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Real Agenda Radio

Real Agenda Radio

Real Agenda Radio offers a range of content which aims to inform, inspire and involve those who want a democratic, inclusive and fairer society that respects human rights and protects the planet. The focus is on fixing the fundamental problems of our time, primarily the extreme economic inequality and the unnecessary financial hardship suffered by millions everyday by developing a political agenda that moves us from here to prosperity. That’s The Real Agenda.
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Sydney Morning Herald, journalist Margot Saville, the author of The Teal Revolution talks about how a group of six women who stood as independents and won against the odds in the 2022 federal election in Australia. Are there lessons to be learned from this community politics approach to improve democracy in the UK and have more voters engaged in th…
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Anthea Simmons from the South Devon Primary talks to Tom Burgess about how a group of voters got together to make a difference in their community. In South Devon there has been a Conservative MP for over 100 years often elected by a minority of registered voters. According to polls, the vast majority of the country are dissatisfied with the current…
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After a few months break, we are now back with some new shows and exciting new guests and presenters. In this election year, this next series will feature how we renew are democracy and improve political integrity First Up on The Real Agenda, we will be are looking at community driven democracy and talk to Anthea Simmons, one of the Co founders of …
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Today we will talk about which of the two main political parties is conservative? Or look at it another way which party is progressive? With similar economic policies especially related to tax, what’s the difference. Polling show a clear desire for a change of government but to what? Where is the vision, where is the compassion, where is the justic…
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What’s the big deal about Davos or is it just about Big deals. What really is the point of this annual January gathering in the snow of the rich and influential, what progress has it made. Yes, there is a connection between wealth and poverty. Today’s guest is Phil White who went to Davos with a placard TAX THE RICH, and a letter to the delegates o…
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As Britain struggles with a cost-of-living crisis, Brexit fall out and multiple strikes we wonder what is the future for Britain? Back in June 2022, there was an event in London entitled the Future of Britain. Billed as an ideas conference, about a new policy agenda and the new politics that the implementation of such an agenda will require. Ryan W…
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In this episode, Taxcast host and producer Naomi Fowler explores tax as a tool for racial justice and the launch of a new report by Decolonising Economics. Taxcast is produced by Tax Justice Network and distributed by Real Agenda Radio. This episode was recorded in September 2022द्वारा Real Agenda Radio
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How progressive campaigners in the US managed to win bipartisan legislation by building a hugely diverse coalition that brought together everyone from the American Civil Liberties Union to the Koch Brothers and the religious right, combined with personal stories of everyone from victims of crime to former prisoners. Nisha Anand - former punk rock p…
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What does it take to be a good business? In this first episode of the new Profit for Purpose podcast series, Jenny Herrera, CEO of the Good Business Charter talks about the 10 components that organisations must meet to receive GBC accreditation and why socially responsible businesses so important for a sustainable economy and can lead to greater op…
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Could we all be better off if we taxed extreme wealth more and income less? In today’s show, James Perry, Co-Chair of COOK, the handmade frozen meal specialists, co-founder of BCorpUK and a board member of the Patriotic Millionaires UK talks about how there is a huge untapped resource that could be used to fund public services and unlike other tax …
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Taxcast host Naomi Fowler investigates the phenomenon of pop-up sweet shops on Oxford Street, London and the missing millions in taxes owed. The trail leads to the disgrace that is the UK's company registration process, making the UK Crime Central for any crook who comes along. It's not just the UK that exposes its citizens to risks, it hurts peopl…
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A special edition of the Larger Us podcast series, Alex Evans, founder of Larger Us talks about Building a larger us, a new guide to how to change the world in ways that bring people together rather than dividing them - not as a them-and-us, but as a larger us. Produced by Larger Us and distributed by Real Agenda Radio.…
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Annual shareholder’s meetings used to be pretty staid and boring affairs. But, as inequality has boomed along with corporate profits, AGMs are becoming sites of protest. In this episode Naomi Fowler speaks to Katie Hepworth of PIRC and Jason Ward of CICTAR about the recent challenge to Amazon on tax transparency from shareholders. How did the chall…
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News from groups seeking to bring positive change. So here are this week’s headlines: We hear some views on money from John Caudwell, the Phones 4U founder Look ahead for a new podcast episode on taxing wealth featuring James Perry of the Patriotic Millionaires Just a mention the compassion coalition that is currently being planned How we can Win a…
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In this weeks Network News we hear from groups seeking to bring positive change. Here are the headlines: Almost half of 16-25 year olds go to bed hungry according to charity Centrepoint More stark indicators on increasing wealth inequality from Resolution foundation Hold this space a new digital platform to address climate emergency launched by Com…
