Das Update zum Krieg in der Ukraine - auch mit dem Blick in den Nahen Osten. Der Podcast erscheint wöchentlich, dienstags und freitags, ab 16.30 Uhr. Die langjährigen ARD-Korrespondent:innen Anna Engelke, Carsten Schmiester und Kai Küstner sprechen mit sicherheitspolitischen Expert:innen. Was passiert zwischen den Fronten, wann kommt die Zeitenwende der Bundeswehr? Wen bedroht Russland als nächstes? Fragen und Anregungen zum Podcast: streitkraefte[at]ndr.de Weitere Interviews und Hintergründ ...
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In unserem Podcast 'Der KI-Unternehmer - Strategien zum Erfolg' bieten wir fundierte Einblicke in die Welt der KI und deren Einfluss im Geschäftsleben. Mit einem authentischen und professionellen Ansatz beleuchtet dieser Podcast, wie KI die Arbeitsweise von Selbstständigen und Unternehmen revolutioniert. Durch Experteninterviews, Fallstudien und persönliche Erfahrungen werden praktische Strategien und Einblicke für den erfolgreichen Einsatz von KI in verschiedenen Branchen vermittelt. Dieser ...
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Elevating the PMO to Deliver Your Strategy
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BFM BUSINESS PARTENAIRE - BFM Stratégie est une émission pédagogique inédite sur la stratégie. Frédéric Simottel questionne Xavier Fontanet, qui transmet son expérience et explique quels sont les choix fondamentaux qui déterminent les succès ou l'échec d'une entreprise. Concurrence, part de marché, cycle de vie, métier, transformation digitale ou bien encore finance, les thèmes clés de la stratégie seront abordés dans un format pédagogique.
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Daily 4-minute tips from experts to elevate your business. Each week we will talk about one of our 40 Strategies. Launching June 2024.
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Your Anxiety Toolkit Podcast delivers effective, compassionate, & science-based tools for anyone with Anxiety, OCD, Panic, and Depression.
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Die Strategen - Reviews, Taktik, Diskussionen Der Gaming Podcast rund um Strategiespiele von Dominik aka DerNik79 und Stefan aka CheekyBoinc. Wir sprechen über unser Hobby Strategiespiele und nehmen dabei große, kleine, bekannte und auch unbekannte Videospiele aus dem Strategie Genre (von Grand-Strategy bis hin zu casual Tower-Defense) genauer unter die Lupe. Ausserdem bieten wir regelmäßige Gaming News (von Release Ankündigungen bis hin zu Ereignissen im wirtschaftlichen Marktumfeld) und ex ...
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L'esperto di comunicazione politica Marco Venturini, vi svelerà le strategie usate dai leader politici italiani, nell'ultima settimana, per ottenere il vostro consenso. Interverranno molti ospiti, fra cui giornalisti, altri consulenti in comunicazione politica, sondaggisti e politici, per commentare e spiegare il perché di certe uscite comunicative, le strategie dietro annunci, attacchi, slogan, gesti, video, foto, post e slogan. Seguite il podcast e fate le vostre domande. Marco e gli altri ...
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Estate Planning Strategies is a podcast dedicated to everything estate planning, including: wills, trusts, guardians, power of attorney, medical power of attorney, legacy, wealth creation, asset protection, estate taxes, generation skipping taxes, income taxes, charitable giving, charitable trusts, irrevocable trusts, revocable trusts, life insurance trusts, IRA trusts. If it's estate planning related, we'll be talking about it.
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Sharp Strategies Sweet Success is a podcast hosted by Sharp Cookie and Tifiny Swedensky. On the podcast, Tifiny and guest stars discuss all things marketing, intakes, and sales.
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Gain practical knowledge to help you create your own "aging in place" road map plus answers and strategies for care partners trying to navigate a health crisis.
