I love cutting edge apps and innovative software. Right now I am memorizing Ephesians 3:16 through the best app I’ve seen within this category. It’s called Verses. For the class I teach at Midland I enjoy using classtools.net, Kahoots, Prezi’s, Pollseverywhere, Expalineverything. For podcasting I joined the beta tester group for a new software called Descript. You record your audio and it transcribes automatically and associates the text with the audio clip. That means that if I delete a word in the document, it deletes the audio in the clip. I find myself giving credence to upcoming entrepreneurial ingenuity by subscribing to 7 day trials and cancelling before I get charged. In this story I am found standing near the bananas at Walmart when something goes wrong and I ended up accidentally making a financial blunder that would have costed me dinner that night. Here is the rest of the story. What I learned was that if I did not have a back up plan, I would have had to leave my grocery cart behind. I also learned that small decisions can have large implications. I am excited for the journey to financial peace so that my wife and I can continue to learn pay off debt, budget, save money, and give generously.…