No description necessary.
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The Sofia Unfiltered Podcast, created by Sofia Health, is the go-to podcast for transformative wellness conversations. In each episode, Riley brings you powerful conversations with thought leaders who offer insight and unfiltered perspectives to expand your mindset. Each week they will leave you with actionable steps to achieve real results, bringing you back to a state of empowerment that leaves you feeling your best. New episodes on Mondays. Please rate and review the podcast if you enjoy it.
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Bryan and Sofia are here to discuss some of the hot topics that are prevalent in today’s culture. Anywhere from navigating entrepreneurship to everyday life in modern society. Our conversations will be vast and informative that should help shift one’s mindset about the philosophy to truly conquer whatever your dreams have set you out to do.
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Podcast by SofiaochIsabel
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A lo largo de su carrera, Sofía Contreras ha jugado en la intersección de marketing y startups. Liderando fondos de inversión de +200MM USD, potenciado el crecimiento de cientos de negocios y co-fundado su primera ONG a los 23 años, hoy en 18 países. Actualmente, es CEO y fundadora de Mastery Haus firma de consultoría que ayuda a empresarios a escalar sus resultados. En este podcast, encontrarás herramientas y metodologías sobre productividad, mentalidad y negocios para alcanzar lo que te pr ...
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pegcitydrive will get you approved
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Känslan av ett riktigt bra auktionsfynd eller en skön dag i trädgården i poddformat! I Billgren Wood poddar vintage- och tv-profilen Elsa Billgren och kokbokförfattaren och inredningsprofilen Sofia Wood om framtida och samtida trender. Duon djupdyker i mat, konst, inredning, design och mode och delar med sig av personliga tankar och upplevelser. Det här är podden för inspirationstörstande personer med intresse för mat, hem och det goda i livet. Önska ämne på https://www.billgrenwood.seEn pod ...
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I love talking about culture, technology, and business. Oh, and my life occasionally gets inserted into that conversation every now and then.
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Bienvenidos al podcast de sofia espero que lo disfrutéis mucho y os guste 😍🤩😊😜☺😽❤♥
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In diesem Podcast spreche ich mit interessanten Menschen über Ihre Lebensgeschichte. Ich freu mich auf dein Feedback. Instagram:
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Sofia, Ruby, and Griffin discuss all things East High journalism and general world events!
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um áudio gigante no whatsapp entre amigos | por @braynersof / @antesofriaagorasofia
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Welcome to the Sofía Avant-Mier podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Sofia and friends sit down to chat about life and the struggles of growing up!
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Listen to Sofia talk about everything fantasy in God's world. Any teen, young adult or young at heart will love to listen in on current topics and her favorite subjects, movies and books! Be ready to listen to Sofia interview authors, reader enthusiasts (even the unenthused), other podcasters and many more!
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English writing and speaking test Cover art photo provided by Vanessa Ives on Unsplash:
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Hej och välommen till sofia Hult personliga podcast
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Esta rádio é dedicada à minha mãe chamada "Sofia". Eu não faço ideia de como é que se cria a rádio mas estou a fazer isso.
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sofiane's podcast is the best podcast ever made, here you gonna wast 15 minutes of your time every day, then regret it immediately after listening to it, then coming back tomorrow to listen again, cuz most of you people are addicted to bullshit, ENJOY!!!!
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About values about ethics society inspirational inner strength motivation success
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Улиците на София е един подкаст с истории от града. За живота и вижданията на хора, в които се вглеждаме през прозореца на трамвая.
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Tianamen Square massacre
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Welcome to the Sofia Del Carmen Gomez Salazar podcast, where amazing things happen. Cover art photo provided by Carl Raw on Unsplash:
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🗣️ Using humor to educate & radicalize 🤯 Inspiring stories, resources & strategies to decolonize your mind 🎙️ Hosted by Sofia Syntaxx 🎉 New shows available ONLY on Patreon/there will be no public second season.