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Willst du schneller und smarter wachsen? 🚀 Bei digital kompakt erfährst du, wie die erfolgreichsten Köpfe der Digitalwirtschaft denken und handeln. Joël Kaczmarek, selbst ein erfahrener Unternehmer und Digital-Experte, interviewt die relevantesten Führungskräfte und Expert:innen, um kompakte Insights zu Strategien, Trends und Erfolgsgeheimnissen zu erhalten. Unsere Episoden sind bewusst kompakt gehalten, damit du sie bequem in deinen hektischen Alltag integrieren kannst – ganz nach dem Motto ...
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Welcome to the Med Spa Success Strategies Podcast - where med spa & aesthetics practice owners come to discover strategies and tactics that help them better market and manage their practices so that they can grow, scale and have more financial freedom.
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Kennt Ihr das auch aus Eurem Unternehmen: - Eure Wettbewerber galoppieren bei Profitabilität, Marktanteilen, Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit davon. - Es gibt keine klare Strategie. - Unterschiedliche Bereiche und Einheiten haben widersprüchliche Strategien. - Nicht alle Mitarbeiter*innen kennen die Strategie und glauben an ihren Erfolg. - Es gibt 1000 und ein strategisches Projekt, aber keiner weiß wie diese auf die Strategie einzahlen. - Es fehlen neben dem operativen Tagesgeschäft einfa ...
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Welcome to the NextGen Strategies Podcast, the podcast for modern strategies to help family-owned, small businesses grow and compete. Join long-time friends Grant Covault, marketing strategist and owner of GC Strategies, and Tyler Davis, CPA and owner of DAT CPA, as they interview subject experts on a variety of subjects such as leadership, marketing, finance, operations and much more. If you are a current business leader, aspiring entrepreneur, or just someone looking to get the scoop on th ...
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Mike Riedmiller, President of Riedmiller Wealth Management joins you on Smart Retirement Strategies each week to break down retirement and offer up creative solutions for your future. Listen as Mike Riedmiller talks about his passion for helping people, the importance of holding a fiduciary standard, and offers up transparent advice.
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Der Podcast für dein Buch mit Tom Oberbichler Als Bestsellerautor und Buchmentor zeige ich dir in meinem Podcast wie du dein Buch schreibst, als eBook, Taschenbuch und Hörbuch im Self-Publishing veröffentlichst und erfolgreich vermarktest. Du bekommst hier Tipps, Anleitungen, Erfahrungsberichte und Strategien für dich und deinen Erfolg als Autor oder Autorin. Meinen Schwerpunkt richte ich im Buch-Podcast auf Sachbücher, Ratgeber und persönliche Erfolgsgeschichten. Neben rein buchspezifischen ...
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We help educate aspiring and seasoned investors on the in's and out's of passive real estate strategies so you can build true wealth without compromising your time.
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The Nonprofit Exchange is built for nonprofit leaders, board members, donors, and interested parties.
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Welcome to Vital Strategies Podcast, where financial and tax expertise meets entrepreneurial success. Join us as we dive deep into the world of high-level entrepreneurship, bringing you top authorities who specialize in cutting-edge financial and tax strategies. Our podcast is your go-to resource for staying ahead in the financial game, offering insights and advice that can optimize your wealth, reduce tax liabilities, and supercharge your business growth. Tune in to gain a competitive edge ...
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Strategies@Work, LLC, provides strategic planning, coaching, and training to facilitate transforming solutions for organizations, enabling them to achieve excellent performance. SaW’s philosophy is based on the presupposition that the timeless universal values and principles found in the Bible facilitate organizational excellence. The adroit application of these values and principles will enable organizations to achieve enduring world-class success. The Strategies@Work Podcast will feature s ...
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In diesem Podcast spricht Dr. Michael Stiller über funktionierende Methoden aus der Berater-Praxis sowie konkrete Anwendungsbeispiele für die Bereiche Strategie, Marketing und Vertrieb. Entscheider und Umsetzer in Unternehmen finden hier bewährte Ansätze und inspirierende Impulse, die sie in der Praxis umsetzen können. Dr. Michael Stiller hat an der RWTH Aachen am Lehrstuhl für Unternehmenspolitik und Marketing promoviert. Nach Stationen in der Beratung (u. a. Marketing Partners, Simon Kuche ...
