Proverbs 4:7 says “in all your getting get understanding" That's my job is to make the Living Word of God easy to understand. Support this podcast:
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Parents pay close attention to how you raise your kids. Remember it’s your job to speak a blessing over them, it’s more important than we could imagine… --- Support this podcast:
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You must see the similarities between Isaac and Jesus, 2000 years before Jesus’s birth. You can’t make stuff up like this….--- Support this podcast:
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“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”My prayer is that we truly understand this scripture.--- Support this podcast:
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Pastor Jim Reville is filling for Pastor George.--- Support this podcast:
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Church in The Park Please give us grace on the sound we’re out doors, but I think you’ll like the message. --- Support this podcast:
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The writer is still pushing hard for us to gain the understanding that Jesus is all we need. Then to realize we need each other. Now more than ever.--- Support this podcast:
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My first thought was, this chapter is very academic it seemed to be all about the temple, things that the Hebrews he was writing to should have already known. What he’s doing is setting up chapter 10. There’s always more than it seems. --- Support this podcast:…
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Hebrews 8 again is all about Jesus Christ is our High Priest. “The One and Only”. You maybe thinking of course He is. Then why are there so many things we put before Him. --- Support this podcast:
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The writer of Hebrews does his best to make you understand Jesus is our High Priest, you need no other. We all go to Him. Pastor Jim Reville is bringing this message to you. --- Support this podcast:
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Is one of the most controversial chapters in the Bible. Today Pastor Jim Reville brings it to you. I hope you enjoy.--- Support this podcast:
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Melchizedek the High Priest of God. Jesus is greater than even him. Jesus is our High Priest. He is all we need. --- Support this podcast:
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All of Hebrews I consider amazing. In this chapter “rest” is mentioned 11 times. Do you have rest? What does rest really mean? Stay tuned. --- Support this podcast:
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When you’re taking to true Jewish believers you must realize that Moses holds a high place in their hearts. The writer of Hebrews explains how Jesus is greater than even Moses. There is nothing greater than Jesus. --- Support this podcast:…
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When you’re reading Hebrews you have to remember who the writer is talking to. He is talking to Jewish people who have accepted Christ as their Savior but are still struggling with the Jewish religion. --- Support this podcast:
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Starting a new book today. The writer of Hebrews, whoever it may be, was very familiar with Old Testament scripture. The writer points out through scripture. He quotes that Jesus’ name is above all names. --- Support this podcast:
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We’re closing out the book of Ephesians. Today we’re taking about spiritual warfare. It’s real and we need to be able to identify it. --- Support this podcast:
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Today is a very special day. This is our day as a Christian to celebrate what Jesus has done for us. What better day than today to dedicate our children to the Lord Jesus Christ. Also, to be Baptized on Easter Sunday. Enjoy it with us. --- Support this podcast:…
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Today is Ephesians 5. Hold on to your seats. The Apostle Paul sets some guiding lines; everything from lying to drinking and how you treat your wives and husbands. It’s a reminder about who we are in Christ and how we are to walk. --- Support this podcast:…
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Ephesians 4:13-32: The Walk: Part II
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53:06There’s nothing like Ephesians 4. I hope I can preach it somewhere close to what the Apostle Paul was teaching. --- Support this podcast:
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The Apostle Paul first told us how much God loves us and now he explains how we should respond to God’s Grace. God’s love is our motivation. We serve Him because He first loved us. --- Support this podcast:
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Chapter 3 is amazing. Paul prays for the Church. Do you believe in Angels? Maybe you should. Paul tells us they’re watching and learning from us. We’re not alone. We should live our lives knowing they are watching. --- Support this podcast:…
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Paul is still pleading his case of how we are all equal in God’s eyes. Jew or Gentile. People are putting titles on things; like different denominations or political parties or even different races but we are one in Jesus. We are family. I put a few minutes of our worship music for you to enjoy before the message. --- Support this podcast: https://…
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I believe this is Paul’s finest work. The first three chapters explain ALL that God has done for us. The last three chapters are how we should respond. If you have any questions on how to live a Christian life. Well, just stay tuned. --- Support this podcast:…
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I cannot wait to near Daniel in Heaven someday. He was so faithful and courageous to never turn away from God through all the hard times. He was wise beyond his years even into his old age. I hope you enjoy this message. --- Support this podcast:…
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Today we are looking at Daniel 11. Only one more week to go in the book of Daniel. This one is the most detailed prophecy, coving over 375 years and including end times to come. It’s so accurate, some say Daniel couldn’t have written it. Isn’t God awesome? He knows your future. --- Support this podcast:…