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In this podcast we talk about creepy, fun, and extreamly dangerous topics. If you want advice we could give it. If you want a spook at night we could do it. If you want a friend to talk about horses with, I'm in.
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Reforestación en Naucalpan (UFRAM)
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A collection of conversations of every and any topic by three best friends with a little bit too much to say.
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En podcast av Kathrine og Sofia
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Comparto historias. Las Voces son protagonistas de cada una. ¡Todos son bienvenidos!
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Podcast by Erika Bomb
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News Cover art photo provided by Efe Kurnaz on Unsplash:
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Welcome to the The True Sofia The First podcast, where you can find tips and strategies to promote your children’s YouTube channel.
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De Clara a Sofia: Amor e Sabedoria é o segundo livro escrito por Helena Tannure e aborda várias histórias vividas no exercício da maternidade com seus 4 filhos e como Deus a forjou e ensinou com cada uma. É claro que não couberam todas num livro só e, pensando nisso, surgiu a idéia de "Histórias de Clara a Sofia" O Podcast. Uma forma nova de contar aquelas histórias e ainda, quem sabe, histórias novas!
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Podcast da CNN Portugal com antevisão diária dos jogos do Mundial 2022. “A tripla da Sofia” destaca os protagonistas do ponto de vista de Sofia Oliveira. “Um áudio para o engenheiro” envia uma mensagem para o selecionador Fernando Santos. E “Mais Qualquer Coisa” é o momento do Maisfutebol dizer…qualquer coisa.
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Kärriärpodden - En Podcast där författare Sofia Margaretha Berg går igenom allt kretsande karriären och hur man når den i samspel med gäster samt frågor ifrån lyssnare. Hoppas ni fortsätter följa podden utveckling och ryssar på avsnitten.
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Podcast #3 - Ética
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Aquí exploramos las grandes preguntas con la ciencia: ¿Quiénes o qué somos? ¿Dónde estamos? ¿De dónde venimos? ¿Adónde vamos? ¿Qué es la vida y la muerte? ¿Hay otras vidas ahí fuera? ¿Qué pintamos aquí... si es que pintamos algo)?
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Bienvenidos al podcast de Vida de Fe - Ramon y Sofía, donde descubriremos cómo vivir mejor una vida cristiana juntos.
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Join me, Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Army Veteran, as I share techniques that I implement in raising a sibling group of 7 adopted children. My ideas have been featured nationally on media outlets such as ABC, NBC, and CBS. My family and I have been featured on talk shows like The Harry Show, Pickler & Ben, and Rachael Ray. This podcast explores the world of youth and their guardians. It also gives tips and ideas to enhance mental health and overall the standard of life. Sofia’s Socia ...
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Peter & Sofia - Disco, drama och en dos av hybris!
Peter & Sofia - Disco, drama och en dos av hybris!
"Peter & Sofia - Disco, drama och en dos av hybris!" är en podcast av Sofia Hernborg och Jens-Peter Kjärsgård.
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Our lives often pass us by as we conform to societal expectations, squeezing ourselves into boxes and labels. But here's the truth: we are all one of one. Join me on this journey as we delve into personal stories, strengthen our faith, break barriers, and explore what it truly means to be unique in every aspect of our lives – in business, relationships, and personal growth. I invite you to embrace your individuality, stand tall, and never fear being the one of one in the room. Together, we'l ...
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Este podcast es un canal práctico donde yo, Sofía, detrás de, te facilito meditaciones y experiencias conscientes desde y con el corazón. Una invitación a parar, reducir la velocidad y sumergirte en ti. En este podcast tienes la oportunidad de aprender técnicas que te pueden servir para regularte, conectar con tu la paz interna y crecer con más consciencia, momento a momento. Si resuena contigo, dispón de este lugar con libertad y encuentra en el una oportunidad para crea ...