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Mindful Parenting: Raising Kind, Confident Kids Without Losing Your Cool | Parenting Strategies For Big Emotions & More
Hunter Clarke-Fields
How do you raise kind, confident kids without losing your cool? How do you manage kids’ behavior, help them regulate their big emotions, AND stay grounded? Mindful Parenting is here to help. I’m Hunter Clarke-Fields, former yelling, frustrated mom. Dealing with my anger drove me to find practical, compassionate parenting strategies to regulate emotions as well as mindfulness to bring peace to the chaos at home. In each refreshingly honest episode you’ll come away knowing that you have permis ...
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You've Got This | Tips & Strategies for Meaningful Productivity and Alignment in Work and Life
Dr. Katie Linder
You've Got This is a podcast dedicated to helping academics and higher education professionals seek self-knowledge, playfully experiment, and live core values with intention. Tune in for insights, examples, and advice on topics such as meaningful productivity, boosting creativity, and much more.
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Hear from top users of the Total Expert platform and how they are using the platform every day to grow their business and drive more revenue.
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Exit Strategies Radio Show is our way of giving back to the community. We're here to empower you through financial literacy and real estate education. So, if you're out there hustling to make things happen for your family, if you're striving to secure a better future for your children and their children, then this podcast is tailor-made for you. Our host is Corwyn J. Melette, Broker/Owner of EXIT Realty Lowcountry Group in North Charleston, South Carolina. He is passionate about sharing insi ...
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Für die digitalen Geschäftsmodelle wird die strategische Ausrichtung der IT-Organisation als Wettbewerbsvorteil immer wichtiger. Die IT soll unter anderem die Rolle des Innovators und Business Partners einnehmen. Doch wie gestalten Sie als CIO, IT-Führungskraft und Unternehmer diesen Wandel erfolgreich? Dieser Podcast bietet Ihnen Anregungen und Impulse rund um die Themen: IT-Strategie, digitale Transformation und Systeme zur Entscheidungsunterstützung. Machen Sie den Unterschied mit Ihrer I ...
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The Business Buying Strategies Podcast comes from The Dealmaker's Academy, the world's leading training on buying and selling businesses - without risking your own money! Each week we talk to leading experts, discuss business buying strategies, offer hints and tips and cover the essential skills you will need to buy and sell businesses effectively.
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We discuss paywall strategies for content publishers. With over 1000 news, magazine, and content publishers running our Leaky Paywall platform we have learned quite a bit about what works (and doesn't) in digital publishing. Join Pete and Tyler for a deep dive that will help you grow your paid audience.
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Welcome to A/E Business Strategies — a podcast hosted by Monograph about architecture and engineering leaders who run great firms. Monograph is a project management software built exclusively for A/E. Over 1,000 firms use Monograph to get clarity into their budgets, projects, time, and clients so their entire team can make smarter decisions. Get started today at Monograph.com
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A podcast for healthcare professionals seeking solutions to today’s and tomorrow’s top challenges. Hosted by the editors of Xtelligent Healthcare Media, this podcast series focuses on real-world use cases that are leading to tangible improvements in care quality, outcomes, and cost. Guests from leading provider, payer, government, and other organizations share their approaches to transforming healthcare in a meaningful and lasting way.
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Educating the Next Generation of Investors in MicroCap Stocks
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If you’re looking for a political podcast that goes beyond the headlines, check out The Beltway Briefing. Every week, our bipartisan team of former White House appointees, Capitol Hill veterans, and seasoned lobbyists delivers insider perspectives straight from Washington. We’re not just talking about politics — we’re living it, with meaningful, bipartisan conversations that cut through the noise.
