Pastor Ken Brown सार्वजनिक
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The UnSafe Bible

Pastor Ken Brown

If you take the Bible seriously, it will alter the way you think and the way you live. The Bible is unsafe to our current way of living and getting more so with each passing day. Join us in being unsafe to our culture and the prevalent current worldview.
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City Light Church

City Light Church

Recorded live at our weekend gatherings, these messages feature Pastor Ken Brown and other pastors on staff at City Light Church in Ocala, FL. Our hope and prayer is that you'll be encouraged, blessed and inspired through these messages. You can find out more information by visiting us online at
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show series
There are so many religious beliefs worldwide, but what makes Christianity different from the rest? Why should you believe in Jesus, when you could believe so many other religions that might seem more logical? Jesus teaches us that His burden is easy and His yolk is light. You don’t have to work or earn your salvation. You don’t have to do fancy ri…
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Biblical prophecy is a topic that can be highly debated. Many prophecies in the bible haven’t been fulfilled yet. So why does it matter? Why tell us what’s going to happen, when we might not even be around when it happens? Today, Pastor Ken will encourage you to study the prophecies in the Bible because all scripture has a purpose. Just because it …
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Why did God flood the earth? He had seen the sin that man had taken part in and was wanting to start fresh. He had to use His destructive powers to create something new and clean. It wasn’t because He loves to destroy things, but because He wants something better for us. Today, Pastor Ken will teach you about the end times and what destruction will…
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Before the fall of man, the earth used to be even more beautiful than it is today. There was no pollution, no trash, no buildings or cities. Imagine looking at the landscape and seeing nothing but God’s creation. Sadly, we are slowly destroying the earth with manmade construction and machines. Today, Pastor Ken will remind you that the state of the…
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God is a loving Father, and He won’t sit around while evil people attack and murder His children. Throughout history, Jews and Christians have been persecuted. In today’s message, Pastor Ken teaches that God will not let those acts go unpunished because He is a righteous Judge and a compassionate Father. As our kinsman redeemer, Jesus will destroy …
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Look at the world today, and you’ll see so much evil, brokenness, and suffering. Much of it is the result of our broken humanity and our sin. But it’s also instigated and influenced by demonic spiritual forces. In today’s message, Pastor Ken teaches that fallen angels rebelled against God and deceived humans to follow them. Satan and his demons hav…
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People often think that Christianity is just a bunch of rules you have to follow to get into Heaven. But in today’s message, Pastor Ken teaches that Christianity is actually freedom from having to follow all those rules and regulations of religion! Jesus already did all the work for you. He lived a perfect, sinless life, He died on the cross for yo…
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We all have problems, right? You might be stuck in a horrible job, you don’t have enough money to pay rent, you’re battling an illness, or your car just broke down. Life is hard and full of difficulties, and we cry out to God to fix our problems. In today’s message, Pastor Ken teaches that your biggest problem isn’t your finances or your health. It…
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We often see images of Jesus as a gentle shepherd, or humbly dying on the cross. While Jesus is our Good Shepherd who died on the cross for our sins, when He returns, He will return as the King of the Universe in all of His glory! In today’s message, Pastor Ken teaches that faithful followers of Jesus will see Him face to face and be in His presenc…
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Imagine a world in which businesses are honest and care more about people than profits. Imagine if everyone wanted to serve and love others more than themselves. This would be Heaven on Earth. In today’s message, Pastor Ken teaches that this will actually happen during the thousand-year rule of Jesus. He will rule with perfect righteousness. There …
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There is coming a day when the invitation for Salvation will be closed. In today’s message, Pastor Ken will teach listeners about God’s timeline and method for offering eternal life. Jesus is standing at the door of your heart, knocking, desiring to enter and change your life! The most important decision you will ever make is who you say that Jesus…
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The Lord cannot exist with sin and injustice. This is mainly why Heaven will be such a wonderful place! In today’s teaching, Pastor Ken will show how even on earth, the Lord often deals with evil by establishing His mighty power. There is no side you want to be on other than God’s. As the world continues to spiral downward, and sin runs rampant, ch…
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Throughout the Old Testament, the Israelites often epitomized what stubbornness looks like. Despite God’s consistent faithfulness, they still chose to go their own way at times. Today, Pastor Ken will highlight the peril that is to come for those who stand against God. It will never result in good things if you routinely choose selfish ways over Go…
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Do you believe in the mighty power of the Holy Spirit in your life? In today’s message, Pastor Ken teaches listeners about all that the Spirit of God has accomplished throughout history and all that He can accomplish in your life if you surrender to Him. As a follower of Christ, you are filled with the same power of the Apostles in Acts! Have you t…
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How do the events in Israel, in the past, present, and future, align with what was spoken of to Isaiah? In today’s teaching, Pastor Ken will compare the events in Jerusalem at that time, to the prophesied end times that are yet to come for this famous city. It is so cool to see how the Lord speaks to all of His people through His Word written so ma…
