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Still Unbelievable!

Still Unbelievable

Welcome to Still Unbelievable!, where we examine Christianity. Sometimes we will discuss an episode of the Unbelievable? podcast, sometimes we will test how well Christian arguments stand up because, as sceptics, we think that all beliefs should be challenged.
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In this episode of Still Unbelievable, Matthew interviews Tim, who is a fellow contributor to the book Apostate. See the below for links to the book, other podcasts and items mentioned in this discussion. 1) Buy Apostate 2) Matthew on the Graceful Atheist…
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In this episode of Still Unbelievable, Matthew welcoms back friend of the podcast, Clint Heacock to talk about Clint's book, Not so Shiny not so Happy People and Apostate and the process of writing and publishing. See the show notes for links to the books and to Clint's podcast, dismantling doctrine. 1) buy Not So Shiny Not So Happy People https://…
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In this episode of Still Unbelievable, Matthew chats with Liz Charlotte Grant. Liz's book, Knock at the Sky is recommended for anyone who considers themself a doubter, questioner or deconstructor. It is a book that will bring a new perspective to female characters in genesis. We appreciated Liz's book and found her witty and engaging to converse wi…
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In this episode of Still Unbelievable, Matthew interviews Sarah Bacaller. This is an exciting episode because it is the first official episode celebrating the launch of the book Apostate. Sarah has organised 21 different people who each recount some of their recovery from Christianity. There will be more episodes that discuss the book, including in…
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In this episode Matthew comments on a two part series of Christians talking about deconversion. It really is as bad as you think it will be, and is one reason why Christians are spending far too much time talking and not enough time paying attention. The episodes are from the Apologetics Radio show and were published in 2021. 1) the original episod…
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Apologist Vince Vitale did a review of a Free Will debate, see the link no 1 in the show notes. The original debate is at link 2. Matthew reviews Vince's review because there are some Christian justifications for free will that simply do not make any sense. 1)…
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In this episode of Still Unbelievable! David from Skeptics and Seekers joins Matthew to discuss, and answer, 3 questions that Cameron Bertuzzi posted onto his Capturing Christianity channel. We're unimpressed by these questions because we think they reveal an attempt to trap atheists into a specific answer, and as such they are not good faith quest…
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Episode 122 Bekah McNeel - This Is Going To Hurt In this episode of Still Unbelievable! We welcome back Bekah McNeel. Bekah is a journalist and author. We interviewed Bekah for her first book, Bringing Up Kids when Church Lets You Down in Episode 91, see link in the show notes. In this episode Matthew talks with Bekah about her next book, This is G…
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In this episode David and Matthew continue our series telling our stories by recounting our early school years. Andrew was unable to join us for this recording, but we will be catching up with him soon. 1) Part 1 - episode 117 2) ACE 3) Matthew discusses the kidnap…
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In this episode Matthew reviews a Christian podcast which attempts to address the problem of God's hiddenness. But as you're about to hear, it descends into predictable chest beating victim blaming. This is Christian apologetics at it's utter worst. Rather than explain why god is justified in being hidden from you, this podcast tediously explains w…
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In this episode of Still Unbelievable! Matthew comments on an episode of the Worldview Legacy podcast which argues that science and Christian faith do not conflict. The podcast host is Joel Settecase, who we have featured in a previous commentary episode. We take the view that there are claims in Christianity that are not scientifically defendable …
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In this Episode Matthew will address statements made in an episode promoting Young Earth Creationism, see link 1. The podcast is Macrophage Strategy and the host, Ben, did appear on Still Unbelievable! in episode 86, see link 2. Ben does make reference to some specific scientific ideas in his episode, and in each case there will be links, so please…
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We Tell Our Stories - Part 1In this episode of Still Unbelievable! Andrew and Matthew are joined by David from Skeptics and Seekers for the first in a series of episodes where we will each be telling our stories into and out of Christianity.The first 25 minutes or so of this episode is a catchup of our respective brands and what's been going on in …
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In this episode Matthew picks apart an episode of the Apologetics 365 podcast from May 2022. See links at 1, where Brian Auten & Chad Gross discuss five arguments they think every Christian should know. While Matthew explains why they are bullshit and they should not convince you to take Christianity seriously.The arguments covered are: Cosmologica…
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This episode of Still Unbelievable! is a replay of an old episode of Ask and Atheist Anything, where Andrew and Matthew have a conversation with David, from skeptics and seekers, about polemicism. If you've followed us since those early days, you will have already heard this conversation. We think it is still relevant and this is why it's now being…
