Verrry Slowly सार्वजनिक
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1. Oklahoma tears a new one. 2. Apple avoiding taxes. But wait, is that a cute little dog I see!? 3. IRS accountability issues. 4. The Exorcist. 5. We must bomb Iraq for some reason. 6. Sex slaves are the new Sex slaves. 7. Cannes as troubled as Lindsay Lohan. and more.
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1. Seven people caught trespassing... terrorist! 2. Seattle man = U.S. Government. 3. Eric Holder. No comment. 4. Detroit mayor has enough. 5. IRS cannot contain it's excitement. 6. Obama too big. 7. Solar Flares speak truth. and more.
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1. The Cicada strikes back! 2. Rush Limbaugh is not faulty LOL. 3. The Chinese white/pink dolphin. Who knows!? 4. Foreign hackers plan attack. Note: Foreign. 5. California: Fire season a bitch. 6. Food stamps for pets. 7. Al Gore is rich. and more.
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1. Far OUT Golden Dawn party. 2. Obama, you're the devil. Cute~~. 3. Chinese Scientists create new strain of mutant influenza virus. 4. More China, with a bite of rat. 5. Fire. Fire! Ages away. 6. Defense department does stuff. 7. Ex-speaker, please stop speaking. and more.
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1. Obamacare: The consequential disaster. 2. Golden Dawn Greek only Soup Kitchen. 3. Al Jazeera Detroit. 4. 25th person dies from Chinese bird flu. 5. Google glass. 6. Philadelphia advertising rein. 7. Syria? Where art thou chemical might? and more.
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1. Massacre in Newtown, Connecticut... 2. Airplane news. 3. Chavez. You have been terminated (cancer). 4. Obama is cool about weed. Though war still be hip #YOLO. 5. Beiber castration plot. 6. The Chinese are doomsday CRAZY! 7. Midget porn breaks records. 8. Black + News = Views.
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1. France, you're an even more failed Venezuela. 2. Obama's do-or-die. 3. Lying is what Biden was built to do. 4. Amtrak, you're an even more failed France. 5. Mice sing. 6. Clinton takes responsibility for something that means nothing. 7. Sports enthusiasts disappointed by a lack of death.
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1. Muslims get angry outside Google HQ. Use Google maps to find way. 2. Man jumps. Real high. 3. Turkey and Syria. Seriously, cut it out. 4. Michelle Obama. You are the queen of disgrace. 5. Pension funds, severely lacking. Hooray! 6. People murdered in Chicago. Black people doing what they excel at. 7. To restore the balance. I'm Asian and my peni…
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1. Chinese Yuan at an all-time high. It's funny because it's true. 2. J.P. Morgan record profit. Wish he didn't die. 3. EU peace prize award. 4. Tim defends Obama. I no like either. 5. Glass dies. 6. No one cares about Joe Biden. 7. A couple more ill-timed jokes.
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1. Samantha: Romney's American Sweet-heart. Please say hello to the crew of Cheaters! 2. Meningitis is a real killer. 3. Washington could legalize weed. The Reade is officially immigrating. 4. Coke leaves Greece. Misinterpreted. 5. Carlos Fat is Carlos Rich. 6. Romney, meet religion. 7. Muslim brotherhood act like a bunch of Muslims.…
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1. Merkel: The deadly witch from up north. 2. Obama cries himself to sleep. 3. North Korea: Missile can reach U.S. LOL. 4. Central planning FAIL! 5. Man who plans crazy thing, does sane thing. 6. Michelle Obama: No politics. Only suckie, suckie. 7. AP. Even you put me to shame!…
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1. Romney dishes Obama some hurt in the polls. 2. Iran perhaps close to A-bomb, maybe, probably, certainly! 3. Chavez, that sly dog won. 4. NY times about time. 5. Market looks itself in the mirror. LOL jks. 6. Obama hit hard by his own performance. Go figure. 7. Twitter explodes.
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1. The Afghanistan war prolongs 12 long years. 2. 91 people infected by meningitis outbreak. 3. Biden vs Paul. Retard vs Model. 4. Californian gas goes woop-woop! 5. Snooooopdooooog. Slow down there, buddy. 6. NY air is very NY. 7. Lybia is a mess. 8. Venezuela. Elections. Chavez is fat. 9. Turkey (L) Syria. 10. $500 million in oil loans. 11. Israe…
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1. Romney, meet Obama... TALK! Y U NO TALK!? 2. Adele is fat. 3. Recorded late at night, moments before falling asleep. I can't tell you how out of it I am. All I wanted to do, is finish this sucker off and shoot myself in the head with a 12 guage shotgun: The world's most effective narcotic. Enjoy!
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1. Chinese road gridlock: Toll free madness. 2. Nuremberg racetrack bankruptcy: Greece lift Germany subsidy to build own. 3. Gold and Silver! 4. Misery. 5. Chavez: The Obama Chronicles. 6. Car sales europe bad. 7. Goldman GDP forecast down. 8. Americans hate Iran. 9. Tuition is a no-go.