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430. Enkla fix för ett vackert hem
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45:04I veckans Billgren Wood pratar vi om små saker som gör stor skillnad för hemmet! Budgetidéer, pynt, smarta lösningar och DIY för våren. Vi djupdyker i stora fat med chiafrön och påskliljor från mataffären, udda loppisfynd man kan göra och den nya blå färgen i Sofias hall. Inspiration finns överallt, tex på Pepstop med sallad i enkla glasvaser. Våre…
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Silencio Estratégico: El Verdadero Poder Del Estoicismo | Ep. 102
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10:47El 26 de marzo, sale a la luz mi próximo libro Pasa A La Acción. Más que un libro es una guía paso a paso para crear un sistema de decisiones, hábitos y acciones para lograr lo que te propones. Un mapa directo hacia la vida que querés. Sumate al evento virtual de lanzamiento y preventa, ingresando acá:…
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Adapting Your Home for Independence: Expert Tips from Occupational Therapist with Lindsay DeLong EP 60
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29:14In this episode, Lindsay DeLong joins Riley Rees to discuss key strategies for aging in place and creating an accessible home. From smart home technology to simple home modifications, Lindsay shares practical tips and disability-friendly hacks to improve safety, mobility, and independent living. In This Episode, we chat about: Why planning for acce…
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Let’s Talk Quitting Your Job Just To Qualify For A Homebuyer Grant, What Would You Do With $1 Trillion, Mortgage Rates, The Stock Market Crashing, 4 Seafood Options - 1 Must Go, and more! - S4 - #06
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57:02In today’s episode Bryan and Sofia discuss what a divorce party is, Busch Gardens Mardi Gras, local hockey with the Norfolk Admirals, the mental side of sports, should you quit a high paying job just to qualify for homebuying grants, CitiBank’s trillion dollar mistake, a congressional DUI, mortgage rates, Trump and the stock market crash, 4 seafood…
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Botox, Filler Blindness & Mini Face Lifts ft. Plastic Surgeon Dr. Lafer
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1:00:16Ever wanted an expert’s take on any possible cosmetic treatment/ procedure under the sun?? Well this week you’re in luck because my beautiful, EDUCATED, plastic surgeon to the stars is here to give us a crash course on botox, lip filler, face lifts, buccal fat removal, hyperpigmentation, laser, and more!! We deep dive into everything trending in th…
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I dagens Billgren Wood pratar vi föräldraskap och åldrande. Vem blir man sen när familjelivet lättar? Måste man välja mellan mammakorv eller frihetstörst? Kanske är livet med större barn inte så olikt att vara 20 trots allt. Elsa pratar om barndomens brist på fredagsmys och vad det gjort med henne, Sofia går på lättast möjliga väg och sen byter hon…
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Cómo Superar El Síndrome del Eterno Aprendiz | Ep. 101
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12:19El 26 de marzo, sale a la luz mi próximo libro Pasa a La acción. Más que un libro es una guía paso a paso para crear un sistema de decisiones, hábitos y acciones para lograr lo que te propones. Un mapa directo a la vida que querés. Sumate al Evento virtual de Lanzamiento y preventa, ingresando acá:…
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Para sumarte al Evento Virtual del Lanzamiento, ingresá acá:
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Alex got off the plane from Utah with vengeance. Breaking the news of my ex’s engagement? No problem! Calling a DIFFERENT ex for the first time in years on my behalf? Love it!!! In addition to cozying up to the men of my past, Alex shares her near death experience on the slopes, calls me out for not getting her a Christmas gift last year (don’t wor…
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I dagens Billgren Wood får ni följa med under ett telefonsamtal en söndag morgon. Precis som det ofta är när vi pratar med varandra över en kopp kaffe hamnar vi i inredning, känslor, drömmar och planer. Sofia målar vidare, är sugen på blodplättsformade dekanter och kanske fler ansikten till vardagsrummet. Elsa har köpt ett överkast och drömmer om a…
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¿Cuánto Es Suficiente En Tu Vida? | Ep. 99
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7:51Este episodio son 9 minutos para que no desperdicies tu vida persiguiendo una zanahoria imaginaria.