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Are you a law firm owner? Do you wish there was a resource out there showing you how to save as much money as possible on your taxes? This is the place. If you need help with bookkeeping and tax strategy, let's chat - https://bigbirdaccounting.com
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Top Fitness Strategies Presents is a show all about Health and Fitness focused on the "Fitness Over 50" crowd. We understand that everyone is different and anyone looks at health and fitness differently. That's why Top Fitness Strategies Presents has guests and interviews with health and fitness professionals from around the globe. We just don't focus on one aspect of your health or your fitness. We have tips and techniques and great information for just about anyone! Look around, see all th ...
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The Introvert’s Edge Video Podcast: Discover the Strategies and Tactics of Introverted Global Business Leaders
Matthew Pollard, Introvert, Author, Entrepreneur, Sales and Marketing Strategist
An introvert’s #1 source for sales, speaking, networking, business strategies, and inspiration, with interviews of world-class introverts who have achieved amazing success.
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Tactical and practical marketing ideas, strategies and resources for small business owners and entrepreneurs. Bethany Meadows has been the president of Vertical Solutions Media for the past 16 years. Vertical Solutions Media is a full-service marketing agency located in Birmingham, Alabama. They specialize in brand development, content marketing and growth strategies. Get out of survival mode! It's your TIME TO THRIVE! Learn more about free resources, marketing training and strategy coaching ...
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The African Blueprint: Strategies and Stories is your guide to unlocking the secrets of Africa's most inspiring businesses and entrepreneurs. Through real stories, strategies, and actionable insights, this podcast explores the ingenuity and resilience that define Africa’s business landscape. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, professional, or simply curious, join us as we uncover the blueprints shaping Africa’s future, one story at a time.
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As a leader, the safety of your employees is your top priority. But we get it - you have a lot on your plate. We've got you covered with interviews and insights to help you build a safer workplace. Published monthly by Missouri Employers Mutual and Previsor Insurance.
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Time Matters Method- Simple Planning Strategies, Quick Meal Prep, Organization, Easy Fitness Tips For Moms, Time Management For Ambitious Working Moms
Felicia Baugh- Work Life Balance Coach - Vision Coach - Christian Mentor
Do you struggle and search for ways to save time in your day? Do you wonder how other working moms get it all done? Do you desire more time for your Faith, Fitness, and Family? Are you an ambitious working mom needing to do more in less time? Then this podcast is for you! My name is Felicia - Wife, Mom, Vision Coach, Christian Mentor, and Daughter of the Most High King. And I welcome you to the Time Matters Method! A podcast where I share with you time-proven strategies for achieving a balan ...
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Join Mel Harrowsmith in a series of insightful and engaging conversations on living life with purpose.
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Welcome to C-Suite Strategies, the podcast for B2B leaders navigating the messy middle of scaling. I'm Stacie Sussman, CRO at RevUp Advisory. Let's face it: growing a business can be hard, frustrating, and frankly overwhelming. It often feels like your hair's on fire. That's why we're here. Each episode, we dive deep with industry visionaries who've mastered the art of scaling companies. We'll share our extensive experience and unconventional wisdom to help you transform that overwhelming me ...
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CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE TUNING HACKS Praktische Strategien für echte Kundenerlebnisse und nachhaltige Kundenbindung
Peggy Amelung
Willkommen beim CX TUNING HACKS, dem unverzichtbaren Guide für alle, die ihre Kunden begeistern und ihre Marke als Love Brand etablieren möchten. Ich bin Peggy Amelung, CX-Expertin mit über 20 Jahren internationaler Erfahrung, und nehme dich mit auf eine praxisnahe Reise in die Welt der Customer Experience. Was erwartet dich? Dieser Podcast liefert dir keine trockene Theorie, sondern echte Erfolgsgeschichten, bewährte Strategien und sofort umsetzbare Tipps, um deine CX nachhaltig zu transfor ...