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In today’s show you will hear news about organisations seeking to bring positive change Here are the headlines: 1. What is The Britain Project, Can we bring vision and leadership to British politics? 2. What is the Future for Britain, Is there a plan for a plan? A report from a recent conference held in London, organised by The Britain Project, My …
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Journalist & anti-corruption campaigner Oliver Bullough speaks about his new book ‘Butler to the World: how Britain became the servant of tycoons, tax dodgers, kleptocrats and criminals.’“You cannot have unquestioning acceptance of the wealthy AND democracy. You can’t treat everyone the same before the law AND give rich people anything they want, b…
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Latest round up of news & comment from The Real Agenda Network. Headlines this week: 1. Budget, its easy if you don’t have to! Hear Tax Justice UK response to Chancellor’s spring statement 2. Reducing fossil fuels is now on the mainstream agenda says government minister, so what action is planned? 3. Always in our hearts. Two campaigning groups mer…
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Chief Executive of Demos Polly Mackenzie joins It’s Bloody Complicated to look at what's gone wrong with our democracy and how we can fix it. Polly builds on the insights from her series of papers for Demos – Making Democracy Work. Polly Mackenzie was Director of Policy to Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg from 2010–15, helping to write the 2010 Coa…
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Fred Harrison is a broadcaster and social campaigner, he predicted the last two major economic crashes more accurately than anyone in the world. In this series of podcasts (now available on The Real Agenda Network) Fred offers ideas for what could be a truly great reset, if we based our economic system on fairness & science. Shepheard Walwyn…
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“Share the wealth” ran the headline to the CNN story on Pope Francis’s address to Congress in 2015. Despite the praise and hand clapping, have lawmakers made progress, I think not. In todays episode Tom Burgess looks at what the Pope encouraged Congress to do, what it has not done and what we could do to ensure that the wealth we all create is shar…
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Fred Harrison is a broadcaster and social campaigner, he predicted the last two major economic crashes more accurately than anyone in the world. In this series of podcasts (now available on The Real Agenda Network) Fred offers ideas for what could be a truly great reset, if we based our economic system on fairness & science. Shepheard Walwyn…
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Gavin Esler talks with former Chancellor Ken Clarke & Baroness Shami Chakrabarti about the culture of contemporary politics, the need for action on wealth inequality, & the actions that can be taken to build a more respectful & honest politics. Across the Benches series brings together two MPs from different parties to discuss the values they have …
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In the latest edition of Across the Benches, Co-Director Jennifer Nadel interviews Labour MP Rupa Huq and the former Health Secretary Matt Hancock. They talk about the need for new institutions to encourage cross-party working, their worries about the toxicity of online debate, and their desires to improve the culture of politics.…
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What are the Fair Necessities? In a fairer society everyone has the same chance to live their best and fullest life. Study after study shows that fairness is top of most people’s priorities. But we don’t have a common understanding of what it means, or how to build a society which delivers it. Will Snell of Fairness Foundation talks about changing …
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Reducing unnecessary financial hardship, yes, it is possible, so we are to move From Here To Prosperity. This new podcast series on The Real Agenda Network is hosted by Tom Burgess, the author of From Here To Prosperity which describes an Agenda for Progressive Prosperity based on an inequality busting strategy of Income for Me/Wealth for We. The b…
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Positive political change can happen, but there are challenges. There are three key issues that need to be resolved if we are to move From Here To Prosperity. This new podcast series on The Real Agenda Network is hosted by Tom Burgess, the author of From Here To Prosperity which describes an Agenda for Progressive Prosperity based on an inequality …
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Fred Harrison is a broadcaster and social campaigner, he predicted the last two major economic crashes more accurately than anyone in the world. In this series of podcasts (now available on The Real Agenda Network) Fred offers ideas for what could be a truly great reset, if we based our economic system on fairness & science. Shepheard Walwyn…
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Fred Harrison is known as a broadcaster and social campaigner – if he is known at all. And yet, he has predicted the last two major economic crashes (the 1990s and 2008-10) more accurately than anyone in the world. Amazingly he wasn’t on TV or advising governments on how to handle it. He was ignored and frozen out of the dialogue of recovery. The p…
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From Here to Prosperity is a new podcast series on The Real Agenda Network With this series, we seek to give voice to widespread frustration felt by so many of us at the failure of partisan politics and traditional economics to end toxic inequality worldwide. But instead of dwelling on these grievances, you will hear about a seductively simple path…
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We welcome the Shepheard Walwyn podcast series to The Real Agenda Network. Shepheard Walwyn is a campaigning book publisher based in London, its purpose it to uncover and promote new ideas to resolve solve societies oldest problems. It publishes a series called Ethical Economics which includes From Here To Prosperity, by Tom Burgess, founder of The…
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Across the Benches is the new podcast from Compassion in Politics which brings together two MPs from different parties to discuss the values they have in common. In this first episode Labour's Jess Phillips and Conservative MP Maria Miller share what brought them into politics, the culture of parliamentary life, and the progress towards gender equa…