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Hormone Testing, Perimenopause, & Menopause: The Essential Guide For Women to Thrive with Dr. Tami Meraglia EP 59
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31:14In this episode of Sofia Health, Dr. Tami Meraglia joins Riley Rees to discuss how hormones influence women’s health, weight, and mood. She explains why traditional healthcare often overlooks perimenopause and menopause and how personalized symptom management can be life-changing. In This Episode, we chat about: Why “fine” isn’t an acceptable diagn…
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Let’s Talk Snow Days, Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac Changes, Can You Get A Loan If You Have Government Debt, 4 Classic Sitcoms - 1 Must Go, and more! - S4 - #05
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58:41In today’s episode Bryan and Sofia discuss the recent snow days, Bryan shorting stocks, whether or not you can get a loan if you have government debt, what’s happening with fed rates, new Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac changes, 4 classic sit-coms - 1 must go, and more! LTBS Podcast - Hosted By Ibis Cuisine Restaurant: Website: https://ibiscuisinerestau…
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Valentine’s Fanny Flutters ft. Perfect Match’s Alara Taneri
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51:53Today I am joined by fashion bombshell Alara Taneri who you know and love from Perfect Match season 2 and the infamous Dated & Related… In addition to sharing BTS of her time on reality TV, Alara tells us all about her new boo (if you’re lucky you’ll see her soft launch him on her IG story) and all of her past Valentine’s antics. Alara and I discus…
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Breaking Free from Mental Blocks with Britt Frank EP 58
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36:42Riley Rees sits down with Britt Frank, a licensed neuropsychotherapist and author of the book The Science of Stuck. Britt shares her insights into why so many of us struggle with procrastination, avoidance, and self-sabotage—and how to break free from these patterns using science-backed strategies. Britt’s work focuses on understanding how the brai…
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I dagens Billgren Wood djupdyker vi i allt som rör konst, skåp, väggfärg och allt annat man kan dekorera väggarna med hemma. Vi pratar om hur man blir modig och vågar köpa verk att älska länge, om Farrow & Balls nya färgpalett, familjefotografier och Sofias besatthet av kroppsdelar. Välkomna till ett inspirerande inredningsavsnitt i klassisk Billgr…
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Liderazgo: 7 hacks para potenciar tu equipo | Ep. 98
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4:40Si queres potenciar el crecimiento y desarrollo de tu equipo dentro de tu negocio, estos 7 puntos son claves para que implementes a la hora de liderar.
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Let’s Talk The Superbowl, Hidden Rooms, Our Host Ibis Restaurant, Snow Day Plans, Trump Halting CFPB, Bryan’s First TV Interview, 4 Greatest Rappers 1 Must Go, and more! - S4 - #04
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1:03:04In today’s episode Bryan and Sofia discuss this year’s Superbowl and Half-time show, picking 1 of 4 classic rappers to erase from history, enjoying food at new LTBS host Ibis Restaurant, everyone’s getting sick, Trump halts the CFPB and their protections, Bryan’s first tv interview as a kid, and more! Connect with Bryan & Sofia: Instagram @letstalk…
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How To Date ft. Professional Matchmaker Sarah Powell
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58:31Today I’m on my couch with dating expert (and one of my best and oldest freinds) Sarah Powell! Sarah is a professional matchmaker here to share her wisdom. How do I find my person? How do I perfect my Hinge profile? Do I go on a second date? Sarah has the answers. Also – Sarah may or may not be the one responsible for setting me up with my current …