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The lack of zeal and passion for Christianity today saddens the Lord but is not surprising to Him. It was prophesied in Scripture that in the last days, people will pursue their own selfish lusts over the things of God. Today, Pastor Ken takes a look at the current scope of our world, and how it falls in line with what was spoken of in the Bible. T…
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Have you been trying to earn your way to Salvation through your good works? In today’s message, Pastor Ken will show listeners that it is a foolish attempt to choose any path other than complete surrender to Jesus. You may feel satisfied to look at completed tasks in your life and feel fulfilled by your ability to accomplish them. Eternal life has …
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Do you ever get tired of the daily battle with the enemy to follow God’s Word, despite his numerous attempts to get you off track? In today’s teaching, Pastor Ken will encourage listeners of the wonderful truths that are to come in the Kingdom age. The ability to walk in the Spirit without the constant pull from the enemy to go against God’s will i…
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The entire world, all of humanity, is just waiting for the return of Jesus and His perfect reign on earth. Today, Pastor Ken will teach listeners of Israel’s longing for the Messiah, and how Jesus is the only One who is truly worthy of following. Many still put their hopes in the abilities of worldly leaders and politicians, but the failures of the…
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How is it going to be possible for the entire world to know about Christ’s return at the same time? In today’s message, Pastor Ken will reveal some key points in Scripture that speak to this topic. We know that the Lord can make absolutely anything work, but the method may be more practical than what you think. The world obviously has instant commu…
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Is it any coincidence that Israel has been at the center of so many world events throughout history? In today’s teaching, Pastor Ken will show listeners how God’s plan for Israel has been orchestrated for years and even includes some more recent happenings. There is not a single moment in the history of our world that is surprising to God. Much of …
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Today, Pastor Ken will be reminding you that all the Old Testament blessings pointed to God’s Son, the Messiah, whom He would send as Israel’s Savior—the ultimate demonstration of God’s goodness and kindness. Even though Israel rejected the Messiah and crucified Him, God continued to give them every opportunity to be saved, pouring out His grace an…
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For the unbeliever, the fear of God is the fear of the judgment of God and eternal death, which is eternal separation from God. For the believer, the fear of God is something much different. As Pastor Ken continues his teaching series, he’ll be explaining that the believer’s fear is the reverence of God, for He is a consuming fire! This reverence a…
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Today, Pastor Ken will be exhorting you to depend on the Lord, rather than running to the world for comfort and advice. Israel continuously turned to Egypt (which represents the world) for help whenever the enemy attacked them, or whenever they experienced hardships. God has repeatedly warned them to stop turning to other nations for help, but they…
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There is much turmoil in Israel today. Israel is persecuted, and surrounded by enemies—Syria, Lebanon, Iran, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, etc. But this hatred and persecution of Israel is only a hint of what will happen in the end times. The latest round of persecution began when Israel was reconstituted as a nation in 1948. Many Bible prophecy…
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As Pastor Ken continues his teaching series through the book of Isaiah, he’ll be reminding you that the Lord's Second Coming could be at any time. All the prophecies concerning His First Coming have been fulfilled, and now there are no more prophecies that must be fulfilled for Him to come for His Church. In His first coming, Jesus fulfilled the ro…
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Conflict in Israel has been a reality whenever Israel has existed as a nation. Whether it was the Egyptians, Amalekites, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, or Romans, the nation of Israel has always been persecuted by its neighbors. According to the Bible, it is because God has a special plan for the nation of Israel, and Satan wants to defeat that …
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What did you sacrifice when you decided to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior? In today’s message, Pastor Ken reminds you that everyone who starts a relationship with Jesus has to sacrifice something. There are many people who must choose between their family and following Christ, for others it’s a very real life and death choice. You may take th…
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When you pray do you expect an answer? Too often people pray as an exercise but don’t necessarily expect an answer. Today, Pastor Ken explains that God answers all your prayers. The answer could be yes, no, or not yet, but never maybe. The nos are hard to hear, but the “not yet” may be worse because if not now, when? Even if you don’t like the answ…
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Are you a patient person or do you get irritated when people are moving slowly in front of you? If you’re like most people the times you are most impatient are when you ask God for something. You may have no problem waiting for friends to meet you, or bring back that thing they borrowed, but pray for something and you can’t wait for an answer. In t…
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Have you ever wanted to give someone a gift, but you hesitated because you didn’t know if they would receive it well? In today’s message, Pastor Ken explains that God wants to give you His grace, but He won’t force it on you, you have to show Him that you want it and are ready to receive it. To let God know you are ready to receive His grace, you m…
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As a Christian, you will be tempted to listen to and follow false teachers. There will be people claiming to be pastors and preachers, who will say things that you want to hear when you face a new struggle or difficulty. In today’s message, Pastor Ken reminds you that no matter how new or different what you’re facing feels, there is nothing new, Go…
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Have you ever found yourself in the middle of a problem or an issue that, in the end, has nothing to do with you? You may have the tendency to get sucked into the problems of people around you, or a world issue that you have no control over. In today’s message, Pastor Ken reminds you there is no need to worry because whatever it is God’s got it han…
