Intercessory Prayer सार्वजनिक
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Join us each week as we ask God to act, strengthen, heal, defend, change and bless people around the globe. May your faith be increased as you join us for a powerful time of intercessory prayer. ~ Brought to you by BraveHeart United a ministry of TONIEMEHEL.COM
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The Bible says... “The effectual fervent Prayer of a Righteous man availeth much. I’m here to be effective and fervent! To see exactly how much my Intercessory Prayer will avail. This year 2021 “The Triple Threat” which represents “7” God’s number of perfection/completion 3 times! Are you ready to freely access His supernatural, divine and miraculous power through Prayer?
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This Monday is the last Monday in the year of the “Triple Threat” 2021 which is representing Almighty God Jehovah, Himself. Who’s reigning and releasing His own personal “Ultimate Perfect Will” in Earth as it is in Heaven! I give thanks that He called me to activate and release this PHENOMENON IN THE EARTH!…
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Waiting on the Lord, renews our strength, mounts us up with wings as eagles, helps us to run and not be weary and we’re able to walk and not faint! Lord WE ARE WAITING on You to see US through.
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Ohhhhhh Lord, our Lord how excellent is Thy name in all the Earth! A Prayer request for Almighty God Jehovah to make, “a house call” and come see about His Creation throughout the world.
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We have the POWER to “Heal the Sick” to “Cleanse the Leper’s” to “Raise the Dead” and to “Cast out devils” and “Freely ye have received, freely GIVE. The command and commission is given through these scriptures written in the Bible, The Living Word of God.
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In the Potter’s hands there is peace, joy, happiness, contentment, blessings and deliverance. I call forth “The Triple Threat” Almighty God Jehovah Himself to show us His “Ultimate Perfect Will” in Earth as it is in Heaven.
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“But God commendeth His LOVE towards us, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” And He atoned for each and every single one of our sins through repentance and confession we are CLEANSED.
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Bring forth reconciliation and reunite those who have been separated, divided and isolated in families, on jobs, throughout neighborhoods and community’s all across country and in every Nation, I Pray.
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In Prayer I AM led as a Pastor to stand in the gap as a sacrifice remitting the sins of the world so God will “Forgive our sins and Heal the Land.” Humbly, yielded, surrendered and submitted before God according to His WILL, willingly and obediently! Won’t you join me in lining up with God’s (will and way) for your Life also?…
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“But the Lord delivereth the RIGHTEOUS and they are definitely delivered, out of all their afflictions. Because, God said it, “it is so and so it is!” As my Sister Evangelist Sandra Jackson often says! “I Believe that I Receive.”
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Adam was the firstborn of God but never entered into a womb… When he was Created, by the hands of Almighty God Jehovah he was a full grown man and God breathed the breath of LIFE into him - “He became a Living soul!” So shall it be today as we receive the BREATH OF GOD as He breathes upon our circumstances, situations, every single aspect and areas…
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Praise and Worship! Blessings and Miracles! “May… Our sins be remitted by You, Oh God Most High and You have your ultimate perfect will and Your way just as long as you want to in this world, in the Mighty name of Jesus, I Pray.”
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Our world is in crisis globally yet people are ignoring the SIGNS OF THE TIMES! But God….. I Pray for the Nation’s throughout the world and believe that your word is true, “And we know all things work together for the GOOD!” Thank you for showing up and letting us experience the GOOD as we give you Praise, Glory and Honor I Pray!…
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A Prayer for the institution of Family, the institution of Marriage and the institution of Church. To come together in Unity, the Power of Agreement, and be on One Accord. In Freedom, Liberty and Deliverance to walk in our God given abilities.
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I Prayer to Almighty God Jehovah, our Father, “The Triple Threat” who’s against all evil. Praying concerning the beliefs that hinder, stumble and block the people of God from knowing their true Power, Authority, Dominion, Might, Strength, Charge and Control we each have over the enemy and his angels and it’s through the name of J E S U S.…
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This 7th month represents Perfection, Completion and Acceleration that things established in Heaven are able to be established in Earth as we BELIEVE the report……. It’s in subjection under our feet in the Mighty name of Jesus!
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God said He would do “exceeding” abundantly above all we ask or think. But it’s according to the POWER that worketh in us... Which is the POWER OF L O V E of His Son Jesus Christ. Love is Power and I Pray that it reigns this week greater than ever before in Jesus holy name.
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In Honor of my Baby Brother’s Faith and him speaking the scripture our Dad taught him over me last week, I speak it over his Life and all those in crisis this week. “I Shall Not Want” in the Mighty name of Jesus I Pray, Amen.” 🙏
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The enemy will send and throw at us the imitation and counterfeit to stop us from PATIENTLY WAITING for the true, real, genuine article from ever being received. Will YOU WAIT or are you in too much of a hurry?
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GREAT PEACE is available to each and every single one of us who LOVE THE LAW OF GOD and the Bible says “nothing shall offend us!” I speak PEACE. I call forth PEACE. In the Mighty name of Jesus PEACE BE STILL.
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“Creator and Creation” This 6th month is signifying the importance of the 6th day God created Mankind in His own image. The scripture, “No Good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly” I Pray this LIVING WORD will flourish in all our lives throughout this week and forevermore in the Mighty name of Jesus, Amen.…
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Intercessory Prayer for The Nations, The Country’s and The Continents of The World, for The Spirit of Contentment, Sufficiency, Grace and Patience to Wait on The Lord is released and we are able to be of Good Courage, as Almighty God strengthens our Heart’s. ♥️
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Last week the voice of the Lord said, “He was used as a weapon against you.” Alerting me to the truth of the opposition and adversity I’ve been up against. But the real truth is... IT SHALL NOT PROSPER according to the scripture, in Isaiah ch.54 vs.17.
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Thank you, “Triple Threat” for activating and saving the lives of your people and going against the will of evil to steal, kill and destroy. Bringing forth your WILL in Earth as it is in HEAVEN.
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The burden has been in my Spirit concerning the continual weekly deaths of those who are young, vibrant, healthy and full of life but are now dead. In the Mighty name of Jesus LIVE I PRAY AMEN.
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The Easter story yesterday tells us of Christ Jesus asking for “this cup” to be removed from Him. But not (My will, Thy will) be done. Question: “What is our cross that is not our will to bare but we know it’s God’s will - will we bare it?”
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In His presence is “fullness of joy” and at thy right hand are “pleasures for evermore. Reviving “The Triple Threat” and asking Almighty God Jehovah to SHOW UP in our world today. And show us “His will and His way” in Earth as it is in Heaven.
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The Triple Threat, Almighty God Jehovah’s will be done I Pray. Miracle’s, Signs and Wonders! The Miraculous, Supernatural and Divine be released and shown throughout the World this week in Christ Jesus Holy name I Pray, Amen.
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A Prayer of HELP for the homeless, the abused children, women being abducted, those who are taken for organs and are being misused and abused. Also for abundant life promised in your word Lord and be empowered Christians to continue doing your WILL as a “Living Sacrifice unto YOU!”
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The Prayer of Agreement for Almighty God Jehovah’s ultimate perfect will to be done in the Earth. The Spiritual Triple Threat and Natural Triple Threat United in “The Power of Agreement Prayer!”
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God Jehovah and I are calling forth Intercessory Prayer Warrior’s to be activated, accessed and who willingly accepts being appointed to become a “Triple Threat” to bring forth God Jehovah’s WILL in the Earth.
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Intercessory Prayer accessing and activating “The Triple Threat” the force of the triple “7” God Jehovah’s number of perfection and completion of His handiwork to bring “Heaven on Earth” and great deliverance through Faith.
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