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Välkomna till ett avsnitt om våra sämsta sidor! Vi listar allt vi är beroende av, sånt som återkommer i vårt liv som vi gärna hade varit utan och det vi älskar att njuta av i smyg. Sofias hamburgarerelaterade obsession, Elsas soffor och alla guilty pleasures uppradade på ett bräde. Välkomna till ett ärligt och kanske osmickrande avsnitt om det mest…
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Marca Personal: La Constancia Hace La diferencia | Ep. 97
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6:53Las personas conectan con personas. Si querés conocer el paso a paso para saber cómo implementamos nuestra estrategia y que vos también puedas aplicarla, ingresá acá:
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Sleeping with 1k Men in 12 Hours ft. Bonnie Blue
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1:04:20How did OF star Bonnie Blue sleep with 1,057 men in 12 hours?? This week we get every detail — the sea of condoms on the floor, the 40 second rule, the man who sang “You’ve Got a Friend in Me”… Bonnie also breaks down her controversial “barely legal” content and sets her sights on my BROTHER. Last thing Sloots — do you ever need to be angry to orga…
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425. Morgontankar - allt vi är sugna på just nu
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48:42Välkomna till ett samtal mellan vänner om ditt och datt, saker vi vill klä in oss och våra hem i och ett djupdyk i våra sparat-mappar. Elsa har tyvärr förstört sin lägenhet med en oljelampa och Sofia har en kill-crush, stilmässigt. Vi delar med oss av våra bästa inspirationskällor just nu, pratar vårpirr och boksug, delar inredningstips och som van…
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El primer paso para vivir la vida que querés es definir que es prioritario en tu vida. Y en base a eso crear tu propia definición de éxito. En este episodio te comparto cómo logré definir mi propia ruta para alcanzarlo y te invito a que vos también puedas hacerlo.
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Healing Childhood Trauma & Toxic Family Patterns with Aspen Robinson EP 57
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26:58Riley Rees sits down with Aspen Robinson, a trauma expert and energy healer, to discuss the powerful journey of healing childhood trauma. Aspen shares her personal experience with trauma recovery, emphasizing that healing is a fluid process that often requires a combination of approaches. From traditional therapies to energy healing and somatic pra…
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Amazon Unboxing, My Plastic Surgery & eBay Birkins
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1:11:52Join me as I unbox a disgusting amount of amazon items that I bought in a panic after Pinterest told me they were cool! I AM AN ADVERTISER’S WET DREAM. In addition to going on a ten minute long oil tangent – including balsamic glaze being embarrassing, ordering olive oil for the cute label, and exposing a brand that would hate me IF ONLY they knew …
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424. Optimera mera - hacks för ett välmående hem
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51:32I dagens Billgren Wood grottar vi ner oss i en lyssnarfråga om hur man optimerar livet hemma. Vad gör man med fula sladdar, var förvarar man viktiga papper, hur tänker vi med tv-spel och mobilladdare? Alla de där små men ack så viktiga hacksen för trivsel hemma. Vi pratar också om andra sidan av steken, nämligen problematiken i att hela tiden sträv…
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¿Querés Tomar Mejores Decisiones?: Desarrolla Modelos Mentales | Ep. 95
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6:38Nuestros modelos mentales funcionan como una caja de herramientas que podes usar a la hora de tomar una decisión. Desarrollar tus propios modelos mentales va a potenciar tus resultados y acercarte mucho más a tus objetivos.