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When you meet new people, do you tend to adopt some of their habits, or mannerisms in order to fit in? You may do it without even knowing it. Sometimes you will subconsciously adapt to mimic the people around you so as to not stand out. In today’s message, Pastor Ken warns you to be careful not to spend so much time in the world without God that yo…
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If you are like most people, you have had someone break a promise, or say they would do something, but never follow through. In today’s message, Pastor Ken explains that if God says He will do it, you can expect it to happen. As a follower of Christ, your life will be changed if you continue to follow Him and subject yourself to His will. You can e…
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If you are like many people, you often wonder what your purpose in life is. Some people believe their work is their purpose, others may believe having a family is their purpose. A large number of people never discover their true purpose. While work and family may be noble endeavors, as Pastor Ken explains, your true purpose is to make disciples. Th…
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Many people will search their entire lives trying to solve a problem in their lives. It may be a problem that no one else will ever see or know, and despite their best efforts nothing helps find a solution. Well in today’s message, Pastor Ken explains that some problems can only be solved by God. Many times when you know you have a problem but can’…
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When one leader contradicts another leader it can leave the people they lead wondering who’s in control. In the middle of the moment, it may be hard to tell, but from a distance, it’s usually obvious who is really in control. In today’s message, Pastor Ken poses the question to you, who’s in control? Are you in control or is God in control? Like th…
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Many people spend their whole lives trying to find meaning and purpose or trying to fill an emptiness inside. Some try to learn everything they can by reading and studying and some don’t even try. In today’s message, Pastor Ken explains that you can spend your life searching for truth, but until you start believing in Christ and following Him, your…
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Have you ever just gone through the motions because you had to for a job or something? Maybe you’ve been in a relationship where the other person said their heart was in it, but it wasn’t. In today’s message, Pastor Ken explains that God doesn’t just want you to follow His commandments because you have to, He wants you to want to out of love for Hi…
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Anyone can know a tree by its fruit. Two trees could look great from outward appearances. However, a good tree produces good fruit, and a bad tree produces bad fruit. We should always be asking what kind of fruit we are producing. In today’s message, Pastor Ken will challenge you to look at the fruit in your life. Don’t be someone who just comes to…
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Parents know that they can’t treat all of their children the same. One child might burst into tears with the slightest tone of disapproval. Another child needs dramatic, clear instruction in how they’re disciplined. In the same way, God doesn’t treat all His children the same. In his message today, Pastor Ken will remind you not to compare how God …
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“God’s an angry and judgmental God!” That’s what many people think, especially when they look at God in the Old Testament, but in today’s message, Pastor Ken will teach that God doesn’t want to punish anyone. Even in the Old Testament, you can see that God gives Israel chance after chance to repent. It’s only when it’s absolutely necessary that He …
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Jesus is the cornerstone! What a wonderful truth! When the winds blow, when storms in this life threaten us, we can trust in the sure foundation that Jesus provides. In his message today, Pastor Ken will assure you that Jesus is the Rock. That doesn’t mean He will deliver you out of trials, pain, and troubles, but it means you have a firm foundatio…
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Where do you find your refuge? What do you put your trust in? There are so many things out there. You can trust in money, an earthly relationship, or even your own knowledge and wisdom, but the problem is, that all these things will let you down. In today’s message, Pastor Ken will teach you that God is the only refuge that is secure, true, and tru…
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Do we want to be faithful or be scoffers? I’m pretty sure if we’re Christians, we know the answer to that. We want to be known as faithful, but it can be tempting to listen to the scoffers. In his message today, Pastor Ken will challenge you not to be misled by them. They are happily on the road that is counter to following Jesus and actively antag…
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If you’re a parent, you know you have to let your kids fail sometimes, right? They’ll never learn from their mistakes if you don’t let them fall and make mistakes. The pain of a fall can be the best motivation to not feel that pain again. In today’s message, Pastor Ken will explain that God treated Israel that way. He let them feel the consequences…
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It’s hard to let someone else be in charge sometimes; especially if they are in charge of us. We don’t like giving up control. In his message today, Pastor Ken will teach about how God will rule over the nation of Israel when the remnant returns, and we know how Israel struggled with obeying God. Are you willing to let God rule over your life? Can …
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Pride isn’t a new problem. We can easily ignore our faults and choose to puff ourselves up. We know the problem with that though. Pride comes before the fall. In today’s message, Pastor Ken will teach about a people in Israel who were prideful. They didn’t think they needed to turn to God to save them. They thought they had it under control. Don’t …
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We’ve all heard of Sunday Christians, right? A Christian who comes to church on Sunday, but doesn’t live like a Christian the rest of the week. It sounds like this isn’t a new phenomenon! This was happening in the nation of Israel long before Jesus came. In his message today, Pastor Ken will challenge you to not be a Sunday Christian. Don’t just re…
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