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Warum Marketing und Vertrieb zu einem Growth-Team vereint werden sollten (#301)
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In dieser Podcast-Folge spricht Michael Stiller mit Iwen Kuhn vom Unternehmen Matelso über die stärkere Verzahnung von Marketing und Vertrieb in Unternehmen. Iwen erklärt, warum Matelso beide Abteilungen zu einem sogenannten Growth-Team zusammengeführt hat. Er gibt zudem wertvolle Tipps, worauf Unternehmen achten sollten, wenn sie Marketing und Ver…
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#85 Die Grenzen des Business Model Canvas: Warum es für Strategieentwicklung nicht funktioniert!
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Strategiewissen mit Christian Underwood In der aktuellen Folge von Hoffnung ist keine Strategie, klärt Strategieexperte Christian Underwood die weit verbreitete Fehlannahme auf, dass das Business Model Canvas ein Werkzeug für die Entwicklung umfassender Unternehmensstrategien ist. Christian Underwood beleuchtet, wofür das Business Model Canvas wirk…
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Zuckerberg elimina il fact-checking su Facebook: cosa c'è dietro realmente?
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Meta toglie il fact-checking da Facebook, il Ceo Zuckerberg attacca Biden e rivela di aver subìto pressioni orwelliane. Cosa c'è dietro questa decisione? Non si tratta solo della volontà di avvicinarsi a Trump. Ve ne parlo in questo episodio.
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CIO 075 – Strategic Agility Framework: Faktoren, die die strategische Agilität im Unternehmen und der IT-Organisation beeinflussen
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Das Strategic Agility Framework zeigt entscheidende Faktoren für die strategische Anpassungsfähigkeit bzw. agile Strategie im Unternehmen auf. Erfahren Sie in dieser Folge was strategische Agilität bedeutet und wofür man diese in einem schnell veränderten Marktumfeld benötigt. Erfahren Sie wie Sie die strategische Agilität in Ihrem Unternehmen bzw.…
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BFM Stratégie (Cours n°307): La nature : un atout clé pour les entreprises – 21/12
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BFM BUSINESS PARTENAIRE - Ce samedi 21 décembre, dans le cours n°307, Marcial Vargas-Gonzalez, directeur Monde des services de conseil chez Quantis, s'est penché sur l'influence de la nature sur les résultats des entreprises, dans l'émission BFM Stratégie présentée par Frédéric Simottel sur BFM Business. Cette émission a été réalisée en partenariat…
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How content restrictions drive subscriptions
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In this episode of the Paywall Podcast, sponsored by LeakyPaywall, Pete and Tyler discuss the various content restriction strategies for news and magazine publishers. The hosts discuss different phases of paywalls: hard paywalls, metered paywalls, and free registration. The discussion include the benefits and challenges associated with each, using …
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How To Ensure Stable Cash Flow: Recurring Payments
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Recurring revenue isn’t just a buzzword—it’s a game-changer. In this episode, Dave Ashworth discusses how adopting a monthly recurring revenue model can increase business value, reduce client churn, and eliminate the constant need to resell your services. Dave also shares practical tactics, including ACH billing and upfront payment structures, that…
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#371 - KI und Führung - Marc Hammer (KI-Summit Germany Special)
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"KI und Führung – Strategien für die neue Arbeitswelt“ mit Marc Hammer Das KI-Summit Germany 2025 bietet am 31. Januar und 1. Februar die perfekte Gelegenheit, neue Impulse und wertvolle Kontakte zu gewinnen. Im inspirierenden Ambiente des Güterbahnhofs in Bad Homburg treffen Vordenker und Visionäre aufeinander, um die Zukunft der KI gemeinsam zu g…
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Offsetting income tax from an inherited IRA.
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Offsetting income tax from an inherited IRA. We do estate planning. We do probate. We do it well. If you are in Washington State and need help, you can get a free strategy session at the link in our bio. #estateplanning #probate #realestate #wealth #trusts #legacy #estatetaxes #lawyer #attorney #taxes #money…
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My secret to selling more legal services.
