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A teaching on Daniel in the lion’s den and the incredible power of getting our priorities in life straight.द्वारा Shane Hipps
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The subversive meaning of the David and Goliath story and how to solve our problems.द्वारा Shane Hipps
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When the flood’s of life threaten us, there is a place within us that can save us.द्वारा Shane Hipps
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Sometimes the greatest expression of freedom is to bind ourselves for the sake of another.द्वारा Shane Hipps
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Sometimes when it feels like things are falling apart, they are actually falling togetherद्वारा Shane Hipps
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A teaching on conflict, reconciliation and what it means to align with Christ in passing his peaceद्वारा Shane Hipps
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A teaching on the ways the Gospel is always expanding throughout the entire witness of scriptureद्वारा Shane Hipps
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An Easter message on the unexpected meaning of the resurrection in our lives.द्वारा Shane Hipps
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God will redeem and make use of everything in our life, good or bad.द्वारा Shane Hipps
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A teaching on the things we like least about ourselves, but that God loves most. And what happens when we accept them.द्वारा Shane Hipps
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