Well, Pastor Jeff teaches you today about how God used Noah to build the ultimate rescue device, the Ark. God told Noah to build a larg…
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The great thing about Abel’s faith was that he recognized the significance of the shedding of blood. He recognized that sin had consequences and that the atonement of sin required a sacrifice. Pastor Jeff wants you to know today that from the dawn of history, mankind has carried the burden of the consequences of sin and that sacrifice is required. …
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It’s safe to say that we’ve all drifted into sin at one time or another. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been a Christian for thirty seconds or thirty years, Satan’s temptations never cease. In today’s message, Pastor Jeff wants you to know that it’s impossible to be perfect and all you need to do is seek God’s grace. His mercies are boundless and your…
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We all face defeat. It doesn’t matter the amount of wins that we have, losing to our flesh stings worse and worse every time. Today in his message, Pastor Jeff wants you to know that if you want to buck the trend and live a life set apart from the pain of this world, give your heart to Jesus. There’s nothing that you have to do except simply accept…
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When we get confused about what course of action to take, it can feel like the road ahead is cloudy and uncertain. But Pastor Jeff reminds us today that if we take the time to pray for guidance from the Lord, He will begin to remove the doubt and the possibilities that we’re not meant to pursue. Eventually, He will make the correct path forward cle…
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Have you ever been stuck in traffic without knowing what caused the holdup? Maybe there is an accident up ahead, or a school bus dropping children off in their neighborhood. It can be easy to get impatient and frustrated, but you can also choose to be patient and trust that you will be on your way again soon. Pastor Jeff teaches you today that Jesu…
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The easiest way to know you are following God’s path for your life is when you see the obstacles in front of you fall away as if they were nothing. See, God isn’t just guiding your steps, He is also clearing the way ahead, like the leader of an expedition cuts away heavy brush with a machete. Pastor Jeff reminds you today that you can never venture…
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When was the last time you drove somewhere new without using GPS or a map? If you know the area well enough, you can usually find where you’re going pretty easily. But if you’re in a new region, you need a guidemap to tell you where to go. Pastor Jeff reminds you today that God has given you the ultimate guidemap: His Word. If you want to know wher…
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Life is full of decisions. Modern society has given you so many options that even a simple trip to the grocery store can be overwhelming as you choose from thousands of products to find the right ones for you and your family. You can take on all of life’s decisions on your own, and risk making some mistakes along the way, or you can trust in the Lo…
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Have you ever fallen from great heights? Have you ever been at the highest of highs in your life, only to see it all crumble away in an instant? Today, Pastor Jeff reminds you that while failure is unavoidable, there is a way to find hope no matter what storm you're facing: Jesus. If you want to be at the top of your game and remain the person you …
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When’s the last time you let God open your eyes to His Word? It’s one thing to spend time in the Bible, but it’s another thing entirely to fully open your eyes to His truths. Today in his message, Pastor Jeff wants you to know that if you want to step into the glorious purpose that God has for your life, you need to fully consume His Word. Don’t ta…
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Have you ever driven home on a foggy night? There are times when you can barely see ten feet in front of you, and you have to pull over for your own safety. Well, that’s how life works, too. You don’t know what is coming your way in the next few minutes, much less the next few days or weeks. Pastor Jeff says that’s why it’s so important to trust Go…
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Are you a wise person who seeks God’s guidance before making a decision? Oftentimes the decisions we are faced with seem like we need to make a choice immediately. But Pastor Jeff wants us to know that it’s always a wise choice to ask the Lord and wait for His counsel. We may not always get a firm “yes” or “no”, but the Lord can prompt us through t…
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