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My secret to selling more legal services. Are you a law firm owner looking for bookkeeping and tax help? Click here to set up a free consultation - https://bigbirdaccounting.com/lawfirms
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Common gift tax inheritance problem and how to avoid it.
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Common gift tax inheritance problem and how to avoid it. We do estate planning. We do probate. We do it well. If you are in Washington State and need help, you can get a free strategy session at the link in our bio. #estateplanning #probate #realestate #wealth #trusts #legacy #estatetaxes #lawyer #attorney #taxes #money…
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How to pay your kids through your law firm.
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How to pay your kids through your law firm. Are you a law firm owner looking for bookkeeping and tax help? Click here to set up a free consultation - https://bigbirdaccounting.com/lawfirms
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The African Blueprint : Strategies and Stories
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The African Blueprint: Strategies and Stories is your guide to unlocking the secrets of Africa's most inspiring businesses and entrepreneurs. Through real stories, strategies, and actionable insights, this podcast explores the ingenuity and resilience that define Africa’s business landscape. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, professional, or simply c…
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Generosity: The Vision Behind $1.4 Billion in Donations
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In this episode of the Nonprofit Exchange, I had the pleasure of speaking with John Bromley from Charitable Impact, a platform dedicated to enhancing charitable giving. We explored the concept of generosity and the vision behind the staggering 1.4 billion Canadian dollars in donations facilitated through their donor-advised fund. Sean shared his ba…
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Mastering Marketing Messaging ft. Kia Arian
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This week, I interview Kia Arian about her journey with Zine Marketing, the evolution of marketing, and the importance of strong messaging. We discuss the challenges of lead generation, the significance of authentic brand development, and the impact of community engagement on marketing.द्वारा Tifiny Swedensky
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When it’s okay to not get a Will. We do estate planning. We do probate. We do it well. If you are in Washington State and need help, you can get a free strategy session at the link in our bio. #estateplanning #probate #realestate #wealth #trusts #legacy #estatetaxes #lawyer #attorney #taxes #money
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How I find quality VAs for my law firm.
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How I find quality VAs for my law firm. Are you a law firm owner looking for bookkeeping and tax help? Click here to set up a free consultation - https://bigbirdaccounting.com/lawfirms
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Trumps Rolle beim Gaza-Abkommen (Tag 1059 mit Michael Kimmage)
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Nach mehr als 15 Monaten Krieg zwischen Israel und der islamistischen Palästinenserorganisation Hamas soll es eine Feuerpause geben. Damit die Waffen im Gaza-Krieg schweigen, zogen die politischen Gegner Joe Biden und Donald Trump offenbar an einem Strang. Größtmöglicher Druck auf die Kriegsparteien und Drohungen des künftigen US-Präsidenten sind a…
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Ordinary Products, Extraordinary Mission!