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In this Episode Matthew reviews a conversation between Christians as they discuss terminal cancer diagnosis. The original broadcast was on Unbelievable! in March 2024, see link below. The original YouTube video featuring Steve Legg and Allan Finnegan ---- To contact us, email: [email protected] o…
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In this episode Matthew reviews an episode of Frank Turek's Cross Examined podcast, where he and Dr. Titus Kennedy discuss discoveries about Jesus that are outside of the biblical texts. 1) the original podcast episode 2) Biola University statement of faith https://www.…
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Episode 112 - Sy Garte says Science is not Enough In this episode Matthew reviews a conversion story from the podcast Side B Stories, the episode features the scientist Dr Sy Garte. Dr Garte has written a book called Science and Faith in Harmony so Matthew examines Dr Garte's testimony to see where science features in the story. 1) Dr Garte on the …
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Episode 111 - The Deconversion of Jake Matthew interviews Jake about his deconversion from Christianity. links to feed your curiosity...... That Bill Nye - Ken Ham debate YouTube channels to start with…
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Episode 110 - GunsIn this episode, Andrew and Matthew have a conversation with listener James about guns.Discussion on the second amendment and the right to bear arms- court McDonald decision- guns and violent …
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In this episode Matthew reviews a Creationist podcast that gives tips on how to debate evolution with an atheist. The podcast is from the Think Institute, by Joel Settecase, who is a Young Earth Creationist. We reviewed Joel's justification of this position back in Episode 80. In this episode, Joel has conversations with atheists with the intention…
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This is an episode we genuinely looked forward to recording. Andrew and Matthew talk with Derek Kubilus, author of the book Holy Hell, A Case Against Eternal Damnation. Derek is genuinely compassionate and that comes across in his writing. His acknowledgment of the harm that hell theology causes and his case against it presents a god that many will…
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Episode 107 - Stories and Legends In this episode Andrew and Matthew are joined by David from Skeptics and Seekers to talk stories and legends. There is hilarity and seriousness, legends and even demons! Enjoy. Exploring The Allegedly Grisly Meaning Behind ‘London Bridge Is Falling Down’…
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Matthew reviews an episode of Unbelievable from October 2021. A promo for the Premier Christianity course Confident Christianity featuring William Lane Craig, John Lennox, Amy Orr-Ewing and Gary Habermas. As usual, there are references below. 1) Unbelievable podcast - Confident Christianity October 1st 2012…
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Episode 105 - Questions to engage an Agnostic AtheistIn this episode of Still Unbelievable! Matthew goes through a podcast from Stand to Reason. The show is hosted by Amy Hall and Greg Koukl. The specific episode being addressed is one where they give questions to ask someone who says they're agnostic atheist. This is a label we're happy to apply t…
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Episode 104 - Can Christians convince us of the resurrection? In this episode Matthew responds to a Christian podcast addressing atheist arguments against the resurrection. Can the things they say get us to reconsider our denial of the resurrection as an historical event? Original YouTube video 1) Paulogi…
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Andrew and Matthew have a conversation with Daniel, a Palestinian Christian. An Open Letter from Palestinian Christians to Western Church Leaders and Theologians Daniel on the New Evangelicals podcast…
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In this second episode, Andrew and Matthew continue their discussion with Eric, this time talking about the current conflict in Gaza and the modern history that contextualises it. Profile: Mahmoud Abbas Hamas Covenant 1988 The Covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movement…
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In this special bonus Episode, Andrew and Matthew welcome Eric to talk about the history of Israel. History of Israel History of Palestine…
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In this episode Matthew chats with Stephen from Ravel podcast. Stephen admitted on a recent episode that he no longer considered himself Christian, so naturally we wanted to have a conversation with him. As it turns out, we had a fabulous one. we hope you enjoy it as much as we did. Ravel Podcast https://www.owlt…
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This episode of Still Unbelievable is a replay of a conversation that Andrew and I had with Philip Goff and Brian Blaise. The original conversation is Episode 3 of the Proscenium podcast, if you have not already listened to that, then this episode is a conversation where we invited philosopher Philip Goff to discuss Panpsychism and his book Galileo…
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In this Episode of Still Unbelivceable! Andrew and Matthew chat with Christian listener, William Gretton, who contacted us proposing a conversation. As a result we had a genuinely enjoyable discussion. Of course we didn't agree on everything. But we did agree with grace and William showed us that it is possible to have these conversations and to pa…