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1. Spanish live webcast on 2013 Austerity budget. 2. Egan-Jones downgrades Spain from CC+ to CC. 3. Student loan Price. 4. U.S. Q2 GDP: 1.25%. 5. Durable goods orders: -13.2%. 6. Barclays opens Precious metals vault in London. 7. Bonds > Equity. Fidelity. 9. Berlusconi's grand plan. i.e. stupidity. 10. White House spin.…
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1. France to ban words "mother" and "father" for gay marriage. 2. Japan VS China. All I see is Asian man attacking his Shadow. 3. Clearly: Israel (L) Iran. 4. Facebook gaff, gets gaff. 5. Danish Sperm donor passes genetic disorder to 5 kids. Please don't tell the wife! 6. I can't take it Michelle! Give me back my North Korean dirt! 7. Obama is a so…
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1. ESM details leaked. 2. Spain is verging insanity. 3. US consumer confidence mirrors death of the middle class. 4. Fibonacci does it again! 5. 1/3rd of Athens businesses shutter. 6. TV ratings for a better future. 7. Italian correspondence to upper house charged over drug gang. 8. IMF! No!. 9. Juncker is Junckers. 10. Ryan Paul: Manipulative bast…
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1. Catalonia region faced with Spanish military threat. 2. Czech president: Europe over. 3. SAT scores hit low. 4. iPhone 5 sells 50% of expectation. 5. Greece lying over deficit. 6. Japan: Die Hard. 7. Foxconn roit. Me no Engrish. 8. No one cares for your stupid stock market! 9. Fake Gold/Tungsten bars discovered in Manhattan. 10. China surprise v…
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1. Greece Acharnes region suspends operations: No cash. 2. First Spanish bailout conditions. 3. South African gold miners in talks. 4. EU/IMF to delay report until after election. 5. Illinois prepare for federal bailout? 6. Gold baby! 7. Police kills protester on Government appointed holiday. 8. Apple success: Line waiters. 9. Romney 2011 tax filin…
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1. BOFA slash 16,000 workers. 2. U.S. household worth: breakdown. 3. U.S. recession imminent. 4. Chinese armada apparently false. 5. Reality hits Italy. 6. Greek Neo-Nazi party surge. 7. Obama's oil dilemma. 8. New York low income spend 25% on cigs. 9. Pawlenty has Pawlenty.
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1. Pakistani protester dies from flag burning. LOL. 2. Mexican prisoners on the run. Kill Pitbull. 3. Obama is a socialist. Duh. 4. Dark energy camera. Spooky. 5. Homeland security purchases 200 million bullets. 6. America is one fat bastard. 7. America is broke. 8. Russia 3000 years worth of diamonds discovered. 9. Chinese general warms of war. 10…
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1. China continues "We hate Japan" parade: economic sanctions, sends ships into Japanese territory. 2. U.S. Totalitarianism back from the dead. 3. Former MF Global head starts Hedge Fund. 4. Nigeria gets it. Bernanke doesn't. Fed paint innocent picture. 5. Goldbug: get wet. 6. BOJ consider more easing. 7. Median net worth declines. 8. South African…
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1. Why am I not wearing pants!? 2. CNN release photo of anti-Islam creator. 3. Netanyahu is Ya-hoo. 4. Professor forces Obama onto students. 5. India space mission to mars; 2013. 6. Surf Australia: drones save lives. 7. GM bites hand. 8. DC police racist. 9. Occupy Wall Street anniversary. 10. Istanbul bank center shines. 11. $7 million gold.…
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1. Soured trade relations between China and Japan: bad news. 2. Anti-American sentiment spreads to Pakistan, Afghanistan. 3. Apple shares to $700. 4. San Francisco Fed shoot itself in foot, Facebook poll. 5. Low print: 2009. Typical. 6. Irrational markets: rates can't rate. 7. Farage docked for insult. 8. Middle east crowded with American troops. 9…
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1. Chicago teacher's strike. The worst possible lesson. 2. Iran: Oil should be $150. America: Maybe you shouldn't have oil. 3. Lybia's president claims attack was pre-emptive. Lybia has a president? 4. Mystery murder solved after 55 years. My father's sperm feels a sense of justice. 5. Japan streamlines the Bukkake.…
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1. Anti-American sentiment spreads throughout Middle East. 2. Egan Jones downgrades U.S. to AA-. 3. Mortages 28bps from being safer than treasuries. I know. 4. U.S. decline. Spain bleeding from the inside. 5. Krugman: QE3 not enough. 6. Anti-American sentiment: take two! 7. Chinese Caterpillar dying. 8. Crude hits $100. 9. Marc Faber speaks truth.…
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1. QE 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Infinity. 2. IMF: Greece needs 3rd bailout. 3. NDAA detention clause permanently blocked. Win! 4. Jobless headline. 5. NY bans sugary drinks, more than 16 ounces. 6. $4 gas is an equity NO. 7. South African miners plan for national strike. 8. U.S. embassy protests spread across Middle East.…
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1. U.S Ambassador to Libya killed. 2. iPhone 5 hits the streets. 3. ESM ratified. 4. Bill Gross limits treasury exposure. 5. China not happy over Japanese island purchase. 6. Platium soars as South African miner strike takes over. 7. Fed joke. 8. Weak 10Y auction.
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1. U.S tax authorities award $104 million to UBS whistleblower. 2. House Speak Hoehner not confident on debt resolution. 3. 11 years on. Reality vs dissonance. 4. Entitlements up, jobs down. 5. Spain housing prices plumet. 6. Global protesting madness. 7. Chinese crude imports hit 2010 levels. 8. Fed 3Y auction love story. 9. America trade deficit …
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1. Obama executive order for cybersecurity. 2. Employment free 2016. 3. FBI arrest mayor of Trenton. 4. 51% admit they're American consumers. 5. Baltic dry index dries up. 6. Chevy volt stalls indefinitely. 7. 54% Germans 'nein' to ESM. 8. College degree burden. 9. $1 trillion of TARGET2 south extortion. 10. A statistic. 11. Extended last minute bu…
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