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What makes a business truly unique? For John and Mark X. Cronin, it’s all about purpose. As the founders of John’s Crazy Socks, they’ve built the world’s largest sock store by focusing on more than just the product. Their mission to spread happiness and showcase the abilities of individuals with differing abilities has created a brand that inspires…
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BETTER Facebook and Instagram Ads Results for Your Med Spa - Interview w/ Lauren Nettles
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Welcome to the Med Spa Success Strategies Podcast, presented by Ricky Shockley of Med Spa Magic Marketing. On this episode, we're joined by Lauren Nettles. Lauren is our Lead Digital Marketing Specialist at Med Spa Magic Marketing.On this episode, we talk about...- How to improve Facebook and Instagram ads for med spas- Tips to cut your cost per le…
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2025: New programs, tools and resources for Dealmakers old and new
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In this short episode, Jonathan and Ed talk about what's coming up at the Dealmakers Academy in 2025. Jonathan discusses Fast Track and the 2025 MasterMind program , as well as two brand new programs - Jonathan Jay's Deal Club and monthly Deal Club Live Events. Key moments 00:55 Jonathan Jay's Deal Club and Live Events 02:35 Mastermind and FastTrac…
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#370 - 5 coole Kommunikations-Hacks - Katrin Friedel (KI-Summit Germany Special)
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"5 coole Kommunikations-Hacks – jetzt mit KI-Boost" mit Katrin Friedel Das KI-Summit Germany 2025 bietet am 31. Januar und 1. Februar die perfekte Gelegenheit, neue Impulse und wertvolle Kontakte zu gewinnen. Im inspirierenden Ambiente des Güterbahnhofs in Bad Homburg treffen Vordenker und Visionäre aufeinander, um die Zukunft der KI gemeinsam zu g…
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Episode 330 - Trump is Back in Town: What to Expect on Day One
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Donald Trump returns to Washington as the 47th President of the United States. Explore what to expect on day one, including the inauguration ceremony and anticipated executive actions. Key areas of focus will likely include deregulation, immigration, and tariff policies, as his administration sets the tone for its priorities and approach to governi…
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The Most Important Concept in Med Spa Marketing - True ROI Measurement (2025 Marketing for Med Spas Part 2)
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If you're ready to implement more efficient & effective marketing strategies for your practice, book your FREE strategy session & marketing plan: https://go.medspamagicmarketing.com/schedule MedSpa Marketing Masterclass: Proven Strategies for 2025 Success 🚀 Welcome to Episode 2 of our 2025 MedSpa Marketing and Growth Series! 🌟 In this multi-part se…
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Annual fees and maintenance on a revocable living trust.
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Annual fees and maintenance on a revocable living trust. We do estate planning. We do probate. We do it well. If you are in Washington State and need help, you can get a free strategy session at the link in our bio. #estateplanning #probate #realestate #wealth #trusts #legacy #estatetaxes #lawyer #attorney #taxes #money…
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Law firm owner quickbooks double transaction solution.
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Law firm owner quickbooks double transaction solution. Are you a law firm owner looking for bookkeeping and tax help? Click here to set up a free consultation - https://bigbirdaccounting.com/lawfirms
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Why Dyslexia Makes You a Better Salesperson
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द्वारा Matthew Pollard, Introvert, Author, Entrepreneur, Sales and Marketing Strategist
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Marketing In 2025 Is DIFFERENT - Here's Why
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Want to learn more about Grant? | CLICK HERE https://thegcstrategies.com/ Want to learn more about Tyler? | CLICK HERE https://www.datcpa.net/ Show Notes: In this podcast episode, hosts Grant Covault and Tyler Davis delve into the transformative role of video in marketing. Grant emphasizes the human connection video fosters, especially amid the pan…
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How to Build Unique Products with the Right Team
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In this episode of the $4M Strategies™ Podcast, Carl J. Cox talks with Dane Groeneveld, CEO of Lead3r, about creating unique products by focusing on your people and your customers. Dane shares key insights on how simple, scalable solutions can stand out in a crowded market. Learn how to listen to your customers, solve their specific problems, and b…
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„Nach der Re-Org ist vor der Re-Org“ – Change in Tech-Teams | #Productmanagement 💻
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Warum Kultur, Vertrauen und Zusammenarbeit mehr zählen als starre FrameworksEXPERTENGESPRÄCH | Joel Kaczmarek, Björn Wagner und Till Reiter kommen zusammen und sprechen über die Herausforderungen und Strategien rund um die Transformation in Unternehmen – und wie sich diese auf Technologie und Teams auswirkt. Du erfährst, ob Change besser Top-Down o…
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#152 Hyperpersonalisierung und KI: So revolutioniert die Customer Experience 2025 dein Business
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Herzlich willkommen zu einer brandneuen Episode von "CX Tuning Hacks"! In der 153. Folge des Podcasts führt uns unsere Hostin Peggy Amelung in die aufregenden Trends des Jahres 2025 ein. Peggy diskutiert, wie diese Trends die Customer Experience (CX) revolutionieren werden und gibt wertvolle Einblicke, wie Unternehmen diese Entwicklungen für ihren …
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Wise organizational leaders and managers recognize that the good news of the kingdom of God transforms people’s hearts and is the basis for holistic living. To deliver an efficient value proposition requires workers who are maturing in living a Christian worldview that then informs every thought, choice, and action. Organizations with holistic Chri…
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Do you need to probate on manufactured homes?