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Expert Guide to Holistic Health and Choosing the Right Coach with Dez Stephens EP 56
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57:46Riley Rees sits down with Dez Stephens, founder of Radiant Coaches Academy and author of The Qualitarian Lifestyle. Dez explains what it means to live a qualitarian life—one that prioritizes quality in every area, from food to relationships to daily decisions. Dez shares her personal journey and how the idea of being a "qualitarian" evolved from he…
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Let’s Talk The Horrible Potomac River Tragedy, What Has Trump Been Changing, Are Credit Scores Like GPA’s, Bryan’s Investment Properties, Sofia Stands Her Ground On R&B Legends, and more! - S4 - #03
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57:28In today’s episode Bryan and Sofia discuss that horrible Potomac River plane crash, what changes has Trump been making, Sofia’s gym has been too crowded, Bryan’s investment properties, Sofia doubles-down on her R & B legends ranking, and more! Connect with Bryan & Sofia: Instagram @letstalkbspc: TikTok: https…
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Melting Wax & Fixing Your Problems
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58:44Let’s melt some paraffin wax baby!! Yes, I know that’s the most toxic kind and no, it wasn’t my fault (Soph is THIS close to getting fired.) Just kidding. This week, the DIY series continues except we’ve graduated from Elmer’s glue to hot tools. Please enjoy my haul of the essential oils and dried flowers I’ve been collecting for nearly a year, as …
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I dagens Billgren Wood bjuder vi hem varandra på en drömmiddagsbjudning efter att ha pratat igenom livet (och allergierna!) just nu. Hur dukar vi borden, vad har vi på oss, vilken fördrink blir det och viktigast av allt - vad bjuder vi på för mat? Vi guidar varandra och er genom två drömkvällar att inspireras av och plocka godbitar ur till era egna…
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Cómo Crear Clientes para Toda La Vida | Ep. 94
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10:12Lo único que debería importante si tenés un negocio: Porque lo único de lo que puedes ser dueño, es del cliente con el que tienes una relación. Eso genera que tengamos clientes para toda la vida. En este episodio te cuento los puntos claves que debes tener en cuenta para tener con los clientes que querés trabajar.…
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Biohacking for Optimal Health and Wellness with Dr. Lisa Koche EP 55
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43:14Riley Rees sits down with Dr. Lisa Koche, a functional medicine practitioner, to delve into her transformative journey from traditional medicine to holistic healing. Dr. Koche discusses how addressing the root causes of illness, the role of mitochondrial health in longevity, and the potential of biohacking can optimize wellness. She also explores t…
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Finally doing the thing I’ve wanted to do since my dad forced me to watch the Secret (highly recommended) in high school after I got suspended… make a vision board!! We’ve got Home & Style, we’ve got Arch Digest, we’ve got Elle Mag, and we’ve got some MF things to MANIFEST! Join me and my purple glue stick as I rip out design, career, and wedding i…
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I dagens avsnitt pratar vi om glimmers - de små sakerna i livet som ger en lugn och lycklig känsla. Går det att vara en tacksam och nöjd person utan att vara odräglig, kan gamla triggers bli till glimmers och hur hittar man balans mellan att längta och vara nostalgisk? Sofia letar efter perfekt fänkål och långärmade T-shirts, Elsa ser ut som sin ma…
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Autoconciencia Interna y Externa: Cómo Impacta en tu Liderazgo | Ep. 93
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3:37La autoconciencia es la forma en la que conoces y comprendes conscientemente tu propio carácter, sentimientos, motivos y deseos. Si quieres potenciar tu liderazgo y aprender a delegar, primero debes conocerte a ti mismo. En este episodio te cuento cómo hacerlo.
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How Posture Affects Pelvic Floor Health with Dr. Mamak Shakib EP 54
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52:19Riley Rees chats with Mamak Shakib who dives into the fascinating world of Postural Neurology and holistic health. As a licensed Chiropractic Physician with expertise in Neurokinesiology and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction, Dr. Shakib explores the intricate connection between the brain, movement, and stability. She shares practical insights on addressing …
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Let’s Talk Medical Debt Getting Wiped From Credit Reports, State Farm Dropped California WIldfire Victims, The Real Estate Deal That Ended A Friendship, and more with James Jenkins! - S4 - #02
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1:10:23In today’s episode with special guest James Jenkins, we talk about a snow day in the 757, James steppin community, rates drop & CPI report, how State Farm dropped California wildfire victims, medical debt being wiped from credit reports, the real estate deal that ended a friendship, which R & B star would you wipe from history, why you should get s…