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Daniel 10 Chapter 10 is very interesting. It pulls the curtains back on the spiritual realm that we cannot see. Oh, it’s there. There is never nothing going on. I believe angels are for our benefit. I hope you enjoy. --- Support this podcast:…
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Daniel 9:21-27. This is probably the most interesting scripture in the Bible. Some say they’re the most controversial in the Bible. I believe it’s God’s timeline for the Jewish people and at the end the febrile Church. God is truly with us. --- Support this podcast:…
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Daniels prayer. He’s reading his Bible when he realizes what was meant by Jeremiah the prophet of the 70 years in captivity. He realizes time is almost up for his people so he prays. We can learn from his prayer. --- Support this podcast:…
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If I had my way I would skip the remainder of Daniel. Some of it explained itself and yet other parts we have to humble ourselves enough to say I’m not sure. Even Daniel says he doesn’t understand. We trust God’s Word and He will reveal the truth. --- Support this podcast:…
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How to Handle New Beginnings In Really Hard Times
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52:26Kind of a long title. Get your Bibles; we’ll be reading 1 Samuel 30: 1-20--- Support this podcast:
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Testimony from this last Sunday. The audio is a little quiet but the message is great. --- Support this podcast:
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I hope you’ve enjoyed this series. Yes, it’s all about Jesus! But there is so much more. God was orchestrating then just like He is now. I want you to see that, so I share a couple of my stories to remind you of your own special story. You’re not listening to this by accident. --- Support this podcast:…
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God’s Christmas Grace: Part III-Joseph the Unsung Hero
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44:35Today the message is brought to you by my friend Jim Reville. So little we know about a man we all should want to be like. --- Support this podcast:
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Luke 1: 28-80 This couldn’t be a happier time for Mary and Elizabeth. It brings a whole new light to the song “Mary Did You Know.” I hope you enjoy. --- Support this podcast:
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We’re going to be studying from Luke 1. We’re going to take it slowly. Get your Bibles and follow along. --- Support this podcast:
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The book of Daniel makes a transition here from the history of Daniel’s life to the prophetic history of Daniel’s dreams and visions. Some we are still waiting to happen, while others have happened just as he prophesied. Very interesting stuff. --- Support this podcast:…
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There’s so much more. This is the end of Daniel’s life story. Chapters 7-12 are now going to be his prophetic writings of dreams and visions God had given him for us to see. No one knows when Daniel died or even where he is buried. --- Support this podcast:…
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Daniel 5: I See the Handwriting on the Wall
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52:58I’ll let you choose the title of this message. Your choice will be based on how it makes you feel. Remember, God loves you and there is no sin so great that could ever change that. --- Support this podcast:
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Do you really trust God? What if it’s a very difficult thing you’re facing? Trusting God is a bigger deal than you ever thought. --- Support this podcast:
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Daniel Chapter 2: Have you ever had a dream that really shacks you? Maybe to where you can’t go back to sleep? Seek God for the meaning, but don’t forget to praise Him even if He doesn’t reveal the meaning to you. --- Support this podcast:…
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Today we are starting a new book study. It’s a book that is timeless. It’s just as relevant in today’s world as it was nearly 3000 years ago. --- Support this podcast:
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Let’s finish up Jonah today. But what’d interesting is it’s never really finished! We are Jonah. We all have the same stubborn nature that could keep us from forgiving. Bottom line...we must. --- Support this podcast:
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Who was Jonah? Why did he choose to run from God? Could it be that he ran not because of his fear of God’s judgement, but because of the resentment of God’s mercy?--- Support this podcast:
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This is it. We’re finishing the book of Hosea. There is a lot here. Just sit back and follow along. --- Support this podcast:
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Have you ever wondered how God thinks? What matters most to Him. I have. Today you will see more of how much He loves you. He’s always thinking of you and He’s always pursuing you. --- Support this podcast:
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There’s no power but we’re having church anyway. It may seem difficult to read these chapters, but there is a point. We’re all guilty; that’s why we need a Savior. If you feel the conviction, repent. It’s that simple. --- Support this podcast:…
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When we ignore God we are living dangerously. We can quickly change and even not realize how far from God we have come. It’s time to come back. --- Support this podcast:
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Today Hosea turns his attention to the sin in Israel. God has proven His love for them and us. But for some reason we tend to wait until God drops the hammer on our sin before we turn back to Him. Why can’t we see it coming? Well a lot of reasons; leadership is one. --- Support this podcast:…
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It’s hard to imagine how much God loves us. He is love; always there reaching out and pursuing you. --- Support this podcast:
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Have you ever felt guilty over your actions or sins? It doesn’t make that sin okay, but we need to realize God still loves you and wants you to return to your first love. --- Support this podcast:
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