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Do you need to probate on manufactured homes? We do estate planning. We do probate. We do it well. If you are in Washington State and need help, you can get a free strategy session at the link in our bio. #estateplanning #probate #realestate #wealth #trusts #legacy #estatetaxes #lawyer #attorney #taxes #money…
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Great law firm reviews start the moment they sign up for your service.
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Great law firm reviews start the moment they sign up for your service. Are you a law firm owner looking for bookkeeping and tax help? Click here to set up a free consultation - https://bigbirdaccounting.com/lawfirms
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Ep. 147: Fidget Toys | Sharpening Focus and Engagement in the Workplace
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Consistent safety training is essential to protecting employees. Not only does it help prevent on-the-job injuries, but it also controls work comp costs. While much of today's training is regulatory or an industry requirement, it isn't always engaging. As a consequence, employees may unplug and miss critical information. Learn how fidget toys, and …
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Jay Nixon launched BuzzBuddy, a unique alcohol support product, in just five months—all while managing three other businesses. In this episode of the $4M Strategies™ Podcast, he shares how radical action and rapid decision-making helped him go from idea to market. Jay’s strategy? Solve a personal problem, take decisive steps, and partner with the r…
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Effiziente Schreibprozesse dank KI: Einblicke und praktische Tipps für die Arbeit mit Textmaschinen
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In dieser Folge diskutiere ich mit meiner Kollegin und Internet-Texterin Anja Strassburger über ein topaktuelles Thema: den Einsatz von künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) und Textmaschinen im Schreibprozess. Anja bringt 25 Jahre Erfahrung als Texterin mit. Sie teilt ihre praktischen Erfahrungen und Einschätzungen zur KI-Nutzung und zeigt auf, wie eine Ko…
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Der KI-Summit Germany Song Das KI-Summit Germany 2025 bietet am 31. Januar und 1. Februar die perfekte Gelegenheit, neue Impulse und wertvolle Kontakte zu gewinnen. Im inspirierenden Ambiente des Güterbahnhofs in Bad Homburg treffen Vordenker und Visionäre aufeinander, um die Zukunft der KI gemeinsam zu gestalten. Freu Dich auf ein abwechslungsreic…
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Send us a text Meet Polly Lemire, Tiny Habits Coach! Polly is a senior and uses these easy to implement tips every day to attain a more fulfilling life! Tiny Habits: The Small Changes that Change everything by B.J. Fogg. You can do it! https: thrive-after65.com polly.lemire@gmail.com Support the show…
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Mentioned in this episode: my first workflow YouTube channel video Asana, my task management system Learn more about my products and services: explore my 1:1 coaching practice learn more about my coach training program check out my PM by Design training program join my 2025 AMA series join Prolific, my online community devoted to meaningful product…
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Gaming-Aktien 2025: Implikation des Tencent-Blacklisting. Geht Ubisoft an Sony oder bleibt der Fokus auf GTA VI & NVIDIA Dominanz?
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Die Strategen mit den Gaming-News 2025 KW03. Das Jahr starter spektakulär, zumindest am Gaming-Markt & der Börse! Die Themen sind daher heute: - Gewinnspiel & Podcast Facts - Releases (Builders of Egypt, Flying Corp, u.a.) - Gaming-Aktien 2025: 11bit, Frontier Dev., GamesWorkshop, Nacon, Vivendi Jahreszahlen & Auswirkungen. - Implikationen & Einord…
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