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Wicked, Luigi & the Coconut Tree ft. Alex
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57:27Hold onto your ski poles, Sloots! Sofia is gearing up for the ultimate winter wonderland retreat brought to you by her new b*yfriend (not clickbait) who Alex has yet to meet…Your favorite cousins struggle not to regress while they’re back in Utah (Sofia had a tantrum trying to put on her moon boots and Alex needs her BF to buy her an oxygen can) #i…
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421. Auktion och loppis - det letar vi efter i år
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44:00Välkomna till årets första inredningsavsnitt helt tillägnat våra favoritämnen auktion och loppis! I dagens avsnitt går vi igenom vad som står på årets önskelista och det är allt från väldigt specifika vaser och bord till långsiktiga garderobsfavoriter och bevakningar. Ta fram anteckningsblocket och skriv ner årets hetaste fynd - allt återbrukat såk…
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¿Procrastinación? Define tu Prioridad Estrella | Ep. 92
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1:23Si te cuesta hacer foco y sos de los que procrastinan muchísimo hacer una acción, este hack puede servirte para pasar a la acción 😉
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Integrative Medicine for Kids with Dr. Joel Warsh EP 53
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29:18Riley Rees chats with Board-Certified Pediatrician and integrative medicine expert Dr. Joel Warsh to discuss parenting, wellness, and holistic approaches to children’s health. As the author of Parenting at Your Child’s Pace: The Integrative Pediatrician’s Guide to the First Three Years, Dr. Gator shares invaluable insights and practical strategies …
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Can I Sing For You? Ft. Harry Daniels
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1:05:20Now welcoming the most famous “bad” singer who has met more A-list celebrities (and presidents) than anyone else. Harry Daniels is brilliant and hysterical even though he has his own lingo – you just got Jasmined – that I can’t understand. Join me as I get educated on the strategy behind ragebate, the fervor of stan accounts, and how Harry got perm…
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Nu är det äntligen dags för den konkreta och trendspanande inne och ute-listan för 2025 signerat Billgren Wood! Vi listar saker som kommer bli heta under året och de som är på väg bort, stort som smått. Blir det ett år fullt av oskuren korv, dräkter, skinnhandskar, 90-talsdesserter, töntighet, spanska knivar, sportumgänge, 1940-tal, tulpaner, dålig…
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Por Qué Es Tan Importante La Cultura de Tu Negocio | Ep. 91
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4:14Algo clave a la hora de tener un negocio, es formar un equipo que esté a la altura de tus objetivos. Porque la cultura es lo que define y también lo que rompe tu negocio. En este episodio te comparto los puntos clave sobre cultura.
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Energy Healing Techniques for Emotional Trauma with Sara Garofalo EP 52
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38:04Riley Rees chats with intuitive health and life coach Sara Garofalo about her transformative journey through energy healing. Sara shares how overcoming personal challenges, including an autoimmune disorder and an abusive relationship, led her to embrace holistic healing. Through energy work, Sara found empowerment and clarity, reconnecting with her…
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Let’s Talk Goals For 2025, Looking Back At 2024, Christmas Recap, That Cybertruck Attack, What’s Happening In Real Estate, and more! - S4 - #01
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40:04In our first episode of 2025, Bryan and Sofia discuss the New Year, a Christmas recap, class reunions, Season 2 of Squid Games, how Sofia beat her monthly challenge, what’s happening in real estate, the Cybertruck attack, and more! Connect with Bryan & Sofia: Instagram @letstalkbspc: TikTok: https://www.tikto…
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How To Change Your Life ft. Mimi Bouchard
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1:06:08Sofia here : ) When I was miserable, working in corporate America, not where I wanted to be in my mid 20s, I would visualize myself living in New York, making a career in podcasting. I talk alot about the power of manifestation and the way it’s profoundly changed my life and wordview, and in honor of the New Year, I sat down with an expert. Mimi Bo…
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I dagens något korta men definitivt energifyllda Billgren Wood följer vi med under ett telefonsamtal från två sidor av världen. Sofia är i Australien och Elsa i mellandagsrushen. Vi får höra om hur en celebration of life skapar nya insikter om både födelsedagar och hur man borde fira livet - som en film. Vi funderar på varför julens traditioner är …
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