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With this series, we seek to give voice to widespread frustration felt by so many of us at the failure of partisan politics and traditional economics to end toxic inequality worldwide. But instead of dwelling on these grievances, you will hear about a seductively simple path forward with a fresh, simple and highly practical strategy to provide imme…
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Can we have growth in wellbeing and economic growth? Michael Weatherhead of the Wellbeing Economy Alliance explains how we can and what we need to do to make it happen. The Real Agenda with Tom Burgess is a part of The Real Agenda Network of progressive political podcasts www.realagenda.orgद्वारा The Real Agenda Network
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Caring for others is the highest thing anyone can do in this world. Yet our governments don’t value care either in the policies they create, and they don’t value it monetarily. We look at how we move from an un-caring economy to a caring economy, how women’s unpaid work is the greatest subsidy to our so-called productive economy, and how we need to…
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Former leader of the Liberal Democrats Sir Vince Cable shares the lessons of his long and varied political life and tell us about his new book, Money and Power. In uncertain times for progressives of all stripes, not least the Lib Dems, it was great to get Vince's unique perspective. Vince Cable was MP for Twickenham from 1997 to 2015 and from 2017…
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Jessica is joined by artist Tom Stallard, a member of the XR samba band and Walthamstow XR. Jessica interviews with Dr. Charlie Gardner, a conservationist and researcher based at the Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology at the University of Kent. Dr. Gardner lived in Madagascar for 10 years helping to establish new protected areas, but now…
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Can education be compassionate? Kathryn Waddington, reader in psychology at the University of Westminster, joins us to discuss her new book - Towards the Compassionate University - which examines what a compassionate university looks like and how we can bring more compassion into education. This podcast series is produced by Compassion in Politics,…
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Much of the world is run on the basis of economic theories that have become accepted truths of our era. But they actually have very little evidence to back them up. This month, Naomi Fowler speaks to finance journalist and writer Tom Bergin on how economics ruins economies, and puts economists in the dock. Tom’s book, FREE LUNCH THINKING: HOW ECONO…
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Former Lord Mayor of Sheffield Magid Magid and Jackie Weaver - of Handforth Parish Council fame - join us to discuss local politics, the power of communities, upcoming elections, and the culture of political life. This podcast series is produced by Compassion in Politics, working to bring more compassion into public life and distributed by The Real…
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How do we get faster action on climate change? Will Hackman, environmental activist based in Washington DC talks to The Real Agenda’s Tom Burgess about saving us and our place within nature before it’s too late and how we need reframe the climate conversation to the personal, in order to inspire universal public buy-in for the rapid action we so de…
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We live in a society addicted to growth, yet on a planet with finite resources. Something needs to give. The Extinction Rebellion Podcast talks to a star of the degrowth movement, Jason Hickel. Jason is an academic and the author of The Divide and the upcoming book, Less is More: Why Degrowth Will Save the World. This episode was first released in …
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We need $9 trillion a year to fix our broken world! We find out how we can do that and ensure a just transition with wealth transfers through taxation and strategic deployment of finances with Ben Tippet of the Transnational Institute. Casino Capitalism: what really happened with the Gamestop frenzy and what does it tell us about ‘investment?’ Plus…
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How we can abolish all taxation! The economist and acknowledged recession predictor, Fred Harrison talks to The Real Agenda’s Tom Burgess about how we can truly build a better more equitable society. He explains how we could abolish all taxation and still have enough public funds to pay for all the services that government provides its people and f…
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The UK will host COP 26, the UN Climate Conferenc in Nov 2021. Why can’t the economic status quo deal with the climate emergency? What has the fresh attention on climate actually achieved? And what can the pandemic teach us about the climate crisis? In this episode (March 2021) Ayeisha is joined by Laurie Laybourn-Langton, co-author of the new book…
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“If we on our side have every fact and every policy and the other side has all of the stories, the passion, the emotion, the excitement, then we’ll lose” ~ Ben Phillips, activist and writer of How To Fight Inequality and why that fight needs you. In this episode of the Tax Justice Network’s monthly podcast, the Taxcast: Naomi Fowler speaks to Ben P…
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Recently a video circulated of 800 people queuing for a food bank in Wembley, London. Volunteers at the London Community Kitchen said that the number was not uncommon. In Rishi Sunak’s recent budget, he announced that the furlough scheme and the temporary £20 increase to universal credit would continue until the autumn. But even with these measures…
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Dr Fran Darlington-Pollock, Chair of The Equality Trust and Lecturer in Geography at the University of Liverpool talks with Wanda Wyporska, Executive Director of The Equality Trust about the impacts of policy and inequality on people's experience of Covid-19, on health, and on regional differences. Inequality Bites is produced by The Equality Trust…
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