This is the story of an Oleh who found himself strapped for cash, no job and contemplating the possibility that Aliyah was a mistake. Instead of giving in, our interviewee, LiAmi, founded the organization Keep Olim which has 10's of thousands of members in their Facebook group from a mind-boggling 100 countries. In their own words, "KeepOlim is a new amuta (non-profit) that provides programs and services to new Olim (immigrants to Israel). From Free Legal Aid, Adopt an Oleh Program, No Oleh Alone for the holidays, Bikkur Cholim (visiting the sick Olim), social events, advocacy on behalf of Olim, self-help groups (and coming-soon, a low cost, quality individual mental-health counseling; as well as a support hotline)." In this episode we are on the receiving end of: - Some very difficult facts about Olim and the rate at which many return to their country of birth - Prevalent hardships Olim face, what Keep Olim is doing to help and what Olim can do to help - Steps those who have not yet made Aliyah can take to make the transition that much smoother - All the amazing work Keep Olim is doing to help keep Olim in Israel Thank you so much to LiAmi for his time and openness. Every listener with benefit from hearing this. And thank you all so much for listening, subscribing and sharing. Keep it up! Keep Olim's website: Website of the organization Maof mentioned in the episode: --- Send in a voice message:…