Barbershopera is a comedy, a capella musical troupe, who sing funny/silly songs in close harmony while telling silly/funny stories. So far we have three complete stage shows which have been performed in the UK and abroad, and one of which has been featured as the BBC Radio 4 Afternoon Play. On Soundcloud we are launching our brand new podcast, which features writer and performer Rob Castell, director Sarah Tipple and performers Lara Stubbs, Will Kenning and Pete Sorel-Cameron, and gives you ...
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Barbershopera Podcast - Test and Mandate
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This is just a few minutes of me rambling. I give a brief outline of who we are and what the podcast will be like. Hopefully it makes some sense, but it definitely isn't as funny as the eventual podcasts will be. This is a test run to get the beast on its feet.द्वारा Barbershopera
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