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Episode 100 - One hundred episodes of hate. To celebrate Still Unbelievable! reaching 100 episodes over four years, Andrew and Matthew invite Clint and Darren to chat about why they do what they do and to address the very specific accusation that they hate Christians. The BITE model of control…
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in this episode of Still Unbelievable Matthew is joined by David from Skeptics and Seekers to interview Heather Wells, author of the book Trustworthy, a Journey from American Christianity to Freedom. Heather writes powerfully about her life experience and that comes across as David and I describe our reactions to her book. Heather has also been int…
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Bart Ehrman Armageddon on Amazon Olivet Discourse…
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In this episode Andrew and Matthew are joined by David and Michael, two of our fellow authors from Still Unbelievable! the book. We spent 3 hours going through the listener comments from my appearance on Unbelievable? where I conversed with Mike D'Virgilio about his book, Uninvented. This episode goes very long, and we have a good time picking apar…
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In this Episode, Matthew makes reference to an incident where he misquotes Jonathan. The original YoutTube conversation is at this link: The Still Unbelievable! episode of the audio is available at: The segment where I misquoted Jonathan is in my intro…
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Episode 95 Ridiculous Reasons to Believe In this short episode Matthew will be picking apart a video from Reasons to Believe that William Lane Craig posted on his twitter timeline in March 2023. The sequence is titled, Did Jesus rise from the dead? Part 1, the facts. See link 1 for the full 6.5 minute video and the additional follow on videos. Ther…
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In this episode of Still Unbelievable!, Andrew and Matthew give a brief update on what's going in their lives outside of Still Unbelievable! and then give thoughts on Matthew's appearance on the Unbelievable? podcast and some shows with Christians that have they've recently recorded. As always, please see the show notes for items that are discussed…
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Mike D'Virgilio Matthew and Mike on Unbelievable? Unbelievable? podcasts The Robe Jesus of Nazareth Blog post list…
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Andrew and Matthew and joined by Phil Halper, who own the YouTube channel skydivephil where he posts excellent videos on cosmology. Phil also wrote two chapters of our book Still Unbelievable! and has appeared on other podcasts, including Unbelievable? Before the big bang playlist:…
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Episode 91, Bringing Up Kids When Church Lets You Down. In this episode Andrew and Matthew welcome Bekah McNeel to talk about her book and the deconstruction that prompted it. Bekah is an engaging author and a delightful individual and we both thoroughly enjoyed this conversation. We also highly recommend her book, it is insightful. Towards the end…
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In this episode we chat with Justin Brierley, host of the very popular Premier Unbelievable? podcast. We'd really enjoyed this chat with Justin, but we didn't get to cover many of the questions that we gathered, so we will ask and try to have him back again. We cover a little bit of his show and we also talk about arguments for Christianity and why…
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In this episode, Andrew and Matthew are joined by Aaron and Tim to talk over the subject of, properly understood, the bible is the most potent force for atheism. This is a great episode that we enjoyed immensely, thank you to both of our guests. Arron ricker Tim O Neill…
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Talking about the Resurrection In this Episode, Ed Atkinson joins Andrew and Matthew to discuss the Resurrection of Jesus and how we dealt with the minimal facts in Episode 83. Ed was part of the team behind the book Still Unbelievable! and wrote the chapter on the resurrection. Matthew's recent appearance on Unbelievable?…
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Episode 87, Polytheism. In this episode of Still Unbeliveable! Andrew and Matthew Welcome Steven Dillion to discuss Polytheism. The episode art is the Greek god Asclepius (also Asklepios), the reason why is revealed at the end of the show. Steven Dillon https://www.johnhun…
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Andrew and Matthew welcome Young Earth Creationist, Ben, to discuss what it means to be a YEC and why Ben is convinced it's the correct conclusion. Additional Links provided by Ben after editing completed: Chicxulub (Yucatan site): Clarey, T. L. 2017. Do the Data Support a Large Meteorite Impact at Chicxulub? Answers Research Journal. 10: 71-88. ht…
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Episode 85: 7 Questions for Atheists by Dr Michael Brown This is Matthew and in this episode of Still Unbelievable! Andrew and I are joined by friends who are repeat guests to answer questions for Atheists by Dr Michael Brown. To see his list of questions, see link 1 in the show notes. As part of our response to the first question, Andrew gives a c…
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Episode 84 Miracles. We welcome returning guest Brian Blais to talk about miracles. Andrew gives an update on the failed prayer to heal his eyesight, and towards the end of the show, she have a special appearance by David from Skeptics and Seekers. For further discussion regarding the shoe on the roof NDE story that we raise and Gary Habermas likes…
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Andrew and Matthew discuss and review a Christian podcast talking about the Minimal Facts claims for the resurrection. Original Video Critique of the Criterion of embarrassment: 1) 2)…
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